• Published 3rd Jan 2016
  • 5,764 Views, 207 Comments

The ⑨ Chronicles - shinigamisparda

A displaced Cirno Arrives in Equestria. See her attempt to fight her childish urges and prove she isn't worthless.

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⑨, Corner Pocket

Celestia groaned internally and tried not to roll her eyes or massage her temples. Once again she had to sit through Moneybags' attempts to get her to approve his request to allow him to lower his employee’s wages so he could make a profit, this time claiming that he would be able to dedicate more money towards innovating and improving products that would help serve the metalwork industry, and thus the entire kingdom would benefit. Celestia knew for a fact that Moneybags was a notorious miser who hated to spend any money, even going so far as to attempt to negotiate the sale of an orange from one bit down to nothing.

Just hold out a little longer. In a month or two Luna will be back to full strength and she can finally help you deal with this damn fu-

At that moment a scroll appeared in front of her, obviously being delivered by Spike’s dragonfire. Celestia opened the scroll, barely aware that Moneybags had enough sense to stop talking as she read it.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I hate to interrupt your your no doubt busy schedule, but I’m afraid that we require just a slight bit of help here in Ponyville. Some creature is attacking us and freezing everything in some sort of rampage. If you aren’t too busy, could you please send help? Right now, if at all possible?

Your faithful student,

Twilight Sparkle

Celestia’s eyes widened before she turned her gaze towards Ponyville and saw that some of the buildings appeared to be frozen over. She tossed the scroll aside and turned to the business pony in front of her.

“Moneybags, I’m afraid I have something much more important to attend to. However, I can say with certainty that your proposal is unethical and that the good you claim to be doing this for a bold faced lie, and you should be ashamed of yourself. Until you have a product that you can offer to convince me you intend to something other than hoard your bits, don’t ever come here again.”

Celestia barely saw Moneybags’ shocked expression before teleporting to Ponyville. What she found was a hoard of her ponies screaming and galloping everyone which way and a strange screech of rage over it all.


“Princess Celestia!?”

The alicorn turned to see Twilight and Spike rushing towards her, a mixture of terror and relief on both their faces.

“Oh, thank goodness you’re here!” Twilight cried before the both bowed down to her.

“There’s no time for formalities, Twilight, but I am very happy to see you and Spike unharmed. Now, what’s the situation?”

“R-Right! Um, well, I’m not sure really what happened, but some being came into town earlier today. At first nothing seemed wrong, but then she suddenly flew off the handle and began to attack everything in a rage! And she’s been screaming that word for a while. I don’t think anypony’s actually hurt, thank goodness, but I don’t know how long that’ll last! I tried to stop her with my magic, but that just got her more upset!”

“I understand. Twilight, do what you can to get everypony to safety, I’ll deal with this,” Celestia replied before taking to the skies. It wasn’t difficult to find the being Twilight was talking about, following the formations of ice and craters from magic blasts. It truly did seem nopony had actually been hurt, although some had been partially frozen in ice. She finally find the creature, following the trail of destruction, and her stomach dropped when she got a look at it.

Oh no, not another one!

The being had two arms, two legs, and one head. It’s body was without any coat but possessed blue hair on its head that stopped before it reached its shoulders, and was clothed in a blue and white dress with a red bowtie, and a large blue bow in its hair. Though it had not tail, it did possess six wings that appeared to be made of ice.

“-BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA-!” she continued to shout as it chased after two fillies, one pink with a violet and white mane and tail with a silver tiara on her head, the other with a grey coat and a lighter grey mane and tail as well as blue glasses and a bead necklace. The flying being fired wantonly at them both, blowing up and freezing more what was around them than getting anywhere close. Even still, the two screamed in terror as they ran.

Celestia dived down, landing with a thud as she positioned herself between the being and her ponies. She charged her magic and fired a beam of heat magic at the being… who promptly shattered to a fine mist, causing Celestia to flinch.

Wh-What? But that should’ve only been enough to cause some pain! It wouldn’t have even been a first degree burn! Why did she-!?

Just then the mist began to gather together and in a pop the being came back into existence. She looked confused for a moment before seeing Celestia and glaring. “You think you can just get in my way!? Well get ready to lose, because Eye’m the strongest in the-!”

Celestia fired another blast, causing the being to explode into an icy mist again. Moments later, she reformed.


Another blast and another regeneration.


Another cycle.


And again.

This cycle continued again for about five minutes. Each time the there was less and less mist, and each time the being came back smaller and smaller. By the end she was barely the size of a kitten.

Celestia’s horn flared with power. “Any last words?” she asked, glaring at the being.

The being just stood there for a moment, it’s head hanging, before it began to shake. Celestia prepared for a last desperate attack when the being threw her head back… and cried. And not just any sort of crying, the type of crying that a foal does when she’s told she can’t have that toy she’s always wanted. The being wailed as it fell onto its back, flailing its arms and legs in frustration as its tears turned to ice cubes as they fell from her eyes, all in an almost adorably high pitched voice.

Celestia just stared slack jawed, completely unsure of how to react to the situation.

“STOP PICKING ON ME! STOP IT! STOP IT! STOOOOOOOOOOOP!” the being wailed as she kicked and screamed.

Oh, now that's not fair, Celestia thought, beginning to feel genuinely guilty. “Um… I'm sorry?” she apologized, still unsure on how to respond.

“Um, Princess Celestia?”

The Princess turned to look down at a trio of fillies, a unicorn, an earth pony, and a pegasus all of them without cutie marks. She recognized them as the “Cutie Mark Crusaders” that Twilight had mentioned in her friendship reports.

“I know she caused a lot of trouble, but can you please stop picking on Cirno?” The unicorn asked nervously.

Sweetie Belle, if I remember correctly. Rarity’s sister.

Celestia looked to “Cirno”, seeing that her wails had died down to sniffles. She also saw the other ponies cautiously observing the event from what they felt was a safe distance. The Princess brought a hood to her face and sighed. “Could somepony explain to me just exactly what happened here?”

Author's Note:

So the other Displaced fic is now up! I know this isn't exactly the best chapter in the world, but I hope some of you are at least interested.

Also, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Consider this you're 2016 present! To be honest I wanted to submit this on Christmas, but... well that just didn't happen. Anyway, I'll likely be updating "My Giant Robot" next followed by "Quiet Life." Then I'll give this one and "OOO" another update to help set up some more of the lore.

Oh, and in case you're wondering, pronounce "⑨" as "nine-ball."