• Published 11th Jan 2016
  • 1,172 Views, 87 Comments

Borderlands 2: Starlight DLC Pack - the-pieman

Anthony, two ponies, and an Eridian artifact. What could go wrong? Read on to find out!

  • ...

Chapter 7

Anthony is woken up by Roland a bit earlier than he figured, realizing that when Roland said ‘dawn’ he meant it.

“You ready for those jobs?”

“Uh, yeah, just gimme a sec, bit hungry.”

Roland sighs, “Right, sorry. Forgot you’re not military.”

“Yeah, I’ll go get the girls, get a bite to eat and we’ll load up.”

“Your friends are strange, but from what I’ve uh... heard over the radio they’re good backup.”

“Yeah... Anyways, today’s the day the Hunters go after the booby-trapped train, right?”

“Yeah. If that tip you gave us is good, you just spared us a losing venture. Not to mention helped us prepare for a fight we didn’t expect. Tina’s preparing the equipment now for taking the train.”

“Assuming the bombs don’t get stolen by some bandits before the other hunters get there.” Roland looks at Anthony, a look of ‘I know you know more, but I’m not prying.’ across his face. “Anyways, I’m gonna get something to eat, you can update us on the jobs while we’re getting ready.”

Roland nods and Anthony heads downstairs and gets Pinkie and Dash on the comms.

“You guys up yet?”All he gets in response are snoring sounds. It was dawn after all, and Anthony was the only one who had someone who got up at that hour to wake him.

While Marcus’ shop itself was closed, the vending machines outside the Raider HQ were still functional as usual, so he browsed the available weaponry, hoping to see if he couldn’t get geared up the way Dash was yesterday.

With the stuff she had, she just dominated that WAR Loader. And if Anthony was gonna catch up to the other Hunters and be of any use to the main missions, he’d have to up his arsenal.

After hunting around, Anthony finds some pretty decent weapons and a good grenade mod, and packs them all away to hand out as needed.

Pinkie will get a new launcher, not corrosive but much more effective than the one she had found. All that was left was to find somewhere to eat that was open. Anthony decides to head over and see how late Moxxi was open. He was surprised to find it was, and he sees a Loader behind the counter. Apparently Moxxi had her reprogrammed Innuendobot do the late-night bartending while she slept.

Anthony ignores the bad dirty jokes the bot makes as he orders a medium pizza of the same variety he’d had before. He would likely have to live on pizza for the time being until more eating options showed up around Sanctuary. But hey, it had cheese, tomato-like sauce, mushrooms... that’s your daily requirement of dairy and veggies, right?

After eating slowly for several minutes, Anthony’s attention is caught by a couple of sets of footsteps making their way down a creaky staircase behind the bar, and a fresh-faced Moxxi and a sleepy-looking Pinkie make their way inside.

“Well, howdy hon. Didn’t expect to see you in here so early. Roland wake you at the crack of dawn?”

“Eh, I’m not used to sleeping much anyways. But yeah. So, how was Pinkie last night?” Anthony asks, smiling at Moxxi. “Comfy, isn’t she?”

“Oh yes~ But more than that, we had a wonderful heart to heart... y’know, some girl talk.” Moxxi says, giving Anthony a grin that has more than a hint of predatory nature.

Pinkie, for her part, mostly just sleepily stumbles over to Anthony, and slumps over on him, snuggling against him while standing up.

“She’s not exactly my idea of Girlfriend material, but she’s sure snuggly.” Anthony says, picking up the pony and laying her on his lap. “By the by, that ‘bot needs some reprogramming.”

“Oh?” Moxxi asks.

“It tried offering me a log of meat. Needs some work if it’s gonna replace you at night.”

Moxxi harrumphs. “Well, it’s the best I could do in under a minute, okay?”

“Chill, wasn’t meaning anything by it, just saying.” Anthony says, mildly confused. As he recalled, Moxxi was a bit perturbed by the bot’s lackluster performance. Must not have been going on long enough at this point. “So while the other Hunters are busy throwing wrenches in Jack’s plans, the girls and I are gonna do some odd jobs around Sanctuary and the Highlands to build our own rep. So, any news about low-level jobs coming down the grapevine?”

“Sorry hun, nobody comes to me asking about jobs. They usually want other things.”

“Gotcha. Still, if you have any itches that need scratching, just say so.”

Moxxi chuckles. “Leave the dirty banter to someone who knows what to say, sugar... but alright.”

“Sweet. Anyways, give me a call when Pinks wakes up, I got something for her, and we’re heading out to do some stuff for Roland.”

“Nooo... I’ goin w’you...” Pinkie says, holding onto his torso via hug power. She may be half asleep, but she’s still as huggy as ever.

“Alright. Well I got you a new launcher, but we’re gonna have to sell the one you got yesterday. That is if we want the money to have you and Dash eat too.” Anthony says, getting up and hoisting Pinkie over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry as he heads for Scooter’s place.

Pinkie gives a tired ‘yayyyyyy...” before going back to snoring, apparently able to sleep even with the vaguely uncomfortable position Anthony had her in.

Dash, for her part, was sound asleep, in a hammock Scooter had rigged up hastily, out of some old laundry and some fishing line.

“Come on Dash, we’re gonna do some more jobs today.” He’s greeted by even louder snoring from Dash. “Sigh, fine, but that means you stay here while we go off and-”

“You are not leaving me behind!” Rainbow says, angrily.

“Ahhhh so you are awake!”

“Of course I am, I’m used to getting up at dawn to plan the day’s weather, but I don’t have to do that here, so I’m sleeping in.”

Anthony sighs again. “Alright, but the longer you sleep the more you miss, and that means Pinkie and I get all the loot again.”

“Nah... nah I’m comin’ just... wait a second.” Dash’s head hits the makeshift pillow again. “Do me a... a solid an’ get me sum food, wouldya?”

“I already ate, but fine, I’ll go get you something.”

----- (/\) -----

“So, what’s our first job?” Dash asks, finally awake now that she had something in her stomach.

“Roland wants us to take out some assassins hiding out in the Southpaw Steam and Power building. They’re supposed to be Hyperion spies working undercover as bandits.”

“Oh. So, wait, couldn’t we just go in and reveal ‘em? I mean, wouldn’t the Bandits tear ‘em apart for us?” Dash questions.

“Sure, if the bandits gave us the chance to out them, which I doubt.”

“So we just run in and kill everyone like usual?” Pinkie asks.

“Yep, the usual.”

“In my professional medical opinion... E-Tech weapons are friggin’ dope!” a scratchy voice says over each of their ECHOs simultaneously.

“Oh yeah, you wanted to know Zed, right?” Anthony recalls. “That was him. You wanna stop by the hospital before we head out?”

“Maybe later. But what’s E-Tech?” Dash asks.

“You remember that Eridium stuff I said Jack wanted?” At the girls nodding he continues. “Well it’s got plenty of applications, from making Slag weapons with its runoff, to making Eridium Tech, or E-Tech, weapons. Imagine a pistol that shoots energy blasts, or a sniper that fires like a railgun instead of normal bullets.”

Dash raises a hoof. “Uh, what’s a raingun?”

Railgun.” Anthony clarifies. “And if we’re lucky we’ll be able to test one out for ourselves. The main point is that E-Tech weapons consume double ammo per shot, but have special effects no other kind of weapon can do. Mix them with elemental effects like a Maliwan Plasma Caster and you’ve got an SMG that’ll literally melt holes in them instead of just plugging them full of bullet holes.”

“So where can we get some E-Tech weapons?” Pinkie asks. “And what does it change in Shotguns?”

“E-Tech Shotguns are called Splatguns for hopefully obvious reasons.” Anthony explains. “But only Hyperion, Bandits, and Tediore make them, so you won’t find one that shoots explosive ammo unless it’s special.”

“But if it’s a slag weapon, like my current Shotty...” Pinkie trails off to let Anthony finish.

“Each bullet in the spray will have a splash effect allowing you to coat an area in Slag. Pull out a standard launcher after that and anybody in the range of the launcher blast... is totally done for.”

Pinkie gets a maniacal grin on her face at the idea. “I want an E-Tech gun!”

“Alright, if we find one you can try it first. But they’re rare so you gotta share. E-Tech is classified as ‘Purple’ rarity.”

“That’s...” Rainbow thinks out loud. “Third best, under orange and then...”

“Pearlescent.” Pinkie finishes.

“Yep. Anyway, let’s head for Southpaw.”

“On it!” Dash yells, already rushing for the nearest Catch-a-Ride. “Wait... what’s this?”

“What’s what, Dashie?” Pinkie asks, confused.

“This says instead of a turret, the Outrunner can come equipped with a Rocket Launcher...”

“Get that one!” Pinkie yells and pushes Dash’s hoof, making Dash hit the button, and an Outrunner, with a missile launcher pod, digistructs in front of them.

“Oooooooooh, neat.” Dash says. “Man, isn’t Scooter the best!?

Anthony nods and helps himself to the turret seat and getting used to the slightly different controls. Pinkie hops into Anthony’s lap as usual and hits a button, sending a rocket flying off into the distance where it lands and a loud scream is heard. “My leg!

“Welp, it works!” Pinkie confirms, smiling as she returns the controls to Anthony.

Dash revs the engine twice and the group shoots off through Sanctuary’s secondary, then main gate. With a loud whoop, the three head for their next destination.

“Where we headed again?” Dash yells over the engine.

“Three Horns Valley, same place as the Bloodshot dam and the Happy Pig!” Anthony shouts back.

“Gotcha!” Dash shouts back, slamming the booster and zooming down the road.

-----(/\) -----

“The first assassin, Wot, is not easily taken care of.” Roland says over the ECHO. “That said, the job says if you can finish him with a pistol you’ll be paid extra.”

“Harder kill, better reward.” Anthony confirms. “Shouldn’t be that hard.” After the initial bandits in the building, the group comes to a door which opens to reveal their first target... and a badass Psycho. “Shit, he’s got backup.”

Pinkie nods. “I’ll distract the guard, you two get the assassin.” she gives a slightly manic giggle, and Anthony notices with worry that her pupils have shrunk to pinpricks, and she levels her brand-new Torgue Assault rifle, before leaping out to one side, shouting, “Yo, big, mean, and lopsided! I’ve got a present for yaaa~!”

Wot, notably a coward and letting the psycho do all the work, immediately runs for cover... where Dash and Anthony are waiting. “Nice shield.” Dash notes as Anthony aims his new Shock AR at Wot. “Seen better.”

Several shock rounds later and several more directly to the face, Wot runs off.

“Damnit, the job is to kill you, stand still!” Anthony yells, as his HUD informs him that Wot’s shield may have been broken easily, but has an incredible recharge rate. “Dash, you still got that Fire SMG on you?”

“You know it!”

“I’ll drop his shield again, you go in and take his health down some. I’ll finish him off with my Jakobs”

“Right!” Dash says as she Rainbooms over to where Wot was hiding and circles around, using melee combat to push him out of his cover. Anthony unloads another round of electrified bullets at Wot, bringing his shield down once more. A hail of fiery bullets from Dash later and Wot is on the ground, burning and screaming. Anthony casually walks up to Wot and gives him a pity-headshot from his pistol, ending the first assassin.

Off to the side, Pinkie is whooping giddily as she ‘handles’ the Badass Psycho all by herself, blowing off the psycho’s only good arm with her Assault rifle. The psycho tries resorting to kicking the pony, but Pinkie’s naturally cartoonish speed allows her to zip around and leap on top of the Psycho, riding on it’s shoulders as she uses her launcher, point-blank, to blow a hole in the Psycho’s head. The badass collapses, making gurgled cries of pain. “This’ll be the last thing I say...

“Nice job, Pinkie.” Anthony says, receiving a high-five from the pink pony. “Next on the list is Oney.”

“So.” Rainbow says, starting a conversation as they walk. “What are all of their names?”

“Uh, Oney, Wot, Reeth, and Rouf.”

“So... they’re just messed up names of One Two Three and Four? And Jack said our names are stupid.”

“Not to mention he got our names wrong!” Pinkie complains. “Do I look purple to you?”

“Not in the slightest.” Anthony says, “And we’ll get Jack back for that shit he put us through soon enough, for now, we have this guy to deal with.”

As he ends his sentence another door opens and out comes Oney, all alone, no backup like Wot’s psycho. Oney was a Nomad, big and bulky with his face mostly covered, but there was one problem. He was wearing his shield on his back, which meant there was no chance of a sneak attack.

“We gotta fight him directly!” Anthony warns, as Pinkie runs up, and loads another rocket into her launcher, firing at Oney. When the dust clears... Oney is still standing and not even scratched.

“Uh oh.” Pinkie says as she looks down at her hooves and sees a grenade Oney had thrown during the confusion.

With a blast, Pinkie’s shield is taken out and a leg had been blown off from the force of the explosion. She’d have to respawn to get it back.

“Wow...” Pinkie says quietly. “Dying is... cold...” something she’d chalked up to the snow from earlier. She looks mostly confused, not angry or afraid or anything.

Pinkie despawns after a few moments, sending Dash into a frenzy. “You’re gonna pay for that you son of a bi-” Dash is cut off by a shotgun blast straight to the gut. The pegasus collapses with a grunt, blood everywhere.

Oney definitely wasn’t going down as easily as Wot. Anthony switches to his Scout, and takes careful aim but is forced to run and find cover as Oney tosses another grenade. “This guy isn’t giving us a break! We need an opening!” The nomad named Oney simply laughs and levels his gun once more.

Anthony swaps to his Pistol again, the same one he’d used to finish Wot and gets a decent gut shot on Oney, but with the bandit’s thick coat and skin, it doesn’t do much more than make Oney pause.

“Need more firepower!” He yells, Pinkie running up to rejoin them, Dash’s shield is recharging but the amount of blood lost is enough to keep her off her feet.

“Argh, why can’t we just blow him up?” Dash gurgles, then pauses. “Wait, why haven’t we been using our freakin’ powers?!” she yells, and stands up. Oney turns towards her, and she bellows, zipping across the huge gap to land a devastating gut-stomp at Rainboom speeds, the elemental rainbow slathering the large nomad with various effects and making him scream in agony.

“Good thinking, Dash.” Anthony mutters as he pulls his Scout up again and takes another shot, the sniper bullet finding purchase in the Nomad’s upper chest, the Rainboom’s slag effect allowing for a high enough damage boost to end it, making the secondary objective of finishing Oney with a Sniper shot a success. Rainbow limps back to the group. Not damaged enough to warrant death but certainly she’d seen better days.

“Damn... this hurts... Any way to get that blood back in me?” She asks, looking a bit pale.

Anthony searches around the base opening various containers and eventually finding a single med hypo. “Damn, only one. It’ll have to do.”

“Whassat gonna do?” Dash slurs, staring at the needle, which Anthony passes to Pinkie.

“Give that to her, it’s some of Zed’s healing stuff.”

Pinkie salutes and gives Dash an apologetic look as she sticks the needle in Rainbow’s haunch. “Yow! I thought that was supposed to help... oh... wow...” Dash’s voice picks up as the medicine works quickly. “Don’t feel exactly a hundred percent but... that Zed guy sure knows what he’s doing...”

“Yeah,” Anthony says, handing a few rockets he’d found to Pinkie. “Zed’s hypos may not be the easiest meds to take and hard to find around, but they work.”

Reloading on ammo, the group gets back to the next assassin. “Reeth. Number three.”

The next door that opens has a pair of Psychos running out at the group, though one, Reeth, looks much fiercer and isn’t wearing a mask like the Psycho following behind him, a marauder with an SMG shooting wildly at the group.

“Pinkie, Dash, split up. I’ll take the marauder.” Anthony suggests as the trio each goes for their own foe, Pinkie taking Reeth herself, as Dash handles the standard Psycho.

Anthony, for his part, is tagged by several bullets from the marauder, and Reeth seems to have other ideas, avoiding Pinkie and rushing at Anthony whose shield is effectively shut down by Reeth’s melee attacks, taking a bullet to the chest from the Marauder.

“Get that marauder.” Anthony says, holding his chest. Anthony Sparks up and rushes away from Reeth, taking care of the other Psycho with a few rapid electrified punches. Before hitting the floor, another round of spraying from the marauder catching Anthony in the knees. “Shit...” Anthony grumbles as he hits the ground face-first.

Pinkie and Dash split up, Dash giving Reeth a kick to the jaw while Pinkie tosses her singularity at the marauder, pulling him from the cover he’d taken and blowing him into the air. Once he’s in the air, Pinkie lets loose a blast with her Party Cannon, sending bandit giblets all over one side of the room.

Anthony, with two barely useful legs, grits his teeth against the pain and crawls for a green Dahl container, hoping to find his own healing hypo as Dash continues trading blows with Reeth, his flaming buzzaxe doing significant damage to Dash’s shield despite the fire resistance. She was doing good but would need help.

The pegasus is doing more dodging than fighting, but it’s obvious she’s better trained for it than Anthony or Pinkie. And that really shows when Pinkie pops up behind the unmasked Psycho with a manic grin and a ‘Hello~!’ before blasting another time with her cannon.

Reeth lets out a groan as the cannon hits him square in the back, launching him forward... right into a direct buck from Dash, caving in his face and leaving him barely able to move. A punch and then a stomp from Dash finishes him and the ponies begin searching for a hypo for Anthony.

“Nice tactics big guy.” Rainbow compliments. “But you need to work on your evasion.”

“Yeah...” Anthony says, teeth still ground together. “Damn this hurts...”

“Is there any other way to fix it?” Dash asks, looking at his legs with concern.

“Yeah, but it’s another type of med hypo. So best you keep looking. I can hold on long enough.” Anthony lies, feeling his legs get weaker. “Might have to off myself though if I want to fix it fast.”

“How you gonna do that?” Pinkie asks worriedly.

Anthony shrugs and pulls out his Hyperion pistol and aims it at his head. “Like this.”

“Nah, just hold on dude, we’ll help ya.” Rainbow consoles him. “But that looks pretty bad. You sure Zed’s stuff is good enough to fix that?”

“Ain’t you heard my radio commercial?” Zed asks over the ECHO. “‘If you've got the money, I'll save your gol-dern life!’”

“Yeah...” Anthony mutters. “That. Check and see if there’s a medical vending machine somewhere. Zed sells shields and med hypos from there.”

Dash and Pinkie begin to search around, and Anthony is left sitting around, when he notices a pair of what looks like elevator shafts, with an ‘up/down’ button panel on the left side. Best of all, it’s within reach, and something he’d never seen in the games. An experimental tap on the button shows it makes the left one go up, but the right one go down.

A quick peek over the side reveals it’s full of hot air, rising from a molten metal of some kind, far below, just in range to completely submerge whichever platform he lowers... and both platforms look like they have guns on them.

E-Tech guns.

Well, without anything better to do but wait for the ponies to get back from the medical machine at the building’s entrance, he pushes the button to send one platform high enough to reach in and grab a plasma caster, the other one, a splatgun, lowering into the molten material with a hiss-fizz, and rapidly melting away.

Inspecting the gun, Anthony readjusts himself so his back is against the wall with the buttons on it, allowing his knees to rest from the rather painful kneeling position he’d been in.

His greatest fear was a bandit coming by, doing rounds, before the girls could get back to him so he just loaded the Caster with some spare SMG ammo he’d picked up and aims it around from his sitting position.

He notes that it’s a Tediore, and that as a weapon the only thing exceptional one could do with a Tediore Plasma Caster is to fire a single shot and reload-throw the gun for massive damage.

Soon enough, he sees Dash run around a corner and bring a healing needle to Anthony. “This one said it was a ‘Rejuvenation’ hypo, whatever that means. It said it heals more than the other one, though.”

Anthony indicates for her to stick it in his outer thigh and he tells Dash to keep holding it there. “Rejuve healers do heal more but it...” He pauses to hiss in pain as his brain physically rejects the thought of a needle in his leg. “It takes time...”

The hypo, once empty and all the ‘medicine’ put in his bloodstream, he does feel better. Even able to run, let alone stand on his legs.

“Oh yeah, Zed’s got this covered.” He groans as he gets feeling back into his feet. “Ah, there we go. Okay, one more guy to go.”

Pinkie rounds the same corner Dash came around and rejoins the group. “And then we turn in this job... and the ones from yesterday.”

“Right.” Dash says, remembering. “We never got back to the Happy Pig board to turn in that skag-den job.”

“Yeah, we deal with Rouf, and then we head by the Hotel before reporting back to Roland.”

Wear your face like a condom!” comes the scream of a psycho, the bandit making its rounds as Anthony had worried.

“Who wants to try out a Plasma Caster first?” He asks, turning to the girls, holding out the E-Tech SMG.

Pinkie grabs the gun and aims it at the Psycho, launching out a few balls of green-tinted glowing blasts that travel lazily (for a bullet that is) towards the psycho, hitting him in the chest the corrosive damage of the Caster taking effect and effectively melting a hole in the Psycho.

Give me my hit-points back!” The psycho screams in pain as Pinkie lands a burst shot in the bandit’s face, ending it quickly.

“Wow... this is fun!” Pinkie says.

“A bit lower fire rate than a normal smig though.” Dash notes, looking over the gun. “Dang, that’s a deep clip though for a Tediore.”

“It eats two ammo per shot, though. Try throwing it after a single shot.” Anthony suggests.

“Will do.” Dash says, taking the gun to use for her turn with it. “So, onto the fourth guy, right?”

“Right.” The group continues on, Dash checking out the sight on the Caster. “Huh, not bad. I could actually use this from a decent range with the scope on this. Shame it’s got such a low bullet speed.”

Pinkie shrugs. “Eh, it could be worse. I mean, it could be going so slow you can aim it through the scope with, like, telekinesis or something.”

“Yeah, still, I’d rate it as a backup smig in a firefight, not a main weapon.”

“Keep it in your pack and take it out when you need to.” Anthony suggests. “S’what I do with my sniper.”

Dash nods, and pulls out her preferred weapons instead. Minigun in hand, she sneaks forward, acting as the scout.

The final door opens and out comes a plus-sized Rat, flanked by Nomad Taskmasters, their shields aimed to either side of Rouf as he aims his laser-sighted shotgun around the room, loping around the way all Rats do.

“Says we get paid extra if we finish him with a Shotgun.” Anthony whispers to his group. “Pinkie, you still got one on you?”

“Yep! It’s the slag one though, not a primary weapon...”

Anthony furrows his brow as he thinks it over. “Well, we’ll just have to take him down with poke damage and get him weak enough to finish with that.” He pulls out his Hyperion pistol and aims for the head of one of the Nomads but the Taskmaster shifts his shield, just happening to cut off Anthony’s shot, alerting the bandits to their position.

“I’m getting sick of this sneaking around and all these easy bucking shots!” Dash curses as she rushes out into the open, only to take a shotgun blast from the second Taskmaster, and Rouf begins immediately rushing for cover.

Anthony rubs his head at Dashes hyperactivity and Pinkie seems to feel the same, hurling her longbow grenade right at the door. The singularity effect pulls the bandits towards it, getting both nomads and Rouf in the back with a blast of fire.

“Nice thinking Pinks.” Dash shouts as she aims her Assault Rifle at a taskmaster, sending several dozen rounds flying at the Taskmaster and ending him fairly effectively. “Huh, not bad, guess these Vladof rifles aren’t so bad after all.”

Anthony grins as he aims his own grenade at the second nomad. “Told ya so.”

“Heh, yeah... I think I like guns like this.” she says, taking vague aim and peppering the far wall with as many bullets as she had left in her gun, only a few hitting near enemy position, but sending Rouf diving for cover instead of continuing to harass the trio.

Anthony’s grenade, a longbow similar to Pinkie’s, flies over to land behind Rouf’s cover and releases a spinning wheel of continuous fire, setting the Rat on fire. “Now, Pinkie!”

Pinkie nods and takes a running leap past Rouf’s cover once the grenade cools down and delivers a shotgun blast directly to Rouf’s face, as Rouf hits Pinkie in the barrel with his own shotgun. Pinkie’s shield takes the shot pretty well, the corrosive effect not being very good at cracking shields. Rouf falls over and drops the gun he’d shot Pinkie with, gurgling and sputtering as his brain registers the slag-infected bullets inside his head.

“Sweet moves, Pinkie!” Anthony cheers as Pinkie continues flying from the effect of Rouf’s gun, knocking her into a wall which she bounces back from easily.

“Lookit what he dropped!

Anthony picks up the weapon and looks it over, the triple barrel and corrosive effect equalling only one possible response. “Damn, this thing will just chew through Loaders, hold onto that one.”

“Hey, why’s it got some red text on it’s card?” Pinkie asks in confusion.

“Secondary effect.” Anthony explains. “It’s got special stuff on it that standard guns of similar parts wouldn’t. They’re after-market guns.”

Pinkie looks it over, then smiles. “I like it! Hey, we should make our own, some time!” Pinkie says, “I mean, if the Bandits do it, why not us?”

“Because I can fire a gun, but I don’t know how to make one.” Anthony explains. “Most of these Bandits are left here after the Dahl corporation pulled up it’s mining gear and left Pandora when they thought it was useless. They’re engineers by profession until they were just dumped here.”

“Well, shoot, ah could teach ya how to make ‘em.” Scooter says over the ECHO, making all three of them jump at the sudden interjection.

“Seriously!?” Dash asks in disbelief. “Man is there anything you can’t do?”

“Ah still haven’t figger’d out pulse-wave geometries, or sublight engines for in-system travel yet.” he replies.

“I don’t even know what those are!” Dash says gleefully.

“Still, if you can show us how to make more guns, that’d be awesome!” Pinkie adds. “No more picking through vendor trash to find useful stuff!”

“Actually, you’d still need ta do that. Ah mean, yer not just gonna be makin’ parts outta nothin’. You gather up parts ‘n bring ‘em to my garage, and you kin use the work table there to put ‘em together. I’ll show the whatsits and whatfors when you git here next.”

“Thanks, Scooter!” Dash says, gleefully as the group leaves the area. “We’ll be over there once we turn in these jobs.”

“No probs, Dashie. Ah just wish the other Vault Hunters were interested in makin’ guns, too... Ah don’t get many friends that do.”

Author's Note:

<Leveled Up: Level 7. 2 Skill points to spend.>