• Published 3rd Jan 2016
  • 5,764 Views, 207 Comments

The ⑨ Chronicles - shinigamisparda

A displaced Cirno Arrives in Equestria. See her attempt to fight her childish urges and prove she isn't worthless.

  • ...

Stupid Dangerous

The three fillies shook the water off themselves dry as they trotted away from the lake they were snorkeling in.

“So much for our swimming cutie marks,” Scootaloo sighed.

“And our squid wresslin’ cutie marks,” Applebloom added.

“When were we working on that?” Sweetie Belle asked.

The three fillies suddenly felt a chill and huddled together.

“Brrr! Where in tarnation did that come from?” Applebloom asked.

Sweetie turned around and her eyes widened. “Uh, Scootaloo? Did Rainbow Dash say anything about a fog scheduled today?”

“Why are you asking-? WHOA!” Scootaloo began, only to turn around and see what Sweetie was talking about.

The lake was suddenly covered with a thick fog, dense enough that the lake was mostly obscured from vision.

That wasn’t here before!” Scootaloo commented.

Before anypony could say anything more a loud splash came from the direction of the lake. The fillies all stared for a few moments and then noticed a shadow approaching out of the fog.

“Wh-What’s that?” Applebloom asked in fear.

“I don’t think I want to find out!” Sweetie added.

“Hide!” Scootaloo yelled as they all jumped behind a tree before peeking out slightly.

The figure soon came out of the fog. It was a strange being wearing a blue and white dress, with a blue mane, no coat, and a red bow. It also seemed to have six wings made of ice, which it was using to fly. It landed on the edge of the lake and shook itself, trying to get the water off of itself.

“Huh. Doesn’t look that scary,” Sweetie commented.

The figure turned to them, noticing them peeking behind a tree and gasped It then dashed at them with impressive speed and before she could react Scootaloo was being held in its arms.

“A pony! A cute cuddly pony! You’re so cute!” the being exclaimed as it spun through the air with the captive pegasus.

“GAAAAAH! COOOOOLD!” Scootaloo screeched as she desperately tried to escape the being’s grasp.

“Put ‘er down!” Applebloom shouted, pawing the ground and ready to charge.

The being noticed her and gasped again, dropping Scootaloo. “More cute ponies!” she exclaimed as she rushed forwards to grab her.

“Ah! Stay back!”

The being began to chase Applebloom and Sweetie Belle around the lake shore.

“Come back! Eye just want to hug you!”

“Don’t let her do it, girls! She’s really cold! It’s like being hugged by ice cube!” Scootaloo warned.

This continued for a few minutes until the being collapsed to her knees and began to cry.

“WAAAAAH! EYE JUST WANT TO HUG THE CUTE PONIES!” she whined as she flailed her arm and legs in frustration.

The three fillies stopped in their tracks, trying to comprehend what was happening.

Sweetie Belle gulped and stepped forwards. “Um... Excuse me?”

“Huh?” the being asked drying her frozen tears.

“Um… if it’ll make you feel better you can hug me.”


“Um… yes?”

“YAY!” she shouted and immediately glomped the unicorn.

“GAH! SHE REALLY IS COLD!” Sweetie screeched out.

“Silly! Eye’m not cold! You’re just hot!” the being replied.


“Aww,” the being let Sweetie Belle go, pouting as she did.

“So, um… who and what are you?”

The being puffed her chest out. “Eye’m-! Eye’m… Uh… Who am I? Why don’t I remember?” she asked aloud. “J… Je… Ugh, I don’t… why can’t-?”

“She looks kinda like a fairy,” Applebloom commented.

“Hey, that’s it! Eye’m Cirno! Cirno the ice fairy! Eye’m the strongest in the world!” the fairy boasted happily.

“Uh… sure you are…” Scootaloo replied hesitantly.

“Hey, we should probably take her back to Twilight. You know, to be safe?” Applebloom whispered.

“Good idea,” Sweetie Belle whispered back. “Hey Cirno!”


“There’s somepony we’d like you to meet. Can you come with us back to Ponyville, please?”

Cirno gasped in delight. “You mean a whole town full of cute, cuddly ponies!?”

“Oops,” Sweetie muttered. “Um, yes! But you have to promise not to just fly up and hug them, ok?”

“Aww… Okay…”

“Good. Now, I think we should introduce ourselves! I’m Sweetie Belle.”

“Ah’m Applebloom!”

“And I’m Scootaloo! And we’re-!”



“Woooow! So many cute ponies!” Crino exclaimed, catching the attention of many of the Ponyville residents who flinched in alarm.

“Remember, you promised,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Yeah yeah, Eye know. So let’s go meet this friend of yours!” she replied while flying off.

“Cirno, wait! It’s this way!” Scootaloo called.

“Oh! Oops!” she replied while turning back around. The four began to make their way towards the Golden Oaks Library, Cirno waving high to anypony she passed. Seeing her antics the townsfolk began to calm down somewhat.

“Oh hey, there she is!” Applebloom said, pointing to Twilight who was trotting towards the school. “Twilight! Hey Twilight!”

“Huh? Oh, hey girls! ...Who… What-?”

“Oh, you’re cute too! Not as cute as these three, though,” Cirno commented.


“This is Cirno. She’s says she’s a fairy, and it doesn’t look like she’s from around here,” Sweetie Belle explained.

“Yeah, so we figured you might be able to help her out or something,” Scootaloo added.

“Ah fairy!? But-But that’s-!?...I need something to take notes with! SPIIIIIIIKE!” Twilight shouted as she galloped back towards the library.

“...Well, she was fun,” Cirno commented.

“Well, well, if it isn’t the blank flanks,” came a condescending voice.

“Oh no,” Sweetie Belle groaned as they all turned to see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon trotting towards them.

“Looks like the losers got another lame friend,” Diamond Tiara teased.

“What a freak,” Silver Spoon added.

“Wow. You suddenly seem a lot less cute and cuddly,” Cirno commented.

“And just what are you supposed to be?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“Eye’m Cirno, the ice Fairy! Eye’m the strongest in the world!” she boasted.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon glanced at each other and laughed.

“What a loser!” Silver Spoon laughed.

“How stupid can you get!?” Diamond Tiara added.

“‘Stupid’?” Cirno asked, her voice suddenly quiet.


“You called me stupid.”

The filly smirked back. “That’s right! You’re stupid! What are you gonna do about-!?”

“THE ONE WHO SAYS ‘BAKA’ IS THE ONE WHO’S A BAKA!” Cirno shouted back.

“What? What’s a ‘baka’?” Silver Spoon asked.

“Some stupid word you came up-?” Diamond Tiara began to tease only to shuffle back as Cirno began to float into the air.

“BAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKABAKA!” she continued to shout as polar winds began to circle around her and her hands began to glow blue. She then lifted them above her head, causing a chariot sized ball of ice and snow to form above her. “BAAAAAAKAAAAAAA!” she screamed as she hurled it down at them.

Celestia just stared at the three fillies as they finished their tale, still processing the information she had just been fed. After a few moments she turned to face the two fillies who had been the subjects of the new arrivals wrath.

“Well, I hope this has taught you a lesson,” she began. “Picking on others isn’t just wrong, it can be dangerous.”

“Y-Yes Princess Celestia,” they both replied, both cowed.

“Now, it sounds like you two have had a rough day, so it would probably be best if you both went back home and recovered.”

“Okay,” the both said and trotted off, looking ashamed.

Celestia took a deep breath and then exhaled before turning to the tiny ice fairy. “And you, Cirno. I understand what those two did was wrong, but that doesn’t give you the excuse to attack them like that. You’re going to need to learn how to control your temper.”


“Or else you’re grounded,” she finished firmly.

Cirno slumped down and began to draw circled with her foot. “M’kay,” she said.

Celestia breathed a sigh of relief. “Now, I need to have a talk with somepony else. You stay here with your new friends, alright?”

Cirno nodded and flew over to Sweetie Belle, landing in her mane, as Celestia trotted over to Twilight and Spike.

“Princess Celestia, thank you so-!” Twilight began, only for her mentor to cut her off.

“Twilight, I want you and your friends to watch over Cirno at all times. Make sure she never goes anywhere unsupervised, and make sure to keep detailed tabs on her,” Celestia ordered, her tone grave and serious catching Twilight and Spike off guard. “I want reports on anything new you discovers about her, and expect a report about Cirno’s activities at least once a week, even if that report is simply that nothing interesting happened.”

Twilight and Spike simply stared, completely dumbfounded at what they’d heard. After a few moments, Twilight found her voice.

“P-Princess Celestia, isn’t that a bit much? I mean, sure she has power, but she’s just a foal.”

“She has more power than you know, Twilight. More power than maybe even she knows. I would love for this to end peacefully and for Cirno to become just another resident of Ponyville, but until then you must keep a careful eye on her. As should be shown today, she can be a threat even if she doesn’t mean to. Do you understand?”

Twilight hesitated for a moment before nodding.

“Good. Now, as for her living arrangements and anything else, just bill the expenses to me. Any legal tape you need to go through, you have my approval for that as well.” Celestia’s face brightened a bit before kneeling down and hugging her student. “I wish you the best Twilight. Be careful.” And with that she teleported back to Canterlot.

Author's Note:

So, here's the end of the introduction for this puppy. I'm sure you've already got a lot of theories already, but mostly I just hope you enjoyed it.

Ok, one more introduction to finish, one more fic to finish, and then one more fic to start. Then I'll see what my new schedule looks like. See you soon, everyone!