• Published 8th May 2018
  • 620 Views, 0 Comments

Dead Space: Lunar Engineer - Kolt342

Princess Luna, Viewing the dream of the galaxy, is forced into a situation where there are worse things than death.

  • ...

Life, Undeath, and Magic.

Author's Note:

Listen to this for this chapter when Luna wakes up:

I had helped a few of the citizens of Equestria with their terror filled dreams, when I knew it was time to expand my senses to the galaxy as a whole. I was shocked to learn that the vast thoughts from the past, have been long silenced.

I thought I had sensed more dreams in large clusters, but twas only my imagination. What ever is capable of wiping out nearly all thoughts in the galaxy will pay immensely.

But I had turned my ever watching gaze to an unkown planet, where only a few thoughts still live. I was surprised to see that they were all orbiting the planet. Curious I looked closer, and for reasons not known to me, began getting a headache.When I tried to pull myself away, I began feeling the matrice of a teleportation spell being woven. I tried to cancel it, but I was too late. In a blinding flash of light, I lost my grip on the dream realm, and consciousness.

I awoken some time later, back in my body, and in an unknown place. It felt...wrong somehow, I can't help but feel a small amount of fear creeping up. It was as if whatever was in the place wasn't supposed to be here.

'I'll just be on my guard then' I thought, walking forward.

The sound of my armor shifting as I moved was the only cure for the unnatural silence in this hallway. How long have I been walking, I have no answer.

'Something isn't right here, surely someone should have heard me walking by now'

I continued on for several minutes, encountering a few doors with a red light. Curious, I walked towards one and put my hand to it, only to hear a sound from no where. I 'touched' the light again, only to get the same sound.

'Guess that means it's locked? Strange using light to act as a door knob.'

I turned around and began walking back to take a different route, when I heard a clanking in the vents above me. My instincts told me to quit moving, and I always listen to my instincts. As I cease my movements, the clanking got closer. I held my breath in fear, the noise had stopped above me. I don't know how long it was there, a minute? An hour? Eventually though, it moved away.

After that I began my trek again, this time keeping my senses sharp and my magic at the ready. I came across a door that held a blue light on it, this time I notice there where words on it.


I touched the blue light, and the door opened. I took gentle steps, casting silencing spell around me, so that I could walk normally with out too much worry. After a couple of turns, I heard a sharp cry. Rushing over to it, I noticed a human fighting.....Something I can't begin to describe.

All I know is that it needs to die. Summoning my sword, I charged forward, Jumping to cleave its head off. It came off easier than I expected it to, as if the creature was a corpse, already decaying. However, what I saw next, unnerved me. It simply got back, as if the loss of it's had didn't mean anything. What ever this creature is, I decided to keep my distance, dispelling my blade, I pointed my hand at the monster, casting a concussive spell, knocking it down.

Just as it was getting up, three blue dots lined up vertically, and in a flash the things limbs flew off. I turned back to the man who I saved. He was wearing a skin tight brown patch worked suit. It had some plating on its chest, a small triangular piece that had a light on it. His helmet was rectangular, a few bars protecting its...visor?

He had his weapon pointed right at me, a cautious one. He then looked at the creature behind me, thrashing, trying in vain to get up. I simply set it on fire, knowing that my arcane flames will burn it away. I turn back and see he had his weapon pointed at me, focusing on what I had done.

"Where did you come from" he asked "No, How did you do that?"

A very cautious person, perhaps I shall answer his questions.

"I am Luna, and I had cast a simple fire spell." I stated, "As for where I come from, that is a tale in and of itself."

After I had finished speaking, more clanging could be heard. Fire balls appeared in the palm of my hands as the creatures burst from the sides of the room. It charged me, but fell when my....ally I guess you could say, aimed his object at them. In a flash of light, the creatures limbs fell. Each looking like a scythe. I narrowed my eyes, memories of fighting Sombra flickered for an instant.

I looked a the remaining ones, taking in their appearance. One looked remarkably humanoid, it's arms turned weapons. One resembled a lizard without its legs. And the other...AN INFANT!? What ever is causing this is using even INFANTS. Who ever caused this will pay!

Deciding that my foes were more of a threat than I first thought, I dispelled the flame in my right hand opting to summon my sword, and, In one quick, practiced motion, slid my left hand the length of the blade. The effect was instant, the blade ignited in a small maelstrom of indigo fire.

I point my burning blade toward the oncoming threat, a tactic that normally deters my enemies. I was, however, surprised that they just kept charging.

'Have they no fear?' I thought, 'No matter, they will fall!'

As one neared, I struck. Sliding back, dodging its mindless striking, I thrust my weapon forward, impaling and setting it ablaze. I heard the sound of my allies weapon being used, I turned and to see him ending the child like monstrosity.

As I turned back to my opponent, all I see of it is ash. I started to turn back to my impromptu ally, when I see a hazy person in the distance. The way they stood was familiar. For some reason I go the feeling I had met it before, and I don't like it. It's as if they weren't supposed to be there, and yet they were supposed to.

'I'll contemplate that later' I thought as I turned, jumping as the two-legged lizard. Grabbing its tail as I land, the foolish thing thought I had forgotten it. Weaving my mana through my arms, I lifted and slammed the thing into the ground, and threw it into a wall.As it neared it's destination, I conjured small Ice rune.

In a small flash of light blue light, the beast was frozen solid. Putting my sword back into my personal space pocket, I turned toward my ally. He was looking around, probably trying to see if there are more in the area. Discreetly casting a life-detection spell, I was shocked to discover that there are only a hand full of people left alive.

Now I openly casted a undeath-detection spell, and, to my disbelief, I discovered that the enter vessel crawling with those things.

'Think Luna, think' I thought to my self, 'What could have cause such a mass of undead?'

I went through a list of potential suspects. From Necromancers to even a Lich. But, without the use of artifacts, even a Lich would have trouble controlling this many undead.

A small cough was enough to get my attention. Turning too him, he kept his weapon trained on me. Putting his hand too his helmet, he spoke.

"Hey, Hendricks?" He asked "Yeah, I'm fine. I get it, we don't have time too waste, but I found a survivor."

I snorted at that, but didn't interrupt him.

"No, she doesn't look like she's wearing a RIG." RIG? I'll have to inquire about that some other time. "Her name is Luna, Think you can see if she's on the crew manifesto? Thanks, I'll get back to finding the thermite and shock pads."

As he took his hand from his helmet, I decided to tell him of my predicament.

"Thou won't find any information of me on this ships manifest." I said, startling him "In fact, I had only just awoke on this vessel moments before our encounter."

"What do you mean, awoke?" He asked

I smiled, I had always enjoyed talking about Magical Theory and execution of said Theories, but now was not the the time.

"If you'll allow me too accompany thee, I'll answer thou's questions. In return I ask that thou answers mine."

I should think that a fair offer. We both have questions that need answered.

He took a few minutes too deliberate, but in the end he agreed.

I need too find out whats going on here, and he is my best ticket currently.

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