• Published 16th Feb 2016
  • 5,802 Views, 109 Comments

Spike's Yo-Kai Watch Adventures - Joeyjambo122

After getting lost in the Everfree Forest, Spike finds a mysterious tree with a strange capsule machine. Spike discovers something here that guarantees his life will never be quite the same again.

  • ...

First Day of School

Any attempt to replicate Yo-Kai behavior would be ill advised!

Yo-Kai Walkappa

Spike sat at the edge of the pond, staring intently at it. "This has got be where everypony keeps seeing it." He muttered out loud. "See what?" A familiar voice said behind him. Turning around, he noticed Draggie walking toward him.

"Oh hey Draggie. All the ponies in town keep saying they've been seeing something strange in this pond." He said to his Yo-Kai friend. "They say it looks like some weird duck thing with blue body and a shell on it's back and what looked like a plate on it's head." Draggie nodded in understanding.

"So your here to see if it's true or not?" He asked receiving a nod from Spike. "Mind if I help you look?" He offered, causing Spike to smile. "Of course! It might easier if there's two dragons watching for it." He stated patting the ground next to him, hinting to Draggie to sit by him.

"Hello you two!" Both dragons looked up to see Whisper floating a few above them. "Hey Whisper what brings you here?" Spike asked. Whisper smiled before replying. "We'll I wouldn't be much of a butler if I wasn't by your side at all times now would I?" Spike merely shrugged.

"I overheard your conversation about the duck creature that lives and I happen to exactly what it is!" He boasted. "What your looking for is a Yo-Kai known as a Kappa. They are very common Yo-Kai and like to make their homes in lakes, rivers, and streams. You probably didn't know this but when the plate on the top of it's head is dry, a kappa will lose it's power." Whisper informed.

"We didn't know it?" Spike said. "You were just reading it." Draggie finished with both of them deadpanning at Whisper as he was looking it up on his Yo-Kai Pad.

Whisper blushed fiercely before noticing something in the water and it looked like white bowl. "Aha! There's a Kappa in the water right now!" He shouted. Both turned in to the direction Whisper was facing and noticed the plate thing. "Uh... are you sure Whisper? I figured a Kappa would be... I don't know.... bigger?" Draggie stated noting the small size of the bowl.

"Of course I'm sure it is! Look at this little crack here on the side. This would indicate the Kappa is quite old...." And Whisper started explaining stuff that neither dragons found interesting.

Spike felt a tap on his shoulder and looked over and came face to face with the actual creature from the lake. "Uh... hi?" Spike sheepishly greeted. "Hiya scaly dudes!" The kappa greeted in a surfer dude accent. "The names Walkappa, what's yours?" He asked politely.

"My name is Spike." Spike introduced himself. "And I'm Draggie, nice to meet you!" The Yo-Kai dragon greeted. Draggie then pointed to the still rambling Whisper. "And that's Whisper, Spike's Yo-Kai butler." Walkappa looked in the direction of the ghost Yo-Kai. "Are you talking about the weird dude rambling?"

Both of them nodded. Walkappa looked a little confused. "Does the dude realize that's just an ordinary bowl floating in the water?"

Both replied with a "nope" before deciding to get his attention. "Hey Whisper! The kappa is right here!" Draggie shouted, getting Whispers attention. Whisper heard the shout before replying. "Please that's preposterous! The kappa is clearly right here in case your blind." Whisper stated annoyed.

Right then, Carrot Cake came walking by and noticed the bowl. "Aha! So that's where my mixing bowl went!" He yelled, causing Whisper to gain a dumbfounded look on his face.

Walkappa shrugged before gaining the duos attention again. "You dudes are pretty fun to hang out with! Here." He stated before handing Spike his Yo-Kai medal. "Call me up whenever you want to hang out. Later dudes!" He shouted as he jumped into the water.

"Cool, another medal!" Spike exclaimed excitedly. He turned to face Draggie and noticed he was trying to snap Whisper out his dumbfounded stupor. "Welp, I think he's officially broken." He jokingly stated. Both looked to each other before nodding. "I'll get the hot water running." Spike said. "I'll get the wheel barrow." Draggie said back.

Unexplained occurrences happen every day. But if you posses the Yo-Kai Watch, you will have the amazing and rare ability to see the elusive Yo-Kai. Invisible spirit like entities, responsible for life's daily annoyances. But beware... when a Yo-Kai enters your life, things will never be quite the same....

Yo-Kai Tattletell

"Okay Spike, you have everything together don't you?" Twilight asked Spike one early morning. "Yes Twilight, I have all the school supplies I need for today, so will you please calm down already?" He asked somewhat annoyed.

Today was the first day Spike would be start attending the Ponyville Schoolhouse and Twilight was running ragged trying to get him ready for his first day. "Okay then, you remember where the school is right?" She asked in a worried voice.

Spike rolled his eyes. Yes Twilight, I know where the school is, so can you please calm down? I'm gonna be late if you keep asking me questions."

"Okay, okay, I get the idea. Just make sure to back before Luna's moon rises okay?" She asked him.

"Yes I promise Twilight, so see ya after school!" He yelled as he took off in the direction of the school house.

"First day of school huh?" Whisper asked as he Draggie flew and ran with Spike. "Yep, and I'm gonna be the first dragon to attend a pony school!" He said as they passed the Carousel Boutique. "You nervous? If have you any problems with bullies, then I'm just the Yo-Kai to scare them off!" Draggie offered. Spike smiled. "Thanks pal!" Spike said as they approached the school house.

Spike noticed a familiar dark pink mare with lighter pink mane and three smiling flowers for a Cutie Mark. This was the current teacher of the schoolhouse and her name was Cheerilee. She noticed Spike walking toward the her and smiled and greeted him. "There's my new student! I was worried you were to nervous to come today." She stated as Spike stopped in front of her.

"Morning Ms. Cheerilee! I ended up being more worried about being late because Twilight kept over checking my school supplies." He joked.

Cheerilee chuckled a little before continuing. "That certainly sounds like Twilight. If you are nervous, don't worry, there are four exchange students coming all the way from Neighpon to attend school here."

"Well then, I'll be looking forward to meeting them!" Spike said excitedly.

Several minutes later, the entire class was assembled into the room waiting for class to start. "Morning class!" Cheerilee greeted. "Morning Ms. Cheerilee!" They all greeted back. "We have five new students joining our class today. One of them whose been in living our town for a while. The other four are exchange students all the way from Neighpon, so I expect you all to do your best to make them all feel welcome." She asked the class politely.

She then narrowed her eyes at two paticular fillys that have been known to be the bullies of the school. "Especially you two." She warned in a stern voice, causing these two fillys, whose names were Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, to shrink back slightly.

"Our first student is one you should all know very well by now. Come on in Spike!" She gestured for the young dragon to come in to the classroom. When he did, most of the colts and fillys eyes widened before they shrugged off the mild surprise, except for Diamond and Sliver, who merely looked at him in disgust, gaining a sharp look from their teacher.

"And now for our four exchange students." Cheerilee said before three colts and a filly came walking into the room.

The first colt was an earth pony and had tanish looking fur and a slightly spiky brown mane. He wore a red t-shirt with a white star on it. He bowed before introducing himself. "Hello everypony! My name is Nate Adams and I can't wait to start school in this country!" He excitedly proclaimed.

The filly next to him walked up next. She was a pegasus pony and had a lighter fur color and her mane was brown and ponytail hung down on the left side of her and was tied with a big pink bow. She wore a light jacket with light blue trimmings. She bowed as well and introduced herself. "Hello there! My name is Katie Forester and it's very nice to meet you all!" She greeted.

The unicorn colt next to her went up next. He had an unkempt mane and wore head phones over his ears. He also wears a green jacket with the sleeves rolled up. "Hey! The name's Eddie Archer and I can't wait to check out your culture here!" He stated excitedly.

Finally, an earth pony colt walked up next. He was easily the largest of the four and looked the most intimidating but had a kind and friendly smile on his face. His mane was jelled to point straight upwards and had tan fur. He wore short sleeve white and blue button up jacket. He also had a white bandage on his cheek. "Hiya! My name's Barnaby Bernstein but you can call me Bear!" He greeted in a friendly tone.

Cheerilee smiled before saying. "Now that everpony has been introduced, I want you five to go to the back of the class room where there are five empty seats for all of you." She pointed to five empty desks close to where the Cutie Mark Crusaders were sitting.

They proceeded to do so and proceeded with classes for the day. During the lesson, Nate was eyeing Spike curiously. "Wow! An actual dragon attending school here!" He excitedly thought. The bell rang an hour later for lunch and everypony filed into the playground.

Spike was with the CMC at a table when he noticed the other four new students looking very nervous. He then turned to the girls. "Hey girls." They turned their heads up in response. "Why don't we have the new kids sit with us? I'm sure making friends on their first day will help them." He suggested. Their eyes widened before Sweetie Belle said. "We were actually thinking the same thing." They all nodded and Spike proceeded to walk over to his fellow new students.

"Hi there!" He greeted. They all turned to him. "Oh hi there. Spike wasn't it?" Nate asked. Spike nodded in response. "Yep, would you four like to sit with me and my friends?" He asked pointing to the table the CMC were sitting at, who were waving at them.

The four looked to each other before smiling and nodding before Katie turned back to Spike. "Sure we love to come sit with you guys!" She spoke for all of them. Spike smiled before gesturing for them to follow him.

After sitting down, the CMC introduced themselves. "Howdy ya'll! I'm Applebloom and Ahm glad to meet ya'll." Applebloom greeted.

She pointed to the other two. "And this is Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle!" She introduce her friends.

"Hi!" Everypony greeted back each other.

After everypony introduced each other, they sat down to eat their lunches. Nate looked toward Spike again.

"You know, I've never seen a dragon before, especially in a pony town, so why are you here?" Nate asked with genuine curiosity. Spike looked back at him. "Oh, well that's because I was hatched by a pony." Spike answered. Nate gave him an "Oh" look before asking. "Really? Who hatched you? They must have been a pretty powerful unicorn to be able to do that." He theorized.

Spike nodded before answering. "I was hatched by my surrogate sister Twilight Sparkle." Katie's eyes suddenly widened after hearing this. "You were hatched by Princess Twilight Sparkle!?" She asked excitedly, leaning her face closer to Spike. Spike leaned back uncomfortably before saying. "Uh.... yeah that's right. She had to hatched me for her entrance exam into a special unicorn school in Canterlot. After some crazy circumstances, she got a crazy burst of magic and hatched me in the process." He explained somewhat nervous by Katie's excited gaze.

Katie realized that Spike fidgeting slightly from her gaze before caughing into her hoof. "Uh.... sorry about that, but I'm kinda of fan of all the princesses of Equestria and I got a little carried away." She apoligized. Spike shook his head before saying. "There's no need to apoligize, you just caught me by surprise, that's all." He reassured. Katie breathed a sigh of relief before gesturing to him to continue.

"A split second later, her magic went crazy and in the process, I grew so tall that I broke the roof of the castle tower we were in and Twilight only calmed down after Celestia came in. I turned back into normal infant again and Twilight's family took me in after Celestia asked Twilight to become her personal student. And I've been her number 1 assistant since then!" Spike proudly proclaimed.

Unknown to Spike, Whisper and Draggie were both listening to the details of his birth, Draggie seemed the most interested though.

"Wow, that's so cool Spike! Do you think you could introduce us to the princess?" Katie asked politely. Spike nodded before saying. "Sure, I wouldn't mind at all, but please just call her Twilight okay?" He asked. Eddie raised his brow at this. "How come? She's a princess isn't she?" He asked.

"Well.... she only recently became a princess several months ago and she still a little apprehensive about being called a princess. I mean, how would you guys feel if were you just ponies one day and princes and a princess of Equestria the next?" He asked.

All of them shook their heads in understanding. "Yeah, I guess I'd be the same way too." Nate muttered.

Deciding to change topics, Bear said. "So what do you guys for fun around here?" Sweetie Belle spoke up. "Well me and my friends are part of this club..." Eddie responded next. "Really? What kind of club is it?" He asked.

All three girls smiled brightly before yelling. "WE'RE THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS! YAAAAAAAAY!"

Spike looked to his right and noticed Whisper and Draggie both had different reactions to the yell. Whisper was floating lazily with his hand covering his ears with shocked expression on his face while Draggie was in a fetal position.

All five flinched from the loud yell. "We searched for our Cutie Marks and our purpose!" Scootaloo explained excitedly.

"And we couldn't help but notice that ya'll don't have your cutie marks either." Applebloom pointed out, causing all four to blush slightly before Scootaloo asked. "So why don't you join the club?" All four gave them shocked looks. "You really mean it?" Katie asked.

Spike smiled a little. "Take the offer, trust me, your guranteed to have an interesting day when your friends with these three, I should know. I am very happy I decided to join the club and I'm sure you won't regret it." Spike confidently stated.

All four looked to each other before smiling and nodding. "Sure, we love to be part of your club!" Nate answered for all of them. The CMC smiled before Scootaloo said. "Sweet! We'll get you guys initiated tommorrow after school." She informed.

"So Nate, is bug collecting a popular hobby in Neighpon?" Spike asked curiously. Nate nodded his head. "That's right, but why do you ask? Is it popular here too?" Nate asked back.

Applebloom picked up on this. "Ya darn tootin! We caught some pretty good bugs the other day, but Spike beat us after he caught this really cool rainbow colored butterfly." Applebloom then showed them a picture of said butterfly the day it was caught. "Wow! Dude, that is seriously cool!" Eddie said praising Spike.

After a few minutes of a talking about the bugs they caught, Eddie decided to ask them something that's been bothering him since they got to school. "Do we have to worry about any bullies at this school?" He asked in a worried tone.

Spike picked up on this. "There's two bullies at this school, but they can be pretty mean to other students and their names are Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon."

As if on cue, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walked over ready to make some trouble. "Well, well, well, it would make sense that a bunch of blank flanks would be friends with a permanent blank flank." She insulted directly at Spike. "Yeah, especially for some overgrown lizard to be somewhere he doesn't belong like school." Silver Spoon joined in the mocking. The hurtful insults caused Spike to shrink down in his table seat.

Katie didn't take kindly to this bullying and spoke up. "Well, at least he isn't some jerk who insults ponies for no good reason." She shot back. Diamond Tiara simply glared back. "Stay out of this new girl, animals like him don't belong in Ponyville!" She stated harshly.

Nate became agitated as well. "Animal!? Would an animal be sitting down politely and going to school like everypony else!?" He angrily shot back.

Eventually eveyone at the table ended up in one big shouting match agains Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Both Whisper and Draggie watched, not knowing what to do. "Whisper, is there anything we can do?" Whisper looked thoughtful. "I have no idea I'm afraid." He answered in a saddened tone.

Draggie pondered for a few minutes before an idea clicked in his head. He walked over to Spike and tapped his shoulder. Spike noticed this and leaned down from his seat. Draggie whispered something in his ear before chuckles came from both their lips.

"Hold it all of you!" He managed to get the attention of everypony at the table. "I like show you all a magic trick." He pulled out a familiar crystal ball. "I shall make this crystal ball attack whoever are naughtiest ponies here!" He then made several strange hand motions and the crystal ball started floating just like Spike said it would.

The crystal ball suddenly rushed Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon and started bonking them on the heads. "Ow! Ouch!" Both fillys shouted as they ran away with crystal ball hot on their tails to everyponits laughing delight.

After everypony's laughter died down, Bear barely managed get out. "Ha... dude, how did you that!?" He said as the laughter in his voice died down. Spike smirked before saying. "Nuh uh, a magician never reveals his secrets!" He stated proudly.

After the laughter finally died down, Spike walked up to the four. "Anyway guys, thanks for sticking up for me like that." They all followed this with a "No problem!" And all eight trotted off back to class.

A few hours later after recess and final period, the students all filed out for the day.

Spike, Whisper, and Draggie were walking down the path that lead to the castle. "Did you guys see the looks on their faces when I started whacking them in the head with my crystal ball? That was priceless!" Draggie laughed out as the trio walked through town. Spike was about to respond when he noticed Katie slumping down at a nearby outdoor cafe.

"Hey Katie, is something wrong?" Spike asked concerned about his new friend.

Katie looked up at him and sighed sadly. "Not really, me and Nate got an a fight earlier and he stormed off toward the lake. I don't know what came over me! I blurted out everything on my mind and what's weird is that I felt like I didn't have any control over what I was saying at all...."

Whisper flew up next to Spike before whispering into his ear. "I got a hunch that a Yo-Kai was responsible for this." Spike's eyes widened. "Really!?" He barely said in a whisper. Spike turned his attention back to Katie. "Hey Katie, where did this argument occur?" He asked.

"We'll uh... around this cafe, but why do you ask?" Katie asked back. "Uh... I just gonna find the source of why you suddenly started arguing with Nate. While I'm doing that, why don't you go make up with Nate." Spike suggested. "[SIGH] Okay...." Katie said dryly as she got and left toward the lake.

Once they knew she was gone completely, Whisper said. "Alright Spike, you know the drill!" Spike nodded before opening his Yo-Kai lens and scanned around the out door cafe before finally coming upon a small silluette sitting on table. It's true form was eventually revealed as something Spike reconized from Lyra Heartstrings rants about humans and the Yo-Kai looked like a elderly human lady with long arms casually sipping tea. The Yo-Kai looked small enough to fit in Spike's hand.

"What Yo-Kai is that Whisper?" He asked. Whisper once more attempted to hide the fact that he was looking up his information on the Yo-Kai pad. "Let's see uh... yeah now I remember. This is the Yo-Kai Tattletell of the Mysterious Tribe. She causes whoever she inspirits to reveal their innermost secrets, whether they want to or not." Whisper informed. "Maybe you should just download the audio book Spike." Draggie said sarcastically. "Yeah, that probably seems like a better idea." Spike said agreeing with him.

"Hey! Let's focus on something more concerning like Tattletell alright!?" Whisper said, attempting to steer the conversation away from him.

Both dragons shrugged before Spike approached Tattletell. "Excuse me, Tattletell?" Spike said getting the Yo-Kai's attention. "Tell tell? (You want something scaly?)"

"Could you please stop inspiriting ponies and causing them to argue?" Spike asked politely. Tattletell shook her head no furiously before gaining a mischievous look in her eye before suddenly jumping onto and grabbing hold of Spike's neck and hung down.

"What the!?" Spike shouted in surprise. He then sighed in frustration. "Great! Just what I needed, another annoying Yo-Kai to deal. As if Whisper following like a lost puppy wasn't bad enough. I just wanna get this done and go back home and nap!" Spike suddenly confessed out loud, causing him to cover his mouth.

"That wasn't very nice Spike!" Whisper shouted angrily. "Tattletell is making him say that out loud!" Draggie clarified.

Tattletell laughed in amusement before hopping off a Spike before landing and taunting him by pulling down her left eye lid before hopping off. "Hey, get back here you!" Spike shouted as the trio gave chase. "Spike, we need to hurry and stop her before the entire town becomes a melting pot of exposed secrets!" Whisper shouted as they continued the chase.

Tattletell hopped into Rarity's favorite salon and spa. Inside, one of the stylists was working on a fillys mane when she accidentally dropped purple mane dye on the filly's blond mane. Tattletell suddenly jumped into mare's neck causing her say. "Yikes, I really butchered this kids mane." The filly's eyes widened. "What!?" The trio ran in and spotted Tattletell. "There she is!" Spike shouted briefly gaining the mare and filly's attention.

Tattletell quickly hopped off and was off into the streets. "Hey! Get back here!" Draggie shouted as the trio followed her. The stylist, realizing what she just said, attempted to save herself. "Oh this looks... great!" The filly angrily got up. "Don't even!" She shouted.

A nearby couple sitting at a table were enjoying their "date". "So what do you say we go on a real date sometime?" The blue mane stallion asked the red maned mare. Tattletell suddenly hopped up on the mare's neck. "Uh... I like you buying me free stuff, but your like, totally not my type!" The mare casually said. "Huh!?" The stallion said confused.

"Found her!" Whisper yelled getting the other attention. Tattletell once more ran off, with the three giving chase once more. "What was I saying just now?" The confused mare asked the now bawling stallion.

Tattletell hopped into a nearby police station where some stallion officers were interrogating a suspect. "Look, just tell us where you hid the stolen bits, and we can ask DA to go easy on you." The police stallion asked. The suspect merely grunted before saying. "I got nothing to say." The police stallion glared at him. "Confess already!"

Tattletell hopped in and grabbed hold of the suspects neck, causing him to say. "You got nothing on me! I hid the bits under the baseball field, section 10, row 1, seat 12!" He confessed to the suprised police stallions. "Huh?!" They exclaimed, confused by the suspects sudden confession.

Spike, Whisper, and Draggie ran in. "There you are!" Spike exclaimed. Tattletell hopped off the suspects neck before exiting. "For the love of Celestia, get back here!" Spike shouted in anger. The three stallions looked at them confused as they left before the head said. "Book him, Catchter!" He commanded the younger the younger. "Yes sir." He replied. The suspect was now realing from what he just confessed. "Why did I say that!?"

The trio eventually conered her in a nearby alley. "Okay, there's no where left to run Tattletell! Why don't you just give up now!" Spike demanded. "Tell tell!" Tattletell said agressively.

"Looks like she won't listen to reason Spike!" Whisper informed. Spike nodded in response. "Yeah, so I guess it's time for confrontation then. Ready Draggie?" Spike asked his friend. "Hold on a minute Spike, why don't you give another Yo-Kai a shot this time? Different situations call for different Yo-Kai." Draggie recommended.

Spike nodded. "Okay then, I'll just call my friend Jibanyan!" Spike shouted as he brought out Jibanyan's Yo-Kai medal.

"Come on out my friend!" Spike shouted as he tossed the medal into the air.

"Calling, Jibanyan!" He caught the medal and inserted it into the watch.

"Yo-kai medal, do your thing!" He shouted as a voice called. "Summoning, Charming!" and a pink cyclone appeared as a familiar silluette danced.

"Alarming! Boom boom walla walla dance dance Charming!" an upbeat tuned played as Jibanyan danced to it and finished by striking a pose. "Jibanyan!"

Jibanyan suddenly landed on the ground with a big bump on his. "Whoa! Jibanyan, are you okay?" Spike asked concerned. "I... I've been keeping up with my training, cat vs wagon." Jibanyan informed the trio. "Whisper sighed before explaining. "Yo-kai have their own lives to live, so don't be surprised when summon one in mid-adventure." Spike rubbed his sheepishly. "Yeah... I guess that makes sense." He muttered.

"That's right! How about a little respect for my privacy!" Jibanyan tiredly demanded. "No time for that Jibanyan! We need your help for dealing with Tattletell!" Draggie shouted to no avail as Jibanyan started napping on the ground. "This getting annoying...." Spike said bitterly. "I think she's getting tired of waiting too." Draggie said, pointing to Tattletell who was now sipping tea contently.

Spike sighed before an idea popped in his head. Reaching into his backpack, he brought out three bars of chocolate. "Hey Jibanyan! If you help me out with Tattletell, you can have my left over Chocobars from lunch. What do you say?" Jibanyan immediately perked up upon hearing this and quickly got up and grabbed the three candy bars from.

"I take that as a yes?" Spike quessed correctly.

Jibanyan immediately took a battle ready stances and charged Tattletell. "Take my Paws of Fury!" He shouted as he threw several punches at Tattletell, who swiftly dodged before suddenly attaching herself to Jibanyan's neck. "Meow!?" Jibanyan shouted in suprise. "Uh oh!" Draggie said as he covered his eyes.

Jibanyan suddenly started grunting, as if trying to hold something in. "NEXT HARMEOWNY!" He suddenly shouted. "What the....?" Spike muttered before Jibanyan suddenly spitting out words like wild fire. "I know they're a girl band! But I just love love love them!"

Draggie leaned over to Spike. "Is he talking about that super lame girl band?" He asked before Jibanyan suddenly grabbed his head and started shaking it like crazy. "How dare you! I'm not just their fan! I'm they're number one fan!" A vision of Jibanyan standing in a room full next Harmeowny posters.

"My room is full of their posters, I've collected every magazine they've ever been in, and every night before I go to sleep...." The vision then showed Jibanyan in bed, lovingly staring at a poster on the ceiling. "Good night girls...." He said in a loving tone before making a smoochie face.

Jibanyan was now panting heavily on the ground. "I... I can't believe I just told you!" He stuttered out the bewildered trio behind him. Tattletell wasn't done yet. "And I go to Next Harmeowny conventions!" He blurted out. "Okay..." Draggie muttered dumbfounded. "I touched their hooves once and I haven't washed my paws since!" He blurted out again. "Gross!" Whisper exclaimed.

Tattletell chuckled mischievously before hopping off of a Jibanyan's neck. "Wh... why did I tell you that!? Not even my mother knows about this!" Jibanyan yelled as he rolled around on the ground bawling. Spike barely managed to say. "Yeah.... that's pretty embarrassing."

Jibanyan suddenly got up and a black aura briefly enveloped him before turning to the trio and confidently sayin, "Let's pretend you guys didn't hear any of that!" Attempting to save himself some embarrassment.

Spike leaned over to Draggie. "This cat has some problems...." He muttered. Draggie nodded in agreement. "That's for sure." He said back.

Jibanyan's face was now completely red with embarrassment before running off in shame, yelling. "I can never show my face in your sight again!" He shouted as he ran off crying. "Jibanyan, wait!" Spike attempted to call to his friend, but Jibanyan was long gone. Whisper sighed. "So much for him helping you...."

Tattletell laughed in amusement before hopping off toward the park. "Hey! Get back here you!" Spike shouted as he gave chase again.

Cornering her in the park, Spike decided to call another Yo-Kai. "Maybe Happiere will lighten her mood!"

"Come on out my friend!" He shouted flipping the medal into the air.

"Calling, Happiere!" And in one swift motion, he caught the medal and inserted it into the watch. A voice briefly said. "Summoning, Heartful!" A green cyclone briefly appeared before dissapating, much to the trio's confusion. "Uh.... what's wrong with the watch?" Draggie asked confused.

A beeping sound was heard before Happiere's voice said. "I cannot come to zis phone right now, so please leave a message after the beep."

Spike sighed in frustration. "I'm not calling on the phone." He said dryly. Dismerelda's voice suddenly came up. "We're on vacation in Fillydelphia and we can't be disturb. BEEP!" All three just stared dumbly. "Yeash... talk about unprofessional." Draggie stated.

"So Yo-Kai vacation in Fillydelphia?" Spike asked absent mindedly. "Beats Albercolty." Whisper replied.

"Well, I guess that means Dismerelda is out of the question. The only medals I have left are yours, Draggie and Walkappa's." Spike pondered for minute. "Well, I guess I could call Walkappa and see what he does."

"Come on out my friend!" He shouted as flipped the medal into the air.

"Calling, Walkappa!" And in one swift motion, he caught the medal and inserted it into the watch.

A voice called out. "Summoning, Charming!" As a pink cyclone merged from the watch.

"Alarming! Boom boom walla walla dance dance Charming!" A fun tune played as Walkappa danced to it and finished by striking a pose. "Walkappa"

"Walkappa, I'm am glad you came!" Spike stated. "Hey, what up dude?" Walkappa greeted before Tattletell suddenly latched onto his neck. "Oh no! Not again!" Spike shouted. "Whoa gnarly! I wanna reveal my secrets for some reason!" Walkappa exclaimed as Tattletell ststarted forcing him to talk.

"I... I... I lose my power when my plate is dry duuuuude!" He shouted as if it were a big deal. "Uh dude... everypony knows." Spike stated. "Yeah it's kinda your thing isn't it?" Whisper asked. Walkappa turned towards them. " Yeah, I'm not much of a guy for secrets. Too hard to remember dude."

"Tell tell..." Tattletell panted from attempting to get a juicy secret out of him and tried again. "I... I love... I love PIZZA!!!" He shouted.

The trio just stared. "Okay..." Spike muttered. Draggie raised a brow. "Wait, I thought Kappa's were supposed to cucumbers?" He asked. Walkappa faced them again. "That's stereotyping bro."

This continued for several minutes before Tattletell finally fell from exhaustion. Whisper took a closer look at her for nodding his head. "Boring wins the day!" He shouted as he raised Walkappa's hand. Both dragons yippied in celebration before Whisper explained. "Walkappa's so dull, he doesn't have any interesting secrets for Tattletell to expose."

"Yeah, thanks again Walkappa!" Spike said thanking him. "No prob, scaly bro! I'll be heading home now, laters dudes." Walkappa said as he bid farewell.

Spike looked toward Tattletell's exhausted form with concern before running over to her before picking her up. "Hey, you okay there?" He asked with concern. "Tell tell..." she said as she nodded her head.

"Okay good. You know your the reason Katie and Nate are fighting right?" She nodded again. "How about we go find them and you can find a way to make up for it, how's that sound?" He asked "Tell tell!" Tattletell nodded in agreement before she started and medal materialized and floated into Spike's hand. "Awsome! We're friends now! Now let's go find Nate and Katie."

The foursome walked to the lake and found Nate sitting on a bench and Katie standing a few meters behind the bench. As they got closer, Spike vaguely Nate grumble. "That Katie..." Spike proceeded to talk to Katie. "Oh, hey Spike. Look at him, he's sithing right there and I know what I wanna say, but I can't get myself to say it."

Spike pondered for a second before snapping his fingers. "Hey Tattletell, can you inspirit Katie again?" He politely asked. "Tell tell!" She nodded as she hopped on Katie's neck. Katie suddenly felt the urge to speak what's on her mind. "Nate! I'm so sorry about what I said earlier! I didn't mean any of it, please forgive me!" She blurted out to a surprised Nate, who jumped from the bench from suprise.

He stared for a moment before a small smile crossed his face. "Okay, I forgive you and I'm sorry for getting mad so easily." He stated also apologizing. Both smiled before chatting like nothing ever happened. "Whew, I'm happy to see those two make up." Spike said sighing in relief. "I guess we better get home before Twilight has a hiss fit." Spike suggested, realizing the sun was getting ready to set.

They bid farewell to Nate, Katie, and Tattletell and arrived at the castle a few minutes later. "Hey Twilight, I'm home!" He shouted.

He entered the library and saw Twilight going through several books. She finally noticed him enter and happily before asking. "Oh hey Spike! How did your first day of school?" Spike gave her a thumbs up. "It went great Twilight! I even made friends with four new exchange students all the rom Neighponese!" He excitedly answered.

Little stars appeared Twilight's eyes. "Really!? Oh, Spike I'm so happy you made new friends on your first day! You said they came from Neighponese, right?" Spike nodded. "Pinkie Pie had us throw a welcome to Ponyville party for the four families that moved here, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised you made friends with them. I didn't get a chance to talk to them at the party though." She said a little down ridden.

"Well I invited my new friends to come to the castle to meet after the Cutie Mark Crusaders meeting if that makes you feel better." Spike suggested. "Wait, Cutie Mark Crusaders meeting?" She asked curiously. Spike nodded again. "Yep, they're are our new members starting tomorrow after school." Spike explained.

After dinner that night, Spike was sitting in his room looking at his Yo-Kai medals before a thought popped in his head. "Hey Whisper, do you anything I can keep these in? I don't want them jumbled somewhere where I can't find them." He asked.

Whisper looked toward. "Well of course I do! Give me a quick minute." He said as he popped his head open and rummaged through it. He finally pulled a strange looking book with strange symbols on the front. "This is the Yo-Kai Medallium. This is a very handy carrying case for all your medals!" He handed the Medallium to Spike, who then proceeded to open it.

Inside showed empty slots for the medals he could put in. "Wow cool!" He exclaimed before inserting the medals inside. "We'll I think it's about time for bed fellas." Whisper suggested with both dragons agreeing.

After the three said good night, Draggie was the only one left awake. He had some things to think about after listening to Spike's conversation about his birth.

"Spike said that Twilight had to hatched him for an entrance exam at the castle. That couldn't have been at the same time I died could it? Spike also said that she was only able to hatch him after some crazy circumstances that jerked a powerful magic surge that hatched him in the first place. He also said that he grew so tall that he burst through the ceiling of the castle tower that he was in. Could Spike have been inadvertently responsible for my dearh?" He pondered for a few minutes.

"Well if it was, then I'm sure it was a complete accident. If what Spike was true, Twilight's magical surge must have been extremely crazy when it was unleashed. But what was that explosion? Maybe Spike could tell me when he wakes up." He smiled slightly at the thought of his friend. "Now that leaves the question of where Spike's egg came from." His eyes shot open as a sudden thought crossed his mind.

"Cou... could Spike be my...." Draggie shook his head slowly as he turned his sight toward the slumbering dragon near him. "No.... that be too big of a miracle." Draggie pondered for another few minutes. "My brother's egg was light purple with dark purple spots, Maybe I could ask Spike to tell me later. Draggie yawned before thinking. "I'll talk to Spike about him being born first and the explosion I heard after he gets home from school tomorrow."

And with one final yawn, the dragon Yo-Kai fell back on his bed and closed his eyes as he let sleep overtake him.

⊙⊙ ⊙⊙

Yo-Kai Nosirs

It was final period of the school day.

"Alright class, clear your desks and get ready for the test." Ms. Cheerilee called out to the class. The students did as they were told and she handed out their tests.

Spike looked at his answer sheet closely. "Hmm, maybe it's B?" He thought and was about to circle his answer.

Uh uh uuuh!

"What? Who?" Spike muttered as he looked around the room wondering were that voice came from.

Spike, keep your eyes down." Cheerilee asked politely. "Oh, sorry!" He looked back down at the paper. "I've could've sworn I heard something say uh uh uuuh. Somepony must be messing with me. Now, maybe the answer's C maybe? I'll go with C." Making up his mind, he was in the middle of circling the C when. "Uh uh uuuh!" The voice interrupted him, causing him to scribble through the C.

"Okay, now I heard that heard it that time! It's gotta be a Yo-Kai!" Looking around the room to make sure nopony was watching, he opened the lens on his watch and scanned around the room. He didn't find one, or two, but three similar looking Yo-Kai.

They all wore short and wear purple sweater vests, blue bowties, magenta pants, and black eye masks. They also had large, thick noses and tan hair. Spike could only tell each of the apart by the things each one wore, one wore a small pair of eyeglasses and another had a long green strand of snot hanging from his nose and carried a small vanity mirror.

"Maybe the answers A?" Nate muttered before one of the Yo-Kai said. "No sir-ee bob!" Causing Nate to moan in frustration.

"How about C?" Katie muttered before another of the Yo-Kai came up next to her. "That's snot it!" He stated. "Or maybe B?" She guessed. "That's snot it!" The Yo-Kai said again.

"There's three of them!?" Spike thought in surprise. All three eventually went up to Ms. Cheerilee, who was busy writing some equations on the chalkboard. "Uh uh uuuh! No sir-ee bob! That's snot it!" All three said one after the other.

Cheerilee was now having trouble writing the equations on the board. "Now they're making Ms. Cheerilee indecisive!? I've got to stop them after class is over!" An hour later the last bell of the day rang and after Spike exited the building, he chased the trio Yo-Kai to a nearby soccer field. "Ah ha! Cornered you!" He shouted. "Spike! Looks like you have some Yo-Kai problems!" Whisper exclaimed as he flew next to Spike.

Spike nodded before turning his attention to the three Yo-Kai that were on the top of a soccer net. "Alright, tell me who you guys are!" He demanded. "That's not the right question!" The one in the middle stated. "Starting off on the wrong hoof!" The one right continued. "The real question is who are you?" The one on the left finished.

"Well I'm Spike the dragon!" Spike stated before pointing his finger toward them. "Now tell me who you guys are!?" He demanded again.

The trio smiled before jumping high in the air and landing gracefully several meters from the duo. The three turned and said in unison. "Nosir!"

Spike was now completely confused. "Wait, I told my name so tell me yours!" He asked. "Uh uh uuuh! No sir-ee bob! That's snot it!" The three said one after the other again. Spike sighed in frustration. "What's wrong with these guys?" he asked annoyed.

Whisper floated next to him looking at his Yo-Kai Pad. "That does seem to be their name." He stated looking at the entry. "Huh?" Spike said in confusion. "Their name is actually the Nosirs of the Eerie Tribe. They cause ponies to have trouble deciding on whether to get or do something." He informed.

"Okay, I get that but...." Spike then pointed to the Nosirs in the middle and right making weird poses. 'Those two are weird but." He then pointed to the one with vanity mirror. "That guy has a burger coming out of his nose!" He exclaimed in disgust.

"That's the thing about Nosirs, they're ikana class." Whisper informed. "Dude that doesn't make any sense." Spike stated.

"It's a Yo-Kai thing. You wouldn't understand." Whisper stated. Spike looked waving his dismissively. "Uh uh uuuh, that's not it." Spike stated.

"Here we go!" Whisper stated as if he were about to sing.

"Spike, don't copy them it's unbecoming!" He suddenly sang. Spike did a twirl before singing himself. "Don't get your burgers out of tone!" Whisper did another twirl. "No sir-ee bob, that's not it!" He sang back.

Spike twirled around as he sang. "You just read everything off of your Yo-Kai Pad, because you don't know a single thing!" Whisper sang defended himself. "Wrong, wrong, a thousand times wrong!"

"You don't know, You don't know!" Spike sang as he and Whisper danced around. "No, you don't know!" Whisper sang back. "You don't know what you don't know!"

"AHHHH!" They both screamed in unison. "Oh crud! They almost got us with their Nosir magic!" Spike exclaimed. "What Dastardly deed!" Whisper shouted. "Maybe Draggie can teach them a lesson!"

"Come on out my friend!" Spike shouted as flipped Draggie's medal in the air.

"Calling, Draggie!" And one swift motion he caught the medal and inserted it into the watch. "Yo-Kai medal, do your thing!" He shouted the command. Nothing happened at all. "What the?" He exclaimed.

"Uh uh uuuh! No sir-ee bob! That's snot the right way to put the medal in!" The Nosirs explained. "Really?" Spike asked before looking at the medal he inserted. He then realized he put the medal in upside down. His cheeks turned red with embarrassment. He chuckled sheepishly. "He he...... they're right, I put the medal in upside down."

"So.... they're kind of helping you then." Whisper thought out loud. Spike nodded. "Yeah... thanks for letting me know, Nosirs." He said thanking them. 'Your thanking them!?" Whisper exclaimed. Spike suddenly glowed yellow.

The Nosirs looked confused. Spike looked at them with confusion. "Uh... is something wrong?" He asked.

"We're not used to compliments." One of them said. "Insults yes, compliments no." The one with burger stated. "Now what's going on?" Spike asked confused.

"Uh uh uuuh...., no sir-eee bob...., that's not it, definitely not it...."

After the Nosirs pulled them themselves together , Spike asked. 'So they're just gonna leave?" Whisper nodded. "It certainly seems so."

The middle suddenly turned and said "Uh uh uuuh!" Before holding out his left hand. Spike, a bit confused by the gesture, took hold of the Nosir's hand with his hand (the one with the Yo-Kai Watch.) and both the watch and the Nosir suddenly started glowing.

The Nosir then suddenly flew inside the watch to Spike's amazement. "Wow! Did he just go into the watch!?" After the light show ended, Whisper demanded. "What is the meaning of this!?"

"No sir-ee bob! He found his purpose!" The Nosir with the glasses explained. "Don't get your burgers out of tune!" The one with the burger suggested before both of them glowed and flew into the sky. "Wait! Where are you going!?" Spike shouted in vain as they disappeared from view. "So, is he... really in there?" He asked dumbfounded. "With Yo-Kai, anything is possible."

"Should I try putting the medal in the wrong way then?" Spike asked. Whisper nodded and Spike proceeded to put Draggie's medal in the watch the wrong way, a sound byte occurred and the Nosir's voice was heard, saying. "Uh uh uuuh!" To Spike's amazement.

"Wow! I guess he did find his purpose after all!" Whisper said excitedly. Spike smiled. "Well, this may have been a weird but, I guess there's nothing left to say but, thank you, Nosirs!" Spike shouted into the sky.

⊙⊙ ⊙⊙

After getting home after the CMC orientation and introducing the four exchange students to Twilight, the duo found Draggie in deep thought in Spike's room. "Hey Draggie!" Spike greeted happily. The greeting snapped Draggie out of his thoughts before smiling back. "Oh hey Spike! How was school today? He asked curiously.

"Well during a test today, a trio of Yo-Kai called the Nosirs ended up messing with everypony's tests today by making them indecisive about their answers." Spike then went on with what occurred after school (With Draggie laughing at what happened with Spike and Whisper singing) and what happened between the Nosir and the watch.

Draggie then looked at the watch curiously. "So he's just.... in there?" He asked. Spike nodded before inserting Draggie's medal in the watch the wrong way again, making the sound byte occur.

"Wow, that's pretty cool...." Draggie voiced trailed off. Spike noticed his friend's change in demeanor. "Is something wrong Draggie?" He asked concerned.

Draggie looked up at him before sighing. "Well.... I was thinking about that conversation you had with your friends yesterday." Spike raised his brow. "You mean the one where I was telling them how I was born?" Draggie nodded before continuing. "You said you only hatched because some crazy circumstances caused Twilight's magical burst. What exactly happened that made her do it?" He asked trying to get some answers.

"I was meaning to ask that too Spike. What did happen?" Whisper asked himself.

"Well you know Twilight's friends, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie right?" They both nodded. "Yeah we've seen them here a few times when they came to visit, and I remember Rainbow Dash because she and Twilight were arguing because of Dismerelda the day we first met." Whisper stated.

"And I remember Pinkie Pie when I saw her outside the window of that cake were we first met." Draggie noted.

"But what's this got to do with what happened with Twilight?" A familiar voice asked. They turned around to see Jibanyan walking through the door to Spike's room.

"Oh Jibanyan! What are you doing here?" Spike asked. "I was just wondering if you guys were doing anything interesting and I heard most of what you guys said and I'm kinda interested too, so please don't stop on my account."

Responding to Jibanyan's wishes Spike continued. He explained what each girl what was doing at the time Twilight was taking her entrance exam. Fluttershy was saved by forest animals when she fell off the cloud she was on, Pinkie Pie was working on her families rock farm, Rarity's horn magically dragged to a large rock in the middle of nowhere, Rainbow Dash was in a race against some bullies for bullying Fluttershy, and Applejack attempted to live a city life in Manehattan.

He then explained that Rainbow Dash went so fast during her race, she created a Sonic Rainbow which inadvertently caused the other girls to figure out their talents and get their cutie marks, which in turn caused Twilight's sudden magical outburst, thus leading to Spike's birth.

To simply put it, all three listeners were dumbfounded. "My word.... so if it wasn't for Rainbow Dash pulling off her Sonic Rainboom, you would have never been born and never would've been able to release me from my capsule prison!" Whisper exclaimed.

"You said it Whisper, I can't believe how Twilight and her friend's before they even met each other." Jibanyan said amazed.

Draggie was deep in thought though. "Is something wrong Draggie?" He heard Spike's concerned voice. "I... I think I died the day you were born...." He said slowly. All three of them were shocked by this. "WHAT!?" All three exclaimed.

"The boom I heard had to be the Sonic Rainboom you mentioned. And the piece that fell off the castle tower had to been when.... you grew in size...." He theorized, his voice phasing into whisper.

"I... I caused your.... GULP.... death?" Spike muttered completely stunned by your revelation. "It wasn't you or anypony else's fault Spike! It was just one big coincidence that I was there at the time too, just like with the rest of your friends experienced." Draggie stated calmly.

The three then noticed Spike was on the verge of tears and quickly pulled him into a group hug.

The three went to bed that night after Jibanyan left for the night and Spike went to sleep almost immediately from the emotional outburst he had he experienced.

Draggie layed down on his bed smiling smiling softly. "Well, at least manged to find out hat that boom was. Now I just need to figure out whether or not Spike is my brother" He looked toward his potential younger sibling and sighed quietly.

"I better wait a few days before asking him what the color of his egg and pattern was. I don't want to throw another potential shocking revelation at him after seeing his reaction earlier. It's best that he get some sleep"

The dragon once more lay down his head once more let his dreams overtake him.

⊙⊙ ⊙⊙

It's Recap Time!

"Hey Spike! Who'd you meet today!?" Whisper excitedly asked.

"Let's see..." Spike pondered.

"Walkappa and Tattletell!" He listed them.

The image showed Spike mopping up the classroom with everypony else.

"Tattletell makes you reveal your innermost secrets, whether you want to or not!" Whisper explained as Tattletell grabbed hold of Spike's neck.

"Hey everypony! I made a big stinky poo in the little colts room!" Spike blurted out before covering his mouth in embarrasement.

Author's Note:

Whew, now that was a long one to write! Anyway guys, since this story seems to be my most popular one, I'll be focusing my efforts on it.

I'll be having the Yo-Kai, Manjimutt appear next and I'll let the readers decide what Yo-Kai they want to see next.

Here's a list of three Yo-Kai.

- Komasan

- Hydabat

- Kyuubi

Now it's up to you guys which Yo-Kai you want to see next! Happy voting!