• Published 20th Dec 2015
  • 942 Views, 35 Comments

The Guardian Knights: Equestrian Angels - AC Punk

A young man has fallen defending his home. But what he thought would be the afterlife, turns out to be a oneway ticket to a new world. Wih new friends, new enemies, and mysterious powers at his command are what awaits him.

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Chapter 3

Discovering New Powers

The morning had just begun in Ponyville; several of its citizens were out and about, either enjoying the snow or clearing the roads of it. However, the castle just on the outside of the city was preparing for something else. Inside, Princess Twilight and her friends were getting ready for their new guests arrival. Twilight was in the throne room while her friends went about cleaning the crystal structure. As she looked over the map of Equestria, she waited patiently for the guests arrival.

"Twilight, we finished cleaning the castle!" Exclaims Rainbow as the group of friends meet up in the throne room. As they enter the room, they each sit in their respective thrones as twilight begins to speak.

"Thank you for helping girls, I hope Adam appreciates the work we put into cleaning the place." She says.

"I'm sure he will appreciate it darling. If what Celestia said is true, he is a stallion of good character." Rarity says.

"Do you think he likes Cake, or parties, OR PARTYING!?!!" Pinkie asks before rainbow interrupts her.

"Whoever he is, I'm pretty sure he's not as awesome as me." She gloats.

"Rainbow, if what we know is true, then Adam has done more than we could ever do in a lifetime as the Elements of Harmony, or the council of friendship." Applejack explains.

"Oh, do you think he likes animals?" Asks Fluttershy. Before anyone could continue, the sound of a train whistle echoes throughout the town.

At the station, Adam exits his car and begins walking to the castle he apparently "will recognize immediately". As he walks through town, he takes the back alleys on purpose so he want draw attention to himself. But this proves futile as he suddenly comes face to face with pink haired girl in a matching pink sweater. Adam says nothing as he pulls his scarf above his mouth.

"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie! Are you that person from another world that Celestia said was going to be staying with Twilight in her castle?" She asks, not even bothering to respect personal space.

Adam says nothing and slowly backs away, trying hard to keep eye contact. As he does this, he bumps into another person. This time, it's a girl wearing a so cyan hoodie, her rainbow colored air showing from underneath its hood.

"I wouldn't try running, you won't get away." She says with a cocky smirk. Seeing no way out, Adam kicks off the wall next to him and climbs to the roof, hoping he will be able to get to the castle without anyone else seeing him.

"You won't get away that easy!" The girl from before exclaims from behind. Adam turns to see the girl flying behind him at a high speed. Right as she is about to tackle him, Adam disappears in a flash of violet light.

When he reappears, he falls onto a ground with a thud. Groaning, he picks himself up and is surprised to see Twilight standing in front of him.

"Hello Adam. Sorry if my friends went a little overboard." She says.

"Oh believe me, that wasn't even close." Adam replies while standing up.

After a bit of talking, Twilight gives Adam a tour of the castle. As they tour each and every hallway, Adam can't help but get flashbacks to the day he first met Ashley. His train of thought is quickly subsided when they reach the balcony. The view he had been gifted was breathtaking, he could see all of Ponyville and several cities on the horizon. He could faintly make out the Silouete of Canterlot jutting out from the side of the mountain. After some sightseeing, Adam follows Twilight to the room he will be staying in until they find him a place to live. After he gets settled, Twilight takes Adam on a tour of Ponyville.

"And that is Sugarcube Corner." Twilight says while gesturing to the establishment.

"Reminds of a gingerbread house." Adam replies. As the two continue to walk around town, Adam is suddenly tackled to the ground by a cyan blur.

"Like I said, you had no chance of-" Rainbow is cut off as she is wrapped in a violet aura. She turns to see Twilight with an unamused expression.

"Rainbow, you can't just tackle people for no reason." She tells her. Adam mentally laughs at the two friends argument, but stops when they see applejack run up to them.

"I need y'all to come to Sweet Apple Acres. The timber wolves have gone berserk." She explains. The group quickly follows at hearing this, Adam just following the herd.

"Why are they out during winter, shouldn't they be dormant?" Twilight asks as the group arrives at the iconic fence gate. When they got to the location of the barn, the girls were shocked to see you the normally warm weather loving creatures trying to ransack the place.

"When did this start happening?" Asks Twilight.

"About an hour or so ago," Applejack explains, "I tried to get Fluttershy to do something, but she can't seem to get through to them." Hearing this, Adam does the only thing he's good at. To his left he finds an axe sitting next to stump, obviously used for cutting fire wood. Smirking, he grabs and throws said axe at one of the timber wolves. As the axe makes contact, which causes the wolf to howl in pain, the girls all gasp as Adam retrieves the weapon and begins fighting.

"What in Tarantino is he thinking?" Applejack asks. Her worry is quickly subsided as Adam begins to get the upper hand, using the axe to make quick work of some of the smaller wolves.

As the timber wolves begin to dwindle in numbers, The remains of the smaller ones begin to glow and levitate towards what looks like the alpha, if Adam's memory serves right. The branches and twigs begin combining as the alpha male begins to grow. When there are no twigs left, Adam can only stare wide eyed at the massive wooden monstrosity that now stands before him. It apparently noticed his shock, because it lets out a loud and horrific roar as soon as it finished growing.

"Well that's more than meets the eye." Adam says throwing the axe at the massive timber wolf. It only bounces off and the creature snorts.

Adam is then kicked across the property and crashes through and into the barn. Now worried, the girls try and stop the creature before more harm can be caused. As Adam slowly gets back to his feet, he begins to hear a voice in his head.

"Adam, you have the power to stop this." An all to familiar voice explains.

"Faust?" Adam asks. When he doesn't get a reply, he suddenly feels some form of power and strength wash over him, a blue light begins to form on his back, outlining the wings. Adam then clenches his costs and the ethereal wings shoot out of his back. Grinning, he takes to the sky's in an instant.

Back with the girls, their attempt to stop the alpha are proving futile as they only appear to be distracting the creature. But before anyone could spthink of a new plan of attack, a blue blue suddenly slams into it. The girls are shocked to say the least, but their confusion only strecpgnthens as Adam lands in front of them.

"Adam!?!" The six of them ask in shock. Adam turns to them and smiles.

"For the record, I'm as confused as all of you." He tells them before ducking to dodge a tree branch. Turning back to the wolf, his hands are set a flame as a magic seal forms on the ground below. Catching fire himself, the flames die down to reveal him holding a blade staff, two swords joined together at the handle.

"This going to be fun." He says with a grin as the blades of his new weapon catch flame. Charging at the beast, he makes one slash and everyone looks at the wolf confused. But they are quickly stunned as the beast explodes into a blue inferno.

Separating the staff into two broadswords and sheathes them on his back. His wings then disappear as the girls continue to stare at him. Chuckling at their expressions, Adam throws a nearby apple to get their attention. The fruit hits Twilight in the chest and she is snapped out of her stare. Looking at Adam, she can say nothing as his wings once again form and he takes off in the direction of her castle.

"Well, that just happened." Rainbow states.


Night has fallen up in the snow capped mountains. In a small village, a teenaged Pegasus girl is seen packing up her things and taking off into the night sky.

"I was hoping I wouldn't' have to leave you guys," she says in the direction of the house she left, "but I have to figure out why I was given my powers, even if it means leaving you. Goodbye Mom, Goodbye Dad, I love you guys." She begins flying in the direction of Ponyville.

Author's Note:

Adam has discovered his weapon and powers. But what about the strange cloaked girl from the mountain village, what role does she have in all of this?

I also realize I forgot the CMC, well sue me.

NEXT TIME... A Snow Angel's Gift.