• Published 15th Mar 2017
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Of Heaven and Earth - Garuda IV

It's been over a thousand years since Sol was hidden away and sealed in crystal. Now freed by Twilight and her friends, he must readjust to the present while also having to deal with old grudges both from and against him.

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Chapter 36- Substitute Royalty

The next morning was calming for Sol and Twilight, despite what was to come. After spending a nice breakfast together with Celestia and Luna, the two spend most of the time together reading while they waited for the afternoon to come around for Celestia and Luna's big announcement. However, there was another detail that had to be taken care of first.

Later in the day, not too long before the announcement to the public, Sol and Twilight were called to the throne room to join Celestia and Luna. Once they got there, they were surprised to see dozens of nobles having been gathered already. Making their way past the group of ponies, Sol and Twilight approached the throne where Celestia motioned for them to join her and Luna, an action that had immediately caught the attention of the nobles, and even eliciting several gasps from witnessing some unknown half-breed like Sol, stepping up to the throne. While most of the nobles had seen Sol before during some of their visits to Celestia, he always positioned near the base of the throne's dais, never up top of it.

Once Sol and Twilight were both seated near her and Luna, Celestia began to inform the nobles that she and Luna would be leaving the following day to go on a week-long vacation, and that Sol and Twilight would be taking over for them for the duration of their leave. As Celestia had expected, the throne room was filled with cries of outrage, most of which were directed at Sol. The shouting was short-lived, however, thanks to Luna's hoof loudly striking the floor and shaking the ground, effectively silencing the nobles and their complaints. At least, those who didn't approve. While short in numbers, there were a small few who didn't raise their voice in protest against Sol and Twilight. In fact, a certain pair of nobles seemed rather approving if the idea, and silently believed that Sol and Twilight were indeed the best choices. Then again, Fancy Pants and Fleur had always been supportive of them.

Holding his tongue, Sol kept quiet as the nobles left the throne room, most of which were quietly seething to themselves for Celestia and Luna's outlandish decision. With them now out of the way, next up was the announcement to the rest of the kingdom, which Sol was hoping would go over much easier than with the nobles. Getting with the others, Sol walked along with Twilight as they followed Celestia and Luna out to the front of the castle where a sizeable number of ponies had gathered, including reporters and photographers for the local newspapers.

Standing at the podium, Celestia and Luna began taking turns in explaining what was going to happen beginning tomorrow morning. At first the gathered ponies muttered to one another as to why the princesses would want to do this, but became sympathetic when Celestia began explaining that she had Luna hadn't had an actual vacation since their rule began, Luna's time on the moon not withstanding. When asked why they waited for so long, Luna took over in explaining that neither she nor Celestia felt that there was a pony trustworthy enough to take their places while they were gone. Celestia then went to add that she had consider it at one point a few years ago, and had planned on asking Cadence to watch over Equestria in her absence, but as everypony knew, it never happened.

With their reasoning over with, Celestia motioned for Twilight and Sol to approach, who she then announced as her and Luna's replacements for the next week. While Twilight was an understandable pick, seeing as how she herself is a princess and had close ties with Celestia, being her former student and all, much like the nobles, ponies began to loudly question why Sol was selected as a replacement instead of somepony more qualified. Unlike the nobles, however, the crowd of ponies was easier to calm as Celestia simply had to raise a hoof in silence before she began her explanation. Avoiding the topic of Sol's past, Celestia told them about how she had secretly taken Sol under her wing, believing that his half-blooded lineage would help bridge the gap between other races. Of course, while made up, it wasn't exactly a lie either. Her story and reasoning was only enforced when Luna confirmed Celestia's story, along with adding a few pieces of information herself. Thanks to their story, ponies began to believe them. It also helped too that Sol had been seen in attendance during day court with Celestia, which helped Celestia and Luna's story as well.

As questions came and gone, one pony eventually asked why Sol was living in Ponyville with Twilight, instead of here in Canterlot. Having figured that somepony might ask that very question, Twilight spoke up, saying that Celestia sent him to live with her as a part of his studies, which too wasn't exactly a lie either.

After a while when most of the questions were asked, things started to turn to Sol himself and his draconic form. Apparently, news of Sol's transformation and regrowth of the Golden Oaks Library had reached Canterlot that same night, and had hit the papers the following morning. That, and the magic and light could be felt and seen all the way from Canterlot, so it wasn't exactly hard for ponies to miss it. Doing his best without revealing too much of his past, Sol explained to the public about his draconic heritage, and how it allowed for him to transform into a full dragon for a period of time. Of course, while he did admit to being half-dragon, he left out the part of what species of dragon he was, knowing that none of these ponies knew about the Scaleless Dragons or what they represented. He also covered some of the more common questions when he was asked, such as his diet, whether he can do magic or not, and if he could fly or not.

Before they knew it, over an hour of questions had passed, and Celestia decided to end the announcement/interview, believing that the ponies had more than enough information on Sol and what was happening, and because she was starting to get hungry. With a goodbye to the crowd of ponies, Celestia led Luna, Twilight, and Sol back into the castle and to their dining hall where they all sat at the table, each letting out a sigh of relief as they sat down.

"Glad that's over with," Twilight commented. "While I don't really mind it, having to stand there and answer ponies' questions like that starts to get tiring after a while."

"Agreed," Sol sighed. "But, at least they seemed more open to us than the nobles. Personally, I'd take their opinions over the nobles any day."

"Even though the nobles may be the ones in charge?" Luna questioned with a quirked eyebrow and small smirk.

"They may be in charge, but it's the common ponies who keep things running. Without them, the nobles have nothing. You and mother taught me that."

"Indeed, and we are glad that you remembered, isn't that right, Tia."

"Yes we are," Celestia replied, smiling brightly and nuzzled Sol. "On a different topic, how has your work on modernizing the Underkingdom been going? It's been a while since you've spoken to Luna or I about it."

Sol smiled. "Actually, I'm just about finished. I just have a few more blocks left in the Undercity, and then I'll be all done. Now, the Underkingdom will still have the same old look that it was originally built with, but it'll have just about everything that modern-day Equestria will have, but with a personal twist... at least, to my knowledge anyway."

"I might have to make a trip down there myself, then," Twilight pondered out loud. "It's been a while since I've been down there, and I've been a bit curious to see what all you've changed since the last time I saw it."

"I would like to see it as well," Celestia agreed, along with Luna, who quietly nodded.

"Well, if you still have your passes that I made you, you two could drop by during your vacation," Sol reminded.

When their food was brought to them, the four ate in silence, too hungry to think about speaking while they ate. Once they were finished, they retreated to Celestia's room to share stories about Sol's foalhood, much to Sol's chagrin, and Twilight's enjoyment. However, after a few hours had passed, it was time for them to retire for the night. But, while Sol and Luna bid their goodnights and got up to leave, Twilight remained in her spot near Celestia.

Celestia, having seen this before from Twilight and knowing what she wanted, waited for Sol and Luna to leave before addressing her.

"Something you wish to talk to me about, Twilight?"

With a mix of concern on her features, Twilight gave a small, hesitant, nod.

"I do."

Twilight shuddered at the feel of Celestia's comforting wing draping over her.

"I'm here for you, Twilight. Whatever you have to say, I will listen."

"... it's about Sol and Discord." There was a brief flash of worry in Celestia's eyes as Twilight continued. "I don't know what it is that Discord did to Sol that made him hate him so much, and Sol's been keeping a tight lip on it, but I'm not sure if I can keep the truth from Sol for much longer."

Celestia closed her eyes and breathed in a sigh. "You wish to tell him?"

Twilight looked down as she spoke. "Ever since we became a couple, I've been reading up on how to maintain a healthy relationship, and each book mentioned that a healthy relationship is built on being truthful and honest with each other. I even asked mom and Cadence for their advice last week at the party, and they both basically said the same thing."

"I see..."

"And not only that, but we've been very lucky so far," Twilight continued. "Fluttershy's managed to keep Discord away from Sol, but I'm afraid that it'll only be a matter of time before they run into each other."

Celestia gave a small nod. "I agree. We have been rather fortunate so far. I take it that you have a plan for telling him?"

"Kinda. What I'm hoping for is that with me being his fillyfriend, I might be able to slowly ease Sol into the idea of accepting Discord before the day they meet."

"It sounds like a rather straightforward idea, but how do you plan to pull it off?"

"Discord has done a lot of good since Fluttershy reformed him. My plan is to speak hypothetically to Sol about Discord's achievements, including when he, Starlight, Trixie, and Thorax infiltrated the Hive to rescue us after Chrysalis captured us."

"Even if he doesn't believe you?"

"Even so, I'm hoping that it'll get him thinking. And if he does find out the truth about Discord before we're ready, then that'll get him thinking more, especially when he realizes that what I told him about Discord was the truth. Besides, since Discord did save you and Luna, and knowing how much he values family, I'm sure that Sol will take that into account as well."

Celestia hummed as she mulled the thought over.

"This is a bit of a gamble, Twilight," Celestia warned. "While what you say is true, Sol will still not be happy when he finds out."

"I know, but don't like it. I feel like the more I keep the truth from him, the more upset he'll be when he does find out."

"I know, Twilight. I know." Celestia breathed out a heavy sigh. "If this is what you truly feel, then I won't stop you."

Twilight smiled and nuzzled Celestia's side. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Twilight," she said, returning Twilight's nuzzle. "And if he does end up giving you grief for withholding this information about Discord from him, just tell him that it was because I asked it of you and your friends. There's no reason for you to be punished when it was my doing to begin with."

"Hopefully it won't come to that, but still, thank you."

Celestia gave her one last nuzzle. "Now, while I always enjoy having your company, Twilight, you should probably be off to bed. You've got a big day ahead of you tomorrow."

"Alright. Goodnight, Princess."

"Goodnight, Twilight."

The morning came around with Twilight and Sol standing outside in the Canterlot Gardens with Celestia and Luna, who'd just finished raising and lowering the sun and moon respectfully. With their morning ritual completed, the two sisters turned from the horizon to face the young couple.

"I cannot thank you two enough for giving us the chance to do this," Celestia said, wrapping a wing around each of them in a hug.

"We're happy to help, Princess," Twilight said, hugging her back.

"And we'll be sure to do a good job while you and Aunt Luna are gone," Sol added.

"I know you two will." Taking a quick look around, when Celestia saw nopony around, she quickly placed a kiss on each of their foreheads. "Take care, you two. We will see you in a week."

Letting them go, Luna used this moment as turn to approach. Coming before the two, Luna smiled and gave them a polite nod.

"I have full confidence that you two shall keep Equestria safe and in order while we are gone. Of course, should you need our council, feel free to send us a letter."

Luna gave each of them a brief hug. "Also, if you would permit, I would like to visit you two in your dreams, just to keep my sister and I up to date with what's been happening."

"Of course, Aunt Luna."

"Thank you. Now then, shall we depart, sister?"

Celestia levitated up a pair of plain luggage bags. "We shall, but first..."

Lighting her horn, Celestia cast an illusion spell on herself and Luna. Once the spell had died down, Celestia was revealed as a brown unicorn with a green mane and eyes, while Luna's appearance was that of a dark-green unicorn with a two-toned blue and teal mane.

"You're not going to use your Sunshine disguise from Nightmare Night?" Twilight questioned.

"No this time, Twilight," Celestia replied with a headshake. "Everypony knows that Luna and I are going on vacation, so instead of going as Sunshine, who shares similar colors as I, Luna and I will be going like this."

"Which should be enough to throw ponies off," Luna added. "This is also why we both got these luggage bags. With us carrying such common and inconspicuous bags, they'll help us blend in more."

"Alright, but how are you going to go to... wherever you're going, without drawing attention?" Twilight wondered. "I mean, you can't exactly take a carriage."

Celestia chuckled. "True, but we didn't plan on that anyway. While we may look like this, remember that it is still only an illusion, and that we still have our alicorn magic."

"I will teleport us to one of the resorts that we recently inspected, and Tia shall teleport us back when our vacation is over." Luna lit her horn. "Farewell, Twilight, Sol, and good luck."

"Thank you, Aunt Luna, and have fun," Sol said, waving her goodbye.

Luna's horn glowed brighter as she poured more power into her horn. But, just before the spell reached is peak, Celestia gave one last word.

"And Sol! Don't think that me being away means that you and Twilight can go ahead and start having fun behind my back, because I will find out if you do," she smirked. "After all, maids know everything."

With a flash of light, Celestia and Luna were gone, leaving Sol and Twilight standing there, both blushing at what Celestia had insinuated.

"Well," Sol began, clearing his throat, "I suppose we'd better head back inside and grab some breakfast."

Snapping out of it herself, Twilight gave a small nod and turned towards the castle.

"Yeah. We probably should. It's just too bad that they wanted to leave so early."

"I know. I wish they could've stayed too."

Making their way back inside, Sol and Twilight made their way to the royal dining room where they both sat down and waited for their food to be delivered, making small talk to help pass the time. By the time their food came around, they tried to take their time with it, but it wasn't meant to be as Helping Hoof came in to go over today's schedule with them. Just as Celestia had told them, their work for running the kingdom didn't look as difficult as what it easily could've been. With the day consisting mostly of court, today seemed like it would be a fairly easy day for the royal couple.

"So, Your Highnesses, are there any questions?" Helping asked.

"I think I'm good," Twilight replied. "Sol? What about you?"

"It looks rather straightforward to me," he replied, having no problems with it.

"Very good. In that case, court will begin in a half-hour," Helping informed them before facing Sol. "I understand that the Princesses wish for your true identity to continue remaining a secret, so I would suggest that you not wear any royal attire, Prince Sol."

"It's alright. Besides, I wasn't planning on wearing any anyway, so I left them all back in my room in the Underkingdom."

Helping adjusted her glasses. "It still fascinates me that there's an entire kingdom hidden just beneath Equestria. Hopefully someday I'll get a chance to see it."

Sol hummed. "The purpose of the Underkingdom is to act as a safe haven, should something happen to Equestria and we need a safe place to fall back to. Then again, our friends have all already visited several times, and you've proven yourself thus far that you can keep a secret. So, after mother and Aunt Luna return from their vacation, and if you can get some time off, I wouldn't mind giving you a tour of the Underkingdom."

"And you can stay with us at the castle while you're in Ponyville," Twilight offered.

Helping's eyes sparkled in excitement. "Then I will hold you to that, and am looking forward to it."

With that done and out of the way, Sol and Twilight quickly finished up their breakfast and made their way back to their respective rooms to finish preparing themselves for court. Several minutes later, Sol emerged from his room with his coat and mane combed, and a dab of cologne, with Twilight exiting her room not too long afterwards, sporting her crown and royal regalia similar to Celestia's.

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing you like this," Sol said before walking up and placing a kiss on Twilight's cheek, catching the scent of perfume as he did.

Twilight blushed and returned the gesture. "Thank you. You know, it's too bad you're not wearing your crown. I always thought it looked beautiful, and that you looked rather handsome wearing it."

Sol thought back to his crown that he'd left back in the Underkingdom; a circlet made of rainbow fluorite crystal that Fissure had made for him, and had reinforced with his magic to strengthen it to be as strong as steel.

"Perhaps one of these days," Sol said before letting out a chuckle as a thought came to mind. "I know that Maud would probably love to see it."

"I'm sure she would." Twilight let out a calming breath as she turned to the hall leading towards the throne room. "So, are you ready?"

Sol gave a single nod. "I am. Let's do this."

Ready for what awaited them, the two made their way down the halls to begin their first day of ruling Equestria.

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