• Published 10th Jan 2016
  • 2,708 Views, 33 Comments

The Greatest Villain Of Them All - Lise

Princess Celestia has sacrificed a lot to create and protect Equestria. When her past catches up to her, however, she is forced to rely on the only being who remembers the truth for what it was — Discord.

  • ...

The Greatest Villain

She tried again last night. My quill scribbled on the parchment. The wand Elements stopped her this time, but she keeps trying.

I hesitated, knowing full well that he can read every word the moment it is written. Most probably, he was grinning already, waiting for me to spell it out. Curse my horn that I have to rely on him! If only there was another option...

I need your ass

The quill suddenly disappeared in a puff of smoke mid-word. I didn't have to guess why. This sort of foalish jokes were so typical of him.

"That was supposed to be 'assistance'," I said calmly, then turned around. As expected, Discord was sitting on my throne, grinning the way only he could.

"No guards today?" His smile quickly faded. He needed an audience to act the fool, and this time I wasn't giving him any. "What about your dear sister? Wouldn't you require her by your side? Just this once?"

"Not this time," I smiled. "Not before you help me take care of my problem."

"Let me guess — the wands are fading again, aren't they?" He narrowed an eye. "And after what happened during the last recharge there is no way to power them up again. Not on this side, at least."

Testing me... always testing me. Millennia could pass and he still wanted to see my limits. What was he hoping? That I would crack? That I would change my mind? Always the sentimental little spirit.

"Which wouldn't have happened if you hadn't helped Tirek," I glanced at him. "That was a low blow, even for you. I saved your life, remember?" Part of me still resented him. The nerve to try and destroy Equestria by siding with Tirek. Ponyfeathers, he had nearly succeeded! Thousands of years of planning, work and dedication, almost gone to waste because the draconequus had a change of heart again. That is not something a wink and two bouquets of flowers could make me forgive.

"I just think it's stupid of you to keep resisting!" he snapped. "I tried showing you that two thousand years ago, but you were blind then just as you are blind now!"

It wasn't easy, but I remained calm. The memories of the Chaos Wars were still fresh... too fresh. I had given him a quarter of the Equestrua to do as he pleased, and he hadn't shown an ounce of gratitude. Oh, how I had hoped that providing him a place in which to amuse himself would make stop thinking about the outside, about her. And at first it seemed it had, but ultimately Discord had proven me wrong... by submerging Equestria in chaos.

That rebellion of yours cost me a lot, Discord! At first I had been foolish enough to let myself believe it was his villainous nature talking. How very wrong I had been. Instead, his goal had been to pierce the veil surrounding Equestria. Even back then he had dared think of asking forgiveness... form her!

"How desperate you myst have been," I sighed, shaking my head. "To go against me. You never stood a chance, actually. All those centuries in stone could have easily avoided, if you only had shared your fears with me."

"Oh, don't act all high and mighty." A sly smile covered his face. "I nearly succeeded. Thanks to my efforts, one of your 'friends' saw right through you back then, didn't she? Dear Primrose, if I am not mistaken? I like what you did to her, by the way — she looks quite fetching with wings. Oh, and the 'adoption' but was a nice touch. Quite masterful, if I say so myself. Ironic, that she used to take care of you once."

The floor cracked under my hoof. He was pushing his luck. I despised discussing the past, it was so full of cruelness and naïveté. It deserved to be forgotten, replaced, erased! Just for that, I should petrify Discord again, yet I couldn't. He knew it too, so was doing everything to annoy me. No, little spirit, I will not lose control, nor will I display my full power. That I reserve for her, and her alone.

"I gave her the love of her life and an Empire," I reminded him, as I slowly made my way to the window. "I gave you the same, remember? Or are you telling me you don't like the pegasus I chose you? After that display at the Gala, could you honestly claim that?"

He didn't say a word. It was clear he wouldn't — Fluttershy was bred to be the perfect object of his affection. All that time he was kept in stone, I had painstakingly played matchmaker for countless generations to come up with the pony he couldn't resist falling in love with. Centuries were needed, but it had worked like a charm. Just like Shining Armor had been perfect for Primrose — a match made in paradise. Absolutely perfect. Well, almost perfect — Twilight Sparkle had not been part of the plan. In truth she had been nothing but an unexpected side effect. Thankfully, her existence had proven quite useful in the long run. All it had taken was a little guidance and a few nudges in the right direction.

"She is getting more persistent." I looked at the night sky. "It used to be once a century, then a decade, now it's every month. I want you to convince her to stop. Let her know Ponyland is hers, but Equestria and everything in it — mine."

"You know she won't agree." The draconequus emerged next to me. "If it were only you, she might consider, but with all these little ponies—"

"My little ponies!" I corrected. "I protect them, I take care of them! She is just an outsider that never should have been brought here! It is my task to look over my children!"

"As you took care of the other princess ponies? Look what you did to Royal Blue!" He frowned. Was he accusing me of something? "She was your most loyal friend, the only one who wholeheartedly went along with this insane scheme of yours. Without her you would have never gathered all six magic wands or convinced Primrose to take your side. And what did she get in return? You literally locked her up in the loony bin for ten cent—"

"Royal Blue recognized my rightful claim for Queen, nothing more." I allowed myself to snort.

Was he really bringing up all that? True, we might have had a few disagreements in the past, but no once had I killed anyone. I had merely taken away their confusion. What was more, I made them happy. I had transformed Royal Blue to the Princess of the Night, made her my 'sister'. Before that she was nothing, less than nothing — just a silly princess pony like all the rest. And despite that, she had expressed doubt. After millennia, she dared suggest that Discord was right, that she was right! I was left with no choice but to punish her — cast her to the moon, erase her memory, vilify her for generations to come. All that I had done out of care, not hate.

I really missed you, Royal Blue. It still pains me I had to transform you into another.

"You, on the other hoof, didn't." A single bolt of magic shot out of my horn, striking Discord's neck. A massive iron collar appeared, pulling him to the ground. "Or do you need reminding?"

"Everything I did I did for you!" He started squirming, as I knew he would. 'God of Chaos' my hoof. "I helped you create the time veil around your land, remember? All the time, I was nothing but loyal. Even before you got your horn. I..."

Don't you dare say you loved me! You are the reason I will forever remain alone! The songs, the letters, the endless flirting. You wormed yourself close to me, made me reveal more than I should... then used it to start the Chaos Wars! From that day I swore I would never give the opportunity to anyone to ever harm me again! Primrose, Royal Blue, the other princesses, even Spike — if I have to suffer watching you go about your lives like living puppets, without memory of your past, I will!

"You can't defeat her, Tiffany, no one can!" Discord continued to beg, in a pathetic attempt to achieve something. "She has defeated every threat there is — Tirek, Hydia, myself, even Grogar. She will defeat you. Can't you see? That's why I started the Chaos Wars. That way you can claim I tricked you, like I did all the rest. You know her well enough. She will forgive you."

She won't. You know as well as I that she doesn't forgive. While I change the memories of those I fight, she destroys. This is why I created Equestria — to never have to kill again. She might have bowed to me once, but that time is over.

"Tiffany, please!"

"Never address me by that name!" I shouted. The past was meant to be forgotten. "Or I'll do the same to you, I did to Grogar 'the Bearded'!"

"As you wish, my Queen." Discord bowed begrudgingly. It was difficult to say what he detested more — to be made prisoner or to be forced to agree with me. The irony was, that he really believed all his treasonous schemes would help me. Oh, poor, misguided spirit. So much like Starswirl... Grogar. He too had betrayed me despite everything I had done for him. And for what? To see the magic that was Equestria to disappear?

"Listen, Discord, I want you to deliver her a message," I said, releasing him from the collar's grip. "That is everything I wish. No more games, no arguments, no trying to convince me I am wrong, because I am not! Could you manage that, at least?."

"Are you sure?" Was that concern in his eyes? "She is stronger than you."

"I'll take that chance." I allowed myself a smile. "I'm not a spoilt little princess anymore. Don't forget, I also defeated you, the Smooze and Grogar. At the end of the day, I might not be as weak as you think. Besides, I have all six wands still. Even if they can't recharge, they are more than a match for her rainbow."

Discord just stared at me. I could see the battle going on his mind — to do as I asked, or betray me again, and hope for her mercy. He was even ready to sacrifice himself for me, if that would help. How touching.

"What is the message?" His head stooped down. Seems he still loved me, after all. A shame that ship had sailed. Maybe things could have been different?

"Stop," I said determined. A shiver passed through my bony, as I did. Stars, I still feared her, even now. "Tell Megan to stop. Tell her that I am Tiffany no more, that I am Celestia — Queen of Equestria now, and am prepared to do anything to keep things that way!"

Comments ( 33 )

My thought exactly. *BOOM*


:) Thanks, but unlikely.
There are a bit too many G1-2 references. Also I don't like her being a villain (both of the hers) :(

Wow she really is delusional if she thinks she can actually beat Megan I grew up with generation 1 there's no way she can win she's going to lose badly if she tries to fight and it will be hilarious when she realizes there's no chance for her to win and that she screwed herself and she's going to have to face justice for all she's done and as for the wands I remember how those things work there's no way that could beat the rainbow she's way too overconfident

6821967 :) Well she does have the wands :)
Also Megan did bow to her once :D

6821807 well it's true the wands are somewhat powerful they have always been shown to be not as powerful as the rainbow of light I mean that little locket was very powerful I guess the best way to be to put it is if the wands were regular missiles the locket would be a WMD both can do very bad damage but one can just do more and I agree with you she did bow but I'm pretty sure she's not going to but Bow anymore in a way I feel bad for Tiffany she's not going to win she can't win but she's going to try her hardest even if it is misguided plus with no charge those wands are as good as useless

6822009 They were never compared directly, I think.
But the wants had the power to transform the world :)

And yes, a pity about Tiffany. Beng the only one with wings could do that...

6822054 well the road to hell is paved with good intentions and they actually did compare the wands once to the rainbow of light but I'm not sure which episode that was you know it's actually pretty nice to talk to somebody about generation 1 she seems to forget that in magical land she lives in no villain ever truly wins even if they are in power for a long time one day they will fall and fall hard

6822099 The Quest of the Princess Ponies.
Is also the one I which Tiffany wanted to become Queen :)

This made me wish I knew more about the earlier generations. Which is an odd position to be in.

6822123 Nonagon :)
All you need to watch is this:


(Also be prepared for 80s cartoon style and gaffs :))

The justice in the end that'll befall backstabbing traitor that is tiffany or as she believes her self to be called celestia is will be delicious.

6822346 *dramatic music* :)

I'm confused over who exactly is the bad guy and why but it was still interesting.

6822443 :) It's a reference to the first generation of ponies :) (And yes, the names really are canon in that regard)

If you are brave enough here is a link to the episode I question:



6822486 I can't sit through that horrorshow and I prefer the ambiguity anyway but if your going to be linking that video to everyone who has questions it might be easier to just put it in the description.

6822531 Sorry :( Forgot I had done that already :(

Might be too extreme to link it in the Desc directly :)

Hmm. I'm not usually one for tyrannical Celestias, but I do love intergenerational integration, and this is a very creative way of linking them. Still, there are a number of ways that Queen Sunbutt can fall, from both within and without. It gives me hope for this world, because her mad reign certainly doesn't. Death of the personality is a heavy price to pay to avoid death of the body.


:) "innocence consumed by undying rage"

Thanks. :) Very glad you enjoyed! :D
Love mixing things up, wherever possible. Brings for weird images O:)

And yes, Tyrant Celestia has almost failed many times... If only she would stop believing she is the good one. Guess she just needs a Pacificsm or two (7th Ed) :)

I'm afraid I have to admit I barely understood any of that. I picked up on it being a reference to the previous generations, but having never seen them, the actual names really meant little to me. Still, I liked the concept of it, with the implied relationships between everyone and all that. The most successful villain is the one who can stand in the broad limelight while looking like they're the hero, after all.

6822722 Thanks :)
It is indeed very reference heavy (borderline crossover). Was just feeling experimental, and a bit out of the zone, so went ahead with some chaos anyway O:)

Well, it was an interesting read regardless. There are a number of stories that alternately have Celestia as a failure, a bigot, a general screw-up, whatever, but there aren't many that make her straight-up a villain like this.

Also, "I need your ass," snrk.

Some pretty big grammar issues, but otherwise very well done. Very well thought out indeed.

6822937 :) Thanks :D

While I'm not fond of "Tyrantlestia".. This one is an originally done premise from what I've seen, well put together with plenty of references to the older times, with some plausible thought to how the world of Equestria works under 'Celestia's' rule.

I give this an upvote, and a hopeful thought that it will continue someday.

6827496 Many thanks :)
At this point unsure if I'll follow it up. I like Celestia too much...

My dear writer, you had my curiosity, but now you have my attention. I really want to know more about what's gonna happen (if you're down for it, anyway). All those inter-generational references had me reeling backwards, and I have so much I wanna know about what's going on.

Tyrant!Celestia isn't really on my to-read list, but damn if this didn't make me want more.

7113436 :) Glad you enjoyed :)
Actually, I have considered expending this to a multi eventually. :D (no idea when exactly, though).
I'm still in the experiment I got phase, playing about with various concepts. Still... Princess Tiffany was interesting :D

Well, I look forward to what you have to show nonetheless! I'll be sure to keep a look out (and perhaps give a read to some of your other stories... Eventually, knowing me, heh).

As someone who grew up with and loved the G1 cartoon, this is an interesting take on all the MLP stuff. I respectfully ask for a sequel!

6827980 It appears that we are referencing all the generations of MLP, of which I only know one.


I despise the concept of having your identity forcefully changed so much (I think it could be genuinely classified as a phobia at this point) that I've created a ranking system for it, from "All Clear" to "Extinction". Worlds can jump up and down as conditions change.

A Rank 1 is a world where none of the requisites are met - none wish to forcibly change others, no method exists, and nobody has the potential. Run of the mill stuff.

Rank 2 has one met requirement. I call this "Be Wary".

Rank 3 has two requirements met, but the third is either impossible, or will take a long time. It's titled "Standby".

Rank 4 has two met requirements, and the third is not only possible, but is within reach. It's titled "Track Target".

As it is now, I'd rank this continuity as a 5. Rank 5 worlds contain forbidden knowledge (in this case, the spell to mess with personal identity), the will to use it, and the means. Worlds will be allowed a window of time to correct themselves if there are heroes opposing the instigator, but should the heroes fail or time run out then for the safety of all parallel worlds this must be wiped from the record. All they need at this point is the ability to move between worlds and everything's :yay:ed.

Rank 5 worlds are to be Glassed, their surface melted and atmosphere boiled until there is nothing save a lifeless rock. Then to ensure the offending information cannot spread, ever, all surrounding planetoids within the solar system are to be Glassed as well, regardless of potential for life.

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