• Published 8th May 2018
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Dead Space: Lunar Engineer - Kolt342

Princess Luna, Viewing the dream of the galaxy, is forced into a situation where there are worse things than death.

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Reminiscing Beginnings Part 1

~Uknown location~

'How could this have happened' I thought to my self, as my companion and I hid in a storage room 'As soon as we find that stupid conscious sculpture, I will blast it with every scrap of magic I have, until it is dust in the wind!'

I looked at his RIG, coated with flakes of dried blood. the bar on the back was pulsing a gentle yellow. His plasma cutter beside him as he unconsciously laid at his side. His suit was torn in several places, and the plating was indented or missing entirely. The helmets light would flicker every now and then.

I heard clanging in the vent next to me, and held my breath. I know not how these.....things.....are capable of surviving in deep space, but the fact that they can fills me with terror to no end. I stopped my self from breathing for a few more moments, even after the noise had stopped. One cannot be too careful on this death trap of a vessel.

I exhale, beginning to feel my age. I looked back to my companion, conjuring some more ice and placing them on his head.

'At least the swelling went down' I thought 'He should be fine for now'.

I close my eyes, thinking back to how this whole disaster started.

~Equestria, a week prior~

I had awoken, as was usual, for me to raise the moon as my sister set the sun. This routine had been ingrained into mine and Celly's schedule for the past three thousand years, before my banishment. As we had raised and set our respective charges, I preceded to join my sister in the dining hall.

I had imagined that Celestia would take her work with her, as she had for the past thousand years, but was happy she didn't this time.

I quickly run over and give her a hug, one that my sister happily returned. I was still feeling a bit clingy after spending the past millennium on the moon. After we take our seats, one of the butlers, Alfred, I think his name was, took our orders and went to the kitchen to prepare it. No matter how I look at it, there is no way he could get it all done as fast as he does.

As we situated to get ourselves comfortable, I took in my sisters appearance, as I have for the past two years.

As usual, her hair flowed like it was in an invisible wind, and colored like a sunrise/set. Her eyes are a very light magenta and holding wisdom gained through experience over several life times, while she held a smile that had incomprehensible patience and kindness. She wore robes of the finest silk, colored a light gray with golden inlays and accents. But under it, I knew she wore armor fit for battle, as I had learned a long time ago. Her wings, they looked so fragile, so soft, but were capable of putting Equestria's fastest fliers a good run for their bits.

I on the other hand, had hair that shone like the night sky, flowing like my sisters. My eyes are cyan colored, holding less wisdom than that of my sister, but are more, closed. After what I had gone through, it is a wonder I'm not insane. I had a perpetual scowl, showing that I didn't give my approval easily. While my sister wore robes tailored for her, I fashioned my own battle robes, and forged my own armor. Both of which I wear in conjunction.

Celestia and I talked about times when we were younger. How she would try to sneak some cake when she thought Mother wasn't looking. How I was trying to learn all types of magic. When we got our Cutie Marks, to fighting the Lord of Chaos himself. We were so engrossed talking about our past, we almost missed our meals being set.

"Feels like it has been over 4000 years since we have just sat down and talked." Sister said letting a small sigh out. "We have had our royal duties, the Nightmare incident" My scowl deepened, but I didn't refute her. It was my fault after all. "Then Discord broke free, was resealed, then reformed. Tirek, and then Starlight Glimmer, from what Twilight said"

Ah yes, Starlight Glimmer. Twilight had informed Celestia and I about her, and her former occupation. Trying to force friendship through equality is not a true friendship. Then she tried to keep Twilight and her friends from getting their cutie marks, marking them as friends and securing their destiny to meet each other.

Needless to say, I was, as they say these days, pissed. Starswirl once tried to mess with time, but was aged several years as a result. After that, he vowed to never again try to mess with the fabric of time. I had requested a sound proof room to 'lecture' Starlight in. let it be said that I thoroughly 'lectured' her.

I bid my sister a good night, while she bid me a good morning. As I had walked my way to the throne room, I pondered how many visitors with problems, or requests I would get tonight. While I love helping them with their problems, I have other duties as ruler of the night to take care of. I had arrived at my destination, and was quickly met with Quick Jot, the night court scribe.

He handed me a surprisingly small list of visitors. I took it as a sign that alot of them still do not trust me, no matter what Celestia says about me to them. I look at the list, only seventeen people needing help, or having a request tonight, it will be quicker than I thought. I walked up to, and sat upon the throne, merely nodding to start the night court.

I look at the list to see who is first, and to my disdain, it was my 'Nephew' Blueblood. When ever he comes to night court, trouble follows suit. I take a deep breath to help keep my self calm through out his impending idiocy.

"Prince Blueblood, Step forth." I said.

My 'nephew' strode up, a smug grin plastered upon his face. His hair brushed in a way that was more befitting a worker from a thousand years ago, instead of most of the supposed nobility of this era. His white suit was a prim and proper as many expect it to be. I once again take a deep breath and slowly, unnoticeably, let it out.

"Nephew, why hath thou come here?" I questioned "Is this another one of thous 'requests'"

Blueblood merely chuckled, something wasn't right about it. It sent alarms right through me.

"I would like to bring up the subject of The Elements of Harmony." He said, "As well as the fact that 'Princess' Twilight Sparkle and her 'Friends' can no longer use them."

Ah, so that was his game. He was going to try to paint me as letting the former bearers be attack dogs. Very well Blueblood, we shall play your little game.

"What of them" I responded "Every one in Equestria hath been informed of what happened, and why it had to happen. So why bring it up now."

He flinched, barely seen by everyone else, but I had noticed it. He hadn't payed attention to that had he? No he had, but why did he flinch?

"I would like to question the fact of only letting those of commoner blood wield them." He stated, as if the thought disgusted him "Wouldn't powerful artifacts like them be better suited for the Nobility wield them."

I let out a silent chuckle, oh thou truely are a fool.

"The Elements of Harmony belongs to the Tree of Harmony, which imbued them with the vitrues that lets those who have a specific attribute use them." I stated "One doth not simply control artifacts of such power."

"But the nobility would put them to far better use." He countered

"And what use, 'Nephew', would that be, hm? Trying to deepen thou pockets." I shot back.

"But surely letting mere commoners use them is insufficient"

"The Elements of Harmony chose them be cause they represented those attributes perfectly." I stated firmly "Just as Celestia and I hath represented them."

I remember the elements I hath once wielded, Magic, Loyalty, and Honesty. I wasn't very loyal to Equestria after I became Nightmare Moon, nor was I honest to Celestia. I had hidden my growing jealousy from my sister, in hopes it would go away. I was wrong, it had only grown and festered until I couldn't control it any more.

"How can we be sure that they were a perfect match for them?" Blueblood questioned. "How could we have known that they wouldn't have used their position as the bearers to gain what ever they want, regardless of their social standing"

I chuckled, it was a dark chuckle that sent visible shivers down Bluebloods spine. The expression on his face as I stood and walked down from the throne, shows that he knew he spoke out of line. He was stammering, trying to use that silver tongue of his to worm his way out of the punishment I had in store.

"Prince Blueblood, thou claims that the Elements of Harmony don't know who they chose? Claiming that only those of nobility should wield them?!" I took another calming breath "Thou are a poor excuse of the title, of being born into Nobility. Until further notice, Thou are banned from use of the royal treasury, and thou must use any bit thou earns to sustain thine self, until such a time thou learns the true meaning of thine title. I will be watching, if not from the waking world, then from the realm of dreams."

The court scribe had written down what I had said, given it to one of the Night Guards. Said guard swiftly went to my sister to give her the note. My sister usually stay up until midnight, stargazing, a past time she had developed. Her response came in the green flame of Trans-Postal magic. A smirk graced my features, nodding as she agreed to my terms.

He glared at me, well, looked like an angry kitten. I had seen horrors beyond his imagination, stared down griffon kings, faced Discord him self. Blueblood was as intimidating as a sculpture.

"Now, hath anyone else have problems that need resolution." I asked, most of them left, nobility in disguise maybe. After the most of petitioners left only three people remained. Two farmers and one of the few nobles I respect. I called forth Fancy Pants, a true noble.

"Good evening, Princess Luna" Fancy Pants said as he bowed. "I come with an Idea to help those that cannot channel magic as a Mage can, attend Celestia's school for the gifted."

I quirk an eyebrow, not out of scepticism, but out of curiosity. I had heard of a few problems regarding the school, mainly because of the all Mage staff. I am interested to hear of a proposal to help the school be more diverse.

"Speak, Fancy Pants. I am interested in what thou hath to say." A genuine smile appears on him, truly he is of an old noble line.

"Well, my son, who was born a Valkiery, wants to attened Celestias school for the gifted in a few years. But I'm worried that he will be declined." He replied, knowing how the school was "So, your highness, I had hoped you and Princess Celestia could devise a plan to let anyone teach, and learn at the school for the gifted."

Ah, the Valkiery tribe, formerly militaristic, now athletic. He is right to worry, the Mages who run the school will only take 'Non-Mages' if they are skilled enough. So, they spend most of their lives attaining skills worthy of my sister academy. By then though, they would claim that they had made no such promise. He was right to come to me about this.

"I shall talk with my sister about it. You will receive word from me personally upon our decision. I am sorry, but I had no part in creating the school." I say, wishing I had.

I still had a lot to learn about this era, but I am making great strides.

"That is all I ask. Good night, your highness" There was a small amount of sadness in his voice, but it seems he had come to the same conclusion I had. By my moon, I will do what ever it takes to anyone willing to put forth the effort can attend that school. But first I need to speak to Celestia about it.

The next two were about a land dispute that gave me a headache. Who fights over a gravel farm. After they concluded that the only what for one of them can own the whole gravel farm, they left. Didn't let me get a word in, despite coming to me to fix their problem.

I sigh, as I sit back. Readying myself for my next task. Maintaining the dreams of this world. Considering how short Night Court was, I may have enough time for my third job, Maintaining the dreams of the galaxy. It's not an easy task, I have to transfer my spiritual self to one solar system per night, even when I was on the moon, I didn't let my task go unfulfilled.

This night, it is the Humans that travel the cosmos. I haven't seen their dreams since a hundred years before my banishment. It will be interesting to see what they have in their thoughts as they sleep after all these years.

As I enter my chambers, I stand straight, holding my right arm high above my head. I quickly extend my left arm out too my side. I close my eyes, and take several deep breaths. As I open them, I feel myself shift into the dream realm. Thousands of clouds appeared before me, as I drift between them looking for any one who is troubled.

I had found that Applebloom was have a nightmare. So I had showed her that even her friends have nightmares.

That everyone has nightmares.

Author's Note:

Well, The plot bunny wouldn't leave me be on this one. Let's see how this goes!