• Published 30th Dec 2015
  • 828 Views, 49 Comments

A Terrible, Wonderful, Living Dream - pikammd

A new young filly comes to Ponyville on extension by Celestia herself. She has nothing to her name, a strange attitude, and seemingly a knack for turning heads. Much happens around her, and life is certainly never dull. An unexpected story unfolds!

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Homecoming, Part II

Author's Note:

Hey all who reads this. I know it's been ages since I posted something new. Admittedly I'm in a rough place right now and life is throwing me one punch after another. However, I popped on today on a whim (can't sleep again, night 4 of this) and figured what the hay. I have a chapter lined up already and it's easy to post.
I didn't do a spell check/grammar run on this chapter. If you can catch a mistake, please tell me so I can fix it. I really appreciate those who do as such. I'd love a review if you happen to get time!
This is one of my favorite chapters, so I hope you like it, and it lines up some very important things to come. It's also the longest if my word count is correct. Might just break 30k total here...
Hope I didn't just scare you off, but granted, you're on the fifth chapter. Word count shouldn't scare you by now. :trollestia:
So, before I ramble on more, off you go! Enjoy~
Edit: Thank you Eclipse Monsoon for helping with editing this chapter! A few less errors are now prevalent. :raritywink:

The sun was beginning to fall in the sky, signaling that evening was approaching, when the rag-tag group of ponies walked down the street to where Estrella's new house was perched. All around them, strips of fabric floated around as Rarity tested out options she thought might work, even without seeing the inside of Estrella's house yet. By this point, nobody was listening to her mutterings and when she asked for an opinion on something, mainly to Estrella, she always seemed to answer herself and go back to testing things. Pinkie was playing with the strips floating around while poor Applejack ended up carrying the larger rolls on her back, and Rainbow was having the worst of times trying to fly through the floating mess. Twilight, Fluttershy, Sinsi, and Estrella managed to avoid most of it, other than the occasional strip of fabric flying in front of them. Terice had buried himself in Estrella's mane again, keeping himself safe from the brightly colored projectiles. Other than Rarity, the group was quiet, having fallen into a relaxed, though still excited silence similar to when storm clouds were overhead with the promise of one heck of a storm, but nothing had happened yet.

This was them as they all stopped in front of Estrella's new house. Even Rarity fell quiet as they all looked at the tree and all the little splendors adoring it. The tree itself appeared to be some sort of maple or other wide-leafed tree but the trunk was absolutely massive, making the space that Estrella would be living in. The leaves were bright green in the waning light and the light-colored bark helped outline the bright yellow curtains in the kitchen and living room, in which they could see a white couch but little else from where they stood. Just outside of the few windows of the house sat little flowerbeds. They seemed empty, but they were still there for Estrella to plant the flowers of her choice. Up on the second floor, there was a balcony hidden in the leaves that would be perfect for stargazing. This was the best view they had from the outside, and the same as they had earlier before meeting Pinkie and Rainbow, but now it seemed much closer and unreal.

Estrella was pulled from her thoughts when Twilight nudged her shoulder and said, “You know it's okay to go inside, right?”

Estrella blushed a little from embarrassment and stuttered a bit before spitting out, “S-sorry, I just still can't believe it.”

“Just wait until you step inside.” Twilight said, a moment before her horn lit up and the front door opened into the front hallway. The group made their way inside as one, making the semi-spacious hallway actually seem quite crowded. Twilight also lifted the bags of food they had left earlier for Terice and Sinsi in her magic. Right away, there were white, plain-trim doors on either side and Twilight opened those too. The one on the right of the group led into the kitchen and the left went to the living room. Rainbow and Pinkie wandered into the living room, to which Pinkie immediately began bouncing on the new white couch, while Rarity pulled a none-to-thrilled Applejack into the kitchen by way of the later carrying the former's rolls of fabrics.

Twilight and Fluttershy followed Estrella to the back of the hallway, which opened up into a spacious, semi-circle room with a wall divider that didn't quite split the rooms entirely. The side on the right was a dining area with two very large windows to let large amounts of sun in, again with the bright yellow curtains pulled back by a drawstring and a very large sill pot for flowers. There was another door there, which Twilight opened with her magic, that lead to a white wooden porch and a small backyard. The instant the cool evening breeze wafted in, Terice had perked his little head up. A moment later, he shot off for the back yard, Sinsi yipping at him as she chased after. Estrella started to go after them, but Fluttershy gave her a look that assured her the two of them would be just fine.

Opposite the door to the outside was a doorless opening to the kitchen set off by a large table space between the two, through which the trio could hear Rarity talking about poor counter top choices. The other side of the room, or more accurately, the third of the room divided by the partial wall, held what looked like a spare bedroom/bathroom and laundry area. In the corner before the wall was a very ornate spiral staircase that seemed to vanish up on the second floor.

Estrella couldn't help looking wide-eyed at the wooden dining set with what looked like planks that could extend the rounded table and chairs stacked to the side, enough for quite the get-together, and the spiral staircase that led up to the second floor. It looked almost from another time, and she couldn't help feeling like the open space looked a bit like a miniature empty ballroom. The floor there and in the kitchen was given marble tile, whereas the rest had been given a soft, reddish-tan carpet that they had gotten a chance to feel on the way in, but Estrella hadn't really noticed until she looked back into the hallway between Fluttershy and Twilight. Both of which were smiling until Twilight gave an impressed spin to look all about the room and said, “I think I like this place. There's plenty of room for storing books once some shelves can be built, or, uh, other hobbies.” She added the last part sheepishly, as if just realizing Estrella might not be a book kind of pony. “It looks a lot bigger than it does from the outside.”

Fluttershy giggled softly before she practically whispered, “You said the very same thing about my house, Twilight.”

“I did?” Twilight gave a confused look, as she tried but couldn't quite remember that instance.

Fluttershy nodded and replied with, “Well, actually it was about my back yard, but it still is a familiar statement.”

To that, Twilight laughed a little herself. “I suppose so. New place, old memories. That's odd, but enticing at the same time.”

Estrella couldn't help laughing a little before she said, “Feel free to explore. I think I'm going to wander and see the rest of the house.”

“Good idea.” Twilight said as she strode past Estrella, looking around as if calculating something very important. Fluttershy followed her like a puppy, not quite ready to explore on her own yet. Then, Estrella wandered towards the windows by the dining area. The light of the sun, now about a quarter of the way down the far horizon, was spilling in and making the darkly stained wooden table shimmer with its own luminescent quality. Estrella smiled as she put her front hooves on the sill and leaned her head on it, relaxing in the warm sunlight as she looked out to the street beside the window and watched ponies wander to their own homes.

Her moment of peace was broken by Rarity's voice filtering up in absolute disgust from the kitchen. “No, no, NO! Disgusting! Hideous! These curtains simply MUST be replaced!”

Estrella sighed and pushed off from the windowsill, immediately going into a trot through the empty doorway connecting the dining room from the kitchen. She went partway inside and stood by the kitchen island, which was nearly as tall as her. She could just barely see over the silvery top, but there were wicker chairs underneath the overhang that would make it the perfect height once pulled out and put into use. Around the edges of the kitchen, in a horseshoe shape, were mahogany cabinets, silvery counter tops, and various appliances she could use. In the corner, there was even a set of kitchen knives and a cutting board tucked back out of the way in the cutting block so only the handles showed, all underneath the trim with soft yellows and blues with intricate designs resembling symbol of the princesses. Their crest.

Amidst all this that Estrella found stunning, swatches of fabric were flying around again in a furious spin. Most ponies would be ducking for cover at the mere sight of the awkward rainbow of strange patterns and designs in all different shapes and flying in a million directions, but it just made Estrella smile. It was unattached, free, almost unreal, and a little wild, but that was to be expected with the porcelain white unicorn going full flurry. As the swatches swirled around her, she would pick a few out and glare at them, then back at the yellow curtains, then send the samples back to select a new section. How she kept track of them all, nopony would ever know.

Estrella simply watched for a few seconds, listening to Rarity blather on before realizing Applejack was nowhere to be seen. Estrella tilted her head a little, having sworn Rarity had dragged their friend in here with her. She looked around and, through the storm, saw the hair-tied end of Applejack's tail peeking out from under the kitchen island. Estrella stooped down on her knees and looked under, finding a very flustered and slightly scared looking Applejack hiding underneath one of the chairs. The two of them met eyes, hers relaxed but with some sort of spinning turmoil beneath while the farming pony's just showed a flight or fight instinct reacting to the situation. Eyes still locked, Applejack slowly shook her head, as if seeing what Estrella was about to do. Shakily, she whispered, “Don't do it. There's no stopping her when she's like this. Save yer own hide!”

Estrella just watched Applejack for a moment, then smiled and even giggled. Without saying anything, she looked out at the pieces flying around again before catching a glimpse of something that reminded her of the trim that adorned the wall-to-ceiling corners. Though it was only a glimpse, it gave her all she needed. Despite Applejack's warning and failed attempt to grab Estrella's hoof as she was walking forward only to miss and retreat to her hiding place, Estrella walked until she was just behind Rarity. The unicorn was too focused to notice her friend, but it sure cut through her psyche when Estrella said, “I like it.”

Everything stopped for a second and Rarity visibly flinched. She was still leaning against the counter top, but now with one raised hoof as she slowly turned her head to look at Estrella as if she were the most repulsive thing in existence. Her eye twitched on the verge of insanity as she eeked out, “What. Did you. Say?” Her voice broke and hit a much higher pitch on the last word, incredulity entering her voice.

“I like it.” Estrella repeated as she came up and leaned her front hooves against the counter beside Rarity like she had in the dinning room, staring at the curtains and the space just outside the window that went towards the empty flowerbed. “It's bright. I feel like... like they have a reason to be bright. This is an all new start for me, so why not let the curtains be as bright as I hope to be?”

This seemed to take Rarity aback. The manic twitch to her eye disappeared and her tense stance relaxed, along with the swirling mass of fabric. “Oh. Well, I suppose you have a point there... but it still does not match a single thing in this house!”

“Yes it does.” Estrella said with a smile that could only be described as worldly, though they were talking about something so... airy. Matching curtains wasn't exactly something needed for inner peace. “Personally, I think gold and silver go well together, and with a little blue, you can bring out the trim and make a connection to the darker colors of the mahogany cupboards, while still having the yellow blend with the tree's lighter colored bark and the wicker chairs. And if I plant tulips in the windowsill...”

“Then... you can bring it all together into one.” Rarity said slowly, both finishing Estrella's sentence and piecing it all together herself. Then, her horn glowed a little brighter as she swirled all her samples together and back into the tight square she had for them to travel in while looking through them all for the piece Estrella had seen earlier. Without even saying it, she knew what her friend was looking for. Soon, Rarity smiled as she found a rectangular piece of bright yellow cloth with singular blue tulips printed facing all directions, almost as if they were falling, or growing up in different directions. She set the samples down on the table above where a wide-eyed Applejack was beginning to come out of hiding and brought the sample up to the window. The yellow was even brighter than the yellow of the current curtains and the blue did indeed ease the darker colors into the mix very kindly. Then, she glanced around, comparing it, and a slow smile spread over her face. “Yes... Yes, this is very nice! This actually brings the entire room together quite perfectly! With some minor adjustments, we can make this fit the entire house! Oh Estrella, how could you see that when I couldn't?”

Estrella shrugged, still with that smile, though it was a bit more distant. “I always have loved tulips... and when I spotted a blur of yellow and blue, it just all fell into place.”

Rarity was silent for a moment and just watched Estrella's distant look before she smiled again and looked once more at the pattern. “Well then, that makes two brilliant ideas from you in one day! I might have to steal you away to my boutique one of these days and see what we can come up with.”

Estrella couldn't help a much more childish grin as she was pulled from her thoughts. “Really? That sounds great! I may not know what I'm doing, but it sounds like it could be fun!”

Rarity laughed, all momentary insanity gone now. “Oh darling, I can teach you so much! You seem to have a knack for this. I think a day with the two of us would be a fantabulous idea!”

The two of them laughed as if they were old friends, all the while not noticing a very stunned Applejack as she came to stand behind them. Her gaze flickered between the two of them, then to the pile of fabrics, then back. “H-how-” she started, then stopped as Estrella and Rarity turned to her.

Estrella came down back onto all fours and took a small step to Applejack, either oblivious to or ignoring her shocked expression. “Hm? Something you want to say Applejack?”

“I, er...” She stuttered for a moment, then swallowed hard as Rarity laid the fabric on top of her pile and came down onto all fours as well and tried again. “It's almost impossible to get Rarity to calm down when she's in a state like that. The last time that happened, she just about ruined her relationship with her little sister, Sweetie belle. How'd you manage to get through to her so easily? You weren't even freaked out by all the stuff fly'n every which way!”

Estrella and Rarity exchanged a glance, then they both just shrugged to their friend. “I honestly can't tell you.” Estrella replied finally with an incredulous laugh. “I just figured I could talk to her like anytime before. I didn't think the little episode was anything special or out of the norm for her.”

Rarity's expression turned a little sour for a moment, then she sighed and waved it off. “I can sometimes get a little... excessive, but really, I should come around soon. It's nothing to be afraid of, Applejack.”

“Really? 'Nothing tuh be afraid of'?” Applejack questioned with a disbelieving look.

Rarity snorted then and raised her nose into the air as she said, “Oh come now, Applejack, it's not unlike when you get protective of your farm. Remember the bats?”

“Oh, er...” Applejack blushed softly, remembering the mistake she had made because she flew into a rage and wouldn't listen to Fluttershy. “Well, I guess you got a point there. Sorry Rare.”

Rarity flashed an open smile as if nothing had happened. “Don't worry about it, at least we were together on it, even though we were wrong.”

The two of them laughed then, leaving Estrella to wonder what they were talking about, but before she could ask, Rarity was speaking again. “Looks like we're basically done here then. Why don't we go to the living room and make sure these curtains still match in there? Speaking of which, it'll take me a little bit to get the right material for your curtains. It's a tricky fabric, and I already have so many dresses to work on, but I will be sure to get your drapes done as soon as possible.”

“Don't worry about having them right away, Rarity.” Estrella said as her smile returned, though a bit more shyly. “I hope I'm not being a bother with all this. The escort, then the dress, and now the curtains-”

“Oh darling, don't worry about it! This is what I live for!” Rarity assured as she struck a pose, one hoof lifted, head tilted back, and entire body leaning forward dramatically. It all looked... off balance, but Estrella just smiled at Rarity's enthusiasm. “Now then, let's go see the house's main attraction! Besides you, of course, Estrella.” Rarity giggled and took up her cube of samples in her magic again, then started to head across the hall to the living room. With smiles on their faces, Estrella and Applejack followed.

Estrella shivered a little at the feel of the soft carpet beneath her hooves as they transferred from the kitchen to the hallway. She found she liked the slight reddish hue though. It made the wood look good. The trio passed into the living room, where they found everypony else laughing and talking while they sat on or around the white couch adorning the middle of the room facing the window. They all stopped for a moment and looked up to greet Rarity and the others, oblivious to what had occurred in the kitchen a few moments ago. “Hey girls!” Twilight said as they came over and joined the group, sitting in a semi-circle in front of the couch. Twilight on the far right side and Fluttershy on the side closest to the door were occupying the majority of the couch while Rainbow fluttered in lazy circles overhead and Pinkie sat on the floor by the couch near Fluttershy, looking annoyed. “We were just telling Rainbow and Pinkie what the back of the house is like. The guest room is very nice. You should check it out, Estrella.”

“I'm sure I will soon enough.” Estrella replied with a smile.

“We also left Sinsi and Terice's bags in the laundry room for you. And nobody's been upstairs yet. We figured since that's your room, we wanted your permission before going up there.” Twilight added.

“Oh.” Estrella said, surprised. She hadn't expected them to think of her room as her own. “I mean, thanks. I think.”

“You think?” Rainbow called from where she was casually backstroking in the air.

“My room back in Espoñy wasn't really a room. It was a bed in the corner of the main room. So I never exactly had privacy in the house.”

“That's lame!” Rainbow said, this time flying so that her face was right up in front of Estrella's, which was angled back to keep enough distance that Rainbow didn't look like a cyclops.

“It was a small house.” Estrella elaborated. “There wasn't a lot of room and only one bedroom, so that's where I ended up. I couldn't really complain. I mean, at least I got a bed. Some ponies don't even get that much.”

Rainbow backed off a bit, seeming to think a bit as if Estrella's explanation sounded fake. Twilight, however, pipped up and helped out. “She's right Rainbow. There are less fortunate ponies out there.”

“Yeah well... Okay.” Rainbow replied with a huff. “It still sucks she didn't have any personal space. Even I have that.”

“I don't!” Pinkie squealed as she jumped up and hugged a very startled-looking Fluttershy.

“We know Pinkie. And we also know you shouldn't be on the couch.” Twilight said.

Pinkie snorted. “Aww come on! The springs are fresh and it's perfect for bouncing!”

“We should keep it in new condition for Estrella, Pinkie.” Twilight returned.

Eventually, Pinkie slid down to the floor, looking even more irritated. Twilight then moved over a little and patted the center of the couch while she looked at Estrella, indicating an invitation for her to join them. Estrella hesitated a moment, then smiled and came up to join Fluttershy and Twilight on the couch, which was still firm and held its shape but was also soft and very comfortable.

“Speaking of new,” Rarity began with a smile reminiscent of a trickster, “A white couch may look beautiful in the beginning, but as we in the fashion world say, 'Anything bathed in white and meant to be sat on just begs for a poorly wiped bum to ruin its complexion'. I'm thinking a light blue would go well with- Estrella? Is something wrong dear?”

Rarity and everypony else paused to look at Estrella, whose face had gone red. “I-it's nothing.” she said softly, then was thankfully saved when Fluttershy spoke.

“Um, Rarity? I know it's just a saying, but it's awfully... suggestive.”

A moment later, Rarity's brilliant white coat tinged pink as well. “Oh, I am so sorry! I didn't mean to imply your bum is unclean, or you don't wipe properly, or something else of that ilk, Estrella! It's just a saying, there's no meaning behind it. Honest!”

Estrella gave a soft, shaky laugh as she tried to control her reddened face. “It's fine, really Rarity. I just didn't expect something so... crude from you.”

Rarity cleared her throat awkwardly. “Yes, well, you tend to pick up a thing or two when you visit less savory places. Anyway, to end this embarrassment, how does light blue sound? It would be lighter blue than your coat, like a sky blue, and it would match beautifully. Still wouldn't be the easiest to clean, but better than white.”

Estrella smiled and nodded, not sure what to say after that embarrassing moment.

“Great! Then I can fix that right here. You... might want to get off for a second.” Rarity said as she stood and her horn started glowing.

“Got that covered.” Twilight replied with a wave of her hoof and a sly grin. Her horn lit up and the three of them lifted from the couch. Wrapped in Twilight's magic, Estrella felt a sense of zero gravity that was strangely familiar, but at the same time very foreign to her. She waved her legs awkwardly, the feeling of being airborne without falling being a very strange sensation. She started to spin a bit, but Fluttershy lent her a hoof and got her back upright.

“Don't worry, Twilight's very good with magic. She won't drop us.” Fluttershy said reassuringly, to which Estrella gave a slightly tense smile.

“Alright, hang on to your horseshoes!” Rarity said as her horn glowed brighter. A small orb of purple magic began to form at the tip of her horn as she lowered her head to the couch. Then, a moment later, a beam of magic shot out and enveloped the couch in her magic. A flash and a pop later, the couch beneath Twilight, Estrella, and Fluttershy was now sky blue and Twilight lowered them back onto the soft material.

Estrella couldn't help laughing and grinning like an idiot who had never seen magic before. “That was amazing! I wish I could do any of that.”

“Yes, being a unicorn definitely has its perks.” Rarity said as she sat once more and bobbed her curl with her hoof as if showing it off.

“So does being an Earth pony.” Applejack said proudly. “We can do much more with a field than you can.”

“And don't forget us fast-flying, weather-keeping pegasi!” Rainbow called from above.

“And there's so so so so so many of us that we outnumber you both!” Pinkie said excitedly.

“But you know what beats all?” Twilight pitched in, gaining everyone's attention. “Being an Alicorn princess! They have a unicorn's magic, a pegasi's wings, an earth pony's strength, and all multiplied many times! I've never been able to calculate just how much their strength is amplified because we never see them at full strength and there's so few it's hard to get a reading, but still! Just thinking about it makes me excited!”
“Yeah, they got all the fancy stuff,” Rainbow threw in, “But they also have to deal with all those boring meetings and rules and stuff! Who would want that?”

“But all that paperwork!” Twilight said as her bottom lip gained a slight pout.

“Twi, yer the only pony that loves paperwork so much you'd become a princess just to have more of it.” Applejack said flatly, thought it made everypony laugh, even Twilight because it was true, it was a huge perk to Celestia's job, in her mind.

“Speaking of Celestia, what do you think she did with Discord?” Pinkie chirruped.

All at once, the group went quiet. Estrella ended up looking from one face to another, not quite making the connection. “What do you mean?” she asked.

“She said she would talk to him, but after this morning, I haven't seen him.” Twilight said with a shake of her head. “Fluttershy? Have you seen him at all?”

Fluttershy shook her head as well. “I'm sorry Twilight, but I haven't talked to or seen him either.”

Twilight then looked to the others, each one shaking their heads without Twilight even having to ask. She sighed then and started to say something, but then Estrella jumped in and accidentally cut her off. “Who's Discord?”

For a moment, everyone just looked at her, not quite comprehending what she had said. Then, Rarity spoke up. “You don't know him?”

Now, it was Estrella's turn to shake her head. “I've heard you all mention him a few times, but the name and a connection to whatever was scaring ponies today is all I've pieced together.”

“That's partially my fault.” Rarity admitted softly. “I probably should have explained to you earlier what was going on, after I met up with you again in town.”

“Well, at least we can explain now.” Twilight began as she turned to Estrella, starting off. “To start, Discord is a... tentative friend of ours.”

“Tentative meaning he hasn't had a real friend in so long, or maybe even never, and we're suppose ta show him what it's like to have a friend.” Applejack added.

“Right.” Twilight started again. “Princess Celestia asked us to do this. We're the best candidates since we were the ones who released him from stone.”

Estrella tilted her head, that last statement feeling out of place. She could understand being basically friendless, but something about being trapped in stone?

Twilight seemed to notice Estrella's momentary confusion. She ran a hoof under her chin as she tried to think what to do to explain better. “Hm... Well that's not working too well. Let's try story format perhaps? Chronological order instead of order of importance.”

“You sure you want to tell her everything Twilight?” Rarity asked. “He isn't the most savory of creature and has a rep sheet to match.”

“Why not tell her?” Rainbow interjected. “She's bound to meet him at some point or another so why not? Maybe she won't freak like everyone else does. I mean, she bounces with Pinkie and makes... decoration plans with Rarity. She's not exactly what I'd call a normal pony.”

“Are any of us?” Twilight asked, making everypony laugh. Twilight then cleared her throat again and said, “Let's try this again. Discord is a Draconequus, meaning he has many different parts to him, like a goat leg and dragon leg, a bat wing and bird wing, and many other things that you wouldn't think could be possible but he makes it work. He's the spirit of chaos and disharmony-”

“Calls himself the King of Chaos.” Rainbow added again.

“And since the six of us can control the elements of harmony – I'll get into that another day – we supposedly balance him out.”

“That balance point is harder to find then balancing one needle point on another!” Pinkie said brightly, to which most of them just paused and let fade away.

“She has a point... literally.” Twilight muttered before she continued. “Basically, a long time ago, he was wreaking havoc on the lands so the Princesses trapped him in stone. Long story short, we let him out and are now teaching him the magic of friendship. It's slow going, but I think we're starting to break through to him.”

“He likes Fluttershy the best.” Rarity said, making Fluttershy seem to shrink in upon herself and blush softly. “He lives with her and it seems to me he might have a little crush on her.”

Fluttershy's blush grew then and she whispered, “H-he's just closest to me. Celestia herself said so.”

“Darling, I see more there.” Rarity said as she crossed her hooves and laid down on the soft carpet. “But, I won't get into this right now. We're here to celebrate Estrella's homecoming!”

“YIPPEE!” Pinkie practically screamed as she jumped up. “I have so many plans for your party!”

“Pinkie.” Rarity said with a note of a threat to it.

Pinkie rolled her eyes and sat back down from where she had jumped up. “I didn't mean right away Rarity! You asked me to wait a bit so I will!”

“Thank you.” Rarity said as everyone else started to laugh a little at the two. Rarity looked at them all like they were crazy, then started laughing as well, and then of course Pinkie joined in as well. Soon, the little group was all talking again, laughing about past experiences and things they could see happening in Estrella's new house. Some funny, some serious, and some just off-the-wall (mostly ideas by Pinkie) but they were all fun.

Eventually though, the sun set and Estrella was the first to yawn. Twilight was the first to notice and gave Estrella a tired smile. “Hey girls,” she said, cutting through the conversation about what melon made the best splat when it was smashed against something, and what that something would be. “It's gotten pretty late. I think it's about time we all head home.”

There was some grumbling, but it was clear the others were getting tired too. At some point, Terice and Sinsi had returned and while Sinsi looked wide awake, Terice had long since curled up around one of the legs of the table beside the couch and was snoring softly.

Twilight got up from the couch and ended up yawning herself as she and her friends all started to get up. “It's been a long day. I think we all could use some sleep. And Estrella hasn't even seen her room yet.”

Rarity was the next to yawn. She covered it with her hoof, trying to be polite, until it passed. “Quite right, Twilight. We all could use a little shut-eye. We do all have our various work tomorrow to be ready for.”

“Like opening Sugarcube Corner!” Pinkie said brightly, but even she was looking a bit tired by this point.

“I have my chores.” Applejack said as she stood with the others.

“I have animals to take care of.” Fluttershy said as she stepped off the couch.

“I... don't really have anything to do, but I like my sleep.” Rainbow said as she flew towards the door, passing everyone.

“I have dresses to work on.” Rarity said.

“I have to open the library and work on rearranging everything, send Princess Celestia a letter, and quite a bit more.” Twilight said with a smile.

“Wow Twilight, you have quite the list.” Estrella muttered as she got off the couch as well so she could see her friends off for the night.

“That's just the usual stuff. It gets a lot crazier and more often than not, the unusual day sometimes makes it even worse.”

“Wow. How do you do it?” Estrella asked.

“My friends.” Twilight smiled in return as they started moving en masse towards the hallway and front door.

Estrella just shook her head. “Well, I'm not sure what tomorrow holds, but I'm sure it'll be interesting.”

“You're free to visit any one of us.” Rarity said brightly. “I'm sure none of us would mind a small distraction during our day.”

Everyone nodded in agreement, which made Estrella smile. “Thank you all. I hope you have a wonderful night.”

“You too Sugarcube.” Applejack said before she yawned as well. By now, the group was beginning to filter out the front door. There were a few more tired mumbles of farewells before, one by one, they all broke off and started home.

Fluttershy was the last to leave as, at some point, Sinsi had followed them out and Fluttershy was petting and talking quietly to her. She seemed to notice she was the last one when Sinsi looked up at Estrella from where she had been enjoying being pet. “Oh, sorry, I'm lingering.”

Estrella couldn't help a tired laugh. “It's fine, Fluttershy. I like having you around. You're very calming, especially on fried nerves.”

“I've been told something like that before.” Fluttershy said with a smile. A true one reserved for friends when she wasn't quite as shy as she usually was.

“I can imagine. There were times in there that just having you beside me helped me relax. So many ponies so close and, well, loud, was a bit... um...”

“Unnerving?” Fluttershy offered, to which Estrella smiled.

“Yes, exactly. Thank you.”

“It was nothing.” Fluttershy said with the slightest hint of a blush. “I seem to have that affect on creatures.”

“Well, it was very much appreciated. It's going to be awhile before I get used to crowds.” Estrella said before she yawned again, unable to help it.

It was Fluttershy's turn to giggle softly as she came to stand beside her friend. “You'll have plenty of time for that. Right now, it looks like you're about to fall over. Rest is important for everyone.”

“Alright, alright.” Estrella relented easily. “I'll hit the hay as soon as I clean up.”

“Make sure you close that back door. I took a look at your back yard and while the fence is pretty, it's not made for Sinsi and Terice. I wouldn't want them wandering out during the night. Not until they're more used to the house and know how to get back if they do go somewhere.”

“Got it.”

“And be sure to give them both half a cup of food every morning and evening.”

“Alright, I will.”

“Usually I wouldn't have them eat together, whole predator prey thing, but those two are just fine. Try not to let them share food or swap bowls if you can, but I haven't seen them do it in a long time.”

“I'll keep an eye on them.” Estrella said as she glanced at Sinsi, who was sitting still as a statue with an expression similar to a guard's. Stony and dutiful but not uncaring.

Fluttershy followed her friend's gaze and smiled. She flapped her wings once, pushing her up to whisper in Estrella's ear, “She likes to be scratched on the base of her neck. And if she rolls on her back, just scratch her head.”

Estrella tilted her head a little, then smiled at the new, helpful information. “Thanks Fluttershy. For everything.”

“It's nothing.” she said as she returned her hooves to the ground. “I think that's everything. I'll see you soon, right?”

“Of course. Sleep well!”

Fluttershy and Estrella waved to each other before Fluttershy started walking down the sidewalk on her way back home. Estrella sighed softly once she was out of sight and looked up into the night sky. It was a little cloudy tonight, wisps of clouds dotting the skies here and there, but as they blew across the sky, stars would peek out intermittently. They seemed to twinkle softly and dance around the bright, silvery half moon that shown in the lower side of the brilliant sky, as if they had everything in the universe to be happy about. This was Estrella's favorite time of the day. There was still a little light left behind from the set sun, making part of the sky a rosy array of pinks and yellows that faded into blue and slowly revealed each star until, one by one, a million stars dotted the sky.

Though it felt like Estrella could stay out there all night, just watching the stars twinkle in the sky, she was brought back to reality when Sinsi nosed her leg. Estrella looked down to the little fox and smiled in realization. “You're hungry, aren't you? Come on, let's go find a cup and some plates we can use as dishes for you and Terice.”

Sinsi seemed to smile and then padded inside, Estrella following shortly after. Sinsi went into the living room to wake up Terice while Estrella went into the kitchen. She only had to open two cabinets before she found the plates, and only three more for measuring cups. She set the plates on her back and the cup on top, balancing them as she went into the living room where she had watched Sinsi vanish to. She found the little fox gently waking up Terice, who looked like all he wanted to do was sleep. Estrella couldn't help smiling and said, “Terice, it's time for dinner. Sorry it's so late, but you should eat before bed.” To that, the little mink finally woke up and trailed lazily after Sinsi and Estrella, who went to the pantry located on the other side of the back room's wall, by the laundry room and spare bedroom.

Once inside the pantry, Estrella set the two plates down and took the cup in her mouth. It took her a few moments of struggle to get the new bags open, but once the tops split, it was easy to get half a cup of the food from inside. She got Sinsi's first, which smelled a bit meaty, and had to shoo Terice back a bit while Sinsi chattered something as if promising she'd wait for him to start eating. Watching them intermittently, Estrella then opened and got half a cup of Terice's food as well, which smelled like nuts and fish. Once it was settled on his plate, the two of them dug in. Estrella couldn't help smiling as she watched the two eat and set the cup on one of the shelves. Then, she shuffled through the shelves, looking for a clip to close the bags so Terice and Sinsi wouldn't get into them when it wasn't feeding time. The shelves were relatively bare, containing only a few small things that may be helpful like safety pins and a broom, but after a few minutes, she found a couple clips that were big enough for the bags. Estrella closed the bags and then watched her two pets for a few moments, then left them to eat while she wandered to the spare bedroom.

Inside was a twin bed, big enough to fit two ponies if need be although it would be a bit tight. A tan bedding set was spread out over the perfectly made bed, not a wrinkle in sight, while a comforter laid atop a wooden chest at the foot of the bed. Estrella wandered over and opened it, finding a second set in case the first got dirty. She smiled and closed the chest, glad there was an extra set. Though, she found the bed was bothering her. It was just too perfect. She smiled as she went over to the edge and gave a good yank, ruffling that corner and putting several lines in the now partially folded fabric. “There. Much more... natural.” she said before she turned to check out the rest of the room. When she turned around, she found two open doors, one leading to an empty closet and the other, a bathroom. Estrella was about to go check out the bathroom when a much more awake Terice came darting in and slid to a stop in front of her hooves, only to jump up and curl in her hair. Estrella laughed and nuzzled his head, feeling much more comfortable with him than she had earlier today. His playful antics were infectious.

The bathroom forgotten, Estrella went back to the pantry and put the dishes Terice and Sinsi had ate off of up on one of the shelves. That done, she went to the back door and closed it tight, then started heading towards the spiral staircase, where Sinsi waited at the bottom. When Estrella got to the staircase, she looked up to the floor above, though there was little to see. Sinsi started up the stairs, but Estrella stopped her when she said, “Hey Sinsi, and um, Terice, I'm sorry if this sounds weird but – if you can even understand me – I'd really rather spend the first few nights on my own.”

Without having to explain herself – thankfully – Sinsi flicked her large ears and came padding back down the stairs. She seemed to almost be smiling in understanding as she yipped to Terice, who jumped off Estrella's shoulder at his friend's call. Soon, the two of them were wandering back towards the living room, where they would probably curl up together on the couch or under the table.

Estrella smiled and sighed in relief as they went off and, with some trepidation at what she would find, walked up the ornate spiral staircase. It seemed out of place in the homely... home, but when she stepped onto the second landing, the intricate staircase suddenly made a lot more sense. Her room, while spacious, had an old-time feel to it. The room was much darker, and not just because it was night now. The walls still had the light colored bark, but there was only a single glass door that led out to the balcony, keeping most of the room somewhat darker than the rest of the well-lit house. There were chairs in the corner that looked like they belonged in a Victorian home and there was an iron backing to the bed, giving it a slightly medieval look. The bed itself was a queen sized, cloaked in a dark blue bed set with a wooden chest like the one in the spare room – presumably containing a second set of bedding as well – at the foot of the bed with a comforter folded on top. There was also a closet and bathroom, but upon seeing the bed, all the excitement and new memories she had accumulated throughout the day seemed to catch up with her.

Estrella yawned again and, without really caring about anything else at this particular moment, climbed into the bed and under the sheet. It was late spring so the sheet was all the more she would need tonight. Before she drifted off, she glanced at the clock under the lamp on the beside table, reading that it was nearly midnight now, and then looked out the glass door that led to the balcony. It was enclosed by leaves and a smooth, white bar with teardrop shaped beams meant as an armrest and to keep ponies from falling off, out to the stars beyond. The terrace looked like a portal into another world and, in a way, it was. Estrella was closing her first day in her new life, having already met a bunch of exciting new friends, made memories that would last her a lifetime and a half in a single day, cut most of her ties to the past she'd much rather forget and move beyond, and only one last thing would make it a perfect day.

A good, nightmare-free sleep.

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