• Published 30th Dec 2015
  • 828 Views, 49 Comments

A Terrible, Wonderful, Living Dream - pikammd

A new young filly comes to Ponyville on extension by Celestia herself. She has nothing to her name, a strange attitude, and seemingly a knack for turning heads. Much happens around her, and life is certainly never dull. An unexpected story unfolds!

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Author's Note:

So here we go again! We've been pretty serious up until this point, minus the fun fruit punch lava lake and all that went with it, but now we get a heaping dose of laughter! Perfect offset, don't you think?
I apologize for this one being a day late. Yesterday was my birthday and when I promised to publish this but I didn't get the time I thought I would to publish. I had one heck of a birthday this year!
Thanks for waiting everyone, and I hope you love it. Don't forget to review after you love! Also, with this chapter, we break 23k words! :pinkiegasp: Been awhile since I hit that number on something I've been willing to publish.

As the group made their way through town, Estrella was looking around at everything, as she should to learn about the new place that would be her home for the next year. She watched homes with ponies living their lives out, families and friends enjoying their time together, a barbecue, and of course shops with customers coming in and out with a wide variety of purchases. Even the restaurants were busy today and overall, everyone seemed to be having a marvelous time, despite the early morning commotion. Foals ran by, laughing and chasing each other like it was all there was to life, just goofing off and being foals. Estrella couldn't help smiling at the little tykes that went rushing by and having the time of their young lives.

At some point, the others, mainly Rarity and Twilight, started pointing out places they knew and thought Estrella might like. They wandered past a bread shop where the smell of warm bread wafted over them. Estrella closed her eyes as she inhaled, the warm scent so delicious. “I've never smelled bread that good before.”

“Well you've got a lot ta learn then.” Applejack said with a pointed hoof in her direction. “Ponyville is famous for its zucchini bread. We'll have to take you inside fer a try!”

“Sorry AJ, but not today.” Twilight said with an apologetic look but an authoritative tone. “Much as I would love to go in and have some as well, there's someplace we need to be.”

Applejack laughed softly as she returned to walking. “Yeah, yer right, sorry.”

“Nothing to be sorry for!” Twilight said reassuringly as they passed the shop. “Any pony would want to go in. And we will, just not today.”

“Oh! And there's the jewelry shop!” Rarity pointed out with enthusiasm. “They have the best rough gems for use if you know how to talk to them.”

“And Spike loves the shavings he gets from there. He's my little dragon helper. The owners just love him too.” Twilight added.

Applejack rolled her eyes. “I'm not much of one for anything shiny like that, but hey, if that's yer thing.”

Estrella laughed softly and said, “Something else new to see one of these days.”

“What?” Rarity asked, her voice rising a pitch as her wide eyes turned to Estrella. “Oh you poor thing! Not even knowing the beautiful joys of gems!”

“Um, actually Rarity, I know of gems. Just not the cut versions. We usually just clean them up but don't really cut or change them or anything. The whole gem is precious to us, why take some of it away? Other than when we sometimes break them to share with somepony. I've always loved the crackle of a split gem. The light always dances so beautifully in them, like little light shows that's never quite the same and always amazing. Especially the gold ones. They're my favorites, though I've never owned one myself. Er, topaz, I think?”

Rarity tilted her head, then said, “Yes. Well I suppose I see what you mean. Actually, the way you describe it, that sounds like it could be the perfect addition to a dress! And ooh, there's a very special birthday coming up! I wonder if-”

“Whose birthday?” Twilight asked eagerly, cutting Rarity off.

Rarity gave an unladylike snort and raised her head. “Only one of the most important birthdays ever! Princess Luna's is next week!”

To that, Twilight, Applejack, and Fluttershy all stopped dead in their tracks, their faces frozen in stunned expressions. Applejack was the first to recover with a shake of her head and a, “Well how d'ya like that!”

Twilight returned to reality a moment later with a shake of her head as well. “I can't believe it's almost the Princess's birthday! How did I not know of this?!”

“Well, uh, not many ponies really think of the Princesses aging since they've lived so long.” Fluttershy said, though with her small voice it was difficult to hear. “I wouldn't imaging they'd think of it either after having so many.”

“Fluttershy's got a point.” Applejack cut in. “I don't think they've even told anypony when their birthdays are. Come to think of it, how do you know, Rarity?”

Rarity tossed her head, making her mane bounce and shimmer in the light. “Simple deductive reasoning! She's been smiling a lot more than usual, her stars have shown much brighter lately, and...”

“Aaand?” Applejack prompted, hearing the slight hesitation in Rarity's voice.

“And... Celestia may have... asked me to make a dress for her sister.” Rarity ducked her head, hiding a little behind a raised hoof as she gave a nervous laugh. “And of course I asked what for to make sure I knew what kind of design to use and she said for her birthday.” Rarity grinned brightly at the memory, then her gaze became distant as she was lost in her own little world. “I was over the moon! So to speak. I have to make it a dress worthy of the princess, and I think with a little sparkle from your gem idea, I can make her truly stand out!” Rarity practically squealed in glee of the idea. “And of course, I'll make all of you dresses as well. I have the idea for each and have started some of them so it shouldn't take too long. It'll be the best birthday – gown wise – ever! And perfectly befit the princesses! Don't tell Celestia, but I'm making a little something for her as well. But you can't tell her or anyone who might!” Rarity's tone suddenly turned sharp as she looked at everyone, her gaze surprisingly scary for her usually bright demeanor.

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” Twilight recited as she crossed her heart, pretended to fly with her hooves, then stuck her hoof in her -closed- eye, grinning all the while. “I promise I won't tell a soul I don't trust to keep this secret. For now anyway.”

Rarity squealed and said, “Thanks Twilight! You're free to tell everyone after they've seen Luna and Celestia in their dresses. And the rest of you?” She turned her gaze to the rest of them, her gaze now calmer but still borderline frightening. Together, Applejack and Fluttershy recited the same promise, then they all looked at Estrella, even Terice and Sinsi, who had, to the best of their ability, copied Fluttershy.

Estrella tensed and looked at them all, lowering her head and pinning her ears back. “I haven't even been here a day yet and I'm already expected to keep a secret?” she asked, her voice trembling a little.

Rarity softened her expression and came up to Estrella, whereupon she laid a hoof on her friend's shoulder. “It's okay Estrella. We're not asking anything big. It's not so much a secret as just promising you'll pretend you don't know about the dresses.”

Twilight smiled and came up to, though she just stayed close while she said, “You're not expected to do anything. We won't make you do anything you're uncomfortable with and we promise nothing will happen because of this one little secret, alright?”

“You're safe with us, Sugarcube.” Applejack said as she came up on Estrella's other side, Fluttershy not far behind her.

Estrella looked at them all each in turn, even Terice and Sinsi, her face showing she was still unsure, but she eventually took a deep breath and said, “How does it go again?”

Rarity seemed to light up and then slowly started showing Estrella how to do the promise. Estrella followed along, her words still hesitant as she repeated them and copied Rarity's actions. Once that was done, Estrella sighed, glad to have it over with. Terice clapped his little paws, his nails making a small clicking sound, which made Estrella laugh a little at the cuteness of it. Soon, the group was back on the road to the cupcake shop.

Although, it wasn't long before Twilight stopped them again and said, “Hey girls, look up ahead. I think that's Estrella's new house!” She lifted a hoof and pointed down the road to a little ways past her own house to a much smaller house, which was also set inside a tree that had gone hollow with age. It was a bit straighter than Twilight's and was overall smaller, but with the small flower beds set outside and the brightly colored foliage set amongst factory items like bright yellow curtains that could be seen in a window that appeared to lead into a kitchen, and a balcony jutting out from the second floor, it all came together to look much homier than expected.

Estrella couldn't help the small gasp that escaped her even from just seeing the outside. “That's... my house?” Disbelief colored her voice, making her even quieter than usual. Her wide eyes scanned the house over and over, flickering a little as she took it all in.

“Yup, all yours.” Twilight said as she held her head – and the bag wrapped in her magic – high and trotted over to Estrella's house. “You're going to love living in a tree, Estrella! I will warn that sometimes you'll hear little groans, but it's just the tree shifting about. It's nothing you have to worry about, not for a long time at least.”

“Dang Sugarcube, looks like yer gonna have quite the shed!” Applejack said as she trotted past, the bag on her back bumping Estrella though she didn't quite snap out of it until fluttershy laid a hoof on her shoulder. They exchanged a slightly nervous look before they joined the others. Together, they met up at the front door and though it looked like Rarity was eager to head inside, Twilight stopped in front of the door to say, “We should probably wait to go inside until Pinkie and Rainbow can see it too. Is that alright Estrella?”

“But Twiiiliiight!” Rarity whined. “We simply MUST go inside! This is a new house, after all. Completely untouched by style and set in a factory-made setup! It needs a homey touch only the owner can give and I want to help her find the perfect additions to make it splendid! This will be her home for the next year, after all!”

Twilight laughed a little, as did Terice, and soon Applejack joined in. “Uh, Rare, -snort- Twilight's right. Much as I wanna see it too, it wouldn't be fair to the others.” Applejack snorted again, then cleared her throat to hide it.

Rarity looked sternly at them for a moment, then sighed in defeat. “Oh, I suppose. Fine, we can come back.”

Estrella giggled softly, almost in a delayed reaction, having not been sure if it was okay to laugh or not. “I gotta admit though, that was a little funny. Your reaction.”

Rarity blinked, then tossed her head, looking down on Estrella as if trying to hold her dignity. “That, my dear, was a little rub-off from my vast knowledge of acting. I sometimes overdo my reactions, as you must on stage.”

Estrella nodded, still smiling though she had quit laughing with the others. “On the other hoof, Rarity, I'd love for you to help me get my house in order.”

Rarity seemed to pause for a moment, Estrela's words not quite homing in for a second. Then, Rarity broke out in a huge grin. “Oh why Estrella! That's wonderful! Thank you so much, you won't regret it! Nopony ever does, by the end.” She tossed her head again then, posing for some unseen audience. Then, to Twilight again, she asked, “Anyway, Twilight, why did we come here for if we can't go inside yet?”

“I just figured we could drop off the bags.” Twilight said as she opened the door. Then, without looking in, she guided the bag of pet food inside with her magic, laying it down on the floor inside the entryway. Then, she took the bag off Applejack's back and set it atop the other one before closing the door again. “There, we technically haven't looked in yet and we don't have to carry the bags through town anymore either.” Twilight said proudly, her smile showing a little smugness.

“Great then, let's head to Sugarcube Corner.” Applejack said with a smile before turning and heading back along the street, ever the eager one to just get things done.

Fluttershy and Twilight followed after, then Rarity and Estrella shortly after. Soon, the group was heading down the road once more. It wasn't long before the conversation was struck up again, mentioning places they saw and memories of crazy things they did in or near whatever place they had mentioned. The group of five – seven including Sinsi and Terice – looked like any group of friends laughing and talking as they wandered through town, reminiscing and bringing a new friend into their circle.

~ ~ ~

Both all too soon and after what felt like a forever-long walk, they came to a street with a little shop that had a giant cupcake sign hanging from the side and painted in the window. The others were still talking, going back and fourth in the conversation and finishing each other's thoughts like they had done just about everything together. They did seem like they all had been friends for a very long time, based on what Estrella had seen so far today. As they started to pass a brightly colored shop that looked like a giant pile of sweets in its own rights though, she hesitated. “Hey girls... Isn't this the cupcake shop? Er, Sugarcube Corner?” she asked as she sat in front of the window, looking at the shelves inside that were filled with brightly colored sweets that instantly made her mouth water. She couldn't help leaning in until her nose touched the glass and a small area fogged from her hot breath even though it was already a nice day out.

She then felt a soft breeze as Twilight teleported to her side, her body suddenly coming into existence and pushing the air around herself. Soon, her voice joined the moving air. “Oh, yes, my mistake. We nearly passed right by it! I guess we're all just a little eager to show you- uh, Estrella?” Twilight tilted her head, only just noticing how Estrella's gaze was flicking about the sweets. She laid her hoof on Estrella's shoulder and Estrella in turned snapped to attention, facing Twilight so quickly Terice nearly fell off her shoulders. Sinsi, in turn, started giving this bark-like yap as if to reprimand Estrella, to which she muttered an apology. Twilight stepped back a little as Sinsi glared at Estrella, then turned her head away, instead looking at Terice, who started clicking his little claws and chattering away with her.

“Uh... right.” Twilight muttered as she watched the two before looking up at Estrlla again. “Sorry for startling you, but yes, this is the cupcake shop Pinkie works at. Rainbow Dash should be here too. Let's head on in.” Twilight gave a warm smile before she – followed by the other girls – went on in.

As the door opened, a little bell chimed, signaling their entrance into the store. It rang incessantly as they all walked in one by one, hoofsteps clicking on the tile floor, until everyone was inside and the door could finally close and end the berating bell. Once inside, Estrella found herself enjoying the multiple pungent aromas commonplace to the store and looking around at all the seemingly randomly decorated sweets once more before something Rarity said – some sort of hello Estrella had completely missed – brought her attention up to the counter at the front of the little shop. From there, she saw a a very bright pink mop of hair bouncing around behind the counter before, all of a sudden, the lighter but still vibrant pink owner of the mane jumped out. She had a smile so big it was a wonder her ears weren't sucked in, but in a way, her eyes sure were. They showed a very pretty aqua color, which shimmered in her delight. Her voice though was almost too bright to stand. “Ohmygosh hiya girls!” She spoke so fast and high-pitched, it was almost impossible to make out what she was saying. Before Estrella even realized, she had jumped over the counter, legs turning like they were attached to a super-powered motor, and dashed almost as fast as a teleportation spell to come to a stock-still stop right in front of Estrella, who stood on the side of the group. Estrella jumped back a little, once more nearly dislodging Terice but this time Sinsi didn't even bother because she, too, had jumped back at Pinkie's sudden appearance. If it was at all possible, that grin grew even wider as the one Estrella guessed was Pinkie Pie leaned in, bright eyes widening, taking in Estrella's startled look as if it was the most normal thing ever.

Estrella, on the other hoof, was growing more and more uneasy by the pony's stare. She cleared her throat, never looking away, then in a voice almost as small as Fluttershy's muttered, “Uh, hi?”

In an instant, Pinkie was squealing happily and bouncing around the group, going up past head height as she jumped but landed for hardly an instant before she was back up again, revolving around the group like a bouncy ball on a string with one heck of a kick-start. Soon, her squeal turned into a string of words, which could be guesstimated as something resembling, “Ohmygosh a new friend! I've never seen you before! I have to get decorating for your welcome party! When's your birthday? I gotta know so I can surprise you when it comes! But now that you know it'll have to be an extra-special surprise! OHMYGOSH a new friend!!!”

As Pinkie squealed again, Estrella couldn't help a slight smile that was breaking out. “H-hey, you're Pinkie Pie, right?”

“Uh-huh! Bestest party-pony and cupcake-maker around!” Pinkie said, her voice coming from right beside Estrella's ear this time. She jumped then and spun just as Pinkie bounced back up, having somehow hung from the roof to speak that time. “And what's YOUR name?” she called again, this time from the counter top where it looked like she was starting to bake a cake, moving to get ingredients and stir it all up as if her tail was on fire and only finishing the cake would put it out.

“Estrella.” She said with a bit more confidence this time, that small smile of hers widening. “So you're a party pony?”

“You'll never meet another quite like Pinkie!” Pinkie said as she stood on her front hooves, sticking her rump – and cutie mark – high in the air, showing off the three differently colored balloons, one yellow and two blue like her eyes, while still somehow stirring the bowl using her tail. To that, Estrella laughed softly.

She was then cut off from saying anything else when Twilight spoke up. “Pinkie, do you think you could wait on the preparations for Estrella's party?”

Almost instantly, Pinkie stopped what she was doing and pure sorrow colored her eyes. To Estrella's surprise, her puffy mane and tail collapsed, going completely straight, making her look like sad pound puppies that there was absolutely no way under any heavenly sky you would go home without it. Her lower lip quivered as she said, “No party? B-but... why Twilight? Why?” She looked about to cry when Rarity jumped in in an attempt to keep the peace.

“Pinkie, we're not saying no party, just give us another day or two. I know how fast you work but I simply cannot get ideas AND make a dress in so little time! And I want to give Estrella a true entrance to the festivities made specifically for her! There's simply no other feasible way to have a party without the party princess having a dramatic flare!” Rarity supplied her own dramatic sigh. “To think, going to your first real party without going all out, what a shame!”

“All-out?” Pinkie said as her mane and tail regained its poof faster than a balloon pump. “Well, I suppose I could wait a bit longer. Then I could make it an even bigger bash! We can invite the entire town!”

“Uh, Sugarcube, you might not want to go that far.” Applejack added. “Estrella's coming from a very small place where she knew very few ponies. That many all at once and expecting her to socialize may be a bit much to ask.”

Pinkie frowned for a moment, then sprung back into her smile. “Alright! It'll still be special though! Just think! Ponies and lights and streamers and bubbles and happy happy happy smiles all around!” By this time, she was bouncing again and Estrella couldn't help the smile that spread over her face.

“Is she okay?” she whispered to Twilight, who shrugged and said,

“We really don't know. I think the sugar got to her a long time ago.”

To that, Estrella laughed a little and said, “I like her.” Then, as if on cue, Pinkie jumped right over Estrella, who ducked on instinct but the pink pony's flamboyant personality was beginning to make her want to bounce too.

So she did.

Following after Pinkie, she found herself jumpong only about half the pony's height, but it was enough. Estrella started laughing – a real, true laugh like when she went swimming in the fruit punch lava lake – which just made everypony stop and gawk at her and Pinkie. Luckily, it was just the friends in the shop, but nopony had expected Estrella to start jumping with Pinkie – including Pinkie herself. She had stopped mid-jump, hovering in the air for a second as Estrella crashed into her, sending them both to the floor. In the resulting pile of tangled limbs, the two started laughing again as if this was all they ever knew. Soon, the two of them were disentangling themselves and getting back on their feet.

Once they were up, Pinkie said, “Wowzers! I've NEVER met another pony who likes to bounce with me!”

Estrella only laughed and returned with, “I never thought I'd do that either. But, I guess your enthusiasm is infectious! I can't get near the height you can though!”

“Takes practice.” Pinkie said with a wink.

Then, before the two could get into a real conversation, Twilight spoke up. “This is all great girls, I'm happy you're getting along but, where's Rainbow Dash? She was suppose to be here.”

“Oh!” Pinkie said as she tilted her head a little, her face scrunched up as she tried to remember something. “She told me to tell you she um... um... what was it now?” she rubbed a hoof under her chin, thinking hard until finally, her face lit up as she remembered. “Oh yeah! She said she was going to take a nap outside! She's probably laying on a cloud waiting for us! Let's go!”

Pinkie was off again, bouncing out the door with that giant grin of hers. The little bell chimed furiously again as everyone followed after her, making a mass exodus from Sugarcube Corner. Terice walked with Sinsi now (after evacuating Estrella's shoulders just before the jumping parade) as they walked along the side of the group near Estrella. Terice ended up slipping through the door like a slippery slinky, to which Sinsi gave a little rumble similar to a laugh. Soon, the two were playing and tumbling around on the street.

Once everyone was outside, they all spread out a little, scanning the skies for Rainbow Dash. Applejack even started calling for her, and Rarity soon joined in. Fluttershy did too, but nobody really noticed, other than Estrella. She smiled a little, thinking that it always seemed that only shy ponies noticed other shy ponies. With that thought, Estrella trotted over to Fluttershy and said, “So, this Rainbow Dash is a pegasus then?”

“Mm-hm.” Fluttershy said softly as she turned to Estrella. “She's this really pretty aqua color with a rainbow mane and tail and has a rainbow thunderbolt cutie mark. She's one of the fastest pegasi alive, and she makes sure everypony knows it. She made the sonic rainboom legend real even while at the same time, showing me a life outside of the bullies that used to pick on me all the time.”

Estrella blinked, not expecting Fluttershy to say so much, though at the same time something was tugging at her memory by the pegasus' description. “Wow, she sure seems like a big deal around here. I hate to ask, but what's a sonic rainboom?”

“Only the most awesome thing ever!” From above the group, a strong, almost masculine voice rang out, already with a note of arrogance to it. Everypony looked up to where the voice came from, but only a streak of blue and rainbow was left behind. Following the streak left behind, the voice came again from to the left of Sugarcube corner, where another trail was left, but no owner yet. “It's when I go super super fast, flying like nopony ever has before until BOOM!” Now the voice came from the street opposite Sugarcube Corner where an aqua pegasus mare now stood, one hoof raised and a smirk playing on her lips, her entire body radiating confidence. Quite the opposite of Fluttershy. “I make legends real, baby. Remember that.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and Fluttershy giggled softly, Rarity just looked bored, Applejack seemed immune to emotion for the moment and just looked irritated, and Pinkie was distracted with plans of the upcoming party, while Estrella, now at the front of the group with Fluttershy, found herself trying hard not to laugh.

Rainbow's haughty demeanor diminished into something resembling confusion, her smile fading and hoof falling a little. “Hey, are you laughing? At me?” Estrella snorted and dipped her head, covering her muzzle with a hoof as she fought fiercely not to laugh but memories of the pegasus yelling at a rainbow were making it awfully hard not to just roll, and now- “What's so funny?” Dash asked with a glare and snort. She stood hunched down with her wings spread, looking like she was about to tackle Estrella. “Why you little- Stop that! I'm warning you!”

By this time, Estrella was really struggling and some of her laughs were slipping out, bright and awkward all at the same time, like some twisted nasally version of her true laugh. Between laughs, she managed to squeak out, “I c-can't!” Through all this, the others were just standing back and watching now, wondering what exactly what was going on.

Rainbow snorted again and scratched the ground with her hoof, her face now twisted in an angry snarl. “Alright, you asked for it!” She narrowed her eyes and in that instant, charged at Estrella.

In that same instant, Twilight's horn lit up and a field of lavender magic latched on to Rainbow's tail, making her snap back as her forward momentum was harshly stopped. Rainbow snapped back and immediately started fighting her bonds, her momentary rage now aimed everywhere rather than just at Estrella, who had fallen backwards with hooves shaking in the air and was now laughing outright now as if she would never stop.

“What did I miss?” Pinkie asked with a tilted head as she finally snapped back to the present to find a very angry Rainbow being held back by Twilight's magic and Estrella absolutely rolling with laughter.

“Lemme at her! LET ME AT HER!” Rainbow continued to scream, getting the attention of passing ponies who were minding their own business when they saw the scene. There were several reactions, the most common being wide eyes and curious, sly glances that weren't nearly as subtle as the owner of those looks imagined.

Applejack at least had the decency to look embarrassed at the scene, but the others seemed to either not notice the mini fiasco or thought it was a normal occurance. Even Sinsi knew to keep out of it, but Terice had the bright idea to jump in, playfully throwing his tiny fists at Rainbow. She went down to his level and snorted angrily at him, which made him jump and scurry off back to Sinsi's side, who wrapped her fluffy tail protectively around him. Rarity, however, was getting quite fed up of the entire scene very quickly. “Alright, both of you, calm yourselves! Have the decency to act appropriately, I mean really! You are in the middle of town!”

“She started it!” Rainbow yelled as she stood, snorting after her little outburst.

Estrella, still laughing, eventually rolled to her feet. She cleared her throat, attempting to calm the fit of laughter, but only with some success. Once that was done, she looked at Dash straight in the eye and said, “Sorry Dash. I *snort* couldn't help remembering the l-last time I saw you!”

Rainbow Dash tilted her head, still peeved but also curious now. “You've seen me before? When? At a show, I presume?”

Estrella snorted again, then outright said, “Go home Rainbow, you're drunk!”

Everyone behind Estrella gasped, the collective sound stilling everything, each with their own thoughts towards Estrella. Rude, untrue, jumps to conclusions, just plain mean, and many other things went through the minds of the group, along with a general confusion and shock, all except Rainbow Dash herself. She was still for several moments, gears turning in her self-loaded mind for several long, silent moments before she started to smile. Then, she laughed a little. Soon she was laughing almost as hard as Estrella was a minute ago. “You saw that? Oh Celestia, I didn't think anyone would! It was just too perfect!”

“Whaaat?” Everypony behind Estrella said, shock and confusion still clear in the voices. At some point, Twilight's magic had faded and Rainbow Dash had been freed. As Estrella turned to them all, Rainbow came up beside her and wrapped a leg around her shoulders. “This kid's alright! I think I like her!”

Estrella giggled a little as Rainbow's soft mane brushed her face. It was a nice feeling. Reminded her of a time a long time ago. Just a feeling, not really a memory, but she liked it, being near somepony she didn't have to worry about being hurt by... other than maybe a too-strong hug. She could feel muscled corded under that smooth expanse of skin, betraying her cute but slightly manly outer appearance.

“Hold on, back it up.” Applejack started, only to be cut off by Twilight.

“Explanation please?” she asked, though she looked a bit frayed and very confused.

Rainbow laughed again and said, “During that whole thing with Discord this morning, I had been flying around and when I saw a rainbow that was all kinds of twisted and weird-looking. I yelled at it to go home because it was drunk! Somehow, Estrella musta overheard! I wanted somepony to see it. It was hilarious and awesome!” Rainbow laughed again while everyone else seemed to relax a little more, but Rainbow wasn't done quite yet. “I gotta ask though. How'd you see that? It was in the middle of that mess!”

Estrella hesitated a moment, but she had guessed that would come up. As cover, she said, “It was a rainbow. They aren't exactly short. I could see it through an alleyway when I was on my way to town square this morning.”

“You went there? No way! Celestia was there this morning! Did you run into her?”

Estrella laughed again and said, “I think it's time to catch you up.”

“Oh boy, this is gonna be good!” Rainbow said as she laid down, grinning face in her hooves, ready to hear what all she had missed that day.

Soon, Rarity started the tale with help from Estrella, and before long Twilight jumped in as well. Soon, Applejack's voice and commentary was added to the mix. Fluttershy's was technically there too, but she didn't really say much. By then, Estrella had pretty much dropped out as well, letting the other ponies take over the tale. Eventually, they got Pinkie Pie to join in as well, and though they had been laughing throughout at different experiences, they laughed the hardest then, not including the scene that had just unfolded. Estrella was glad they all could laugh like this, but she also noticed that a lot was left out. Granted, part of it was her fault, like not mentioning anything to do with her trip down the soapy sidewalk, but others weren't. Like Rarity and Twilight didn't say anything about what they had overheard with Applejack and Fluttershy, nopony mentioned the dresses, although Luna's birthday was brought up, and other things were left out but the rest was mostly little details.

Eventually, they all caught up to present time, and Rainbow looked a little stunned, but she hid it behind a grin. “Woah, talk about quite the first day, and now you get to meet me! Let me get a good look atcha, kid.”

Estrella laughed and stood so Rainbow could look at her. “Actually, the name's Little Star, not 'kid'. I prefer Estrella though.”

“Yeah yeah, I just call everypony that.” Rainbow said as she took flight and flew around Estrella, giving her a scrutinizing once-over. She ran her hooves through Estrella's mane, letting it fall through and the gold streaks play in the light. “I like your mane. It's cool, though it could be about ten percent cooler.”

To that, Rainbow got an angry little chitter from Terice, who slunk over and jumped onto Estrella's shoulders before curling into her hair as if saying it was perfect for him. Rainbow simply rolled her eyes and kept looking over Estrella. After a moment, Rainbow paused as she saw Estrella's flank. She poked Estrella's cutie mark before saying, “Hey, what's with your cutie mark? It's weird.”

Estrella looked at her flank as if suddenly realizing she even had one. “Oh. Um, actually... I don't know.”

“Whaaat?” She got another collective gasp from a group, but this time it was from everyone.

Estrella gave a sheepish look and dipped her head a little before explaining. “I'm sorry, I should say I don't remember rather. That would be more accurate.” She paused a moment and sighed softly before taking a deep breath and staring into her explanation. “As far as what I've been told, I had been chasing after and trying to find a foal that had wandered away from town when I slipped down a hill and hit my head on a rock. I was out for about four days and the past two months were a complete blank to me after I woke up. They said my mark had appeared sometime when I was asleep. I've wondered what it meant since then. I had some awfully strange dreams when I was out, so maybe it was something like I'm a dream follower? But it'll never get me anywhere but down another hill? Or... something like that. I honestly don't know.” Estrella said softly. She had accepted it a long time ago, but now she found herself explaining it again anyways.

“May I?” Twilight asked as she walked up to Estrella, who simply turned so Twilight could get a better look. She couldn't help the small twinge of excitement at getting to take a close look at the mark she noticed earlier but was too afraid to ask about since it could have been a sensitive nerve she might have plucked at. She narrowed her eyes as she scanned the cutie mark of what appeared to be a falling yellow pony, but what was disturbing was the hoof over what looked like a faceless head and body shape that resembled somepony she felt she knew, but couldn't quite place. The long mane and tail should have been indicators, but the white color wasn't right and threw off the thought Twilight was grasping at. It was definitely a falling pony, the speedlines made it so, but as to a meaning, she was coming up with a pure blank. Eventually, she sighed and stepped back, shaking her head. “I'm sorry Estrella, but I have no idea.”

“Maybe the Princesses would know!” Pinkie Pie said all too eagerly. “They have seen a lot of them so maybe they'll know! Or at least have an idea!”

“I think Pinkie's actually right on this one.” Rainbow said, though she looked a bit confused. “Huh. Not something I thought I'd say today.”

“Oh come now Dash, it happens sometimes!” Rarity said with a toss of her elegant head.

“Problem is understand'n her.” Applejack said.

“What's that suppose to mean!? Pinkie asked suddenly, looking ticked but at the same time, looking ready to laugh.

“Pinkie, you talk so fast sometimes we can't understand a word of what you say.” Twilight eluded.

Pinkie looked thoughtful for a moment, then giggled, all sour mood replaced by her grin. “Oh yeah, that makes sense!”

Everyone seemed to give a collective sigh of relief, then Rarity spoke up again, this time standing tall and grinning excitedly. “Well then, now that Estrella's been properly introduced, can we please go back and take a look at her soon-to-be-fabulous house? Pretty please?” she flashed those pretty eyelashes hopefully at everyone before they all started laughing.

“All right, all right, we hear you Rarity. It's technically up to Estrella though. She should decide if we're all invited to her house.” Twilight said with a thoughtful wave of her hoof.

Everyone turned to Estrella then, who smiled reassuringly and said, “To my house we go then!”

“Yee-haw! Let's go and break it in!” Applejack said with a rear before she started trotting that way.

“Oh how fabulous!” Rarity exclaimed as she started trotting that was as well. “And we simply must stop by my shop on the way to pick up some color swatches so I can compare to the tree's color! Gotta make sure I blend in with the natural color, or else it will just look tacky! And honestly, who would want that?”

The others laughed and soon, they were all heading back towards that side of town, all of them striking up their own little conversations within the group. They were quite the parade, but it was one Estrella was glad to be in. She couldn't remember having ever laughed this much in a single day. While it had been scary, meeting so many new ponies and already experiencing so many new things, it had also been wonderful. She was growing as a pony and learning so many things, all while actually feeling safe.

This was only the beginning though, and everypony knew it. There was so much still to discover! Good and bad experiences were both in her future, but she felt that with this group and, since she chose to think of it this way, her past was like a sort of training for her future. And now, she was ready to take on this new world and find her own place in it like everypony else had. She would make this work, with their help and support, she decided on no uncertain terms.

“I can do this.” She whispered to herself.

“Did you say something? Pinkie Pie asked.

“Oh, nothing important.” Estrella said with a smile. “Now, as you were saying?”

“Oh yeah! The Grand Galloping Gala, the bestest party of all, where...” Pinkie continued to tell her tale and Estrella hung onto to every word, treasuring this new memory in the making. It may not be the strongest of memories, but it was one of the many from this year she was going to try with all her might to keep for as long as she possibly could.