• Published 15th Mar 2017
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Of Heaven and Earth - Garuda IV

It's been over a thousand years since Sol was hidden away and sealed in crystal. Now freed by Twilight and her friends, he must readjust to the present while also having to deal with old grudges both from and against him.

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Chapter 47- A Fated Reunion

Several minutes had passed since Sol attacked Discord. After Sol went off to chase after Discord, their friends tried to call out to try and stop Sol, but his anger prevented him from hearing them. Even Twilight's and Fluttershy's voices fell on deaf ears.

Twilight had hoped that her talk with Sol would have calmed him down a bit when it came to Discord, but as they all could clearly see, talking about him and actually meeting him were two very different things. Worried about what Sol could do to Discord in his current mental state, and how Fluttershy is currently feeling watching her coltfriend being hurt by one of her friends, Twilight snapped her head towards Spike.


"Already on it!" Spike announced, finishing writing a letter to Celestia before rolling it up and using his fire breath to send it on its way. "There. Letter sent."

"That's great and all, but what are we supposed to do while we're waiting for the Princess?" Rainbow questioned. "Because I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't think that we should be getting involved in this. I mean, Sol is way stronger than he was the last time we saw him fight, and now that he's angry, it would be stupid for any of us to get in between those two."

"Sol may be angry, but he's also hurting," Fluttershy spoke, her eyes filled with worry as she watched the ongoing fight. "You all heard what he said. Discord did something to his dad, so it would make sense for him to be mad... even if we don't like it."

"You're talking about the Scaleless Dragons down in the Underkingdom, right?" Starlight asked "It would make sense. As long as we've known Sol, he's always had a chip on his shoulder against Discord, but has never given us details as to why. He also never told us exactly what happened to his dad and the rest of the Scaleless Dragons, just that they were all turned to stone."

"And now we know why," Rarity said with a sad sigh. "And to think that Discord was the reason behind it. This all makes perfect sense now... but why didn't any of us notice it before?"

"I think it's because none of us wanted to try and think of it," Pinkie said, frowning as her limp mane hung across half of her face. "We all knew that Discord was evil, but after he truly became our friend... I guess we didn't want to believe that he was capable of doing something like that."

Applejack nodded. "Ah just wish that one of them would've told us sooner. Maybe then we could've done somethin' ta help them."

"I tried talking to Discord a few times before, but he doesn't really like to talk about his past, even with me," Fluttershy spoke. "He said that he was a different draconequus back then and doesn't want to think back on those darker times. Not when he has friends and bright future ahead of him."

Twilight nodded at Fluttershy, feeling the same way with her own coltfriend.

"Sol has been tight-lipped as well. Apart from his family and a few other lighter stories from his past, Sol always kept anything related to Discord or his draconic family's imprisonment to himself. I just wish I had more time to talk to him about Discord. Perhaps then he would've been more receptive of him."

Discord panted for air as he laid low on top of a cloud, trying to catch his breath as he hid himself from Sol. He had no clue as to where Sol had ran off to all those years ago, and now, after over a thousand years later, he shows up not only as Twilight's coltfriend, but also with his old grudge for what had happened with his father, aunts, and uncles. And to top it all off, he was now somehow immune to his chaotic magic. Sure he had gotten away by manipulating the area around Sol instead of him directly, allowing for him to strike at Sol using indirect attacks with the surrounding environment, but Sol would just either change his hide and fur into metal to shield himself, or use his powers over the earth to reshape and alter whatever earthen materials were hurled at him. And unfortunately for Discord, the only available materials around him at the moment were the earth and plant life.

Regaining his breathing, Discord hissed as the pain from his side reminded him of the beam of light that Sol had fired from his horns during his escape. While it didn't do nearly as much damage as what that large pillar of light would have done, the initial blast still hurt quite a bit, as did its lingering sting.

"It's times like this when I wish I would have stayed in bed," he muttered to himself. "At least there I would have Fluttershy to talk to and keep me company."

Cautiously, he peeked over the edge of the cloud to see where Sol was. Scanning the area and seeing no sight of him, Discord figured that Sol had probably gone underground, waiting just beneath the surface for him to come back down so he could ambush him. What he did see, though, was his pony friends and Spike running about, calling out to both him and Sol, pleading that the latter to stop his attack and wait and listen for a moment.

"Sounds like they didn't know. Strange. I would have figured that Sol would've told those mares about what happened, or at least Celestia or Luna-"

Discord paused when he saw his shadow beneath him begin to flicker and shift. Though confused at first, things became clearer to Discord when he noticed a light shining brightly directly above him, one that was rapidly growing brighter by the second. Looking up to see what it was, Discord only had enough time to gasp out in surprise before a pillar of light struck his entire back and engulfed him, sending him plummeting through the cloud he had been hiding on and down to the rapidly growing landscape. Or, more specifically, to a patch of earth where a cluster of stone spikes awaited him. With only seconds to react, Discord snapped his claw and teleported himself out from the pillar of light before it collided with the stone spikes. But, while he did manage to teleport out from the pillar, with the amount of pain its searing light was causing him, he could only teleport himself a few yards off to the side.

Needing a distraction, Discord snapped his claw and conjured a cotton candy cloud around him to help obscure the vision of anyone who tired to get a glimpse of him. Having a moment of privacy to himself, Discord then created multiple clones of himself to act as decoys for his escape. As one, thirteen draconequuses scattered from the cotton candy cloud, each heading off in a separate direction with the real Discord flying north to Canterlot.

"This is getting ridiculous," Discord muttered in annoyance. "Can't fight him. Can't stop him. Just what happened to him over these last thousand years?"


"Oh, for goodness sake!"

Starting to become irritated, Discord looked down at the ground a hundred feet below him where he saw Sol riding on top of a large boulder as he chased after him. Discord knew from memory that Sol wasn't very fast on his hooves or in the air, but he also knew that he had other ways of traveling fast, albeit by land only.

Still, even though Sol was best on the ground, he still had several methods of attacking aerial targets. Lighting his horns, Sol conjured another large pillar of light at where he figured Discord was going to be, but missed as his timing was off, firing the spell too soon and allowing for Discord to skid to a halt before he could run into it. Even so, with him briefly stalled, Sol lit his horns again, this time firing a barrage of arrow-like projectiles made entirely of pure light at Discord.

Seeing the attack coming, Discord teleported out of the way of the light arrows... only to throw up a barrier seconds later as the projectiles circled around and homed in on him. Though he had the barrier up, Discord still grunted from maintaining the strain of his barrier being struck by the attacks of pure light.

"Alright. Let's see if you can handle this?"

Growing tiresome of this, Discord morphed the tuff of hair at the end of his tail into a claw and napped it, teleporting to him a large two-story house directly over Sol's position. Unfortunately, in his annoyance, Discord temporarily forgot about Sol's specialty when it came to earth, and by extent, any and all earthen materials.

Seeing the house coming down on him, Sol glared up at it with annoyance. Not feeling in the mood to toy around, Sol used his powers over the earth to change the earthen materials of the house, altering them from their wooden, metallic, and glass compositions, into fine dust that was promptly carried off by the wind.

Should've figured as much. That trick only works if you're a wicked witch. Okay then, let's try something a little different.

Thinking fast, Discord used his chaotic magic to tear a fissure in the earth around Sol, taking him by surprise and causing what small piece of earth he was standing on to crumble and collapse beneath his weight. As Sol continued to fall into the darkness, Discord promptly closed the fissure back up, leaving no trace of it ever having been there. Even though he was clear for the moment, Discord knew that it wouldn't be nearly enough to stop Sol. At best, all he did was stall him, but as for how long, he didn't know. With this moment, Discord took some time to heal the injuries he had sustained up until now, but thanks to Sol's light magic, the healing from his chaotic magic was being hindered, and would take some extra time to heal... which he did not have.

As he slowly healed himself, Discord's ears were drawn to the sound of loud tremors coming from beneath him. Seconds later, Discord saw that the ground was beginning to go through an upheaval as though something large was trying to break out from the earth's surface. It was then that Discord knew just how right he was. Yelping in fear, he quickly teleported off to the side as the earth beneath him violently erupted, spitting up a tall column of lava and launching superheated rocks from the small, newly-formed volcano.

Though he couldn't see him, Discord knew that this was Sol's work and had to keep his distance. However, that proved to be problematic as the column of lava erupting from the volcano suddenly began traveling through the air directly towards him, along with Sol, who was riding on top of it with an intense glare. Not feeling in the mood for being melted by molten rock, Discord conjured a large body of water above him and threw it at the oncoming stream of lava, connecting and rapidly cooling it into obsidian before it could reach him. While it did work in stopping it, it did little to impede Sol as he broke apart the obsidian into deadly shards and used them as projectiles against Discord.

Snapping his claw, Discord turned the obsidian projectiles into harmless bubbles before they could turn him into a pincushion. After several moments of this, Discord saw a large, cart-sized boulder of obsidian hurtling towards him. Though big, Discord easily dodged it as he lazily floated off to the side. However, what he didn't notice was that Sol had clung to and ridden the back of the obsidian boulder, allowing him to get close to Discord without him even knowing.

From his hidden spot on the boulder, Sol quickly lit his horns and fired a beam of holy magic at Discord, hitting the draconequus square in the back and taking him completely by surprise. Using this moment of vulnerability, Sol flew as fast as he could to Discord and grappled him from behind, trapping his wings between their bodies and wrapping his arms and tail around Discord in an attempt to further restrain him.

"You will not get away from me this time!"

As he struggled to get out of Sol's grip, Discord glanced back behind him to get a look at Sol. Instead of seeing the face of an enraged kirin like he expected, Discord's eyes widened as he was met with the sight of a gaping maw, one where he could see a glowing light building from the back of his throat. Knowing what was about to come, Discord thrashed around, using his claws and fangs to slash and bite at Sol's arms, only for them to scrape harmlessly off of Sol as he used his magic to once again turn the fur and skin on his arms into living metal. Discord then snapped his claws in an attempt to teleport himself free from Sol, but couldn't since Sol was making direct body contact with him, thus causing Celestia's spell to negate any magic that Discord tried to cast, whether or not it was on himself or somepony else.

Rapidly approaching a state of desperation and panic, Discord threw his head back against Sol's head in a reverse head-butt. Unfortunately, when he did, the back of his head was met with a hard metallic surface that left him felling a little lightheaded. Groaning from the dizziness, Discord shook his head to get rid of the stars and looked back. Unfortunately, when he did, instead of seeing Sol's gaping maw, he was blasted face-first by a torrent of bright, white fire with wisps of blue, green, and purple flames.

Up in the skies outside of Ponyville, a certain someone had been drawn to the town from a source of magic that was emanating from it. From their spot on top of one of the clouds, they sat down and began scanning the surrounding area for the source. Off in the distance below, they could see a group of seven mares and an adolescent dragon running off to somewhere. Scanning the area again, their eyes quickly landed on a pair hovering in mid-air, the white one grappling and breathing strange fire, while the other was being burned alive as it struggled to free itself. A moment later, they watched as the white one ceased its fire-breathing and let go of its prey, allowing him to freefall to the ground below.

"Why am I not surprised?" she asked herself, shrugging and giggling afterwards before she vanished in a flash of light.

Up in Canterlot, Celestia sat on her throne as she listened to another petitioner. While she still found complaints such as this one's to be of a slight annoyance, she couldn't deny that she had somewhat missed it during her vacation. So, Celestia politely listened to the pony until one of her pegasus guards burst through the doors and came to a halt before the throne.

"Yes?" Celestia asked, unused to seeing her guards approach her with such a winded and panicked expression.

"Your Highness. My greatest apologies for the sudden intrusion, but one of the patrols above Canterlot have reported a sighting in Ponyville!"

"From Ponyville? What kind of a sighting have they reported?"

"We're not sure how it happened, Princess, but it seems as though a volcano has just recently formed outside of the town, and is currently erupting."

Celestia's eyes snapped wide open as she stood from her throne.


"That's not all. We've also gotten reports that the lava erupting from the volcano isn't appearing to be flowing like normal. So far, we believe that it's being controlled in some way."

"Can you be a little more specific?" she asked, her worry now being filled with confusion.

"We're not sure how it happened, but the erupting lava didn't fall back down as it should. Instead, it looked like it was being guided through the air, almost as though somepony was controlling its movements."

Celestia furrowed her brow in thought. While the news of a newly-formed volcano was alarming to her, especially since it was near Ponyville, it didn't sound as though it was natural, which led her to a few possible theories.

If this isn't natural, then it must be the work of either Twilight or Sol. But I don't see any reason why either of them would do that, especially with it being so close to Ponyville.

As Celestia thought it over, a wisp of green smoke floated down in front of her and manifested into a familiar scroll. Recognizing the scroll and seal on it, Celestia broke the seal and unfurled the scroll. However, as she read the short letter, her eyes began to widen with understanding and worry.

Oh no.

"Is something the matter, Princess?"

Remembering she wasn't alone, Celestia composed herself as she looked up from the letter.

"I have just received word from Spike in Ponyville in regards to the sudden volcano appearance," she calmly announced, rolling up the scroll and teleporting it away. "I can confirm that the volcano is indeed magic in nature, and that Twilight and the rest of the Elements are taking care of it as we speak."

"So they're going to get rid of the volcano?"

"Yes. However, I believe that my sister and I should be there as well. While I believe in Twilight and her friends, with it being so close to Ponyville, I would like to be there as well, just in case they need the extra help." Celestia paused to address the pony that had been petitioning her. "I am terribly sorry, but I'm afraid that I must cut our meeting short."

The guard bowed. "In that case, Your Highness, shall I inform the others that you will be unavailable?"

"Please do. I have a feeling that Luna and I will be busy for the next few hours."

Leaving it at that, Celestia powered up her horn and teleported herself to Luna's room, hoping that she and Luna could stop Sol before it was too late.

Discord groaned from his spot on the ground. Even after their time fighting, he didn't understand what was going on with Sol. Every time he used his magic on him it would be somehow nullified. Even creating portals didn't work, since they too were made from his chaotic magic and would disappear as soon as Sol came into contact with them. Secondhand attacks didn't do much of anything to him either, since the only things around him were the plants and earth, which Sol demonstrated that he had complete control over time and time again.

Knowing that he didn't stand any chance in so much as even matching Sol, the only thing that Discord could do was to try and get away from him as fast as he could, like he had originally intended. Instead, now he couldn't get away, and found himself bruised, burnt, smoking, and laying with most of his body embedded in the ground.

"Okay. I'm calling hax on-"

Discord's groaning words were violently cut off as he suddenly felt a claw gripping his throat. He was then brought face-to-face with Sol, his eyes burning like miniature suns while he bared his fangs with a low, threatening growl.

"I don't know how you broke free again," Sol growled menacingly, "but I swear, by the time I'm done with you, not only will you be turned back to stone, but I'll see to it personally that you will never see the light of my mother's day again. But first, I am going to drag you before my father, and you are going to free him and the rest of my family from their stone prisons!"

With his attention focused solely on Discord, Sol didn't hear his friends running up to them... nor did he hear the sound of something popping into existence directly behind him. Suddenly the air was forced out of his lungs as something collided with his back, causing Sol to tumble several yards away from Discord with whatever it was that had tackled him. Once they came to a stop, Sol found himself laying on his back and growled as he saw the form of the draconequus that he was currently pinned under.

"Curse you, Discord! I'll-"

"Hehehe. Still trying to kill dad, I see."

Sol froze as he heard the voice coming from above him, one that he had become all too familiar with in the past. Calming down and taking a second look, Sol began to notice that while this indeed looked strikingly similar to Discord, the body was a bit smaller, and most distinctively, that it had feminine curves to it. Thinking that this might be another one of Discord's tricks, Sol was readying himself to impale it with stone spikes when out of the corner of his eye, he saw Discord himself propping up on his elbows as he stared at the female draconequus.

Having a very good idea of who this was now, Sol's eyes moved back to the draconequus on top of him and traveled up her body until they landed on her face. Jaw dropping in astonishment, Sol stared up at the familiar, feminine face hovering above him. While her eyes and mismatched creature parts all shared the same colors as Discord's, albeit a lighter shade, what wasn't the same was her white mane that cascaded down past her neck to the grass below.

With a mischievous yet affectionate smile, she raised her talon to Sol's face and booped him on the nose.

"Did you miss me, Sol?" she asked with a wink. "I missed you."


Author's Note:

You thought the title was pertaining to Discord, didn't you?:trollestia:

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