• Published 31st Dec 2015
  • 692 Views, 0 Comments

Ponies of Warcraft: Burning Crusade - Kolt342

What would happen if Twilight, Fluttershy and, Applejack were sent to Azeroth

  • ...

Journey in unknown land.

Author's Note:

Can anyone guess what classes I'm going to make them? Those who guess right will be mentioned when they accept their new found roles.

~See ya

The group of archers had been traveling for half an hour, so as to ensure their prisoners were not able to get away. A few of them were wary of the blonde one, she had strength that they doubted they could match. A few of them were still thinking about how easy it was for her to break that tree in half, as if she had done it her entire life.

They had stopped to rest, as they had been on patrol when they found the trio. Their leader had ordered them to be taken to Silvermoon city, but for what reason, they couldn't guess. They didn't know what the blonde one had in mind when she said the the violet haired one was going to help her with, but a few of them couldn't help be feel sorry for her.

"Applejack, I-" Twilight said, but was interrupted by the aforementioned pony.

"Twi, Ah know you wanted to help Fluttershy, so did Ah." Applejack said "It's just, we're stranded on an unknown world, probably gonna have to kill to survive."

Twilight looked downtrodden for a moment before perking up, an Idea forming in her head.

"Princess Celestia will notice I'm missing, so hopefully she will be able to figure out why we were sent here."

"Twi, Ah hate to break it to you, but how will she notice your missing?"

Twilight was about to answer when she found that she couldn't. Applejack was right, how would she find out. Twilight let out a depressed sigh, figuring that she and her friends were trapped here forever. She felt Applejack sling an arm around her shoulder, a confident smirk on her features.

"Don't you worry Twi, Ah'm sure someone will tell her. It's just a matter of time, and how quickly they find out." Applejack encouraged, "Ah bet they are trying to figure it out right now"

Twilight was silent for a moment, before thanking her friend. She was about to start up another conversation, when a thought just appeared. Who was going to take care of Spike. When they returned home, Twilight was going to find the biggest diamond she could afford and give it to Spike.

"Applejack, Who is going to take care of Spike" Twilight asked, starting to worry about the baby dragon.

Twilight was starting to hyperventilate, the thought of Spike being left alone back in Equestria was unbearable. Just as she was going to start panicking, Applejack laid a hand on her shoulder, looking at her with a soothing expression. Twilight thanks her stating that she is just worried about Spike, her friends, and whether or not they'll survive this adventure.

After an hour of more walking Fluttershy began to stir, the archer holding her set her down gently. The first thing Fluttershy noticed were her friends, rushing over to them and asking if they were alright. She was relieved when they nodded, but when she looked around, she was captivated by the environment. When she looked back at her friends, she noticed the archers.

She would have fainted if Twilight and Applejack weren't there, but all she did was just look down with a bit of fear. The leader had started walking, signaling the others to move as well. Twilight filled her friends on what has happened from when she awoke, needless to say Twilight would happily work at Sweet Apple Acres than handle a pissed Fluttershy.

The look of rage on Fluttershys face was enough to force a few arrows to whiz pass, but to the surprise of the archers, She didn't flinch. The Leader looked on in interest, but demanded the they follow them. Fluttershy was about to argue, but a hand from Twilight put a temporary hold on it.

As they continued walking, they had passed, what appears to be a beautiful city. Twilight was wondering why they had kept going, but kept quiet. They had stopped at, what Twilight assumed to be a vendor, when one of the archers went to one. After about 15 minutes, he came back with three tabards. It sort of reminded Twilight of a bird, but was surprised when she was handed one.

"These will help show our civilians and artisans that you are of no threat." The leader said "That way they are at ease when they see you."

The leader saw one of the magisters. Deciding to report his findings, he quickly ordered the trio to stay put. As he left, he gave them one more look over.

Twilight couldn't find any fault to their reasoning, and put one on, as did her friends. Fluttershy though, did so begrudgingly. The leader, who returned after 15 minutes, looked up to see that it was quickly fading to night. Deciding that the journey can be completed tomorrow, she ordered her troops to set up camp.

Twilight watched, amazed by how organised the archers were. They were setting a perimiter, raising tents, and starting a campfire in a sequence. When the leader looked at them, he assigned them different chores based on what he observed.

For Applejack, she was tasked with gathering firewood. Twilight was tasked with gathering water from the near by ravine. Fluttershy, after a bit of coaxing from her friends, was tasked to help lure in the local wild life.

As they went about their tasks, the leader contemplated what had transpired.

It was an ordinary day for Keemron Blackshield. Wake up, refresh him self, eat a hearty meal, get patrol route. He was surprised that is current patrol route took him so far from Sunstrider Isle. While normally that wouldn't be a problem, he was sure that it had something to do with the 'Magical Anomaly' that he overheard the Mages and Warlocks as he marched into headquarters. As he was about to leave, the outgoing mission handler had informed him that anything found in his patrol was to be taken straight to Silvermoon City, while Messenger was sent to inform headquarters.
Flashback End

Now that he thought about he hadn't sent a messenger yet. He quickly wrote out a report, planning to send his quickest ranger, and would send them on their way at day break.

'It's dangerous to traverse the woods at night, even for a ranger' He thought, 'Now to get some information out of our 'Guests'.

As soon as the camp had been made, He ordered them to sit around the campfire. As soon as the words left his mouth, his group, rangers and captives, all did as they were told. The rangers though, looked more relaxed then they had been, almost eager to set up camp.

Twilight POV

I look around, watching the archers gather supplies. Camping? I look too see that the sun was setting, does this world operate under different laws of physics?

Now that I think about it, the magic on this world feels different. It feels....off....for lack of a better term. I'll need to do some research when if our captors will let us. Will they experiment on us? If so, they'll find we're a lot more capable than they realize.

The archers quickly, and efficiently set up a camp. The leader, I suppose, gestures for use to sit. As we sit, he looks to a few of his companions and, in a language I've never heard, give them an order? I don't know, but I would like too learn it.

He must've seen the confusion on our faces, because he sighed. He looked to his right, and gestured for an to come and sit with us.

Saluting, she sat down, and started conversing with him.

'This is frustrating!' I thought 'I can't understand a single word they're saying! Are they talking about how to cook us!? Or, are they trying too decide which of us to dissect first?!'

Frustration turned too worry, as scenario after scenario, each worst than the last played through my head.

As if sensing my fear, Applejack and Fluttershy put their hands on my shoulders. The comfort that it gave help calm me down. Taking a deep breath, I slowly let it out as the worry bled away. I look too the pair of archers sitting across from us.

They look like they want answers. Well, so do we. I just hope that they can help.

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