• Published 17th Jan 2016
  • 301 Views, 3 Comments

Rule-Breaking Nuisance - Shimmer Shy

Ponies can break the rules sometimes, and Mage and Sportsy definitely break them a lot. As a friendship forms between the two of them, they share their problems and secrets with one another.

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Mage's POV

I felt Sportsy's warm arms wrap around my body. Her soft words of comfort echoing through my ears, and yet I couldn't hear any of it. How could she just accept me? I was a monster; a traitor and yet she stayed loyal to me. I hugged her back harder, pressing my face gently against her warm chest due to me being half her size now. I could hear her heart beat, and it helped to calm my thoughts as I began to cry into her fur. Why I cried I can not tell you, but I did. Everything that had been troubling me, I just cried it into Sportsy's purple fur. Maybe that's what friends are for, or maybe I was doing it wrong. I didn't know, I didn't care. Somepony loved me for who I really was. Somepony cared.

When the waterfalls of salty tears finally subsided, I sniffed a little, and looked up into Sportsy's sapphire eyes. They were so soft, and caring, and I could sense the strong positivity she had flowing through them. It must have been her eyes that had made me trust her. Eyes can tell you a lot more about a pony than words.
I smiled at her; she smiled back.

"Thank yo-" I cut off, slightly shocked to hear the mechanical, distorted changeling voice instead of Mage's smooth one. Then I sighed, asking Sportsy to shield her eyes as I once again transformed into Mage.

"Thank you so much Sportsy, for understanding. It really means a lot," I grinned, as I pulled her into another tight hug. "If you want, you can come to my house and I can answer any questions you have... In private. We wouldn't really get another chance, so if you had any questions they would have to be answered today, if it's easier you could even stay the night!"

Sportsy nodded, and we left the grimy toilets, heading towards the exit of the school. We walked a little further until we were out of earshot to everypony else before I spoke.

"You're probably wondering why I'm here and not in the hive, so I guess I'll explain that while we walk to my house," I said, glancing to Sportsy to see if she wanted to hear it or not. She didn't seem to be bothered by what I said, so I continued, "The last time I was at the hive must have been when I was 10, so three years ago. Word of a rebellion had spread around, and changelings were getting more and more excited about all of the love they were going to get. At the time, we'd had a shortage of food, and you'd wonder why nopony else ran away like I did. I think it has something to do with staying hidden, and most of them were blinded by the propaganda Chrysalis had been feeding them. It was then that I realised I didn't want any part in the rebellion, I didn't want to hurt anypony because... Well I don't know why. Maybe it was because when I was younger, me and my old friend used to play together. He would always be the changeling attacking Equestria, and I was always the little filly saving the day. Stupid and cliche I know, but I guess that's where I found my interest in ponies. From then onwards I just remember always wishing I could be a pony. One day, I decided I would kill two birds with one stone and run away. That way I could be a pony and avoid the rebellion. Soon enough I found one pony who offered me a good house for quite a cheap price, I didn't have much money because I'd just run away from the hive. It isn't that complex, four rooms: A kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and living area. But it's a house and I can't be ungrateful!"

I nodded towards the yellow house in the middle of a little street, and strolled towards the front door. The outside wasn't in the best condition, with the paint on the front door peeling off and ivy stretched across the front. A little flower patch had been overgrown with weeds, and only one small, droopy flower remained, with most of the petals falling off. I felt my ears press hard against the side of my face, hoping that Sporsty wouldn't judge the state my house was in.

I got a set of keys from inside of my saddle bag, and turned them in the lock. I opened the door and walked inside, Sportsy following behind.

Though it looked absolutely atrocious from the outside, the inside was extremely bright and colourful. It was decorated with various different colours on different rooms, and had a few vases here and there.

"I'm gonna fix the outside soon," I sigh, as I walk up the stairs. Each step heaved and creaked under the weight, seemingly about to collapse like a house of cards.
I sighed happily as I opened the door to my bedroom, the best decorated room in the house. It was bright and colourful, with little doodles painted all across the walls. Each and every drawing symbolising something different. It gave a nice, creative effect. And over in the corner of my room was my games console, which I had bought as soon as I had enough money. Being a changeling, sometimes during days without school I transformed into many different ponies to get lots of money working various jobs for most of the day. It was just lucky I consumed love and not real food which would mean I'd have to cut some of the money I earned to pay for it.

I looked over to Sportsy, and gestured for her to sit on the bed next to me. I turned and looked at her, then smiled a little, my ears perking up happily as she smiled encouragingly backs.

"So... Do you have any questions?"