• Published 31st Dec 2015
  • 4,367 Views, 70 Comments

Lessons On How To Be A Mother - GlitchyProductions

All of the female students in Canterlot High have been invited to a childcare course. But due to budget cuts, the students will be doing something a little more practical...

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Chapter One - The Lesson

The classroom felt incredibly strange for Sunset Shimmer. The ticking of the clock on the wall and the sounds of light chitter-chatter was all she could hear. Her head rested on the desk she sat next to, scanning the room around her to keep an eye on what was going on.

She sat inside a full classroom of equally confused students, all of whom were idly conversing amongst one another to beat the boredom. The classroom itself was decorated with signs, posters and printed images of babies, toddlers and the supplies needed for looking after them.

The whiteboard at the front of the classroom was most telling; a large message written presumably by one of the teachers was the title of the class.


An average lesson at best, but what made this one different was the large pile of items at the front of the room. Sitting beside the teachers desk, a pile of cardboard boxes were neatly placed for all of the students to see when they entered the room. The top lids were closed, but they weren’t sealed together either.

“Hey Sunset.” A voice called.

“Huh?” Sunset lifted her head off the desk and turned to look at Rainbow Dash. Her athletic friend was sitting by the desk next to hers, resting back on the chair with a pencil in her mouth with her legs resting on the top of her desk, looking incredibly bored. “What is it?”

“You have any idea what’s going on?” Rainbow Dash asked, chewing the top of the pencil.

“Don’t you remember?”

“What?” Rainbow Dash replied with a shrug.

“It’s the childcare lessons. Didn’t you read what’s on the whiteboard?”

“Seriously?” Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow; she glanced at the whiteboard and groaned. “Man, these lessons are so boring.”

“What’s boring about looking after babies?”

“Everything!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “I’ve got more important stuff to do. I don’t want to look after some dumb baby dolls. Check out everyone else, they’re just as bored as I am!”

Sunset Shimmer turned round and scanned the room around her; she looked at the other students and noticed they shared the same expression. From Lyra and Bon Bon to Sweet Leaf and Trixie, all sitting down and breaking into conversation to pass the time.

“Come on,” Sunset smiled, turning back to Rainbow Dash. “It’s not that bad. I mean, sure, those dolls are a little creepy and they cry all the time. But it’s nice to learn how to look after a baby. It’s an important skill after all.”

“Important?” Rainbow Dash scoffed. “My soccer practice is more important than changing a diaper or learning how to feed a baby from a bottle.”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Trust me, Rainbow Dash. This lesson is only an hour long; besides, we won’t have to do it again until next year. I’m honestly excited for this.”

“What?” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “You actually like listening to babies cry all the time?”

“No,” Sunset shook her head. “That’s not what I said. Despite what you think, Fluttershy and I are really excited for the lesson.” Sunset’s words managed to grab Fluttershy’s attention. The pink haired teen who sat in front of Sunset turned round and looked at her two friends.

“Isn’t that right, Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash smirked, spitting the pencil out of her mouth.

“What?” Fluttershy blinked.

“You like wasting your time looking after a fake dolly when you could be doing something better.”

“Oh no, Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy shook her head, “I’m very excited to learn how to look after a little one. Even if it’s just a little dolly I’m going to make sure it’s very happy.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “But it’s still going to be boring.” She leaned back in her chair and stuck the pencil back in her mouth, idly chewing the top.

“I think this year’s lesson is going to be different.” Fluttershy turned in her chair and looked at Sunset.

“What makes you say that?” Sunset asked.

“I don’t see any of the dollies on the teacher’s desk.” Fluttershy turned and pointed at the desk.

Sunset leaned to the side to get a better view of the desk and noticed the lack of dolls. She rubbed her chin and looked back at Fluttershy.

“Maybe Mrs. Cake is getting them from the storage closet? That’s probably why she’s late to class.”

“I hope she isn't late,” Fluttershy bit her lip. “I’m really excited.”

“I’m sure whatever’s going on there’s a logical explanation.” Sunset smiled at Fluttershy.

“There’s something else.” Fluttershy added.

“What is it?”

“Those baby supplies,” Fluttershy turned round and pointed at the pile of boxes. “I might be a little silly when I say this but, they’re a little too big for dolls.”

“What do you mean?” Sunset peered over Fluttershy’s shoulder and looked at the pile at the front of the class.

“When I came in, I looked at the baby supplies by the desk and they were a tad larger than usual.”

“Maybe the dolls have gotten bigger?” Sunset shrugged.

“I guess so.” Fluttershy nodded.

“I think you need to stop worrying, Fluttershy.” A voice came from the other side of the class. Sunset Shimmer and Fluttershy turned to see Applejack sitting adjacent to Rainbow Dash. Rarity and Pinkie Pie also sat nearby, listening to the conversation.

“I’m sorry, Applejack,” Fluttershy apologized. “It’s just; they look a little too big to fit on a baby.”

“I reckon we’re going to be practicing with toddler sized dolls.” Applejack suggested to the group.

“It’s different than last year,” Sunset added. “It makes sense we’d go from infants to toddlers.”

“Perhaps Fluttershy is right,” Rarity began to speak, inspecting the pile from her seat. “The clothing does look a bit larger than what’s supposed to be for a baby, even a toddler.”

“Oh come on!” Rainbow Dash huffed. “How can you tell the exact size of a bunch of stupid baby clothes are from just looking at them? You guys are going crazy over a bunch of details nobody cares about.”

“Someone sure sounds cranky…” Sunset smirked, prompting all of her friends to laugh. Rainbow Dash frowned at Sunset’s remark and glared at her.

“What’s the matter, Dashie? Haven’t had your bottle this morning?” Applejack teased, “Jealous that the dolls are gonna to get theirs first?”

Amidst the laughter, Rainbow Dash sunk in her chair and took her eyes off her friends, instead choosing to face forward and stare at the whiteboard.

“Uh-oh!” Pinkie Pie giggled, “Baby’s not happy!”

While the girls were laughing amongst each other, the door to the classroom opened. The idle chatter from the other students suddenly died down at the appearance of the new entrant.

A tall lady with black skin walked into the classroom holding a briefcase in one hand. She wore what appeared to be a dark green business suit accompanied with a short black skirt that went down to her knees. A pair of red reading glasses dangled from side to side while her mossy green hair was tied back into a small bun. The lady slowly walked over to the desk at the front of the room and set her case down on the desk.

Sunset paused her teasing and finally decided to look at the front of the class, unaware of the lady in the green business suit, the entire class had gone silent at her presence.

“Good morning, class. My name is Miss Chrysalis, and welcome to Childcare 101. Today we’re going to be learning what’s it’s like to look after an infant. I know it’s a shock to see a fresh face take the reins and teach you about child rearing but this is a special occasion.”

Chrysalis spoke to the students in a very loud and clear tone of voice. Sunset Shimmer carefully listened to the lady’s words, hopefully mentioning the lack of dolls in the classroom.

“You might be wondering where Mrs. Cake is and I honestly don’t blame you if you’re curious. The answer to that question is that I have been personally recruited by Principal Celestia to help you get through this week’s childcare class.”

Sounds of soft whispers emerged amongst various students at the reveal of this news.

“The class has been extended from a single day to an entire week, starting from today. Your principal thinks its best that with my expertise and an extra six days to teach, you will be able to learn a lot more than what’s normally taught within the once a year period.”

“Did she say a week?” Sunset Shimmer leaned forward and whispered into her Fluttershy’s ear.

“For an entire seven days, your performances will be monitored from the moment you enter the school with your pretend babies. I won’t be the only one who’ll be monitoring you, but the entirety of the staff team will be watching your progress.”

“I think I’ve seen her before…” Pinkie Pie whispered to no one in particular.

“You may be also wondering about the rather large pile of cardboard boxes next to my desk.” Chrysalis walked over to the nearest box and began to open the top. She reached inside and grabbed its contents and placed it on the table.

“This is what you’re going to work with.” Chrysalis announced.

The class sat in silence as several of the students responded with a look of confusion, even less students expressed a look of embarrassment. On the table sat a packet of diapers with a cartoony image of a teenager wearing a thick white diaper with babyish prints on the front. The top of the packaging read, DRY TEENZ, a bright logo ranging from different colours and fonts, all made to catch their attention.

“Last year, you worked with small dolls that resembled babies. They had chips inside of them to make them cry, prompting you to use your motherly instincts to calm them down. So for this year’s lesson, I’m going to introduce something more practical which will help you understand what it’s like to look after a baby.”

Chrysalis couldn’t help but grin at the reactions that came from her fellow students, a mix of shock, horror and sheer confusion came from nearly all of them.

“However, a doll is merely a lump of plastic. It doesn’t feel anything, it doesn’t respond to the warm hands of a caring mother who tends to its cries. That’s why I’ve devised a practical solution to this problem-”

“What the heck!” A voice yelled out.

Chrysalis stopped what she was doing and looked at her students, grinning; she acknowledged the voice and the particular student who dared speak against her.

“This is so dumb!” Rainbow Dash blurted out, shuffling forward to the edge of her seat she threw her arms up into the air. “We’re not stupid, lady. You’re trying to make us wear those diapers! I’m a teenager, not a toddler!”

“That’s correct, Rainbow Dash, well done,” Chrysalis replied with a calm smile, walking over to the cardboard box, ignoring the students increased whispers. She walked over to the box and reached inside for more of its contents, pulling out an assortment of pacifiers, rattles, bibs and stuffed toy animals for all to see. The difference being that these objects were sized up for adults, “You’ve seen right through my plan, Miss Dash.”

“W-What?” Rainbow Dash blinked.

“I must admit. You’ve all taken this well.” Chrysalis chuckled, eying up her students with a grin.

“Is this a joke?” Rainbow Dash replied.

“I’m afraid this class isn’t a joke. All of you have to participate in my class. Your education is the highest priority as it should be.”

“You can’t make us!” Another voice popped up, this time, it was Trixie who stood up. Her actions immediately caught the class's attention before pointing at the teacher. “Trixie has rights!”

“Why yes, you’re more than welcome to leave and drop out of my class whenever you like.”

“Good.” Trixie triumphantly nodded. She grabbed her school bag and stood up to walk over to the classroom door.

“But if you leave,” She walked over to the classroom door and opened it for the student, gesturing for her to leave. “You’ll have to spend those seven days watching theatre groups talk to you about Sex Ed.”

“That doesn't sound bad. Trixie would rather go through that before wearing one of your teenage diapers!”

“Did I mention the play is a musical production?”

Trixie and the rest of the class immediately felt a wave of horror at the idea of a musical. Some looked horrified, while some shook their heads, ridding themselves of the horrible alternative from their minds.

“Er, no… Trixie thinks your lesson is much better…” She shook her head, taking large steps back over to her desk.

“Wonderful!” Chrysalis sang, closing the classroom door behind her, she walked back over to the desk and looked at Rainbow Dash. “What do you think? Do you want to skip class now?”

The entirety of the class turned and looked at Rainbow Dash; she immediately felt a lump in her throat soon after realizing her cheeks started to burn a bright red.

“N-No Miss Chrysalis…,” Rainbow Dash lowered her head, slumping into her chair looking defeated.

“Good girl.” Chrysalis smiled back.

As the teacher headed back over to her desk to empty the cardboard boxes, Sunset Shimmer refused to believe what was going on. She leaned forward and tapped Fluttershy on her shoulder, prompting her friend to quickly turn round and look at her.

“Can you believe this?” Sunset whispered. “What was Principal Celestia thinking when she allowed this?”

“I don’t know,” Fluttershy blinked, “This is very embarrassing. I hope we can wear our skirts over those diapers. They look awfully thick.”

“Wait…,” Sunset paused. “You actually want to wear one?”

“I don’t know,” Fluttershy felt her cheeks burn a bright red; she looked back at the teacher and then looked back at Sunset and her friends. “I think it’s very silly but I think it’s the closest to learn what it’s like to look after a baby.”

“You can’t be serious,” Applejack exclaimed. “Have you gone completely crazy?”

“I think it’s best to talk to the principal once we’re allowed to leave class.” Rarity added, getting a nod of agreement out of Sunset and Applejack.

“I think this is going to be fun!”

The group stopped their whispers before turning round to look at Pinkie Pie, all wearing a look of confusion. Rainbow Dash kept quiet, keeping herself focused on Miss Chrysalis.

“Are you out of your mind, Pinkie?” Applejack rubbed her eyes, groaning at her friend’s attitude.

Pinkie over-excitedly shook her head, “You’re being a bunch of silly-billies. This game is going to be lots of fun!”

“Pinkie, don’t you think you’re taking this a little too far? Don’t you understand what she’s going to make us wear?” Sunset reasoned.

“I know that.” Pinkie Pie giggled. “I’ve never looked after a big baby before. It’s going to be so silly.”

Applejack and Sunset Shimmer exchanged several confused looks at each other before finally giving up and deciding to watch Chrysalis.

“You will be paired up into groups of two,” Chrysalis continued, finally emptying the contents of the first box onto her desk. “One student shall take the role of a baby and the other shall take the role of the mother. I will leave it up to you to decide who your partner is and what role they decide to take. You have five minutes to decide.”

And with that, the class instantly sprung to life as several students rose out of their chairs and walked over to their nearest friends. Some sat in their chairs, patiently waiting for someone to pick them out amongst the group.

Sunset Shimmer watched as her fellow students picked a partner and stuck close to them. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle sat next to each other while Scootaloo frantically looked for someone to choose. Trixie kept herself steady at her desk before being grabbed by the arm, chosen by Lavender Lace who picked her as a partner.

Lyra and Bon Bon instantly ran over to each other the moment Chrysalis allowed the students to make their choices. Lyra sat on Bon Bon’s lap with an arm around her friend’s neck.

“Okay…,” Sunset sighed, scanning the room for an available partner. She noticed Fluttershy kept herself in her seat, not wanting to move out and find someone. Sunset Shimmer got up and placed a hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Want to work with me, Fluttershy?”

“Oh yes please,” Fluttershy nodded with a bright smile. “I think we would make a great team.”

Sunset replied back with a smile, “That’s great,” but it instantly dropped, “So…”

“So?” Fluttershy raised an eyebrow.

“How is this going to work?” Sunset felt her stomach tie into a knot; her cheeks began to turn a bright red. “I feel really awkward asking this.”

“Oh, you mean-“

“Yeah.” Sunset weakly nodded, she turned her head and looked at her friends and noticed Applejack sitting on Pinkie Pie’s desk. Pinkie Pie happily bounced in her chair as she wrapped her arms around her friend, preventing her from leaving and picking another partner.

“You’re my new mommy!” Pinkie Pie loudly announced to the class, pulling Applejack closer and into a big hug.


While that was happening, Rainbow Dash watched her friends pick a partner. She groaned and sat upright in her chair before looking to her side, still feeling bored as ever.

“I suppose we’re going to have to work together, Rainbow Dash.” Rarity caught Rainbow Dash’s attention and gave her a small smile.

“There’s no way I’m working with you. If you think I’m wearing those diapers or drinking from a baby bottle you’ve got another thing coming!”

“I’m afraid we don’t have any options left,” Rarity rolled her eyes, “Try and find someone else, I dare you.” She crossed her arms and waited for her friend to respond.

Rainbow Dash looked at the rest of the class and noticed that pretty much everyone else had a partner. She noticed Scootaloo was paired with Derpy, both of whom stood next to Chrysalis who personally paired them together.

“Okay!” Rainbow Dash groaned. “Jeez, you’re my partner! Happy now?”

“That’s fine by me, baby Dashie.”

“It’s come to my attention that all of you have picked partners,” Chrysalis began to speak with a big smile. The class died down and started to listen to the teacher. “That’s excellent,” She looked at her wrist watch and noted the time. “I’d like all of you to come over and take some baby supplies and then head to the changing room at the gym to help your little one get into their new clothing.”

Several of the students began to blush, obviously being chosen as the babies.

“So finally,”


The school bell rang and everyone stood up and collected their belongings. Everyone kept close to their partner, anxiously looking at Chrysalis who kept an eye on her watch.

“Let the learning begin…”