• Published 8th Jan 2016
  • 4,353 Views, 251 Comments

My Little Universe: Season 2 - EquestrianKirin

The Gems and Ponies are back, and with more surprises in store.

  • ...

Renegade Gem


"Yes, my Diamond?"

"What's the current state on Rupee's duel?"

"Well, about half of your city's wanted to get to it. Oh, that Jasper's going to get her gem crumbled."

In her throne room, Yellow Diamond and Yellow Pearl had gotten the news about Rupee's duel. Amongst many of the Gems on Homeworld, Yellow diamond had gotten the news the quickest out of all of them (aside from those involved in the duel, of course). Unlike some though, Yellow diamond was looking forward to seeing Rupee in action. Sure, her other duels were "cute", but this one was with a war veteran - which meant testing a new product against an experienced one. Yellow Pearl kept a happy smirk on her face, being influenced by Yellow Diamond to enjoy such things more than any normal Pearl. This duel was making her a bit giddy about it, and was looking forward to it just like Yellow Diamond was. Yet, the Diamond drawed the line at Yellow Pearl's comment (which the Pearl was snickering about)

"Pearl, I'm not letting this duel happen just to kill of her. That Jasper's a war veteran, and she did bring back my Peridot as instructed."

"That Jasper took months to do that, and allowed those crystal clods to help her. Why give that dirtbomd the chance?" Yellow Pearl retorted, annoyed. Unlike Blue Diamond's pearl, this Pearl was more prone to snap out her own opinion on stuff. Yellow Diamond looked down to her Pearl with a glare.

"Are you questioning my authority, Pearl?" Yellow Diamond asked firmly. The tone alone made Yellow Pearl clam up. Yellow Diamond knew a Pearl, or any Homeworld Gem for that matter, wouldn't dare challenge a Diamond for anything. Yellow Pearl played with her fingers, not looking at Yellow Diamond's eyes.

"Jasper had been loyal to me before, during, and after the war. I'll allow her to live after the fight for that much. Now, go and check on the arena," Yellow Diamond instructed. Yellow Pearl quickly went off to check the duel area, leaving Yellow Diamond alone in the throne room to think on the upcoming event. She could still remember when Jasper would fight alongside her during the war times, and even the loyalty she gave her before the war started. But now, she was having doubts about her own decision. She hated to admit it, but, Yellow Pearl had a point; Jasper did allow the Crystal Gems to help her on earth despite their rebellion. She'd had to deal with them later though, she had a arena duel to keep track of.

With the sun out in the sky, it signified to Jasper that the duel was scheduled to happen soon. Since she was challenged, Jasper had been training all night long, almost non-stop to prepare herself for the event upcoming. At this point, she wouldn't be able to get out of the duel if she wanted to; the news spreading fast enough. If she called it off now, she'd be called a coward. Plus, reaching Yellow Diamond's ears, that meant it had to happen. Jasper stopped for a moment after beating an expert mode practice dummy. What'll exactly happen at the fight was up for debate, but Jasper wanted to avoid the worse case scenario as much as possible. As she was getting herself ready for the duel, some of her friends came out to see her. Among them were Applejack, Peridot, Fluttershy, Pearl, and Garnet. Jasper was most surprised to see Garnet, yet Sapphire and Ruby fused soon after Sapphire came back, so Jasper didn't know of it until now.

"Garnet? Hadn't seen you in awhile," Jasper commented.

"Likewise. Almost time for your duel I heard," Garnet noted, crossing her arms.

"I don't need anymore reminders," insisted Jasper. She had enough of a reminder already, as Applejack went over to her.

"Hey, Jasper? Y'all sure you wanna go through with this? No problem if you decide to forget it," The orange pony asked. Jasper got up, and looked down to Applejack.

"Can't quit now. If I do, I'll be called a coward! Besides, It won't take long anyway," Jasper smirked, cracking her fists. The others, although expecting this from Jasper, shown concern for her. Pearl spoke up.

"Uh, Jasper, you can still be strong without being so ... Well, rough," Pearl advised. Still, Jasper looked to her in confusion.

"What do you know?"

"Well," said Pearl, remembering her own experience, "There's a number of different ways one can be strong; you can outthink someone, or outmaneuver, or try to work out a compromise," Pearl explained. Jasper wasn't very convinced, and moved away.

"May work for you, but not me," Jasper replied. It can work better for Pearl, but for Jasper, fighting like a Quartz was her way to go. Before they could do anything else, Blue Pearl suddenly appeared ...

"Time to go, Jasper."


For the area where the duel was to take place, things were beginning to get hyped up. It was fully cleaned up of any scrap and debris so both Rupee and Jasper wouldn't get any distractions while beating the daylights out of eachother - extra precision courtesy of Yellow Pearl. For the battlefield, it was about the size of a baseball field, shaped like a hexagon with evened corners for each side. The borders of the arena were lined with walls, making the entire arena in a sort of pit. With each corner point there was a sort of pillar, each one about as tall as the Diamonds were, and each one was full of energy, like a set of electrical rods. The arena was flatten out, and cleaned up so the ground was completely even under their feet. Waiting in the arena for her opponent was Rupee, proudly standing tall, with her fists waiting impatiently to slam themselves into someone's gemstone. By the time Jasper had arrived for the duel to start, the crowd that had come was pretty much packed, with all sorts of Gems (most from Yellow Diamond's city) wanting to see shards fly. Jasper knew the second she saw them that she couldn't just back out now. Amongst the Gems watching, a particular area even included the Diamonds watching too; Blue Diamond and Yellow Diamond sitting side by side, each with their own different views on the situation. Their Pearls were with them as well, but Blue Diamond allowed Lapis and Garnet (who she allowed to stay fused) a seat next to her. Yellow Diamond didn't personally approve of this action, but she wouldn't dare bring herself to force them away while Blue Diamond was sitting there, so, she didn't bother herself with it. Before Jasper went to the arena floor, she went over to where she saw the other Crystal Gems and the Mane Six. They had gotten their seats courtesy of Blue Diamond, and while they weren't sure if picking a fight with the Homeworld residents was such a good idea, the least they could do was support Jasper during the fight. Peridot, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pearl took their seats by the others, as Jasper looked down to the arena floor, seeing Rupee cracking her knuckles. It seemed obvious Rupee was ready to go.

"Well. Wish me luck," Jasper said.

"You sure you want to do this? We won't think any different of you if you don't," Twilight assured her, but Jasper didn't reply. All the Gem did was jump down to the arena floor. Twilight and Steven glanced to eachother in concern, wondering exactly how this will turn out. Some of the others were more supportive.

"You got this, Jasper!" called Amethyst.

"Show her what you're made of!" added Fulgurite.

"Pummel that rock!" cheered Rainbow.

Guess not everybody or everypony was as worried over her wellbeing as they should. Still, they kept a good face for Jasper to keep her confidence up. With Blue Diamond, Garnet and Lapis both had mixed feelings about the duel themselves. While Garnet might have a better idea for meeting up with Jasper before the duel, Lapis was still not sure why Jasper would be so focused on getting the duel started, and actually do it. They didn't come to Homeworld just to start up fights, quite the opposite actually. Eventually, Lapis turned to Blue Pearl.

"Excuse me, but, are duels settled here the same as they had been, or has anything changed?" Lapis asked. Blue Pearl turned to Lapis.

"I don't think so. Not too many discussions on the rules had been made," Blue Pearl replied. However, their talk was overheard by Blue Diamond, as she got their attention.

"Don't worry, Lapis, the rules hadn't changed. It still stand that the first to retreat into his or her gemstone is the loser. So long as Rupee remembers that," she explained, though considering Rupee's anger she was worried Rupee might lose it during the fight. Even if Yellow Diamond saw that as good, Blue Diamond wished she would control her strength a bit more. The crowd applauded the gladiators, as Jasper stood in the arena facing Rupee. They both stood ten feet away from eachother, yet Jasper still felt smaller compared to Rupee. Jasper looked over to her friends, showing their support, as Jasper relaxed her muscles. Rupee stared daggers at Jasper, with a smile that screamed bloody murder. Even with one eye covered by a eye patch, her eye still gave Jasper a look to kill. Rupee was itching to get started, her fingers twitching as if she was in a Texas draw out, ready to grab her gun and pull the trigger at any moment. Jasper kept her full focus ahead of her, blocking out many of the screams, cheers, and yells the crowds around her echoed. Jasper looked to the Crystal Gems and ponies, then to the Diamonds, and then to Rupee.

"I'm looking forward to crushing you," Rupee said, almost devilishly. Jasper was ready, though felt a strange sense of deja vu. She showed similar behavior a long time ago, and it felt like she was seeing herself in front of her. Jasper cracked her neck with a few small tilts of her head, and her hands gripped into battle-ready fists. Both Gem fighters were ready and able. Before the fight began, suddenly the pillars around the arena began to glow, and a larger wall of neon green began to appear until they were boxed in. It was a way to keep the violence without risk of public involvement, interference, or injury. Seconds later, the walls turned transparent so everyone will have an easier view without the wall interfering.

This was Rupee and Jasper's signal to begin.

Just seconds after the barrier was put up, Rupee charged first. Jasper raced on and met Rupee head on, both fists slamming into eachother. The crowd began their cheers soon as it began, everyone invested on who'll win, and who'll fall. The battle itself was of pure strengths, and both sides kept their power at full force. The way they were fighting though was the critical bit; since Jasper's gemstone was right in front of her face, she had to block with her arms to avoid any damage with Rupee's powerful hits. This left Jasper less chances to actually attack, but it did give her less risk. Another thing tipping for her was her size. Although shorter, that made Jasper faster than Rupee so she dodged what she could and hit when she got the chance. For Rupee though, she was clearly the stronger Gem, and every hit she managed to make was like taking a cannonball shot head on. Rupee's style of fighting wasn't calculated, and just made up of hit the target. Jasper, more experienced, went at her like a expert boxer, and twice as strong. The fight seemed tipping to Jasper's favor as more time went by, but Rupee was starting to lose patience with this orange Gem.

"Hold still!" Rupee snarled, teeth grinding. Rupee slammed her fists down to the ground, only for Jasper to dodge it again. Rupee may be a tough Gem, but this was starting to get under her skin. Jasper slid around, rallied it up, and slammed her fist square on her back. The hit was hard enough to knock Rupee onto her knees, and Rupee was quick to retort with a quick spin around, her fists slamming against Jasper's temple. Jasper tumbled on the ground, but just managed to regain her footing.

"Not bad for a newbie," Jasper commented.

"And you just won't quit," replied Rupee. Jasper jumped to her feet, launching herself into Rupee's torso, ramming her like a bull.

At this point, the crowd was going wild for the fight, and the Crystal Gems and ponies we're seeing Jasper doing well, feeling less worried. That didn't mean they still weren't worried over her, but the feeling wasn't as strong. Pinkie and Steven were cheering Jasper on from the crowd, as the Quartzes continued at it. After forcing her in place, Jasper hooked Rupee's feet with a spin kick. When her back was to her, Jasper elbow her in the stomach, letting gravity bring her crashing to the ground. It seemed that Jasper had this battle as good as done, as Rupee tried to regain herself from being pummeled so far. How was she being served like this?!

"Had enough, Rupee?" Jasper asked, arms crossed. Rupee shook her head like some animal. She was really getting ticked at Jasper at this point.

"I'll make gravel out of your Gem!" Rupee growled. Rather than jumping to her feet, she instead launched herself backwards, whacking her back into Jasper. It was strong enough to knock Jasper backwards. Jasper didn't had time to shake off the hit, and Rupee was on top of her with a roundhouse punch, dangerously close to her Gemstone. Jasper and Rupee proved to be fair opponents, and each side had powerful strength for eachother. Each hit left them more bruised up, but Rupee was acting dangerously reckless at this point. Jasper tried to block the punches again at one point, both arms raised, but that ended up being a huge error. Instead of a punch, Rupee grabbed one arm, swung Jasper head over heels, and slammed her into the ground hard!

"You had your fun. Now it's my turn!" Suddenly, Jasper's luck made a deadly drop, Rupee slamming her over and over again into the ground. The once cheering friends to Jasper ended up worried for her, yet the Diamonds showed not much concern. Blue Diamond may be worried over anger, but both knew that a Gem retreating into its gemstone didn't mean death to the Gem unless it was shattered. Still, each hit Rupee made wasn't very well calculated, and it was dangerously close to hitting the gemstone on Jasper's face!

"This isn't good," noted Garnet. With the barrier up though, she couldn't do anything about it if things were to go downhill. So far, that's what seemed to be going on here. Jasper couldn't make a proper hit, or proper footing with Rupee's swinging. With a warrior cry, Rupee made her finishing move; swinging her good and hard, Jasper was sent flying off fast in a spiral, straight into one of the pillars! The energy had a electrical effect, and breaking that not only broke the wall, but violently electrocuted Jasper! After what felt like forever, Jasper fell out, stung and weakened. Jasper tried her best to keep from retreating into her gemstone as she tried to get to her feet. The broken pillar collapsed to the ground, nearly landing on Jasper as Rupee walked. Rupee stepped on Jasper's back, keeping her down. The crowd didn't expect Rupee to go that far in her fight, but Rupee didn't care. They were there, and they gave her an advantage to used against Jasper. Even after having the advantage, Jasper's luck ran out, and the fight shifted so fast. Jasper glared to Rupee, who forced Jasper on her back so she could see her pain in the face. Rupee grabbed Jasper by the neck, and brought another fist right over her gem nose. Jasper grabbed her hand so her Gem wouldn't get smashed. The rest of the group were starting to get worried over Jasper now, with this sudden change in luck putting Jasper in a bad spot.

"Oh no. Come on, Jasper!" Amethyst encouraged.

"You can do it!" Added Rainbow. They all were hoping that she would get up from her pin, including Lapis and Garnet by Blue Diamond. Jasper tried to stop her Gem from being crushed. Rupee continued to struggle, until Jasper finally got her other arm free, and punched Rupee back. It was just enough to make Rupee let go, but Jasper ended up spinning back to her front. Rupee readied to attack, but Jasper wasn't having any of it. She pushed her body up with her arms, brought her legs up, and gave Rupee a good, powerful horse hind kick, sending Rupee back, and making her fall over hard! The ponies especially were impressed with the comeback, and every other Gem cheered her on. Garnet couldn't help but smile, but -

You made simple house keys so Twilight can jump from Equestria to here, you can make a portal from here to Homeworld, I'm sure

Garnet brought her hand to her head, groaning slightly. She was used to seeing visions but this one came subconsciously, and it wasn't one she was prepared for. The exact image was unclear, yet the voice was more accurate than most. Garnet didn't get it though, if this was indeed who she left on Earth, then why was it showing up now? Lapis looked over to Garnet and noticed the troubled look on her face.

"You okay, Garnet?" Lapis asked. Garnet just sighed.

"I ... Yeah, I'm fine," Garnet replied. She took a moment to look to the others further away, which seemed troubled with Jasper's fall. Garnet though kept a wary eye on the area just in case something were to go wrong. Despite the fight being the main source of attention, Garnet's attention kept to trying to see what was wrong. She looked to the arena fight - nothing. She looked through the crowd - nothing. What's the problem that vision entailed? What was it warning her about? As she looked though, something was trying to get through the crowd, right towards the Diamond Authority. It was hard to tell at first, but eventually it came into view.


He had split off from the others when they got back, and basically was trying to get to Yellow Diamond before it was too late. Still, it took time to get from point A to point B, and hopefully he didn't waste too much time. Even if no one authorized him to, he went straight to the Diamonds themselves, waving his hands and hopping up and down like he was trying to fly. Yellow Diamond soon noticed him, but didn't think his frantic behavior was anything to worry about.

"Only members of the royal court sit here," Yellow Diamond reminded. Emerald though seemed desperate in trying to say something. Lapis and Garnet, both meeting Emerald before, were also a little unsure what the little guy was trying to get at. Still not talking, Emerald had to get his charade together in order to make it clear. It wasn't very easy though, especially if the Diamond wasn't taking him seriously. Emerald kept trying to point Yellow Diamond to the right direction, but it wasn't working out so well.

"What's the matter, Emerald?" Blue Diamond asked, sensing the particular Gem correctly as before. She could also sense his cracked gemstone, hence explaining why he wasn't talking (among other things). Emerald was glad somebody at least got the name, and he tried his best to get the issue across through some acting. He acted out a pony, jumping through a portal, and a slicing motion across his throat, pointing to Yellow Diamond ...

The only main reaction was Yellow Pearl snickering for seeing him acting stupid. Yellow Diamond was more annoyed than most, and just flat out ignored him after awhile. The fight was far more interesting than a guessing game with a mute gem. None of them could exactly understand what he was getting to, but for Garnet, it was a little too coincidental to have Emerald show up frantic soon after her vision. For Emerald, it was getting annoying, and his palm met his forehead in a slap. He can't charade his answer, so he just had to get her to see for herself. Talk about timing too; Emerald could catch something going on further off ...

Quickly, he got out one of his hexagons; which was more reflective than usual, and got it to Yellow Diamond's attention. Yellow Diamond was getting annoyed with Emerald, but when she saw the reflected image in front of her, it showed herself, her throne ... And something moving behind her.

What happened next was beyond shocking.

It just happened so fast, so quick, and so unexpected that no one had time to react. Yellow Diamond got up and turned around, but just as she did, something knocked her hard, the Diamond tumbling right into the arena and landing right on her head! Yellow Diamond didn't know what it was, or who it was, but whatever did that was completely off guard. Everything seemed to have stopped after that; the fight, the cheering, everything was at a sudden stand still as everything looked to Yellow Diamond. She tried to get up, but something suddenly pinned her down by her neck, slightly cutting in and keeping her eyes to the sky. Looking down, she saw what had pinned her down, with his scarred hoof right on her throat.

"Told you I'd come."


Yellow Diamond knocked Kyra off of her, the draconian pony staying on his hooves. His very appearance alone shocked the Crystal Gems and ponies beyond belief, they could've swore that Kyra didn't join them in the ship, and he was left on Earth so how'd he get here? Even worse; why was he attacking Yellow Diamond?! Yellow Diamond got up, as Kyra straightened himself out, his tail aimed at the ready like a edged sword. He felt undeterred by the crowds of Gems around him, his eyes only focused on one target. Rupee and Jasper halted their fighting when Kyra showed up, just as shocked as everyone else.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Rupee demanded, shoving Jasper aside to confront Kyra.

"Keep out of this," Kyra sighed, before rushing to Yellow Diamond again. Rupee got in the way, and swung her fist to stop him, but all Kyra did was dodge, and his tail speared right through her! Just like that. No hesitation, no thought on whoever was around, just a quick stab to get her out of the way. Rupee poofed, and a small reddish Gemstone fell to the ground. Kyra picked up the Gemstone with his tail, and just as bluntly as before, tossed it clear out of sight! Was this the same Kyra the ponies and Crystal Gems had met already, because he was acting far more ruthless than usual. Blue Diamond was about to question Garnet, for she too informed her about Kyra being left behind, but Blue Diamond could see the shock on her face, which told her Garnet had no idea.

"How are you here?! I was informed you were left behind on Earth!" Yellow Diamond demanded.

"And I informed you that I had my methods. And I also insisted some improvement in how you took care of Homeworld, which I obviously don't see," Kyra growled. Yellow Diamond glanced over to Jasper, then to Peridot nearby, growing even more angry. After all, they were the ones who informed her that Kyra wasn't on Homeworld in the first place. Out of all of them, Peridot was the most shocked on seeing him, but not just because of him arriving without their ship. She knew what he did, and she knew that he had to be very strong. Even if she didn't, beating Rupee in the matter of seconds proved enough. Garnet was shocked too, for she deliberately left Kyra behind, yet he somehow managed to get here himself without much help. Kyra rushed forward again, this time without any interruption, as Yellow Diamond readied her fist to punch, but Kyra proved to be a lot faster than her, and used his cut hoof to slice her shoulder. The hit was surprisingly hard, and the cut stung the Diamond as Kyra sprung around, and was fast enough to cut her again with the same hoof, this time at the back of her head. Kyra readied to charge again, but suddenly he felt something grip his tail, and hold him back.

"Kyra, wait!"

Kyra turned, and saw Twilight rush in alongside Steven, both not wanting to see Kyra go any further. Despite this, Kyra seemed relieved to see them.

"Oh, Twilight, Steven, thank goodness. Here, can you lend a hoof with -"

"Hold on, what're you doing?" Twilight asked urgently. Yellow Diamond tried to get through her pain as Kyra brought his attention to the Alicorn.

"I'm finishing up, that's what. Now, this'll be a second, just help me with this if you don't mind."

"What?! No! Kyra, stop this, there's no reason for it!" Twilight demanded, as some of the Mane Six went out to join her.

"Do you have any idea what they tried to do to Earth? She deserves this, now help me or stand by," Kyra instructed, ready to attack again. Yellow Diamond got up, and charged Kyra, only for Kyra to rushed at her, and swing his sharp tail at her arm. The cut it left was so deep, it threatened to split her arm in two at the elbow, and Yellow Diamond gripped it in pain. Rainbow quickly rushed, and tackled Kyra to the ground, as the other ponies got in between him and Yellow Diamond. Kyra got up, startled by Rainbow's hit.

"Would you stop doing that, you're not helping anything," Rainbow said, firm yet annoyed on her part. Kyra whacked Rainbow off of him as he got to his hooves. Yellow Diamond was a bit unsure about how to react. On one hand, these ponies were friends to the Crystal Gems, a group who she fought against already, but at the same time these same Ponies were trying to keep Kyra from attacking her more. And then there's Steven, who was doing the same thing. He was protecting her too?

"Had the Crystal Gems told you what they did? I don't know about you, but I'm not letting a 1,000 year war go to rest without the Diamonds getting their comeuppance," Kyra stated, rushing forward again. Rather than attack the Mane Six, he suddenly jumped skyward, directly at Yellow Diamond. Yellow Diamond moved back, but suddenly a whip launched up, wrapped around his back leg, and pulled him back. This whip came from Amethyst. Kyra growled and got up, but seeing it was the Amethyst of the Crystal Gems that did that made him beyond confused.

"Amethyst? what're you doing, you should be supporting this if anything!" Kyra snapped, shocked in disbelief.

"Well, I'm not, Kyra! We didn't leave Earth just to start the war over again," Amethyst revealed, trying to keep Kyra still. All Kyra did though was use his sharp hooves to cut the whip, making Amethyst stumble back off her feet. Yellow Diamond found this even more surprising. So the Crystal Gems had left Earth behind, and it wasn't anything malicious against her or Homeworld? she was told this, sure, but given the facts of their previous involvement with Homeworld and the Crystal Gems, this sort of news and the fact Amethyst was protecting her from Kyra (who supposedly should be on the same team) left her a bit confused but nothing beyond that. Seeing Yellow Diamond distracted for the moment, Kyra took his chance and rushed her again. This time none of them stopped him in time, and he finished off the cut on Yellow Diamond's arm, cutting her arm off! Thank the stars her gemstone wasn't there, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt her. Her disembodied arm exploded into dust soon as it landed, Yellow diamond gripping her arm with gritted teeth. That got Pearl rushing to aid.

"Kyra, stop this nonsense!" Pearl yelled, her spear aimed.

"Et tu, Pearl? You should know very well by now what they've done! Why are you of all Gems against this anyway - you've worked with Rose herself!"

"I don't want to war to start again - none of us do! I didn't come back after 5,000 years just to have you kill the Diamonds and start the war over again!" Pearl yelled. Every other Gem watching were as surprised as ever by this information. Still, this only left Kyra more appalled and shocked.

"But Rose fought them herself, and you did too! They wanted to hollow the Earth, Rose would never approve of leaving such Gems -"

"How would you know?! YOU NEVER EVEN MET HER!" Pearl's voice echoed throughout the arena, Kyra taken aback and stopped talking for a moment. Every single Gem couldn't believe that a Pearl of all Gems would be so defiant, and so brave with her own opinion unlike any other Pearl on homeworld. This wasn't just to any owner, she was screaming out to Kyra, and didn't care who else was listening. Pearl aimed her spear directly at Kyra.

"Did you honestly think that Rose ever wanted to fight her own kind over a thousand years?! She had sympathy, and saw the beauty in everything, and everyone! She would never think of taking away any life out of spite, not even from the Diamonds! If you make one more attack, or so help me you'll regret it!"

Kyra couldn't believe what he was hearing, and even more shocked it was Pearl. The same Pearl who fought alongside Rose Quartz herself throughout the 1,000 years of war, and here she's protecting the very same Gem who held responsible for kindling the fire in the first place. It was a complete one-eighty here; from fighting Homeworld, to protecting it. Still, even with that, Kyra got to his senses; Pearl couldn't really be serious about attacking him, was she? Kyra really didn't want to fight those who followed Rose, and kept his target in line. Yellow Diamond got up on her two feet, looking down at Kyra. The draconian pony readied himself once more, and charged ahead. Everypony else stayed put, but Pearl suddenly rushed ahead.

"Pearl!" Steven called. But, Pearl didn't listen. Before anyone knew it ...


The scream from Kyra could be heard all over, as Kyra tumbled, and landed on his back side, stinging all through his already cut leg. Pearl landed with grace, her spear making a direct hit. Kyra's hoofband and flower were cut off of his hoof, as another deep slit was made within Kyra's scarred cut on his leg. The cut stung him, and it darkened slightly from yet another blade cutting into his leg throughout his involvement with Gems. First a Diamond, now a Pearl. Kyra struggled to his hooves, but his stinging leg made him stumble again in a pained groan. Pearl turned back to him with a angered expression. Kyra felt hurt, but more in an emotional sense than a physical one. He'd never thought that a Crystal Gem would go this far to protect such a gem like Yellow Diamond. Kyra kept his head down, a very faint tear going down his face. The only one who saw it was actually Fluttershy, just catching it before Kyra shook his head to get rid of them. Kyra managed to get up, looking at them one more time.

"So ... This is how it is, is it? ..." Kyra's voice strained a little, as he turned away. Yellow Diamond readied to attack him for what he did, but Kyra suddenly raced away, disappearing after a tiny bit. Even with three legs he was using, Kyra was quick enough to not get caught. When all of it was done, Yellow Diamond looked to the stub that used to be her arm, the even cut like a sword swiftly sliced it. No blood, no bone, just a yellow clean cut. Then her eyes shifted to Jasper, who looked back to her. Her message was brief, and blunt.

"Get Peridot. Tower. Now."

Peridot heard her, and was more scared than ever.


Soon, Jasper and Peridot were brought back to the tower by Yellow Diamond's command. They both just stood there, Peridot scared out of her wits again, as Yellow Diamond sat on her throne looking down at the two. Her arm had reformed back despite being torn off by Kyra. Yellow Pearl stood alongside, still a little shaken by Kyra's act on her Diamond. Kyra had some strong nerves to attack, and even cripple Yellow Diamond, even if it was temporary. There was a bit of a silence before Yellow Diamond spoke.

"Jasper, Peridot. This wasn't what you two informed me about, I hope you realize that," Yellow Diamond firmly stated. Peridot could only gulp, for she knew what her Diamond was talking about. After all, she said right out that Kyra wasn't on Homeworld, yet she stood corrected.

"Y-Yes, my Diamond, but -" Peridot stuttered.

"And you both had some nerve telling me despite this, that Kyra wasn't going to be a problem." Jasper wanted to point out that she herself didn't, but, considering what happened that might not be the best idea to correct her right now.

"We didn't know how he got here, honest."

"How are you honest after you lied to me? Besides, it doesn't excuse the fact that my arm was torn off by him!" Yellow Diamond retorted. Jasper and Peridot both weren't sure what she had in mind, as Yellow Diamond glared at them both.

"Now, on normal circumstances, your fate would be execution," Yellow Diamond began. The very thought troubled both of them. "However. From what Kyra had said, it was clear that none of the Crystal Gems truly knew how he got here, or any of the Ponies for that matter. Still, despite an explanation for your lack of knowledge, you both done nothing to help the situation. I would like to know at least what made you lie to me."

"It's Kyra's fault!" Peridot squeaked out. Yellow Diamond looked down to her, and Jasper did the same.

"H-He threatened my Gem if I told anyone! I saw the call he did with you, b-but I couldn't bring myself to do anything! I'm sorry my Diamond!" Peridot revealed, her voice full of fear and regret, as she got down on her hands and knees, not bringing herself to look. Yellow Diamond gave a rough sigh, reached down, and lifted Peridot up to her eye level by the collar. Jasper didn't know what Yellow Diamond was going to do, but it couldn't be any good. Peridot was completely terrified, as she braced for what Yellow Diamond had in mind. Her other hands brought up, a finger right on her gemstone. All Yellow Diamond did was brought her hand up, and flicked Peridot right on her Gemstone! Peridot panicked, and felt her gemstone for any sort of crack. Turned out, her gemstone was fine, and Yellow Diamond dropped her on Jasper. Peridot poked out of Jasper's thick hair. Yellow Diamond just got to the point.

"I want you both out of my city. Jasper, Peridot, I here by banish you both from my city," Yellow Diamond decided. Jasper and Peridot both were surprised on hearing that kind of punishment from Yellow Diamond, but, it surely beats death anyway. Without a word, Jasper and Peridot looked to eachother before they left, leaving Yellow Diamond to wonder a bit. Kyra was back, though injured by a Pearl that decided herself to do so without order, and she was protected by the very same Gems that she fought against ...

This needed some thinking about ...

Author's Note:

Well ... that happened :twilightoops: