• Published 8th Jan 2016
  • 4,353 Views, 251 Comments

My Little Universe: Season 2 - EquestrianKirin

The Gems and Ponies are back, and with more surprises in store.

  • ...

Homeworld Bound

The Galactic Ray, after its rest down on the ice planet, was soon on course again, and right on its way. The Mane Six and Gems were on their way, and were getting so close. They all felt that it won't be much longer before they do land on Homeworld, and for some, to see how much had changed over the course of five thousand plus years. After all, for any race, that kind of time would result in some sort of change no matter what. The only exception would be that they either needed no more change, or some sort of big event made them start over somewhere (the first option more likely). Either way, there was no distractions, no more pitstops, a straight flight right to Homeworld from there, and everybody and everypony couldn't wait to get there.

Even so, there still was a point of boredom. In his room, Steven had brought his ukulele along and was tuning it, playing a fun little musical jingle. It was a nice little way to pass the time, and as he was, the sound of the music soon reached Peridot's ears as she was going on by. In his room, Lapis and Diopside were there as well, listening happily to Steven's playing.

"What're you doing now?" Peridot asked, interrupting the playing for a moment.

"Steven's playing a song for us," Diopside said with a smile, as Steven strummed the strings on his ukulele. Peridot looked a bit confused though.

"What for?"

"Because it's fun," said Steven. Peridot heard this word pop up a number of times before, but the exact idea of what that was still bothered her. Peridot scratched her head.

"But, you just said it was a song," Peridot pointed out.

"Yeah, it's fun to do."

"But, you're not doing anything productive," Peridot pointed out, not seeing any physical results of this music. After all, to her anyway, working on anything should have a sort of bigger result instead of just some fancy tunes.

"Sure I am."

"But you're not making anything."

"Well, if it isn't anything, why does it sound good?" Steven asked, strumming his ukulele again. Peridot actually had trouble answering; it did sound decent at least, but the green Gem still didn't know the true purpose of it. Eventually, Steven got an idea.

"Here's a song I've been working on," Steven said.

He began to play.

[Steven] Life and death and love and birth,
And peace and war on the planet Earth.
Is there anything that's worth more
Than peace and love on the planet Earth
Oh - Whooah, come on and sing it with me

"Sing?" asked Peridot.

The words relate to the key

Peridot pulled her magic key out "Key?"

If it's a pattern,
If it's a pattern,
Then just repeat after me...

Steven went right to Peridot, singing next to her.

Steven: Life and death and love and birth-

Peridot: Life and death and love and birth-

"Now you sing mi-fa-mi-mi-fa-mi-ti-la," Steven explained.

Both: And peace and war on the planet Earth!

"Yes, yes! That's it!" Steven beamed.

"That's so easy."

"Yeah, but that's what's fun about it. You should write something, you should write a song!" Lapis insisted.

"About what?"

"Whatever you're thinking!"

In the end, Peridot gave it a try as Steven kept playing, Peridot clearing her throat.

I guess we're already free,
I guess we already know.
We've all got Homeworld to see,
We've all got somewhere to go.
I think this plan's INSANE!
But I guess It's nice too...
when we get to homeworld,
We'll try to make things right with you.

"Hahaha yes!"

Steven: Life and death and love and birth and-

Diopside: Life and death and love and birth and-

Lapis: Life and death and love and birth and peace and war on the planet Earth.

Steven: Is there anything that's worth more?

Steven, Lapis, Diopside: Is there anything that's worth more?

Peridot: Is there anything that's worth more
Than peace and love on the planet Earth...

After the song finished, Peridot actually a bit ... good.

"That felt exhilarating," Peridot concluded. It would explain why the ponies like to do it a lot, anyway. Speaking of which, soon after their little tune up was finished, Applejack suddenly appeared by the door, a bit in a hurry.

"There you are. come here, y'all should see this," Applejack said, her hoof waving them to come along.

"See what?"


From the full view from the Galactic Ray frontal control room, their destination laid before them. All of the Gems and ponies were at front, seeing where they were going, where they've worked so hard to reach all autumn. Ahead of them was a planet right in their path. The place already looked very different from Earth and Equus. First of all, there didn't appear to be any water on the planet, instead it was lined with extremely deep canyons, some the size of continents. Where the land was flattened in some apparent mountains, Some areas were lit up with signs of civilizations, lines of light orbiting the planet from warp pads upon it. In fact, they could even make note of the more populated areas, the canyons almost completely devoid of light. they could make out some elevated land, making land bridges between one side of a canyon to another. As for natural life, it was rather unlikely, but for the Gems establishment, it surely showed. For many of the passengers on board, the sight of Homeworld was breathtaking, even from space. With the combined effort of Pearl, Fulgurite, and Peridot, they began to guide the ship towards Homeworld.

The Galactic Ray dove towards the planet like a diving bird, with just as much speed and accuracy. None of them could remotely take their eyes away as they flew down to the planet's surface. As they neared, the buildings of Homeworld start to look more and more accurate. As far as standing out would go though, they were one of a kind for where they flew through. It was no surprise that they were spotted though, or it seemed to be. As the ship venture into the atmosphere, two objects flew up to them. These things looked like gigantic hands, similar to what Jasper had used, and just as huge. However, these were silver, and both were brought together in a landing pad. Rather interesting, and a calming welcome. So, Garnet brought the ship down, and gently landed on both palms. Soon after, a bubble formed up around them, and they started to decent to the planet. Eventually, after a few quick minutes, the hands had brought them down. The ringed dome made a pressurized bubble so they wouldn't get blown away from their decent. As they went down, they saw their first glimpse of Homeworld's cityscape. Steven, Amethyst and the ponies all looked out from the window at the buildings and structures. It looked straight out of a science fiction novel with all of the shapes, many of which not a regular for Beach City. One building in particular towered over the rest in this part of the neighborhood. The building here stood tall, the structure design actually similar to the Gem communication tower back on Earth. The hands settled down over in a clearing by the tower, on a floating landing pad. It wasn't connected to the tower, but still didn't drift away. After the ship settled, the hatch opened, and they went out. The hands ended up turning into part of the platform as they got out. Some of them marveled at the scenery from their height, which was breathtaking in and of itself.

Pretty soon, the group was soon greeted by another figure coming their way. She was another Gem, looked almost exactly like Peridot. However a number of differences can be noticed. She was as tall as Pearl was, and while her hair was a similar triangle shape, the bottom ends were more prominent. She also didn't had a visor over her eyes, which were a dull green. Her outfit was slightly different from Peridot, with the diamonds blue not yellow. The gemstone matched in position and shape, yet the color was a duller green. Even if her main body was green like Peridot, the outfit consisted of a number of blues, signifying who she followed. She looked a bit monotonous, and not showing much emotion in her expression.

"Greetings. You're the Earth Gems I presume," the Peridot said, her voice sounding close to their Peridot. She took note of the Homeworld Gems close by, but also looked quizzically at the ponies, and Steven. But, she didn't really say anything.

"That's right," Garnet said. Blue Peridot gave Garnet a fair look over before responding.

"Blue Diamond has been expecting you. Yet, she also informed me that not all of you are aware of Homeworld as much as others." Blue Peridot was clearly talking about the ponies, though Steven and Amethyst counted too.

"That would be us," Twilight said.

"She instructed me to give those a tour of Homeworld, so for those new, if you follow me we can begin. As for the rest of you, a Pearl will bring you to Blue Diamond and she'll discuss accommodations," she instructed, walking to the tower, motioning for them to follow with a wave of her hand. At first they thought she was going to just walk off the cliff, but before she stepped off, she actually stepped on an invisible pathway, made of invisible diamond pads which glowed with each step. Twilight was immediately fascinated, as they followed. For the ponies, Amethyst, and Steven, that alone was something interesting. Rarity looked over to Garnet.

"We'll be back later," Rarity said.

"Very well," Garnet replied. The ponies, half human and purple Gem followed Blue Peridot as the others went the other way after crossing the invisible bridge. The otherside lead to the door, where the mentioned Pearl was waiting for them. She already knew what to do, and by the time they went in, she started guiding them to Blue Diamond. When they split though, Blue Peridot looked to the ponies.

"Perhaps it's best to request the reason behind those outfits," Blue Peridot wondered, the looks bugging her a bit.

"We need these to breathe you know, we're not rocks like you," Rainbow said, hovering by her.

"True, but our settlements also had developed a artificial, extra dimensional atmosphere, adapted so any organic race visiting will be able to properly control oxygen intake for bodily function," she explained. No, it didn't make sense at first.

"So ... In other words, we can breathe without these suits here," Twilight summed up.

"That's what I said," Blue Peridot replied, acting like they should get her. Rude, but that was very good to know, yet since she didn't breathe in the first place, the others weren't sure if they should or not. However, before anyone could stop her, Pinkie literally popped out of her suit like a rocket, through the neck hole and popping off the helmet. Her suit stood normal at first until it fell on the ground and shriveled. The surprise of suddenly seeing Pinkie with her cotton candy hair, balloon cutie mark, and pink coat got Blue Peridot a bit perplexed (normal in Pinkie's case).

"Come on guys, air's great!" Pinkie encouraged, over exaggerating in a deep breath. Blue Peridot took a moment, and glanced to Amethyst.

"You get used to it," stated Amethyst.


With eight of the group divided off on the tour, the others followed the other Pearl off to where Blue Diamond should be. It wasn't exactly a long walk, yet it did feel that way for the Crystal Gems checking out Blue Diamond's place. The halls were, to put it simply, much like Celestia's castle in Canterlot, but the halls were much taller, to accommodate the Diamonds most likely. To Lapis and Garnet, the sight of Blue Diamond's place was a sight they hadn't seen in a long time. A bit advanced compared to before, but it was still a nostalgic feeling they both got from looking around. Eventually, their escort stopped by a large set of metal doors, marked with a huge diamond symbol on it. It was obvious who's room this should belong to. Garnet went to the back of the group, thinking on what to do as the Pearl moved over to the door, starting to open it.

"Here we go," thought Lapis. The group of Gems were given a view of a giant room. Lining the sides were floating, diamond-like accessories, each one as large as Jasper. In the center, there was a large throne, perfect for any queen. A sky blue silk curtain lined around the throne, similar to a high class bed curtain, with the front moved aside. The throne sat in between two pillars, connecting to the ceiling, and patterned with what seemed like a sort of water pattern. There, sitting on the throne was the lady in blue herself.

Blue Diamond.

Her Pearl moved over to stand alongside her Diamond, as the group looked up to her. Compared to them, Blue Diamond towered over them all, and looked much the same as her messages made out. Blue Diamond looked over the group of Gems. Jasper, Peridot, Pearl, Lapis Lazuli, Fulgurite, Diopside ...

But, no Garnet. Before Blue Diamond could ask about it ...

"My Diamond. I have arrived."

The group was caught off guard when they turned around. Instead of seeing Garnet standing there, they instead saw Sapphire and Ruby. Sapphire went right to the front, alongside Lapis, to see Blue Diamond with her own eye. Blue Diamond smiled when she saw them both, alive and well.

"Lapis. Sapphire. It's wonderful to see you two okay after so long," Blue Diamond said. Sapphire and Lapis nodded.

"It great to see you too, my Diamond. It's been too long," Sapphire replied. Then Blue Diamond's attention went to the others.

"Is this your whole group?"

"Well, no; some of them are looking around the city on a tour."

"I see. I'd like to see them once they're done exploring my city," Blue Diamond insisted. Then her attention came to Ruby. Ruby was all down with sticking to Homeworld for a while, but that didn't mean she was any less worried. She was a common Gem, Sapphire was apart of Blue Diamond's court, and Blue Diamond was someone who decided her fate here. Blue Diamond noticed how worried Ruby was, although Ruby tried to hide it as best she could. Blue Diamond noted Fulgurite in the crowd as well. She'll deal with them later.

"Are you staying, Sapphire? Lapis?" Blue Diamond asked. It was an interesting question for the two, yet they kept to the truth.

"For a while. Speaking of which, my Diamond, your Peridot informed about accommodations?" Lapis asked. Blue Diamond nodded her head.

"Right. Pearl, show them to their rooms," Blue Diamond instructed. Blue Pearl nodded, and moved over to them.

"Right this way," Blue Pearl said, guiding them off. However, Blue Diamond stopped Lapis and Sapphire from going. Blue Diamond hadn't seen either one of them in centuries, she didn't want to leave them out just yet.

"Lapis? Sapphire?"

Both of them stopped, and turned back to her. Blue Diamond got up from her throne, moving over to them.

"It's been far too long since we last seen eachother. I'd like to catch up with you both," Blue Diamond said. Lapis and Sapphire looked to eachother before looking up to her, smiling.

"We'd be happy to."


Farther from the main capital, the Mane Six, Steven (the ponies and Steven had their spacesuits off, Steven in his normal attire), and Amethyst all were still being guided along with Blue Peridot leading the way, talking as she went about Homeworld. If one word could describe Homeworld from what they were seeing, amazing would be surely up there. So many of the buildings were gigantic compared to them, many unique shapes for each building. The ground felt Gem-made, completely smooth underfoot. Not in the same way as ice or glass, more close to smooth metal. They all had never seen such a place before, and basically were fully sightseeing everything as they went along. It wasn't just the buildings of Homeworld that kept them interested, but also there's the Gems. And there was no shortage of them; all sorts of sizes, designs, shapes and colors that made them all stand out in the group's eyes. The different Gems were also a bit curious over these newcomers, the ponies mostly. After all, multi-color equines with odd marks on their flanks wasn't anything normal for Homeworld. Some felt a little uncomfortable, yet some ignored the extra stares, and just rolled with it.

"As you can observe, Homeworld is a thriving society for all of Gem kind; all types of Gems congregate here upon instruction by the Diamond Authority," Blue Peridot explained. While Twilight was the most intent on listening, the others were more sightseeing than most. However, the most uncomfortable was Rarity, who had gotten the most stares. It wasn't because of her look, or her behavior, but more of her Cutie Mark, beings three Diamonds and all. Rarity didn't want to be rude, but eventually it began to really bother her. Rarity trotted over to Blue Peridot, tapping at her hip.

"I don't mean to be rude, darling, but maybe we can move on to somewhere less ... crowded?" Rarity insisted. Being a fashionista meant that normally she'd be used to such staring, but with a species she wasn't familiar with (and some not even admirable stares), it was starting to get to her. A first impression shouldn't be with this much attention unless intentional by whoever's arriving. However, Blue Peridot really felt, more or less, bugged; her only orders are from Blue Diamond, not from Rarity ...

"We'll go as long as it's required," Blue Peridot stated. As they were looking around, Rainbow looked up to the sky, and actually began to see something flying down towards the city; a meteor! Rainbow was ready to go up, but before she could, the meteor ... crashed in the sky? It wasn't any natural smash, but more like destroyed on the spot. Twilight just caught sight of the rock exploding too, and they both noted that there was no exact flash bang, or any debris falling into the city. Weird.

"Hey, Peri, a space rock just blew up outside the town. What's with that?" Rainbow asked, a hoof pointing up. The Blue Peridot looked up boredly, seeing the dust cloud from what was there.

"City barrier; any hostile objects are immediately annihilated upon approach. And before you question; Blue Diamond signified you out of any normal threat," Blue Peridot said. The others felt thankful they didn't get obliterated seconds on arrival. Blue Peridot didn't feel fazed on explaining that, and continued on with the tour. As they kept walking onward, the tour was basically just walking, and Blue Peridot jabbering her head off to anyone who'd listen. The other Gems quietly discussed to one another about these new arrivals, for something like them hadn't came to Homeworld before as far as any of them knew ...


Back at the tower, Blue Diamond, Lapis, and Sapphire all stuck around together. Being split from Blue Diamond for so long meant they had a lot of catching up to do, and for the while Lapis and Sapphire told Blue Diamond about how much they'd gone through not just on Earth, but in Equestria as well. Both of the blue Gems followed Blue Diamond to another part of the tower, which Blue Diamond wanted to show them and get them reacquainted with the place.

With the sliding of the door, Blue Diamond brought Lapis and Sapphire to a familiar room. This room was also fairly big, though not in the same sense as the throne room. The center of the room had a large hologram of what seemed to be Homeworld, about as tall as Blue Diamond herself. The roof appeared to be made of glass, the sky above shining down into the room to better see the hologram. It appeared like a meeting room, or observatory of sorts with the main layout of it. Sapphire and Lapis looked around with awe.

"It hasn't changed," Lapis gasped.

"I prefer the original," replied Blue Diamond, as she walked over to the hologram of Homeworld. Catching up with Lapis and Sapphire was fun and an interesting one, and now, Lapis and Sapphire need to catch up with Blue Diamond. Sapphire and Lapis looked up to the hologram, as Blue Diamond moved her hand, and touched one area on the planet. The planet soon turned into a full picture, showing one city on Homeworld as an example. Lapis flew up in the air for a better view.

"I'm sure you both are aware by now, but Homeworld has changed over thousands of years since you've been away," Blue Diamond began, as other images of the advanced city showed around the city to further the point. "Technology had especially increased, and revolutionized our planet. Of course, other, newer Gems also had become active."

"New Gems? Really?" Sapphire asked. This information was interesting to hear, coming from Blue Diamond. To answer them, Blue Diamond then brought on another screen, this one having a number of splits with a Gem name, and appearance to follow. The particular set was titled "Royal Court", showing those apart of it. Sapphire and Lapis saw themselves amongst the seven Gems, eight including Blue Diamond. Every other Gem shown they didn't even recognize, which meant Sapphire and Lapis really did always had a place open in Blue Diamond court, as she said.

"A number of new Gems had been created since you both left. But, none of them could ever replace you two," Blue Diamond said, smiling at them both. Sapphire smiled too, and Lapis blushed on the compliment.

"Thank you, my Diamond," Sapphire said. Blue Diamond nodded, as Lapis looked over the other Gems apart of the court. She didn't recognize some of them at all, though learning on Homeworld was part of the fun. The court consisted of Blue Pearl, Blue Peridot, herself, Sapphire, and three other Gems that she didn't know of. It would be interesting to see them, and at this point it'll be sooner than she'd figure.


On the tour, Blue Peridot had brought her group to another part of the city. Her explaining had really did a good number on those listening to her with how much knowledge. So far, it's been quite a hoot, though some just tagged along for the sake of staying with the group.

"- With that, our cities had become on of the most advanced amongst the galaxies," Blue Peridot finished up. It was the fifth monologue Blue Peridot did in the last hour, and some of them were getting bored of it.

"Fascinating. Now, when are we getting to anything actually cool?" Amethyst asked, bored outta her mind. It wasn't that Amethyst was bored with Homeworld, far from it, but so far nothing exciting had happened to keep her interested. The purple Gem just groaned loudly as they went.

"Come on Amethyst, it isn't that bad," Applejack assured her. Amethyst allowed her eyes to wander a bit. For most of the time, it was mainly city and other Gems. Eventually though, Amethyst looked down between one of the buildings. It was faint, but she heard something going on further away. She leaned back as they walked, until she stopped walking altogether. Something seemed to be going on, yet she couldn't make out exactly what it was. It sounded like a fight going on, or training at least.

Finally, something interesting.

Amethyst glanced back, seeing Rainbow Dash at the back, flying q bit.

"Psst, Rainbow, c'mere," Amethyst whispered, just loud enough for Rainbow Dash to hear, motioning her hand for her to come over. The Pegasus landed next to her, looking and seeing the same thing that caught Amethyst's eye. The same idea came to both of their heads, Rainbow nudging her her.

"Let's make our own tour, eh Amethyst?" Rainbow said winking.

"My thoughts exactly," Amethyst agreed. One more check to make sure, and the two snuck off to check out what's what. None of the others noticed them slipping away until too late.

For Rainbow and Amethyst, both of them moved down the path until they got a better view of what's going on. Peeking around a corner, they saw a larger, flattened area. It looked like sort of hidden training ground. As for who was there, there was two large, tall Gems. One of them looked a lot like Jasper, yet with a few exceptions. For one, she was taller than Jasper, and appeared more muscular. Her skin was white, her hair a dark red and in a ponytail. For the moment, that was all they saw for her. The other was about Jasper's size, but Amethyst could see that she ... Well, she looked like her! Aside from her Gem on her fist, and being taller, she was basically matching Amethyst in everything else! The hair and face matched Amethyst to a tee, and her outfit even more so (aside from diamonds instead of stars of course). The larger one turned around after a bit, revealing an eyepatch covering her left eye, marked with a White Diamond symbol. Rainbow and Amethyst looked to eachother for a second, but before they could do anything, a whistle from the group called to them.

Guess they were found out.

"Come back here you two," a voice called. The two larger fighters didn't exactly hear that call, but Rainbow and Amethyst heard it loud and clear. A personal groan later, they both went off back to the group, unnoticed by the bruisers ...

Throughout the rest of the Homeworld day (which by the by felt a bit longer than they're used to), it was mainly just a walk about with Blue Peridot's tour of Blue Diamond's city. When all of it was said and done, as followed orders before the tour started, Blue Peridot brought them back to the tower. Besides, it was more over Blue Diamond wanting to speak with the ponies more over. As for Steven and Amethyst, the trip had left them with a lot of curiosity, and they can't wait til tomorrow for them to look around some more. Especially Amethyst; after basically seeing another her in the city, she'd loved to see what that was about. Maybe she was another Amethyst on Homeworld? If that's so, seeing how other Quartzes operate here would be plenty good for her. As for Steven, the very idea of him being here made him more hyped than ever. He never thought ever that he would end up where all Gems originated from (with a few exceptions of course), and he was happy for it. Sure, Jasper tried taking him away before, but, this was a much more positive light than before. Blue Diamond could sense they had a long day, so, she decided not to talk to them until tomorrow, when they're rested up.

when it came to the rooms, they surprisingly had a similar look to bedrooms, even having a bed - which was odd because Gems don't need sleep. It could be a last-minute think since they were organic creatures, and therefore sleeping was a requirement for them. For Steven's room, he had it all to himself. While laying on the bed, he decided now was a good time as any to give an extra call to Connie back home - might as well. Before heading to the room, he at least brought over the communicator, and he gave Connie a call. After a few beeps, eventually the screen popped open. On the other end, Connie was in her room, and Steven could see snow on her window, also a close to nightfall by the sunlight.

"Hi, Connie!"

"Hey, Steven! Haven't heard from you in a month, doing okay?"

"We're doing great; we made it to Homeworld now, and it's awesome!" Steven explained. Connie smiled on the other end.

"Congratulations! What's it like there anyway?"

"There's so much future stuff everywhere here, and so many new Gems all over the place. I never seen so many Gems in one place."

"Wow, really? That's amazing! Wish I could've gone with you, but, I'm here."

"Don't worry, Connie, I promise I'll bring you back some gifts. Who knows, maybe when we're done, you and I can come back together."

"That sounds so cool. It's getting late Steven, so, I have to get to bed."

"Yeah, me too. Talk to you later," Steven said with a smile. After the call was done, Connie place her calling card by her bed. It'd really been rather quiet since Steven had left Earth behind, and throughout that time Connie was left with her parents, like she never met Steven at all. She did miss him, and hoped he'll come back soon. With that thought in mind, and turning off the light, she settled down and went back to sleep ...


On Earth, things had gone rather quieter since Steven and most of the Gems had left Beach City. The Gems who stayed behind did their job, though didn't bother much with the other people in the city so Gem interaction was to a minimum. The only main Gem, if it was considered, to interact with the other people most was Blue, and that was mainly because Greg had to take care of him while Steven was away. Amongst the current residents though, the only one active that night was Kyra, who looked up to space from a tall hill by the lighthouse. It was cold, and he had his 'shoe' wrapped around his scarred leg, but that wasn't on his mind at the moment. Instead, it was mainly on getting to Homeworld. After all, when you make a threat to arrive to Homeworld to the highest authority, not a good idea to turn it into a flat out lie. It didn't help that he missed his ride, either. Without that ship, he was pretty much stuck there, and he had places to be too. With his tail swishing on the ground, pushing snow aside, Kyra tried to think on what to do at this point. Eventually though, one thought did cross him that just might work. Getting up, Kyra began moving away from the cliff until he past the lighthouse, and in a more opened area of the hill.

"Discord, come here please!" Kyra called, but the draconequus didn't show. Kyra didn't know Discord too much, but if he was as nutty as they say, then Kyra rolled on with it. He cleared his throat.

"Discord, Discord, Discord," Kyra said, feeling a little dumb for saying that. Sure enough, Discord suddenly popped up, in a sort of striped attire. Too obvious of reference, but, at least he showed up.

"Hello, Kyra. Nice night, ain't it?" Discord asked. Kyra wasn't in the mood for games though.

"Listen, I didn't call you here for a simple chat."

"Oh, strict are we. Hard to keep your word when something goes wrong," Discord teased, referring to him getting stuck on Earth despite his warning. Kyra expected as much from the draconequus, as he walked a few steps away from the lighthouse.

"Yes, but, I already have a plan."

"Do you?"

"Indeed. And you are going to help me," Kyra concluded. Discord stopped perplexed, as Kyra turned around after a few more steps. Discord, being as smart as he was random, already knew what Kyra was up to. He conjured up some hot cocoa before speaking.

"Well, I don't see how someone as simple as me can help you in such a monumental task," Discord said, oddly modest about it. Kyra could see he was going to be difficult, and he gave a judgmental look at the draconequus.

"Don't give me any of that. You made simple house keys so Twilight can jump from Equestria to here, you can make a portal from here to Homeworld, I'm sure," Kyra retorted. Discord took a minute to sip his hot chocolate, thinking of a way out of it. After all, taking orders isn't his forte.

"Well, I knew where Equestria was, I don't have any idea where Homeworld is. The show never showed it, and the viewers don't know either," Discord said, looking to the readers. Kyra was starting to loose his patience, and grabbed his head, yanking it off in the right direction, at a particular star.

"Right there, Discord. That's the Homeworld Galaxy, now if you don't mind," Kyra demanded, letting him go afterward. Discord straightened himself out.

"And suppose I don't?"

"Then Fluttershy will get her flank ripped apart by Homeworld, and all you'll get is a simple message from her friends by the time they get back. It's already been a month, who knows?" Kyra explained. No, Kyra didn't know if that actually was going to happen, though it was good enough to get Discord's attention. The draconequus got worried over his favorite pony friend, wondering if he was right or not.

"Oh, alright, fine," Discord finally decided. Kyra nodded, and discord snapped his fingers. A round portal opened up, looking a bit blue like the portal the mane six would use back and forth. Kyra moved over to the portal, taking a better look to make sure of it.

"Alright. Wish me luck," Kyra said. He removed the bands around his scarred hoof, just before he made the defying leap into the portal...

Course, Discord was left a little shaken after that, so much so that he failed to noticed something else bolting through after Kyra ...

Author's Note:

bout time we got a song back in the franchise :pinkiehappy:

And FINALLY we are on Homeworld everypony! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: man, with literally nothing about what homeworld looks like at this point, I sure hope I gave many fans food for thought :raritywink:

And yeah, the scene shifts from Homeworld to Earth in the end, so, yeah :twilightblush: And Beetlejuice reference is obvious.