• Published 2nd Feb 2016
  • 9,525 Views, 156 Comments

The Fox and the Filly - FrostTheWolf

[Displaced][Digimon Crossover] Sweetie Belle one day comes across a strange looking watch and decides to keep it on her, only for her to form a bond with a strange fox creature that knew her mother. Now the fox has become her partner and protector.

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13- The gang's all here

The Fox and the Filly- The gang’s all here

The moment that she heard the creature that had just emerged in her bedroom speak, Scootaloo was caught off guard. But the moment that she heard it say her mothers name, that was when she felt a massive chill go down her spine. She had not heard her name in so long, but whenever it was brought up, it just only leads her to remember what exactly happened to her. Many said that she died because of an accident at the weather factory. That something had gone wrong the last time the weather team was trying to get Cloudsdale a rainy season… and there was no real answer to explain what happened.

But this creature… looked at her and said her name not just like any other pony would. This being… saw her as her mother. “S-sky?”

“I-i’m sorry, but I’m not S-sky,” The filly finally got the courage to speak as she looked back at the creature, providing an answer in order to try and calm the fear in its voice. “I-i’m her daughter… Scootaloo.”

“Scoot… aloo?” It asked, tilting its head for a moment. “I… never knew Sky had a daughter… Oh, I-i’m sorry. I forgot to introduce myself.” It then stook out one of it’s claws, which made the filly think it was going to grab her. Only for it to be held up like that as it looked back at her. “I’m Monodramon. Nice to meet you.”

“Mono… dramon?” Scootaloo asked for clarification, getting an affirmative nod from the digimon as she lifted up her front right hoof. Without warning, she felt Monodramon’s claw grab hold of her, before being brought into an abruptive hoof shake before Monodramon let go of her hoof and set it back down on the ground.

“So… Scootaloo, can I ask you something?” Monodramon then spoke up, taking a look around to see all the things that were in Scootaloo’s room. However, there were two… main questions that were on her mind right around now. But first things first… “Where am I…? This place feels like Sky’s home, but it smells very different… and I can’t smell Sky anywhere.”

The mentioning of her mothers name cause the small smile that was once on Scootaloo’s face to drop down. “She’s… gone,” That was the only sentence that she said before looking back at the confused digimon. “My mom’s gone… Along with my old home. Now I live here with Rainbow Dash.”

For a moment, it looked like Monodramon was not responding. But then… out of nowhere, she began to hear the creature talk to himself. “B-but… if that’s true, the how exactly did you bring me out of my digivice? Matter of fact, how did you find my digivice? Was it locked away in some kind of storage container or thrown together with a box of junk from a yard sale. Matter of fact, if that was true, how long was I still inside there for? Has it been days, weeks, years? Did the same thing happen to the tamers of the other partners…”

For almost a good twenty seconds, the creature… who just a few moments ago was too nervous to speak, was now mumbling to himself off the top of his head. Almost like he wasn’t even paying attention to what was going on around him as Scootaloo just stared at him. “Um… I think you’re really taking the whole thing with my mom a little too seriously…” However, even that comment just didn’t do enough to stop Momodramon’s mumbling.

Leading Scootaloo to do one thing. Speak up. “STOP BEING AN EGGHEAD!!

The dragon like creature flinched, snapping out of his thought process as it blinked for a brief moment. “W-wha-?”

At first, Scootaloo felt a small bit relieved that she was able to get this… Monodramon out of his little trance of his. However, there was one small thing that she forgot to take into account. And that was whoever was outside of her room could hear her. “Scootaloo, are you alright in there? I thought I heard you shouting just now.

“U-uh yeah. All fine in here! Just kind of had my train of thought stuck while I was working on my math homework!” She spoke up, while also hoping that would be enough in order to get Rainbow Dash off her back for a little while.

Well… If you say so. I’m going to run out and head to the store. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” She heard the pegasus on the other side of her door respond, shortly before seeing Rainbow Dash take off through the window that was in her room.

Only then did Scootaloo hear something that brought her attention back to Monodramon. “Um… Scootaloo?”

“Yes, Monodramon?”

“You only answered one of the questions I asked you,” He pointed out to her. “Could you please tell me your answer to the other one?”

“Only if you can answer a few of the questions I have.” The Pegasus mumbled back, saying her thoughts out loud and hoping that this newfound figure in her bedroom did not hear her.

Unfortunately though… the opposite happened. “Well, I believe that’s fair,” At first, the filly blinked. She was speaking to herself in a low whisper like tone, so how in the world was he able to hear her? “Scootaloo… Can you please tell me where I am?”

“Well…” She said, looking down for a moment, before raising her head to look at Monodramon. “To know the answer to that, you should know what happened to my mother. Or at least, what I know. What is known is that she died… however, nopony knows what exactly happened to her. Some say that it was an accident at the weather factory gone wrong, but many other ponies think that it happened some other way. But that’s not entirely the point… I’m here because my mother asked for one of her closest family friends to take care of me and raise me if something ever happened to her.”

Monodramon blinked for a moment, before tilting his head as he looked around. “So… this is… the house of one of Sky’s closest friends?”

“Yes. Her name’s Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo replied back. “And if you were going to ask about how I found you… well, let's say that the little thingamajig-”

“Digivice.” Monodramon corrected.

“Thingamajig… was in the bottom of a box of belongings that I had accumulated over the years. Some of the things being from my old home while others were things my mother had me keep,” The filly finished her sentence, just as Monodramon got up on top of the bed and sat down not far from where Scootaloo was at. “Alright… now that I answered your questions, you better be able to answer mine.” Monodramon just simply nodded, waiting for her to ask away.

However, even the question that Scootaloo had was simple… explaining it to her was going to be much harder. “What are you, exactly? Some kind of strange… lizard thing?”

“No, I’m a digimon,” He said, before looking back at her.

“Okay… and what exactly is that? Some kind of collectible toy series that can come to life?” Scootaloo then asked again.

“No, I’m an actual living being… The only reason why I was inside my digivice was that digimon like myself can be stored in them and be in there whenever you are going someplace. Besides, if somepony saw someone like me in public, it would make a scene and-”

“Getting a little creepy here,” The filly cut him off before he could go on another one of his mumbling rampages again. “Monodramon, I know that everything here is all new to you and this whole ‘digimon’ thing is new to me, so can you try to… oh I don’t know, simplify it somehow?”

“Um… I… don’t really know if such a thing is possible… but I can try,” Monodramon replied back, before looking back at the filly. “Are you familiar with other worlds? Hidden ones inside that of the real one?”

“You mean like in those power ponies comics where Masked Matterhorn had to track down a villain through some kind of… pocket realm?” The filly asked, recalling some of the plot elements from the old power pony comic books her mom once bought for her when she was younger. Looking back at the digimon before a new question emerged off the top of her head. “How does this relate to what you are talking about though?”

Monodramon let out a bit of a sigh on that, before looking back at the digivice. Holding it and hitting a certain button that was hidden on the backside of the device. Explaining all of this was going to take a while for him to do, especially since he could only explain it to her in brief segments. Unfortunately, there was one question that Scootaloo could not answer for him.

And that… was what exactly happened while he was asleep?

For Sweetie Belle, today had been a rather strange day for her and her friends. First, there was the fact that Rena had been staying behind in order to help out her sister more and more. Second, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were trying to be nice for a change. Then there was the whole poison joke incident with Leona, which was thankfully resolved. But there was also the fact that just a few moments ago, while she was hanging out with Spike, something strange appeared on her digivice.

Arc detection engaged.

“What the-?” She spoke, looking to Spike as she held out her digivice in her magic. “Spike, are you getting this message that popped up on here just now?”

The dragon stopped for a moment, wiping some of the ketchup off of his face from the hayburger and fries that he was eating as he took a moment to look at his digivice as well. Looking back at hers before asking a question. “Yeah, I got that too… what exactly is that supposed to mean anyways?”

“I honestly have no idea,” The filly replied back. “Though, part of me makes me think that this may be important. Maybe Rena or Leona knows something about it that we don’t?”

“I could ask,” Spike said, pressing a button as he spoke into his digivice. “Hey Leona, can I-?”

WHY IS EVERYTHING SPINNING IN HERE!?! I FEEL LIKE I CAN SMELL THE COSMOS!!!” They both heard the Coronamon yell, which got a couple of the customers that were in the restaurant staring at the two of them as Spike let out a sigh and pressed the button again. Cutting off communication with Leona temporarily.

“Maybe it would be better if we go somewhere else to talk about this.” Spike said, before turning to one of the ponies that was working at the facility and asking them a question. “Can we have the check, please?”

“You had something pick up on your digivice?” Rena asked once both Spike and Sweetie Belle were back. Though, both of the sleeves that she originally had on were off as the Renamon put down what looked like some thread and a needle.

“Yeah, and whatever it was, it made Leona scream as if it was too much for her to handle,” Spike replied back, pressing a button and letting the coronamon out of the digivice and back on the ground. “It was some ‘arc detection’ thing, and Sweetie Belle thought that you might know what that is exactly.”

“SO much SPINNING!” Leona cried out as she stumbled upon appearing back in the real world before collapsing into a heap. “I refuse to go back in…”

“I had a bad feeling about this,” Rena groaned, looking back at them as she watched Leona try to get herself straightened up. “Not to mention that this isn’t anything new… In fact, this was a feature that the digivice had when Pearl was my partner.”

With two button clicks, a holographic sized sphere with a few symbols began to grow in size, as the fox digimon looked back at her. “This is the Arc Detection System… or the digital worlds version of what some of us would call a GPS back home. It would allow for us to pick up the location of not just another tamers digivice, but also friendly digimon that we’ve encountered by tracing their digital signal.”

“But why is it so small though?” Sweetie then asked.

“Well, it can grow bigger to the point that it would look like it would be all around us… but that’s exactly what its like in the digivice and I rather not have Leona freak out again,” She explained, using her paw to expand one portion of the map as she looked back at what looked to be a series of symbols. One crystal, one fire lion, a loaf of bread, two sabers and a piece of honeycomb. “You can use the symbols here to determine where they are. For example, the crystal and lion here represent both Leona and I, the bread represents Guilmon, the sabers represent Lyall and the piece of honeycomb is where Lea is right now-”

At that moment though, that was when a new symbol emerged on the map. One that looked like an action bubble in a comic book as Sweetie Belle pointed to it. “Um… what’s that one?”

When Rena looked at it, her eyes widened. Shortly before she facepalmed herself. “Oh, you have got to be kidding me…”

“Isn't that your friend Scootaloo’s house that its showing at?” Leona commented as she finished recovering from her little trip inside the spinning map of her digivice.

“Are you sure. I can’t really tell-”

“It is…” The abrupt comment from Rena left Sweetie Belle and Leona a little surprised. “And not only that, but I know him.”

“Know who?” Sweetie Belle asked, tilting her head.

“Back in the day, your mother and I were with two other tamers… Buttercup and Sky Drifter. Both of their partners were originally displaced like me and one of them was the same partner that Apple Bloom has now. However, he doesn’t seem to recognize me or know who I am,” The Renamon told them, letting one a deep sigh. “The other one is… different. And one that might concern me the most give how the later stages of his digivolution is hard to control. That and he’s a bit… socially awkward.”

“What, pray tell, does he evolve into?” Leona asked with nervous sweat starting to form. “Please tell me he isnt… THAT digimon…”

“Well, it depends on your definition of it… But let me ask you this then,” The fox digimon told her as she dismissed the ADS and gave the digivice back to Sweetie Belle. “What’s the one thing that Ryo had trouble controlling over back in Tamers?”

“SHIIIIT!” Leona cried out suddenly. “Why did it have to be Cyberdramon!? Please tell me he hasn't had any encounters with a Zeedmiliniummon like Ryo’s digimon! PLEASE!”

“No, no, no!!” She said, waving her paws as she tried to calm her down. “NOTHING like that… He’s just harder to control when in that form. Though, his personality is quirky… and it can also explain his icon.”

“You mean the comic book symbol?” Spike now asked. “Why?”

“When he was displaced, Monodramon thought that he could use the abilities in his newfound form to be a hero to those around him. He even tried naming ‘techniques’ that consisted of the name of a town or city, followed by the word ‘smash’ at the end of it.”

“...” at this moment Leona’s worry vanished, but instead in its place grew a different kind of look… “Please tell me you're making that up…”

“If I did, I would tell you so,” She replied back, before letting out a sigh. “But no, I’m not making it up. When sparring, he sometimes went off script and instead of saying the names of his attack, came up with other names for it. For example, he called his ‘Beat Knuckle’ attack the ‘Cloudsdale smash!’ and so on. Though, he always got serious when any actual fighting happened.”

“What about that one other thing you mentioned… the ‘socially awkward’ part?” Sweetie Belle now chimed in.

That had Rena scratch her head for a moment before she looked back at them. “Ever had those moments where you are just really trying to focus on something intently? Like if you are solving a really hard math problem and you’re walking yourself through the steps internally?” That had both the unicorn and the dragon look back at one another before nodding their heads simultaneously. “Well, for him, it’s like that… but it can occur whether he thinks of strategies, trying to think of how something makes sense or what exactly he needs to do. He basically mumbles all of it out loud and the more that he does it, the more that he does not realize that there are other individuals that are around who can hear him… It’s something that would drive Leona crazy if she’s forced to listen to that extensively.”

“WAIT, are you telling me, he is like the purple menace?” Leona asked with a twitch.

“What purple menace?” Rena asked. “If anything, he said that he does this based off someone that’s called… Deku, I think it was?” After saying that, the renamon just shook her head as she looked back at Leona. “Who exactly were you thinking about?”

“Oh, by my father’s name… HE IS JUST LIKE TWILIGHT!” Leona shouted with a traumatized look on her face. “Is that ALL he does!? Please tell me he isnt a mad scientist like her, the monologuing is bad enough by itself!” she then seemed to plead as she clung to Rena’s leg, almost as if she was a startled cat that was trying to climb up a tree.

“No… I can vouch that he’s not like her…” Rena said in response. “If anything, he’s more of someone whose one part fanboy and another part nerd instead of mad scientist. Besides, he’s got a kind heart. When he fights, he throws himself in harm's way so other people can be saved… of course, it's been a really long time since I’ve last seen him.”

“... I have been saved!” Leona proclaimed, visibly relieved as she lets herself slide down Rena’s leg and onto the floor. The renamon herself was personally relieved that Leona did not dig her claws into the sides of her leg, or else her whole leg would look as if she got in a fight with Opalesque.

“Okay… but that doesn’t explain one thing,” Spike pointed out to her. “This Monodramon… if it’s someone you knew back then… who could his partner be now?”

“Well… there’s one possibility,” Rena then told her. “The ADS told her that he was at Scootaloo’s house… and now that I think of it…” She took a moment to think about it to herself, before looking back at the others. “I do remember that the last time I saw him, Monodramon said that Sky was raising a daughter. One whose wings had not fully grown yet.”

That… had Spike’s eyes widen instantly. “No bucking way-”

Of course, when that happened, that was when the door to the boutique swung open as Rarity stepped through with what could be considered a ‘mega sized’ hall of shopping goods. “Why now… Who has the audacity to use such profane language in my establishment!?”

“Umm… S-sorry Rarity,” Spike scratched the back of his head as he slowly turned towards Rarity. Who was setting down all of her shopping and taking off the hat that she was wearing today. “We were just talking about something and I was caught off guard by something Rena mentioned so… yeah.”

Even though he was able to apologize to the unicorn, all that did was make Rarity a little more curious. “Oh…? And just what exactly were you all talking about just now?”


“We were talking about something important regarding Leona and I…” Rena then spoke up, before looking towards where Rarity was. “Something that I was familiar with on the Digivice came up and I was explaining to them how it worked. While also… discussing something else that we haven’t exactly brought up with you yet.”


“Yes… I didn’t bring it up because I was concerned about their family members becoming potential targets by some evil digimon, but I think it would be better to tell you now rather than wait on it,” The fox digimon stretched out her paws and looked back at Rarity, who used her magic to transport all of her shopping into her sewing room before Rena could explain it. “There are other Tamers… I know that you are familiar with Spike and Button being two of them, but there are now two more. And they’re a lot… closer to Sweetie Belle than you might think.”

For a moment, Rarity looked a bit puzzled… but after some time, something began to click inside of her head as a look of realization dawned on her. “Oh… Oh! Oh my, you wouldn’t happen to mean who I think you mean… do you?”

“Based on everything we can tell, I think that’s a most definite yes.” Rena nodded her head. “Not to mention the fact that the two digimon that they’re paired up with are the same two digimon that I fought alongside when Pearl was once my partner. The first one being Guilmon, who’s with Apple Bloom… and judging from what we know, it’s possible that the other one’s with Scootaloo.”

“But are you sure that it’s exactly them?” Rarity then asked.

“Rena said that the digimon that we were talking about, Monodramon, had a pegasus as a partner and that the last time she saw him, she was raising a filly who hadn’t had her wings fully grown yet.” Sweetie Belle told her sister… who was now suddenly beginning to piece everything together as her facial expression made her look like she saw the most horrendous fashion emergency in the world. “Um… Rarity?”

“Give her a moment. I think she’s… processing everything,” Spike said.

“Well, she is certainly taking it better than some people I know.” Leona said, followed by someone in some other dimension sneezing. “Speaking of I wonder if we will ever encounter their token… Nah, its highly unlikely.”

“Token? Like those little coins you use at the arcades?” The dragon then asked again in response.

“I think she means that crystal thingy she helped Rena make sometime back.” Sweetie Belle interjected. Pointing to her partner as the same crystal that Leona helped the Renamon make was now floating in one of her paws.

“Correct little one.” Leona nodded sagely, trying to recover her dignity from earlier. “Anyway we don't need to worry about that stuff for now. What we should worry about is your friend and her partner. If we were alerted to their presence, who knows who else is now aware of them.”

That was a rather fair point. It was possible that an enemy that was much stronger than Sangloupmon was much stronger than them could be able to attack them if they found out about Scootaloo and Monodramon. But… there had to be some kind of way in order to try and get ahold of them. For a moment, it almost seemed like such a possibility was out of reach… but then the fox digimon remembered something as she looked back at her tamer.

“Sweetie Belle, can I see the digivice? I think there’s a way to get ahold of them… but I want to see if it still works.”

The first couple of hours after finding out about Monodramon have been… strange for Scootaloo. Not just with everything that she learned from him, but also learning about how her mother once was his companion. His tamer. It was a whole other side of Sky that she honestly did not know about her.

Right now… she was currently taking the time that she needed in order to get a small nap in. Feeling a bit tired from her lesson earlier with Rainbow Dash as she felt the need to just close her eyes for a little while.

Unfortunately for her… since her digivice was not that far from her… that did not last very long.


“GAH!!” Scootaloo immediately woke up from her slumber, realizing that her digivice was now beginning to buzz as she looked for the digimon that was once in her room. “Monodramon!! Get in here, the thingamajig is buzzing!!”

“W-wha-!? I thought I said that it’s not a-” When he walked in, a look of horror immediately flashed on Scootaloo’s face. Monodramon must’ve found his way in Rainbow Dash’s closet… because his front claws had torn through the sleeves of the shadowbolt costume she wore for Nightmare Night once. “A-answer it!!”

“Answer what?! And what are you doing wearing Rainbows clothes!?” Scootaloo said, just as more of the costume tore apart and now lied in shreds on the floor. “You know what, nevermind… How am I supposed to-?”

“Press the green button in the center!” Monodramon replied back, which caused for Scootaloo in order to do what she said. What she did not expect next… was for the device to portray a series of holographic images in her room. There were around four figures in total. Two she couldn’t see who they were… but two of them stood out really well to her.

For a moment, everything seemed odd… But then… she heard them speak. “

This… is new. Rena are you sure this is working correctly? I can't see anything!” Said the orange blur.

“GAH!! W-who said that!?” Scootaloo then asked.

Yeah… it’s working.” She heard what looked like a two legged fox speak up. But upon hearing the voice, that was Monodramon spoke… almost as if he was shocked by what he was seeing.

“R-rena? Is that you?”

Long time no see, Mondy,” The fox replied back to his comments. “Listen… we don’t have a lot of time, but we need for you and Scootaloo to come see us-

“W-what!? Hey wait a minute, how the hay do you know who I am, weird fox lady!?!” Scootaloo asked. Only to see what looked like one of the members of the cutie mark crusaders appear right next to them.

Let’s just say I know about you from a little belle.

Scootaloo, it’s okay… You can trust Rena,” She heard Sweetie Belle’s voice reply speak now. “We know things may seem weird right now… but trust me, you’re not alone.

“Hold on… you… also have a digimon thingy as well?” Scootaloo asked, before looking to see Spike for a moment with the creature that sat next to him. “Hunh… for a moment, I thought Spike got a burning lion cub pet… I’m really still trying to make sense of all of this though.”

WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!?” The orange blur shouted.

That had both Monodramon and Scootaloo look completely stunned as she saw Spike trying his best to restrain whatever was shouting at them as Sweetie Belle let out a sigh. All before Monodramon asked something. “R-rena… Where’s Guilmon? Is he with you?”

He’s with Apple Bloom, but… I think he’s lost his memory. She told me that he only remembers Buttercup, but nothing else…” Rena replied back, before letting out a sigh. “Let’s worry about that later… I think we should all meet up someplace in order for us to help you understand what’s going on. You have any suggestions, Sweetie Belle?

How about the clubhouse? You can be able to meet all four of us there-

“Wait, four… Rena, are you saying that there are two more like us?” The fox digimon replied only with a nod as Monodramon began to process this. “But… that would mean that there are others like us who would end up in the circumstances that we’re in. How are we supposed to differentiate how strong are these new digimon from us? How are we supposed to regain the power that we had back from ten years ago with these new partners? I mean, I feel as if I’m back to square one and really don’t want to accidentally hurt anyone-”

What felt like five consecutive minutes of mumbling was then followed by Scootaloo batting the top of his head with one of her hooves as they heard the fox one speak. “What did I tell you Leona? One part fanboy, another part nervous nerd.

Ugh, you were right… Well, when you kids are ready, I will be waiting at the clubhouse. Spike, we are going.” The orange blur groaned as it grabbed spike and dragged him out the door. “I’m getting too old for this.

“Old? That voice sounds almost like our age though?” Scootaloo added on, only to see Sweetie Belle’s silhouette facehoof herself. “What? I thought it was a compliment.”


“... What in the name of the sovereigns was that?” Monodramon asked.

You… probably don’t want to know. Look, just come by the clubhouse and we can fill you in on the rest.” Sweetie Belle said, before the fox like silhouette disappeared as Sweetie Belle said one last thing. “Gotta go. Rarity’s bringing some customers to the fitting room. I’ll see you later.

With that, the call ended and the holographic images were now gone… leaving a startled Scootaloo and Monodramon staring at each other for a moment. The two of them had a lot of questions that they wanted to ask. But unfortunately, they would have to wait on that until they came down to where Ponyville was.

And that… was just about to get more difficult. “Hey Scootaloo, I’m back-” The sound of an all too familiar voice was heard echo around the room, before hearing that same pony ask something. “What the hay happened to my nightmare night costume!?!!!”

“Oh boy…” Monodramon said, disappearing into Scootaloo’s digivice as she grabbed it and attached it to our saddlebag. “If that wasn’t the cue for us to leave, then I don’t know what is! All I wanted was something to keep me warm, not this!!

“Great… and just when I thought you were going to stand up for me…” Scootaloo mumbled, before peeking her head out of her room and seeing the clothing catastrophe that was playing out right now. Turns out, Monodramon had dragged out Rainbow’s entire wardrobe all across the house as several pieces now had holes in them because of Monodramon’s claws. “Now… how am I supposed to explain this?”

“These tears happened… because Scootaloo accidentally left a window open?” Rarity asked as she assessed the amount of damage that was on Rainbow’s clothes. Scootaloo herself was making her way to the exit to get out of there before they could try to question her on everything.

“Yeah, she said that she was looking for something in my closet, felt a strong breeze and fell forward on my clothes. She tried getting up, but that lead to them tearing apart at the seems-”

The filly was quick to shut the door behind her before making a quick dash for her scooter. Taking off and rushing back towards the direction of the clubhouse while trying to avoid everypony that might’ve crossed her path. Including somepony that looked like her nose was the horn of a rhino than anything else.

When she got there, Scootaloo was quick to ditch her scooter and helmet before climbing up the rope ladder that was let down for her. Once she was up, that was when she found herself with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Spike and… some colt that she had seen before in her class, but never got his name.

“We’re glad you can make it, Scootaloo,” She heard Sweetie Belle let out a sigh of relief as she looked back at her friend. “I know everything seems crazy right now, but we’re going to try and do what we can to help you understand everything… Though, there’s one thing we need to do first.”

All that had Scootaloo do in turn was raise an eyebrow. Asking one question that was on her mind. “And what’s that?”

“Digital field activate!” A voice shouted from inside Spike’s digivice, just before a sphere energy expanded out from the source and seemed to consume the entire treehouse and a portion of its surroundings as it transported them into a strange mirror of the world they knew. For Scootaloo, this was all a shock to her. But to her friends, this wasn’t exactly new. Leona had done the same thing before when they were training in the cabin all the way up in the mountains, so this was rather familiar to them.

For Scootaloo, as she looked outside the clubhouse, she found that the area around them had become a vast grid-like plane as she turned to Sweetie Belle. “W-where are we!? What is all of this?”

“My partner Leona creating a field in the digital world so we can talk and have our partners introduce ourselves without somepony else finding us,” Spike said as he walked over to the stairs and walked out of the clubhouse. Button and Apple Bloom followed the dragon and once they were outside, each one of them let our their digimon partners. “Thanks again, Leona.”

As Scootaloo stepped down from the clubhouse now, Sweetie Belle was right alongside her. The unicorn took her time as she let her partner out of the digivice, which was the fox like creature that Scootaloo had seen earlier. But now, it was her turn. It was time to let Monodramon see both his old friends… and new ones too. “Come on out, Monodramon.”

The dragon digimon soon emerged forth from her digivice. Looking a little bit nervous at first until he saw both Rena and Guilmon, before finally thinking of something to say. “Uh… h-hi everyone.”

End Chapter 13

Author's Note:

So, we now have a new chapter and with it, we are introduced to a new one of the digimon partners that originally was with Rena back when she was with her old partner. Monodramon is... well, a bit of an interesting one. A lot of inspiration for him comes from Midoriya from My Hero Academia because before he was displaced, he was just a kid who had two favorite things. Digimon and MHA. Not to mention that his favorite character is Midoriya because there are some... similarities between the two.

Now that all five of them have met though, it’s time to get to business. I mean... the world isn’t going to save itself if evil digimon are planning to do horrible things to them, right?

Until next time!