• Published 2nd Feb 2016
  • 9,524 Views, 156 Comments

The Fox and the Filly - FrostTheWolf

[Displaced][Digimon Crossover] Sweetie Belle one day comes across a strange looking watch and decides to keep it on her, only for her to form a bond with a strange fox creature that knew her mother. Now the fox has become her partner and protector.

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6- Too Close to Home

The Fox and the Filly- Too Close to Home

Carousel Boutique (Night)

“Alright. That should just about do it with tidying up this place,” Rarity chimed a little, finally making sure that all of the dresses that she was working on in her workspace were in tip top shape and nothing was left astray. The Unicorn always made sure that at the end of the day before making supper that everything inside the Carousel Boutique was put away precisely. Not to mention that with Sweetie Belle and Rena being with her friends in Appleloosa, which made it more of a challenge on her part.

But just as she returned to the center of the boutique, there was something… off that stood out to the Unicorn. The door to the boutique was open, all the way in fact. Rarity could’ve sworn that she had locked it while she was closing the boutique earlier, grumbling a little as she used her magic to close it again. But just as she locked it, the sound of something scraping against the floor made her body shiver.

“W-who’s there?” She spoke, fear in her voice as the scraping got closer and closer. Her heartbeat was accelerating with every second that passed, fear creeping in as the Unicorn thought that there was an intruder in her own home? Who was it? A mugger? A monster? What brute would want to break into her own home at this hour… and why? The only way she would know would be to turn around and confront the intruder that she thought was behind her.

Swallowing the fear that lingered in her, she turned around quickly, planting her hooves and thinking that whoever was inside her home had was behind her. Only to find… nothing. No intruder and no sounds of their presence as Rarity walked away from the door, thinking that she was somehow hallucinating as she used a switch along the wall to bring light to the pitch black room.

But, even though the light provided clear visibility for her, the Unicorn was unaware that from her own shadow, something began taking form. A beast with dark purple fur, claws made from blades with two pairs of bat wings. One around it’s neck and the other covering it’s demonic eyes. The only thing giving away its presence being the low predatory growl that it gave to make it’s presence known. Causing Rarity to shiver once more while she was trying to put away her tea set.

Slowly, she turned to see the beast… and what she saw caused her to drop the teapot that was in her telekinesis spell as it shattered on the floor. This beast… whoever it was, it was more then frightening… It was as if it had emerged from her greatest nightmares as a young filly and was given life.

But just as she thought this… That was when the beast spoke. “Hello there… Daughter of Pearl. It has been a looooooong time since I’ve seen you.” All that was heard afterwards was the sounds of a mare screaming in horror as the full moon’s light shined upon Ponyville.

Next Day… (Morning)

By the time the early morning train had arrived in Ponyville, the Cutie Mark Crusaders hopped off the train along with Applejack as they finally returned home from their weekend in Appleloosa. Sweetie Belle was really eager about wanting to tell her sister about them meeting Troubleshoes and about everything else while on their adventure, but she did feel a little sorry for Rena. Throughout the whole weekend, she had to keep her partner inside her digivice, fearing that bringing her out in the open would cause a bit of a panic. Sure, she let Rena out to stretch her legs in the evening, but there wasn’t really much going on around then.

“I can’t wait to tell Rarity about our trip-.” She said, only to be interrupted by seeing several ponies around her scrambling like something had happened. It was then that they saw Spike and Button Mash run over to the two of them as well, both of them with a small look of relief on their faces.

“Sweetie Belle? Oh thank Celestia you guys are back!” Spike told them, breathing a sigh of relief. Even though the girls were… rather confused.

“Spike, what’s going on?” Sweetie Belle asked with a confused look on her face. “Why is everypony running around like some monster invaded the town?”

“That’s because there was one that did…” Button spoke up, looking at them this time. “Last night, several ponies that were out at night saw a monster attack Carousel Boutique. They weren’t able to see who it was, but the entrance to it was ripped off and-.” Sweetie Belle’s mind drowned out the rest of Button’s voice. Something went after the boutique? But that could only mean that…

“Button, where is Rarity?” She then interrupted him, her heart racing a little as the young filly waited to hear her friend tell her the answer to that question.

“That’s what I’m trying to tell you. Whatever attacked the boutique hurt Rarity and put her in the hospital.” That made Sweetie Belle panic and before her friends could say anything, she took off. Galloping in the direction of the hospital.

“Sweetie Belle? What’s going on? Your heart rate just skyrocketed!” Rena asked, concerned for her partner as Sweetie Belle made a sharp turn around a corner and kept running. “Sweetie Belle-.”

“Rena, something attacked Rarity last night and put her in the hospital!” She quickly responded without a second thought. “I’m hurrying over there now to see if she’s okay! Dear Celestia, please don’t have this happen like before…” That last part had Rena confused a little as Sweetie Belle continued running to the hospital.

“Wait… what do you mean ‘like before’ Sweetie Belle?” The Renamon asked her, trying to understand what the young filly was talking about.

“There was one other time that Carousel Boutique was attacked and that was when Rarity and I were a lot younger… My mom was the one that got hurt and… she didn’t survive,” The unicorn filly told her just as she arrived at the doors to the hospital. “But I am NOT letting that happen to Rarity!” Her vow of determination lead to her having to race through the crowd of ponies all around her, only to soon notice a familiar face at the end of the hall.

“Twilight!” The alicorn at the end of the hall turned to see her as her eyes widened a bit. She honestly thought they would be coming back with Spike since she had sent him to go find them in the first place. But it seemed like news traveled faster then that and right now, she could tell that based on the look that was on the young fillies face. “Where’s Rarity?! Is she okay!?”

“Ssssh… Sweetie Belle, settle down! You’re in a hospital.” Twilight urged the young filly, trying to have her calm down. When the filly had stopped panicking, the alicorn was finally able to explain how Rarity was doing. “There… Now, for the most part, Rarity is okay. She’s getting some rest and the doctors want her to stay overnight while her rather… strange wounds are healing up.”

The filly raised an eyebrow in response as she looked back at Twilight. “Strange? Strange how?” Twilight personally sighed as she looked back at Sweetie Belle, pulling out a book from her Saddle bag.

“Do you know the difference between external and internal injuries?” She asked as the alicorn began flipping through the pages in the book she had just pulled out. “External injuries are ones you can see on the outside like a simple cut or scrape while internal injuries are injuries that occur inside the body. The doctors found several internal injuries throughout her body and they had to bring her into surgery in order to close the wounds before they could get any worse… All she needs now is rest.” Sweetie Belle just listened to her, before staring in disbelief at the state her sister was in. Asleep on the bed with plastic tubes supplying key nutrients to her bloodstream to keep herself alive. Twilight decided to give Sweetie Belle a moment alone in order to process this. But it was in that moment that someone else decided to speak up to the young filly.

“A digimon did this…” That had the Unicorn look at her digivice for a moment, trying to comprehend what she had just heard.

“Rena… are you sure that a digimon attacked her? Why would a digimon go after my sister?” She asked, wanting to make sure she was absolutely positive about what her partner was telling her before doing anything drastic. Though, as she was walking outside, what Rena told her was starting to make sense as the Digimon began to tell her what kind of digimon would make this possible.

“The only kind of digimon that I know would be responsible for this goes by the name Sangloupmon… He’s a virus type demon beast digimon who has gained a bit of a reputation in the digital world for being a very dangerous predator. Anyone who tries to take him on will always end with the challenger’s code getting torn to shreds.” Rena explained.

“How does this relate to Rarity though?” Sweetie Belle then asked.

“His primary attack is a series of tiny blades that skewers his opponents from within… Given that the extent or Rarity’s injuries are within her body, I say he’s our culprit.” Rena summarized for her. “Get back to Spike and Button so we can inform them of what we found here. We’re going to need to get stronger if we are to survive against a champion level digimon… and last time I talked with Leona, she was eager for a training session.” That last bit made Sweetie Belle gulp. She was concerned about if that last statement was suppose to be good… or not.

Snowy Peaks (Outside Ponyville, some time later)

“Keep them legs moving ladies! We're almost to the top!” Leona shouted as she casually walked in front of the exhausted Spike, Button, Sweetie Bell, Rena, and Lyall. Strangely enough, when Rena had mentioned that Leona wanted to do a training session, she happened to mention the part that it was up in the mountains outside of town. Rena herself was ahead of the pack due to her flexibility, but for some like Lyall and Button, they were stuck with having to move… and also fight the ever so chilling cold. Sweetie Belle and Spike were already ahead of them and trying to catch up with Rena all while Leona was walking and barking orders like a drill sergeant.

“Is this really necessary!?” Lyall asked, only for him to get hit in the face with a snowball as Leona barked at him again for questioning her.

“Quit your babying, were only a quarter mile from our destination already!” Leona shouted at Lyall with obvious annoyance. Hearing that caused Spike to look at her like she was insane. Especially if she honestly thought they could go that far in these weather conditions. Sweetie Belle and Button Mash were both around ten years old and this was something that he and the girls had to go through the same thing up in the crystal empire. Still, where exactly they were going was unknown… along with if they were going to freeze to death like this out here.

“And there it is!” Leona said as they approached what looked like a plateau on top of the mountain with a recently built log cabin in the center. To be honest, it looked a lot like a lodge for a ski resort as the group finally got closer to it. Sweetie Belle, Button Mash and Spike looked around them in amazement at the log cabin along with Lyall. But for Rena, she was more confused than anything else as she turned towards Leona.

“Leona, how did you know that there was a cabin like this up here?” She asked, partially surprised along with confused.

“Because, I built it.” Leona replied smugly as she puffed out her chest, fists on her hips. That… was beyond Rena’s understanding along with almost everyone else. They knew that Leona had been finding ways in order to keep herself occupied while they were gone. But everyone’s reaction on the subject was the same thing.

“You built this!?!”

“Pfft, this is nothing, you should have seen my temple back on my old world, it was massive! Not to mention made of stone.” Leona bragged, her nose somehow lengthening momentarily. Rena raised an eyebrow at that. Of course, she had told her that back in her old world and also right here, she was practically a god. But it just took a while to process it… After all, why exactly would a sun god enjoy something similar to a ski resort? Unless polar opposites somehow attract in this case, it just confused the Renamon more than helped her. “What? Is there something on my face?” She asked, noticing the stares.

“Honestly… I’m still trying to figure out why you decided for us to train here…” Rena replied back to her. “I mean, you are a sun digimon and I would believe that you aren’t a fan of the cold up here.”

“Well, I chose this place for two reasons…” The Coronamon replied, holding up two fingers in the air and counting them off for the other digimon, ponies and dragon. “One, it's within walking distance from Ponyville but far enough away that we won't cause any collateral damage accidentally until we reach ultimate. And two, because this place looks cool.” Leona said with a shrug. Rena honestly facepalmed herself at the second reason. She thought there was more of a… important reason for this.

“Okay…” Rena replied, speaking to Leona now. She wanted to make sure to cover the reason why they were up here… because the moment Leona heard training, she took off without even hearing her out. “Leona, the reason why I was asking for your help in this is because what happened at Carousel Boutique and also to Rarity was because of a digimon attack. We don’t know why it attacked their specifically, but what we do know is that the digimon is Sangloupmon and one of his attacks can do internal damage, which happened to Rarity.”

“Ok, and this changes things how? Training is training, and if you're going to train as a Digimon you either go all out or get egged when an unexpected enemy shows their ugly mugs.” Leona deadpanned.

“Yes, but we may also be dealing with an enemy that can hide himself in plain sight. Based on the reception of this attack, no one was able to witness the culprit and see them escape. We right now need to have control of our champion forms to prepare for if we encounter them again. Button has the Spirit Evolution card for Lyall to turn to Lobomon and we have the evolution card for Kyubimon, but have never tried it. We need to get used to the forms and learn how to master them.”

“Ok? What do you want me to do then?” Leona huffed, crossing her arms.

“Simple… we need to figure out digivolution and quickly before-.” Rena stopped speaking the second that she saw Leona’s shadow stretch and take on a different form. “Oh no… Sweetie Belle, get over here.”

“Rena, are you okay? What’s going on?” Lyall asked, now concerned as Button himself was a little startled by Rena’s shift in tone. There were only a couple of words to describe what

Leona was confused what was up with Rena, and out of curiosity decided to check behind her to try figuring out what was bothering them. But, from her shadow, emerged the last digimon that they wanted to see right now… and Rena’s words only made what was going on even more problematic.

“He’s here.”

“You’re really observant,” Sangloupmon growled, his mouth grinning and with a paw, he smacked Leona towards Spike and the others. “But my business is only with you and your partner. Not your companions… Either they leave now…” With that, several blades landed just bare meters away from Leona’s feet as she scrambled to where Spike was. “Or end up just like that mare in the hospital.” Spike and the others were hesitant, but it was when he saw Sweetie Belle that he almost lost composure… but his grin deepened.

“So… there is another daughter of Pearl…”

“Did you… just threaten me?” Leona asked. Only for what she said to be overlooked when Sweetie Belle spoke up after hearing what Sangloupmon said.

“H-how do you know my mom?” The filly’s heartrate was beginning to quicken as Rena stood by her side. Leona, who was losing her cool, was being held back by Spike, was extremely mad that this digimon had the guts to threaten her in her own home. But the digimon was more focused on Sweetie Belle and Rena… and ignoring the Coronamon.

“It was a long time ago… a few years give or take… You all have no idea what is happening in the digital world. Your mother made enemies… powerful enemies. Enemies that hired me on one fateful night to kill three mares and their companions.” The demon wolf told them in a dark and sinister tone, making some of the others standing nearby shiver in fright. But the next one to speak was not Sweetie Belle… but her partner.

“What were their names?” Rena sternly growled. Causing the wolf to grin menacingly.

“Pear Butter… Sky Drifter… and Pearl Belle,” Sangloupmon growled menacingly, looking at Sweetie Belle as her eyes widened in horror. “Yes… I am the reason your mother is gone, daughter of Pearl… I killed her on the same night that I also killed her dear friends.” That caused the others to stare in shock and horror… but for something different to come across Sweetie Belle. Her eyes were closed as tears drifted down her face… but she was not feeling sorrow at all.

Instead, that sorrow… was replaced by rage. “Y-you… killed mama… you… harmed Rarity… and now, my friends…” She said as magic around her horn began to shimmer and some energy began to radiate from her digivice. A blue card being held in her magic and one that caused Rena’s eyes to widen a bit. “I… am not… GOING TO LET YOU GET AWAY WITH THIS!!”

“Sweetie, don’t-!!” But before Rena could stop her, Sweetie Belle slid the card through the device and in her, the Renamon felt something inside her change as her body began to glow. Spike and the others watched as they heard one thing echo from Sweetie Belle’s digivice.


“Uh oh…” Lyall said as he watched his sister morph in front of his eyes. “Everyone back up! Who know what will happen if this is pulled off!”

“What are you talking about, Lyall?” Button asked.

“If someone’s digivolution is triggered by anger and rage, then there’s a likelihood that they might lose control of themselves and attack you!” He said, picking up Button and turning to the dragon nearby. “Spike, grab Leona and hurry!”

“Don’t need to tell me twice!” He yelled, fully clinging onto Leona as both of them made a break for the cabin to stay away from what was about to unfold. Sweetie Belle watched as her partner’s fur began to peel away. And from it, began to take on a new form. But to Rena… the form that she was about to take was not her regular champion form.

“R-rena?” The filly stuttered, stunned by what was happening. The digimon tried to speak up, but she could only hear bits of what she was trying to tell her. It was enough though for her to understand though as she could hear Rena say something to her.

“S-sweetie… S-stay b-back…” She groaned in pain before red flames began to form around her body. The digimon grit her teeth painfully as her partner scrambled to hide behind a trash can that was outside the cabin. “D-Dragon Wheel!!” The flames around the Kyubimon began to spin around her violently as they were sent flying towards Sangloupmon. However, the demon wolf just easily sidestepped out of the way and avoided the attack. Only getting hit just barely in the shoulder.

“You have power… but lack purpose.” Sangloupmon smirked. “Tell me, daughter of Pearl… You have no idea how digivolution works, do you?” Behind where she was hiding, Sweetie Belle was shocked. How… How did this enemy know so much? She watched as Rena tried to move and fight, but still looked weak in the process. The filly was lead to believe from Leona that Digivolution was suppose to allow them to fight against strong opponents with no trouble at all.

If that were true, then why was she losing?

Her attention was redirected back at Rena, who was thrown into a wall and pinned down. She was going to try her Fox Tail Inferno attack, but her body was too weak to pull it off. She felt herself degenerate a little as she fell to the ground, where Sangloupmon’s paw was pushing her down. “Digivolution is one part evolution, one part emotion. You may have the will to pull it off, but by giving into negative emotion… you are only at half of what you’re suppose to be.” With it, he used his paw to grab Rena’s body and crush it against the cold ground.

“Rena, no!!” She cried out, as the digimon reverted to her rookie form. The pain she was feeling was unbearable. This wasn’t anything like what she had felt before… nor faced for that matter. The pain was unbearable… and for the first time since she was displaced… she was seeing her own blood as it stained the white slate underneath her. Sweetie Belle was powerless right now and could not do anything to help Rena. All she could do was rush over, tears in her eyes and beg for Rena to please be okay.

The demon wolf, when he saw this, saw an opportunity to kill both of them, but before he was able to land a paw on either of them, something bright went off at the corner of his eye and as he turned around, felt a burning singe of pain as the wolf howled. “MY EYE!!” Sweetie Belle, at this point, looked up to see a figure with two blades of light and a strange set of gear.

“Stay away from my sister, you freak!” Rena knew that voice… and looked up to see Lyall in his champion form, Lobomon. She had seen him do it once before when the two of them first met… but like her, he had no idea how to actually fight like this.

All the Demon Wolf did was growl in anger, but he also sounded a bit shocked. “What the-!? I was never told that one of your companions was one of the ten legendary warriors!! How-?!” All Lobomon did was not say anything and grit his teeth before he watched the digimon in front of him turn into a speck of shadows. “This isn’t over, you hear me!! This ISN’T OVER!!” With that, Sangloupmon made a hasty retreat as Lyall devolved back into his rookie form… and looked back at his wounded sister in shock and horror.

“Leona! Get out here!! Rena’s hurt, bad!!”

Moments later the sound of something being thrown against a wall came from inside the cabin before Leona ran outside, a first aid kit strapped to her back. “Damn it!” The Coronamon growled as she noticed Rena’s condition and slurries over to her side. Quickly, she attended to the biggest wound that was visible before turning to Lyall. “Hey idiot, get over here and help! This wouldn't have happened if you ran away and dragged me with you ya know!” She snapped at the Strabimon, her worry for Rena obvious.

“I am helping.” He snapped, grabbing his sister. “Get the door open! We need to get her inside before she freezes to death out here!” The Coronamon was going to snap at him, but realized that they had no time to waste if they were wanting to help treat Rena. But in Sweetie Belle’s mind, despite things looking grim, she was praying that her partner was safe.

She had lost her mother… almost lost her sister… and did not want to lose her guardian.

End Chapter 6

Author's Note:


And with that, another chapter and a few plot and story elements. This took a LONG while because of school and being distracted by other projects, but I promise to work on this some more by the time the new year rolls around.

In the case of Digivolution, how Rena and the others are suppose to digivolve is broken down into two parts. The evolution process that you normally find in the digimon series, but the second part is emotion. If the tamer commences digivolution, their digimon's power will sync with that of the tamer and fully evolve into their next state. However, in the case of this chapter, Sweetie Belle's emotions did not synce with that of Rena and only had her become half as strong as she was suppose to be.

With that out of the way, it's twelve days to christmas and I wish you all happy holidays!