• Published 31st Dec 2015
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Ponies of Warcraft: Burning Crusade - Kolt342

What would happen if Twilight, Fluttershy and, Applejack were sent to Azeroth

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The Incident (Awakening and capture)

It was an average day in Ponyville, well, as average as you can get. This village, known as Ponyville, has a unique reputation, along with other rumors. One such rumor has it that Pinkie Pie, the local baker and Party thrower, uses organs from other ponies in her cupcakes, or that Twilight Sparkle, Equestria's newest princess, kidnaps people in there sleep to use as test subjects.

Of course, they are but rumors. Stories, meant to turn others to their way of thinking.

Now, in the outskirts of this village, lies a forest. Unlike other forests, this one is wild, cannot be tamed, and if your lucky, you might get out unscathed. If you aren't, well, lets just say that the beasts are the nicer inhabitants.

Now we find our selves at Ponyville's resident castle, The Palace of Friendship. Home to the recently made Princess, Twilight Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle was at one time, a Unicorn. But after solving a spell her idol, Starswirl the Bearded made, Twilight was elevated to an Alicorn. An Alicorn has the attributes of all three types of ponies. Earth ponies endurance and connection to the earth and plants. A Pegasus wings and connection to the weather. And a Unicorns ability to use magic.

It is here in the palace, that we find Twilight in her study, reading a Daring Do book. It was quiet in the palace, with the turning of pages being the exception. She would have continued reading, had AppleJack not burst through the study doors.

"Twi, Fluttershy needs our help." AppleJack said, panting "She found a critter that she doesn't know about, and it wounded."

That suprpised Twilight, She knew that Fluttershy had a book on all the animal in the world, even endangered ones. But to hear that it was wounded was enough of a reason to get her. Twilight got up and teleported herself and AppleJack to Fluttershy's cottage, which was situated near the Everfree Forest.

In a flash of light, Twilight and AppleJack appeared in front of their friends house. Applejack still exhausted told Twilight that she would catch up. Running into her friends backyard, Twilight came across Fluttershy with a....strange type of animal. It had the head that looked like a miniature dragons with tendrils coming off. Its body, if it could be called that, was a ethereal blue and shaped like a snake.

It was laying on its side with Fluttershy tenderly gliding her hand along side it, as its body slowly faded. Blue sparkles lifting them selves off it as its body was loosing its light. It lifted it head too see three people looking over it, all of them with worried expressions. Twilight reached to help Fluttershy soothe it. But as her hand made contact, all three of them vanished in a blinding flash of light.

All that remained was a blue sphere, and three scorch marks. Twilight, Fluttershy and, Applejack were flying through a veil of multiple colors. They watched as Red faded to Blue, Yellow harshen to Orange, White darken to Pink. Twilight was amazed by the colors that appeared before them, even as Applejack was yelling at her for touching the unknown creature. But to Twilight, all these colors somehow merged together without upsetting that balance that they had seen for this short time.

As soon as Applejack finished screaming at her, they all lost consciousness. Twilight was the first to wake up, shaking her head she looked around. Every where she looked, she felt as if the trees where in a constant state of autumn. Just as she was about to wake her friends, they were surrounded.

Twilight, playing it safe, looked at each of them. First thing she noticed was the armor, it was not like the Royal Guards armor. This armor was meant to protect the wearer. The armor was a spring green, with beautiful gold inlays spiraling around it.

The second thing she noticed were their weapons, Bows and arrows. Twilight had to learn archery while under Princess Celestias guidance, but Twilight perfered her magic, and she knew that she couldn't be able to draw those bows.

The third and final thing she noticed where their eyes and ears. The ears are pointed and their eyes glowing green.

"h-Hello." Twilight said before an arrow landed at her feet, she decided to keep quiet until spoke too.

They spoke in a language that twilight couldn't understand, but wanted to learn. They with each other, before the one behind her turned Twilight to face her. Twilight quickly learned that she was the leader, as she was surprised that she could under stand what she said. The leader had the two other archers, by Twilights guess, pick up her unconscious friends.

"Follow" she said "We are going to Silvermoon City."

Twilight didn't know what Silvermoon City was, but it was safe to assume that it is and island.

'Oh Twilight, what have you gotten yourself into this time.' Twilight thought, as she walked. 'You just had to touch the weird creature, taking us to an unknown world. Congrats.'

Through out the walk Twilight kept seeing the same creature that brought them here, flying low to the ground. She watched in horror as some the archers killed a few that attacked them. She also watched in grim intrigue as they turned into a blue sphere, wondering what makes them turn into that.

After a bit of walking, Applejack started to stir. The archer carrying her put her onto the grass gently, so as to not ensure she is rattled. Applejack looked around taking in the sights of the forest, the people who were carrying her, then she laid her eyes on Twilight. Her eyes narrow as she once again began her tirade of why Twilight thought it was a good idea to touch the critter.

Their captors looked on with interest as the blonde mare got up and walked over to Twilight poking her in the chest as she continued her tirade. She went from why touching it was a good idea, to how they were prisoners. As Twilight tried to calm her friend, Applejack went over to the nearest tree, aware that the archers were trained on her, and kicked it in two.

The archers were surprised by her strength, they hadn't thought that she was capable of it, after having just regained consciousness. A few of them were being wary as she walked back over to them. A few of the archers moved away from her, she let a small smile appear, the Apples were a tough bunch to intimidate.

"Have you calmed yourself?" asked the leader, "You are certainly capable of travel after that display."

"Yes, Ah feel a little better" Applejack said, she then turned to Twilight "Ah'm still pissed at you, but we'll deal with that when we get back home. Got it?"

Twilight could only nod, knowing this was her fault. She knew she was going to help Applejack on her families farm. Last time she made Applejack this mad, Twilight had to help for a month.

'I'm not looking forward to it' Twilight thought, as they continued their journey.

Twilight could only hope they are able to get home quickly. And hopefully, from they way this world appears, from the look of the armor and weapons, alive.