• Published 11th Jan 2016
  • 1,172 Views, 87 Comments

Borderlands 2: Starlight DLC Pack - the-pieman

Anthony, two ponies, and an Eridian artifact. What could go wrong? Read on to find out!

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Chapter 15

“Well, this one’s a Homing Mirv like my last one, but not Slag.” Rainbow says, taking her new grenade mod. Anthony grabs his, another Fire element but this time a Rubber Betty. Pinkie clips her new green grenade mod to her Exo, the Transfusion grenade being enhanced with a sticky property and resulting in slagging the target before returning health to the group via targeted, vampiric mini-nades.

All Hunters agreed they were satisfied with the upgrades they got, and continued deeper into the facility. Rounding another corner led them to a hall that ended with a smashed wall exiting out into what seemed like a plasti-glass domed chamber for Stalkers. Anthony grabs the nearby canister of experimental Slag from a desk, making him wonder what it was doing in a random office block. Still, Tannis was paying in Eridium, something the group could definitely sell for more SDUs.

Listening to the ECHO message next to it as they move on to the next enclosure, all three of them jump out of their metaphorical skins as an ear-piercingly loud buzz and cla-CHUNK alerts them to something going wrong.

The other thing that clues them into the problem is the sound of Jack laughing his ass off into the intercom as a veritable tide of specimens flood into the narrow halls.

Anthony, having expected this to occur much later, was startled by the... advancement of events. He expected this to happen further into the facility with a lower-ceilinged room, and a lot more cages.

True there were fewer animals in this case, but the Betty he was saving for the tightly-enclosed area would not be as effective in the open area of this wing.

Still, the hallway between them and the various mutated, slag-enhanced beasts was rather narrow, and that would’ve granted the Hunters the chance to take out the first half of them with relative ease if it weren’t for two things.

The monsters were much bigger due to the experiments, and didn’t allow much room for more than two, meaning even splash damage would only take out a few at a time, on top of the fact that currently, both sides were sizing up the other, in a standoff as if it was unclear at the moment who was the prey. That is, until the speakers came alive again, with Jack laughing and giving out a hideously inviting message.

“Feeding ti~ime!”

With terrifying roars and unspeakable slobber, all the creatures charged at the hunters who were unprepared for this turn of events. Anthony had one plan, but it would only get him past the horde, and he couldn’t leave the ponies behind. So he had to fall back on plan B.

“Just shoot them and hope they go down first!” He yells, pulling out his AR and pummelling the leading Badass Skag with bullets, Dash groaning.

“That’s the great plan? Really?”

“I’m open to suggestions!” Anthony replies as he continues firing into the gaping maw of the charging Skag. Before he could make much use of the vulnerable open mouth a glob of slag hits him in his chest, coating him in the purple stuff, but this slag was... different. It tingled, a very bad tingling, like a slightly-numbed jellyfish sting. Anthony could feel the slimy effects of the Slag, but there was something... else to it indicated by the tingling.

“What kind of Slag is this?” He asks aloud, feeling very much in danger, but whatever danger he was in was dormant for now.

“What kind? Kid, I do all sorts of shit down here, your guess is as good as mine!” Jack snarks over the ECHO.

Pinkie, taking her launcher and hitting the Skag right as it was about to fire another glob, dealing heavy damage, its frame starting to crumple, but it was still charging despite the temporary stumble.

At about this point, Anthony spots the skull in place of a level listed by the Skag’s readout on his ECHO hud.

Also that it’s a Badass Ultimate Alpha Skag King. ‘There is no way that’s good.’ he thinks to himself as it opens its jaws wide enough to swallow him whole, and leaps in his direction.

The girls, doing whatever they can to protect their honorary leader, begin firing wildly, Pinkie with her Electric AR and Dash tossing her half-full Tediore SMG into the Skag’s mouth. The Skag, mostly undeterred, takes a mighty leap at its targeted prey, Anthony being knocked to the ground and, going into slow motion, he watches as the Uber Skag bites both legs off. Anthony expects it to hurt significantly, but instead of increasing the received pain, the slag coating him starts shimmering.



A few moments later, he blinks, looking at the New-U station. He looks down at himself, looking more baffled than anything. “Ow.”

Back in the corridor, both ponies and the skag all look equally confused, the Skag having expected a meal and instead now having pudding, and the ponies in shock over their friend now covering almost thirty-one square yards of the corridor.

The next thing they hear is Jack laughing, demanding that his workers start remaking that recipe, whatever cocktail required it was going into his next line of E-Tech weapons. Then he was gonna get so rich he’d-

Pinkie, in a fit of rage, blasts the speaker nearby with her Corrosive Launcher and begins peppering the Uber Skag with cannonfire and bullets from every gun she had. Dash soon joins in and the Skag who, unable to get as good a bead on the smaller, more agile prey, was taken down. Checking the map once things had cooled down, Dash notes that Anthony was sent all the way back to the last New-U station by Casa de Mordecai. It would take him quite a while to get back without a vehicle.

“Now, I don’t want you two to get lonely, but I’m sure you’ll have plenty of company.” Jack taunts the ponies as several more cages open and, now that the alpha was ‘finished’ every animal left in the corridor headed for the ponies at once, snarling all sorts of unintelligible, bestial noises of hunger and rage, half leaping, half stumbling from their strange, mutated, and clearly much more deadly bodies.

The two pony friends grit their teeth, Pinkie taking point as they begin to unload everything they have, Pinkie sweeping up her own candies as she walks forward, refilling ammo and health, getting speed boosts, and so much more as her war face scares more than a few of the weaker-willed monstrosities back. However, it’s not enough to keep Dash going, as she hears the dreaded sound of one gun after another click dry, Pinkie failing to share any of her candy drops.

The pegasus, quickly reduced to no gun options, begins to punch and kick, her Rainboom ability useless with nothing but enemies anywhere she’d land. Backed into a corner with Pinkie rapidly getting herself surrounded, Dash can only hope Anthony gets back soon...

Of course, Anthony is dealing with his own suite of problems.

“So, Antimony, how’s it feel being a dessert plate? I mean, seriously, you could’ve been served in Old England!” Jack yells through the ECHO, making Anthony’s ears hurt from the volume. It doesn’t help that Jack keeps crunching some sort of snack right into the mic. “Also, you gotta try some of these Hyperion Chips, waay better than pretzels. Oh yeah, you did realize your friends are dying really horribly in there, right? And that I could, y’know, just tell the system to update right before they bleed out?” Jack’s voice holds a joking tone, but Anthony can almost hear the cold, dead look in the man’s eyes.

“You wouldn’t want to do that, Jack.” Anthony replies as he vaults from hill to valley, racing back to the ponies.

“Oh really?” Jack crunches some more chips. “And why wouldn’t I? You gonna swear revenge against me? Hunt me down and tell me your name and how I killed your little pets?”

Anthony, his mind racing, decides to do the one thing he can do to get Jack to shut up. Quote him from the future. “What was that saying? About not taunting a man with nothing left to lose?”

Jack is silent for several moments. “How about we trade.” he says, sounding calm, as the front door Anthony was about to go through slams shut, turning from green to locked red.

“What makes you think I’d trade with you? You lie, you cheat, you steal... The way I see it, you say you’ll give me something, and shoot me in the back.” Anthony says, angrily pounding on the door.

“Because I’m holding all the cards. And if you don’t want your friends in there to end up on autopsy tables, you’ll tell me one thing...”

Anthony snarls, but calms down. “What exactly is that? What could a stupid bandit tell you that you wouldn’t already know?”

“Who. The fuck. Are you?” Jack hisses through clenched teeth. “I know everything there is to know about every single person and thinking thing on Pandora. Except you and your candy-and-rainbows brigade. You tell me who the hell you are, and I unlock the door. I mean, you’ll still have to fight through assloads of mutated things I can’t even pronounce the lab names for, but I’ll let you at least try.”

“You know... that is a good question Jack. Who am I? Maybe I’m some fucked up variant of male Siren. Maybe I’m some sort of cosmic being. Maybe... I’m just a gamer who can’t help but play the metagame with you. But I know one thing about me. I’m more than you can handle. And honestly, hearing you freak out over one tiny rogue element, is sweeter than any crazy snack your whale-sized wallet can buy.” Anthony grins, Sparks up, and phases through the door, dashing down the hallways at painful speeds, and reaches his friends, tossing several bouncing betties into the fray and pelting the remaining horde with countless flaming bullets. “Because let’s face it Jack... in stories like this? Nobody likes a hero.”

Anthony scythes through the various monsters like a grain thresher through a wheat field, none of them turned to face him until he’s halfway through them, meeting up with Pinkie and turning to start rescuing Dash. Pinkie spits a brightly-colored ball of phlegm, sugar, tonics, and blood to the floor in passing, the poprocks-like hissing sound from her mouth entirely chemical in nature.

Anthony, getting the pegasus out of Fight For Your Life, hoists her up and tosses some of his spare ammo to Dash, having picked up a few rounds worth of SMG ammo, despite never planning to use it himself. And, a large part of him was hoping Jack would shut up and leave them alone, but a little voice in the back of his head was begging for Jack to come up with something to say that he could spit back in his face one more time.

“Y’know what? Fine, be an enigmatic prick, mr. walks-through-walls. But you stay the fuck away from Angel. I’ve heard what you’ve said about knowing who she is... and if you go near her, I’ll shoot you myself.”

“What? Not Roland?” Anthony smirks.

“...” Dead air sings over the ECHO, before cutting off, and Anthony nearly crows with delight. It seems he’s rendered Handsome Jack speechless, a feat very few others can claim.

Sighing after his minor verbal victory, Anthony turns to the girls. “Alright... let’s get the rest of those Slag samples, and get out of here.”

“So... how do you know all this stuff anyways?” Dash asks. “Seriously, I admit it’s great that you do, but... I’m getting a little lost here.”

Anthony shrugs and opens his mouth. “Oh it’s simple. But I’ll explain later.”

Dash looks a bit peeved but accepts it. “You’ll tell us when we beat Jack though, right?”

“Oh totally. And it’s a real twist.” Anthony grins. “But we haven’t won yet, we still got a whole facility to get through first.”

“Right, right... let’s get through here already!” she says. “And, I need more ammo if we’re gonna get anywhere, and the map says there’s an Ammo Dump back a little, around the corner.”

“Yeah, I’m outta rockets.” Pinkie mentions.

The trio head back and restock after their large brawl and, once they have their SDUs loaded, spend some of their well-deserved skill points.

All three of them, winded by this point, lean against their respective walls and, in Dash’s case, on the bench nearby the vending machines. Pinkie’s mane and tail have lost some of their fluff, though she’s still sporting her wide, adrenaline-fueled smile. The various scars she had were slightly visible, the red next to pink giving her a slight striped look in places. Dash on the other hand, had much more visible scars, the dark red showing well against sky-blue, making her injuries look much worse than any of the three, and Anthony was damaged as well, and in an attempt to combat potential shakiness in his hands, took skills aimed at increasing his accuracy. At this point in the ‘game’ missing a sniper shot was not an option. Dash, having looked through her bag again, puzzled over something weird with one of her guns: the Chief’s Luck had mysteriously changed from 15 to 23, her current level. With a shrug, she equipped it.

Once morning came though, and sunlight streamed into the facility through the cracked walls and ceiling, the Vault Hunters got up and groggily dragged themselves through the facility. It seems as though they woke up before some of the staff, so when they got to a more protected area, they were able to sneak by the sleeping guards with ease. Though the moment they had to take out a Loader, which exploded loudly, woke up just about every single thing in the complex, and drew it to their location.

“Out of the frying pan...” Dash mumbles, recalling the similar situation just hours ago. But the animals didn’t have guns of their own.

Thankfully, most of the staff seem plenty content to stay out of the cranky, tired, and irritable Vault Hunter’s way, ducking into side passages whenever the rolling wheels of Pinkie’s Party Cannon rumble into view. She looks, in all honesty, like she’s just waiting for the chance to unload into someone, and there isn’t a single Hyperion engineer or security officer wanting to be the one to take that shot for the team.

Anthony, for his part, signaled for the ponies to go ahead while he takes the catwalk above them, sniping any engineers and loaders who dare look up, his Sloth being a bit more effective after Dash took points in a skill meant for boosting ally firerate. Sure the bullets were still just as slow, but the aim he was able to take and the fact that he could fire an amp shot every three seconds meant any visible critspots were soon hit with precision. The vantage point also gave Anthony a better look around the larger rooms and, instructing the ponies around, they had gotten all the slag samples Tannis had asked for.

Eventually, the only area left unlooted was the Observation wing. “Maybe... maybe we skip this one and just go back the long way.” Anthony half-pleaded, the events that should have occurred there coming back to him, the memory of Bloodwing dying fresh in his mind once more.

“C’mon, really?” Dash asks. “I mean, it’s right there and then we hop down back into the reserve.”

“And then we can walk back to the Fast Travel station. It’s a shortcut!” Pinkie adds.

Anthony grits his teeth, and, unable to fight the logic, nods silently and steps onto the elevator platform beside the ponies. As the platform lifts them up, the metal whirring and screeching, Anthony looks over the area. Tired, worn out, and now rather unsteady emotionally, he steps for the edge of the observatory when he hears another screech, this one very much non-mechanical.

Looking up, a massive, green-colored Rakk with moth-like wings flaps into view. All three of the Vault Hunters stare at it, and the tag that lists it as ‘Son of Mothrakk’ as it begins to fly awkwardly in circles over the arena.

Anthony, having known of but never fought the boss, is at a loss as to its tactics. Still, he had a plan. “If you girls distract it long enough, I may have a plan for dealing with this thing.”

“Distract it? How?” Pinkie asks as the shrieking creature divebombs the group, spreading fire around the battlefield.

Rainbow, dodging out of the way, suddenly brightens with an idea which she whispers to Pinkie. Pinkie brightens up as well, a grin on her face that disturbs even Anthony just a tad. The next time the giant insectoid, bat-like monster divebombs the trio, this time heading for Anthony, Pinkie leaps into the air and fires her cannon down at the bird, a spray of candy and shrapnel digging deep into the relatively thin membrane of the wings, pinning it right wing to the ground.

Several mighty struggles later, the giant creature rips its wing away from the ground and, scattering into the sky, begins raining fireballs on the group. With their relatively decent shields though, only Anthony’s shield breaks, netting him a very severe burn, but overall, nothing more than a few burned-out nerves around his left arm. After a quick repeat of the process, the Son of Mothrakk has several gaping, bleeding holes in both wings and is hardly keeping afloat. The Vault Hunters take to their grounded foe like a pack of bandits with no regard for clip sizes, emptying all but a few bullets into the bat-mutant... and it’s over in-

Anthony checks the time on his ECHO. “Two minutes... what the fuck?”

“Seriously?” Dash ‘asked’ but then shrugged. “Well, guess I was right. When you’re mostly wings, and you lose those...”

“That was pretty smart, Dashie. And fun!” Pinkie said. “But... something’s missing.”

“A decent climax after the Uber Skag?” Anthony suggests.

“No, where’s the loot?” Pinkie whines. “It didn’t drop anything!

“Pfft, with a difficulty like that, I doubt we’d get more than a hundred bucks each.” Dash says offhandedly. “And besides... it dropped off the cliff over there.” she says, pointing at the open-air spot just past the wall. Pinkie and Anthony peer through the bars over the edge, spotting the purple, cerise, and gold-orange of high-quality loot, ninety feet down amid the razor-sharp obsidian chunks on the beach below, also crawling with enemies.

“Well, crud.” Pinkie mutters. “We better get double-pay for the next big meanie...”

“Yeah.” Anthony agrees. “Even if we survive the fall, we wouldn’t have enough health left to deal with those monsters. We couldn’t get those guns if we tried...”

The entire trio sighs and walks into the sunrise as they leave the Preserve, wondering what sort of nasty tricks Lady Luck had planned for them next.

----- (/\) -----

Getting back to Sanctuary is no trouble, and soon after, they get to the Crimson Raider HQ where their ECHO devices tell them Tannis is waiting for them to bring the Slag Samples.

“Ah, good! Bring back the samples, and put them on the table; I also need the pink one for a quick moment, there is important scientific research I need some minor assistance with.”

“Okay!” Pinkie says, hopping over to Tannis as Anthony and Dash set the various strains of slag Jack’s scientists had designed.

With lightning quick fingers, Tannis grabs a small pinch of Pinkie’s mane, yanking out the clump and eliciting a sharp yelp of pain from the pink party pony, and another yelp from Tannis as something pops out of Pinkie’s tangled locks and nips Tannis in response. Tannis backs swiftly into a corner, stuffing the hair into her mouth while staring at the vicious bite mark on her hand, which weeps blood. “Your head bit me.” she says, looking in shock at Pinkie.

Pinkie, for her part is swatting at her head. “No, bad Squishy bugsy! She just wanted some hair!” as she backs away from Tannis.

“You still have that Varkid?” Anthony asks. “Don’t you remember what they turn into?”

“Yyeeees....” she says, looking sheepish as a massive, heavily armored Varkid head peeks out from her mane, screeches, and then retreats back in. It’s a testament to the universe they’re in that nobody in the area even blinks at this, and is more concerned about the presence of the Varkid than how that presence is being achieved.

“Anyways,” Anthony derails. “About our payment...”

“Oh, uhm, yes... I hid it in the ceiling tile just above the computer I don’t use, that one there.” she says, pointing with her bloodied hand, then staring at the blood somewhat confusedly. “I seem to be bleeding. New quest, Vault hunters! Bring me a healing thingy, one that tastes of blueberries. Dr. Zed should have some in stock.” she says.

Anthony has a confused look on his face as he walks to Zeds and sighs as he walks in, handing out the various creature parts, Stalker Hearts, Skag Livers, Rakk Wings, and Varkid Cocoon Glands. And of course asking about the blueberry hypo.

“Oh, yeah, I keep a buncha them with a little blue dye in ‘em for Tannis. She refuses to put anything red back inta her body, so I just started sayin’ they’re blue-raspberry flavored. Also, thanks fer the parts, come back after ya hand off the hypo, and I’ll give ya the new shield. It’ll be dope.”

“By the way, Zed. Do you have any missions we could do to earn some refined Eridium?” Dash asks.

“Hmmm... none come ta mind, but Moxxi came in a little while ago complainin’ about somethin. I didn’t really pay attention, mostly ‘cuz I was in the middle of a delicate surgery.” He waves it off. “It didn’t go well, anyways.” he says, stepping between Anthony and a mutilated corpse on the operating table.

“Yeah... okay, thanks.” Anthony says as they decide to head for Moxxi’s bar. Once the hypo is returned to Tannis and their small sum of Eridium is obtained, they get to the restaurant and Anthony immediately notes how hungry he is. Figuring they might as well stop for breakfast, and pick up a mission or two at the same time, they take seats at the counter.

“Hey shugas, how’s it shaking?” the bar’s proprietor asks them. “Didn’t see you last night, stay out and have fun?” she finishes writing a few things up on the board, noting the new special of the day is some kind of soup, apparently a chowder made from Crab Worms. That couldn’t have been easy to get the ingredients for.

Anthony sighs, but, feeling a bit silly due to tiredness gives Moxxi a smirk and holds out his slightly-burned, red-tinged left hand. “Smell my fingers.”

Moxxi stops, balking completely. “I’m sorry?” she asks, genuinely shocked.

“Sorry, I’m running on fumes alone, and they are just... ugh.” Anthony says. “Ignore everything I say.”

Rainbow rolls her eyes. “So, Zed said you were having problems?”

“Oh, right... yes, I’ve had some issues with some of my ingredients suppliers, who’ve been dealing with being raided by bandits, and a particularly ornery Rakk Hive. If you’re up for it after some lunch, I’m willing to throw money, eridium, even a Relic to you if you’d prefer. Those suppliers are the heart of this little bar here, without them I don’t get alcohol, meat, or spices for making anything.” she says, looking a little more tired than usual. “I don’t know what’s caused the flare-up in problems right now, but I do know it needs to be taken care of as soon as possible. Zed didn’t have any mercenaries on call at this point, and none of the other Vault Hunters had returned yet.”

“Still out in... Thousand Cuts?” Pinkie guesses, and Anthony gives a sleepy nod. “Well, once Anthony is a bit more awake, we can get your supplies again.”

Moxxi looks relieved. “Thanks a ton, I can’t stand to lose this place; it’s all I’ve got right now. But if I can get funding for another Underdome, I could get back on my feet fast but...” She gestures to the Tip Jar, rather empty. “Not much luck of that happening soon.”

Pinkie and Dash both look at the jar, before shrugging and pitching in a couple hundred bucks each. Moxxi’s eyes water as she smiles. “Oh, thanks! You two really are the best!” she says, as Anthony’s head slumps forward onto the counter. “Oh... he’ll be fine, I’ve had more than a few folks sleep it off on the bar. We’ll wake him when the food’s ready; what’ll you have?”

“Well, it’s good, but pizza’s getting old. What else do you have?” Dash asks.

“And what’s a Crab Worm?” Pinkie adds.

“Oh, Crab Worms are big game from out in the old, dried-up ocean bed. Their meat’s very tasty, but they’ve been stirred up by some big beastie or another, and it’s gotten harder to hunt them safely. After all, anything bigger than a Jakob’s revolver is just going to pulp the meat, and that’s no good. The brave souls I’ve hired have to hunt them with spears, axes, and machetes, otherwise you just get goo.” Both of the ponies shudder at the reminder of what had happened to Anthony earlier. “As for food, we’ve got the soup, we’ve also got some garlic-stalk bread, and some chili made with local bean analogues. Just be careful, if you see any of the beans glow, throw it outside and I’ll get you a new bowl, it’s about to explode.”

“Sounds pretty spicy.” Pinkie jokes, before ordering the chowder. Dash going with the same, not being a fan of strong spices, ruling out both the chili and garlic-laden bread.

“So, what’s the route your suppliers take? If we know where they come from we could probably give them an escort the whole way.” Dash offers.

“Oh, that’s an excellent idea for the spice runners! The others are having troubles at the drop-off points, or where they’re gathering, so I’ll need you to help at those locations, but I’ll update your ECHOs with the route; it runs right through the Dust, on the same path as the Cara-Van, except from where it starts. You’ll see when you get there.”

“That’s no problem at all!” Pinkie says, happily, grin a little too wide. “We’ll get the stuff for you.” She then faceplants into her bowl of chowder the second it’s offered. Coming up for air, the bowl is empty, and Pinkie has most of it on her face. “That’s really tasty!”

“Thanks, shuga! I’ll give you the recipe; the easiest ways to a man’s heart is either through food or between the fourth and fifth ribs, depending on why you’re trying to get his heart.”

“Really? Huh, that’s interesting. I always imagined a heart being a little harder to get to.” Rainbow says.

“Girl, you are so right...” Pinkie mutters, giving Anthony a nudge, eliciting only a grunt.

Moxxi sets down the bowl in front of the young man, who slowly wakes up at the scent of chowder, smacking his lips and digging in the moment he’s awake enough to find the spoon. Meanwhile, Moxxi brings over a pitcher, and asks if anyone wants some Firemelon Juice. “And don’t worry, it’s all good, I’ve made sure to strain out the combustibles. They’re excellent for the backup generator anyways.”

“I’ll try some.” Pinkie says, perking up and her smile returning before stretching an extra inch. The drink is served and Pinkie passes her glass around for her friends to try.

Anthony declines, but Rainbow takes a sip, tasting it carefully.

“Mmm... that’s actually pretty good. Like a... a minty fruit juice, but there’s a bit of cinnamon flavor in there too... It’s weird, but I kinda like it.” Dash says, nodding approvingly as she speaks.

Pinkie, having passed out shares, guzzles the rest of it down in one big gulp. “Whoo! That’s good!” A few seconds pass and Pinkie rushes outside, and begins searching for a hose or sink. Moxxi chuckles, and passes over a cup of water, which Pinkie also downs.

“Alright, well once we’re all set, I guess we’re heading for the Dust.” Rainbow reminds everyone. “Dunno what I want most out of our potential rewards, but I guess anything is better than nothing.”

“Definitely Eridium, we keep running out of Ammo.” Anthony points out.

“Gotcha.” Moxxi agrees, nodding. “I’ll have a couple dozen to split between you once you get back from each mission; I won’t make you do all of them if you run out of time, or back to back.”

“Eh, give us them all now and we’ll do them as we do them.” Rainbow says. “We’ll do what we can and save the rest for later.”

“Sounds like a plan to me~!” Pinkie chirps, the two ponies getting ready to go as Anthony finishes off his chowder. “We’ll meetcha at the fast travel station, Anthony!”