• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 478 Views, 6 Comments

The Gift of Words - T W Hoof

What do you give a princess who already has a kingdom?

  • ...


"...The glow in our hearts keeps us warm..."

All across Canterlot the holiday season was in full swing uniting the city like no other time of the year. Whether you looked left, right, or up high, every building in sight had a wreath, boughs of holly, or bright blinking lights; sometimes all three. Muting the decorations and simultaneously enhancing their charm was a light dusting of snow still drifting down from the sky.

The clean crisp air rang louder with the sound of singing as a small group of four ponies moved slowly down the street. Three rosy-cheeked, colorfully dressed mares were pulling along a lone, dazed stallion as they belted out their holiday cheer. As they pranced by the stallion's eyes met Div's and a moment of understanding passed between them. The shared moment ended as the three mares redoubled their singing, whisking their way inside a shop with more garland than walls.

Grinning, Div walked into The Candied Snout the smell of fresh baked goods assaulting Div's nose with the pleasant smell of cinnamon providing the coup de grâce to his wavering will. What Life didn't know wouldn't hurt him and those giant gooey buns sang a mesmerizing tune to his belly. Humming happily Div stepped up to the counter counting out the bits for a Supreme Maple Cinnabomb (Plain).

Back outside in the fresh mountain air with an extra spring in his step, Div made his way up towards the palace munching his sticky second breakfast. The songs, the sights, the smells, the unexpected guard discount on his rapidly disappearing treat; it was perfect. That, right then, that moment was when Div made his mistake. He thought the forbidden thought which one must never have during the holiday season, believing that things were perfect and nothing could possibly go wrong. Not just yet, though, first our careless guard had a bun to conquer.

* * *

As soon as Guardsman Second-Class Sogni diVolare entered Princess Luna's wing of the palace he nearly ran head first into an unusually grim looking Lieutenant Silent Knight. Stepping aside sharply Div saluted, "Sir."

"Div, report to Sergeant Stone right away." Grumbling under his breath Silent Knight took off like an angry thundercloud. "Not allowed to open each one, how am I suppose to keep her safe…"

Seeing Astral heading to the briefing room, Div hurried to catch up. "Astral, what has the Lieutenant's tail in such a twist?"

Pausing Astral turned back to Div while holding the door. Ruffling his wings he shrugged, "He's been like that ever since he got orders from command, Sergeant Stone is supposed to read us into it now that you're here."

Sergeant Stone stood as solidly as a mountain at the front of the room waiting with an ornate scroll. "Astral, Div, please close the door."

Clearing his throat Sergeant Stone waved the scroll at Bravo Squad. "As you may not be aware 'tis the season and soon enough Hearth's Warming will be upon us. All over Canterlot, the little ponies are prancing about full of cider and sugar. Shiny ornaments, bright lights, and more tinsel than I can shake a gryphon at. Everywhere but here." Standing rigidly at attention he continued. "Somepony up near the top has sent down this decree that we're all to get in the holiday spirit and liven up the place."

Unrolling the scroll Sergeant Stone read, "It is encouraged, but not required for each member of the palace to give a gift to their princess of choice who will reciprocate."

Looking up Sergeant Stone made eye contact with every member of his squad. "It may say here this is only encouraged and not required, ponyfeathers." Stamping his hoof he continued. "I have it on good authority that every pony in Princess Celestia's House Guard is giving her highness a gift and I'll not have our princess receive a single gift less."

* * *

The day took on an ethereal quality after the briefing. Div stood at his post with an especially intent look about him allowing nothing to break his concentration. Even Harvest Moon coming to relieve him was met with nothing more than a stoic thousand yard stare. As Div would later be told, after two further attempts to relieve him, Harvest Moon gave up and went with another guard to find a gift for Princess Luna. The entire time while a statue on the outside, inside Div's mind, was racing faster than a pegasus at the Thunderway 500 on the home stretch. What do you get a princess who already has a kingdom?

* * *

The next day Div still didn't know what do. All of his fellow squad members and even those of the other two squads had already finished their duty. Passing by, he couldn't help but overhear Firn Bristle and Rose Mary giggling about what they had gotten Luna. He wasn't entirely clear what they had gotten only that it was some sort of joint gift. Something about a herb treatment that sang while you applied it.

Another excited group of guards were standing in the break room chatting about what they had gotten. Spotting Div, Golden Touch waved a hoof beckoning him over. "Div, what have you gotten Princess Luna?" Put on the spot Div wasn't sure what to say. He didn't know how to put into words that for him a gift wasn't simply any old thing you picked up and gave to somepony.

Keeping his guard face firmly in place Div addressed the group. "I haven't yet had time for my gift. I'll be bringing it tomorrow."

Shrugging Golden turned back to her two squad mates as they resumed debating which one of gifts was the best.

* * *

That night Div felt lost. No matter how hard he thought he couldn't come up with a gift that felt right to him. Sleep eluded him as the hours slowly passed by one after another. Finally laying in bed staring out into the night he couldn't contain himself any longer. Getting up he paced back and forth across the room hoping that a bolt of inspiration would strike.


A lump of blankets slowly rose from the bed forming a cloaked pony. "What's wrong Div, you've been up for hours."

"I don't know what to do Life. What do you give a pony who has everything?" Practically babbling the whole story poured forth, a princess and the gift to give.

"Oh Div, you worry too much sometimes." Draping half of his warm blanket over Div, Life wrapped him in a hug. Poking Div in the forehead with a hoof Life said, "Stop thinking so much with this", placing a hoof over his heart he continued, "And use this."

Gazing out over the tranquil Canterlot night Div finally relaxed. Carefully he extracted himself from Life and the blanket. With a tender nuzzle on the cheek Div pushed Life back towards the bed. "Thank you, I know what to do now. I'll be back up in a few minutes."

* * *

The next morning for the first time since the announcement Div felt light as a feather. That lasted until he entered the palace and felt every eye upon him. Seemingly every guard he passed and a few of the normal staff were intently focused on the box he carried. He knew it was the box because when he shifted it on his back their eyes followed it like a dragon diving towards a treasure hoard.

When the sixth pony in half as many minutes tried to strike up a conversation about what he had gotten and for which princess Div abandoned all pretense of polite conversation and bolted. Rounding the last corner of the final corridor Div thought he was home free until Silent Knight stepped out of his office blocking his path.

"Guardsman diVolare, what have you gotten the princess?"

Opening his mouth Div paused. Was that a slight tick in one of Silent Knight's eyes? "This is my gift for Princess Luna, sir, given of my own accord as per the decree."

Taking half a step forward Silent Knight seemed to loom over Div pointing at the package. "That is not what I asked guardsman. What. Is. It."

Swallowing Div looked Silent Knight in the eye and braced himself. "Lieutenant Knight, are you trying to spoil the princess's surprise?"

With an effort of will and an almost imperceptible shudder, Silent Knight regained control of himself. "Of course not, Div, the princess's safety is my only concern." Silent Knight's eyes narrowed. "Guardsman Sogni diVolare, I need you to complete the annual Emergency Sugar Reserve inspection."

Cocking his head to the side Div wasn't entirely sure he had heard that correctly. "Emergency Sugar Reserve, sir?"

A serene smile now gracing his face Silent Knight backed up a step. "That's correct Div, it was established in 289 after the White Wraith incident. Go see the palace Quartermaster, she will escort you to the reserve. For the safety of your present to the princess, please, leave it here. Shifts in the sugar are known to be unpredictable and we wouldn't want your present to get candied, would we."

* * *

He was being reasonable wasn't he? After all protecting the princess from any threat was why the guard existed. Still, as he winged his way to The Phial and Filly Alchemist Supply Silent Knight couldn't shake that niggling feeling in the back of his mind. Like a frosty comet, Silent Knight shot out of the sky blowing back the accumulated snow in a five-yard radius. Without pause, the knight-on-a-mission blew into the shop ignoring the pleasant holiday jiggle a newly installed bell tolled out.

Galloping through the apparently empty store to the unmanned counter Silent Knight yelled, "Runic! Classified mission, rush job!"

With a loud tearing sound and a strange fizzling bang, Runic shot out from somewhere in the back. With a serious expression on his face, Runic gave a quick flag of his wings and hopped onto the counter. Taking a deep breath he yelled, "Everypony out, I've set the self-destruct for five minutes. If you don't want to be turned inside out, get out, now!" From the back of the shop, a single mint colored mare dashed from the hoof care section out the door into the falling snow.

Fluttering down from the counter Runic grinned at Silent Knight. "Gets'em every time." Depressing a hidden switch behind the counter Runic's smile grew at Silent Knight's incredulous expression. "We had over three minutes still you big baby, now what's that box on your back? Is it for me?"

Choosing to ignore that his friend had apparently wired his shop with some kind of highl— nope Silent Knight was on a mission, think about getting turned inside out later, much much later.

Placing the wrapped present carefully on the counter, Silent Knight held up a hoof to stop Runic from tearing into it. "I need to know what's inside—" Springing forward Silent Knight tackled Runic before he could mar the box. "—Without opening or damaging the present in any way."

Frowning at the present Runic didn't even notice that Silent Knight had set him down. After a few minutes of staring Silent Knight had enough. "Runic, isn't there anything you can tell me about the box?"

Blinking Runic looked back up. "Oh, well I had hoped Experiment K-58-B had worked, but it looks," he giggled, "like I can't see through solid matter yet." Grabbing the box Runic headed towards the back of the shop, Silent Knight following.

"Have you eaten today Silent?"

Cautiously Silent Knight nodded.

Waving Silent Knight to stop Runic answered, "You had better stay out here then, I'm not sure what will happen if I introduce an unknown variable. Before Silent Knight could respond, a door opened and closed and Runic was gone.

From Silent Knight's point of view, Runic was in the zone today. All manner of noises came through the door. The gentle hum of generators charging, the ratcheting and clicking of various mechanical devices, even some purple light that left a lemony aftertaste. After that one Silent Knight took a few extra steps back and concentrated on guarding a part of Runic's rock collection that was away from the door.

At last, Runic emerged carrying a still pristinely packaged present. Unfortunately Runic had that look on his face. The same one he had before he asked Silent Knight to try that potion-which-shall-not-be-discussed. Holding up his hoof Silent Knight spoke as clearly and evenly as he could, "The answer is no Runic, uh uh uh, no."

With an exasperated sigh, Runic shrank momentarily before springing back and pointing at the present. "The Box as I've been calling it is exactly 20x20x15 centimeters. Now here is where it gets interesting. After checking my measurements twice I am sure that this box has no discernible weight beyond what a box of these dimensions and using this wrapping paper and ribbon would weigh." Brandishing a pile of large format film he continued. "All these soft x-rays, hard x-rays, and Miley rays show nothing, nothing at all."

Suddenly bursting with excitement again Runic was nose to nose with Silent Knight. "Do you know what this means?"

Slowly shaking his head Silent Knight held his breath. "No."

"It must be some kind of extra-dimensional space. Somepony has cracked the rainbow barrier and rendered physics as we know them obsolete." Practically vibrating in place Runic's wings flared out. "Please-please-please can't we take a peak. Imagine how many extra rocks I could store if weight was no longer a concern … do you suppose it's bigger on the inside too?"

Gently pushing Runic back Silent Knight shook his head. "I'm sorry Runic, I don't believe the pony who made this could do any of what you're describing, whatever it is."

* * *

More time than Silent Knight thought had passed. When he arrived back at the palace the last pony he wanted to run into was waiting for him, Div. Relaxing from his parade readiness Div strode up to Silent Knight. Stopping at a respectful distance he saluted. "Lieutenant Knight, I have completed inspection of the Emergency Sugar Reserve. According to the quartermaster, we have inventory to bake and I quote '467 cakes, doubled-layered, 5,432 cupcakes - princess-sized, as well as make the accompanying frosting', which matches what our projected reserve should be within 4 cupcakes. Sir."

Shuffling his hooves Div asked, "Sir, can I give my gift to Princess Luna now?"

Sheepishly Silent Knight made to relinquish the present back to Div, but Div stopped him with a raised hoof. "That's nothing but an empty box sir." Holding a hoof to his chest for a moment he went on. "I have everything I need right here." Spinning about Div walked to the princess's room. A moment later the current guard left and the door closed. Faintly from inside Silent Knight could hear Div greet Princess Luna.

* * *

A gentle light alone at night

Her heart is bright as moons pure light

Across the land we sleep this night

Safe under her watchful sight

Beneath her gaze shadows flee in fright

Every one of us cradled in a blanket of starlight

And when dawn comes by mornings light

We give thanks for another night

Author's Note:

Written for the winner of the, Get a Short Story Featuring Your OC, contest I ran, averageamazingme.

I find the title of this story especially hilarious because I gave a 'gift of words' about a pony giving a 'gift of words'.

Comments ( 6 )


"Everypony out, I've set the self-destruct for five minutes.

Yeah... Runic would totally do that. Even if it wasn't true this time!

We had over three minutes still

Oh, he wasn't kidding. Yeah... Runic would totally do that.

Miley rays show nothing

When you invent science you get to name it what you want!

rendered physics as we know them obsolete.

Runic fails to realize he does this frequently!

Very fun story! I really enjoyed it =D You certainly have the characterizations down.

Muting the decorations and simultaneously enhancing their charm was a light dusting of snow still drifting down from the sky.

What a gorgeously painted image. Well done, Hoof Ross. :raritywink:

Three rosy-cheeked, colorfully dressed mares were pulling along a lone, dazed stallion as they belted out their holiday cheer. As they pranced by the stallion's eyes met Div's and a moment of understanding passed between them.

heh, heh, which cheeks were rosy? *ahem* Hmmm... I wonder what this foreshadowing is all about.

He thought the forbidden thought which one must never have during the holiday season, believing that things were perfect and nothing could possibly go wrong.

nnnNNOOOO, you never think those thoughts! Not during any season!!

Unrolling the scroll Sergeant Stone read, "It is encouraged, but not required for each member of the palace to give a gift to their princess of choice who will reciprocate."

Aww, that explains Silent's mood entirely. I was wondering if it was something like this.

"It may say here this is only encouraged and not required, ponyfeathers." Stamping his hoof he continued. "I have it on good authority that every pony in Princess Celestia's House Guard is giving her highness a gift and I'll not have our princess receive a single gift less."

Legitimate laugh out loud. :rainbowlaugh:

"Stop thinking so much with this", placing a hoof over his heart he continued, "And use this."

Awww... If this weren't you writing, I'd think this story was going somewhere sweet. But I know better. I won't be trolled by you a second third pancakes another time!

Taking half a step forward Silent Knight seemed to loom over Div pointing at the package. "That is not what I asked guardsman. What. Is. It."

Just answer the stallion already!

"Everypony out, I've set the self-destruct for five minutes. If you don't want to be turned inside out, get out, now!" From the back of the shop, a single mint colored mare dashed from the hoof care section out the door into the falling snow.
Fluttering down from the counter Runic grinned at Silent Knight. "Gets'em every time."

:rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

"Please-please-please can't we take a peak. Imagine how many extra rocks I could store if weight was no longer a concern … do you suppose it's bigger on the inside too?"

You are killing me here with the literal LOLs! Would you STAHP

Holding a hoof to his chest for a moment he went on. "I have everything I need right here."





I was prepping myself for the non-sweet because you're a troll AND THEN YOU TROLLED ME BY DOING THE SWEET.

I hope you're happy with yourself.

Really well done. Everyone felt perfectly in character. I smiled, I giggled, I chortled, and I cursed your name. I think that deserves a favorite!



Hey now, syrup is sweet and pancakes are among my favorite things. Besides, Div is AAM's character, I'm not going to do (on screen) naughty things to him.

The clean crisp air rang louder with the sound of singing as a small group of four ponies moved slowly down the street. Three rosy-cheeked, colorfully dressed mares were pulling along a lone, dazed stallion as they belted out their holiday cheer.

I can taste the alliteration. Yummy :3

As they pranced by the stallion's eyes

It's not a Q&B story without prancing!

I really liked the pacing of the story, and the buildup to the poem at the end was surprising yet endearing. Really cute! Runic and Silent's personality came through well (#grumpy Silent is best Silent), and the descriptions were good.

Personally, I wish that there were more breaks in sentences. For instance, having

Passing by he couldn't help but overhear Firn Bristle and Rose Mary giggling about what they had gotten Luna.

be changed to to

Passing by, he couldn't help but overhear Firn Bristle and Rose Mary giggling about what they had gotten Luna.

But that's just my opinion. It still works without it!


#grumpy Silent is best Silent

I was unaware that another Silent Knight existed. :trollestia:

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