• Published 16th Feb 2016
  • 5,802 Views, 109 Comments

Spike's Yo-Kai Watch Adventures - Joeyjambo122

After getting lost in the Everfree Forest, Spike finds a mysterious tree with a strange capsule machine. Spike discovers something here that guarantees his life will never be quite the same again.

  • ...

A Brotherly Reunion

Any attempt to replicate Yo-Kai behavior would be ill advised!

A spotlight turned on, revealing Whisper wearing a tuxedo. He turned around faced screen. "Oh hello, I didn't see you there. Welcome to today's adventure. I bet your wondering just what kind of new and wonderful Yo-Kai your going to meet today, right?" He asked.

"Well it may come as quite a shock to you that the Yo-Kai of today's episode is one that you have already met." Two small dark balls floated around the top of Whisper's head. They both then showed images of Spike and Draggie. "As many of you have already figured out, Spike was the little brother Draggie was searching for both before and after he died, though Spike is unaware of this and Draggie has his suspicions."

"Now this mystery will intercourse with another. Who was the mystery mare that Draggie saved from the falling piece of a castle tower that costed him his life? These questions will be answered soon enough in today's episode, so sit back and relax as we enter The Yo-Kai Zone...."

Unexplained occurrences happen every day, but if you posses the Yo-Kai Watch, you will have the amazing and rare ability to see the elusive Yo-Kai. Invisible spirit like entities, responsible for life's daily annoyances. But beware.... When a Yo-Kai enters your life, things will never be quite the same....

A Brotherly Reunion

"Telescope? Check. Star charts? Check. Notebook to help study the Comets? Check. Camera? Check." Twilight and Spike went through as they prepared for the trip to Canterlot. Whisper, Draggie, and Jibanyan were also helping them unknown to Twilight by bringing the necessary items on the checklist. Spike certainly appreciated the extra help with his chores and the checklists he had to make.

"That Twilight really knows how to be organized doesn't she?" Jibanyan remarked. "You have no idea...." Spike quietly responded. Draggie hadn't said much since the usual good morning routine. He had been struggling all morning to talk to Spike about what his egg looked like and how he was gonna to tell him that he had been suspecting Spike to be his missing brother.

"Are you alright there Draggie?" Whisper asked in concern. "Uh... yeah, I... I'm fine... I'll talk to you guys later about it...." He said in a melancholy tone. "Whisper looked at him again before shrugging it off for now.

"Okay, that's everything Spike!" Twilight excitedly stated. "Hey Twilight, what is the Twin Comets Festival anyway?" Spike asked wondering what the fuss was about. "I'm glad you asked!" Twilight then prepared herself for lecture mode.

"Around five thousand ears ago, a pair of twin brother's were born and placed in two separate baskets after they were kidnapped from home. The kidnappers then placed the baskets in separate rivers which carried both twins to distant parts of Equestria, where they were both found and adopted by separate families."

"One day, Star Gazer, the older twin found a photo of a stallion very similar to him in appearance in a newspaper which showed him in front of a large T-Rex fossil. At the same time, Bone Finder, his brother, also read an article with a picture of Star Gazer receiving an award for his work in astronomy. They both realized they were in fact twin brothers and both learned were they each came from, told from their respective adoptive families. They both then proceeded to journey Equestria to find each other."

"They both went through many obstacles and hardships. At the end of their respective journeys, in the middle of a clear field of grass, they both somehow sense the other twin was nearby and both got closer and closer until they were finally face to face. Neither said anything as they stared at each other with both afraid of what they were gonna say next. Bone Finder had enough of the long silence and pulled his brother into a long hug much to his twins surprise until he finally returned the hug."

"After breaking free from each other's grasped they both looked up and saw two comets approaching each other. Star Gazer, deciding to show his new brother his skills, pulled out his star charts and telescope and both watched the event unfold in amazement. The two comets touched each other and a brilliant bright light enveloped the sky.

Both brother's came to a suitable name for the comets and deemed them the Twin Comets in honor of their reunion. Now every one thousand years, the Twin Comets appear and that's why we celebrate the Twin Comets Festival in order to celebrate the reunion of two brother's who have long been apart." Twilight finally finished.

"Wow.... that's just outright impressive." Spike remarked. "Anyway, we better get to the train station, the girls are waiting for us." Twilight stated. Spike nodded and they grabbed all the necessary items and headed off toward the train station, Whisper, Draggie, and Jibanyan following closely behind them.

Unknown to anypony, two figures watched them closely from the skies. "So he must be the one called Spike, the dragon who uses the Yo-Kai Watch and is able to befriend Yo-Kai. I'm amazed the leader is interested in such an annoying creature in the first place Gin." The one on the left stated to her companion. "Well Kin, it's not our job to question the leader, our job is to get rid of Spike's Yo-Kai friends, starting with that mopey dragon one." The one known as Gin stated as they watched Draggie get on the train with others.

Several minutes after they boarded the train, Draggie had been really struggling to try and talk to Spike about his egg. He looked back over to Spike who was quietly chatting with Whisper and Jibanyan and sighed. "Well, I guess now it's now or never." He muttered to himself. Sighing again, he got up and walked over to the trio. Spike noticed him approaching. "Hey Draggie, what's up?" He greeted.

"Cou...could I talk to you guys in the cabin room please?" He asked nervously. The three shrugged and proceeded into an empty cabin with no windows on the door. "Hey Twilight, I'm gonna step out for a minutes okay?" He informed his friend. When he saw Twilight nod in understanding, he proceeded close and lock the door behind him so nopony could bother them.

"Something up Draggie?" He asked his friend when he noticed the nervous expression on the Yo-Kai's face.

"Do.... do you remember when we talked about the Sonic Rainboom a few days ago?" He hesitantly asked. "You mean were Spike inadvertently caused your death the day he was born when Twilight's magical burst of magic caused him grow several feet high?" The three stared at him. "No need to sugar coat that..." Spike stated sarcastically, causing Whisper to chuckle nervously. "Anyway, what about it?" He returned the question as he sat down. Draggie took a deep breath as he managed to utter out. "Do you know the color and pattern of your egg Spike?" Causing the three to give confused stares. "What does that have to do with anything?" Jibanyan asked.

"You know how I said that I heard Celestia confiscated a dragon egg from the black market?" The other two nodded except for Jibanyan, who was a bit confused, to which Whisper quickly explained why Draggie was in Canterlot in the first place. "Well, my brother's egg was light purple with a dark purple polka dot pattern." When Spike's confused stare continued, Draggie braced himself for what he was about to say. "Well, as a book I read about dragon biology states, no dragon egg ever repeats the exact same color and pattern. And you once told me that you didn't know where your egg came from right?"

Spike nodded nervously as the information was saying was starting to add up. "Wha... what your saying is that I "GULP" am your missing brother?" He nervously asked. Draggie nodded slowly as Whisper and Jibanyan stared in shock. "Why didn't you say anything before?" Whisper asked a little bewildered. "Because I didn't want to give each other false hope until I was more sure of it. Which why I asked you what color and your egg was, it was so I could confirm whether your really my brother or not...."

"Well, I... I don't know myself and Twilight probably wouldn't know because she was too focused on hatching instead of paying attention to what the color and pattern of my egg was. But maybe Celestia would know?" Spike nervously suggested. "That's nyot a half bad idea Spike!' Jibanyan excitedly stated. The other agreed to the suggestion and exited the cabin, Spike and Draggie not really saying much to each other.

Kin and Gin had heard the first part of the conversation and grinned evilly. "I believe Gin, we figured what point and time to send him back to in order to keep him from meeting Spike." Gin grinned back at Kin. "We'll have to wait and catch him alone in order for it work." They both proceeded laugh an evil laugh as the train reached it's destination.

The girls, dragon, and Yo-Kai eventually managed to reach the castle as they split up to do their own thing, with the girls preparing the observation balcony for that night, while Spike and his Yo-Kai friends went off to find Princess Celestia. Both Spike and Draggie hardly said a word to each othe after left the train and this continued as they were going up a spiraling staicase. Spike noticed a familiar room and excitedly grabbed Draggie's arm and pulled him toward the balcony, much to his potential brother's surprise.

"Whoa Spike! What's gotten into you?" Draggie asked as they got outside onto the balcony of the room. After he recovered from his dizziness, Draggie did a double take as he witnessed the incredible view before him.

The balcony showed everything in Equestria as far as the eye could see, with the barely visible cities in the west to the small town of Ponyville, it was truly a sight to behold. Whisper and Jibanyan had similar reactions like Draggie upon noticing the view. "Wow! Just look at this view! It's incredible!" Whisper shouted in amazement. "You can see everything from up here!"

Spike nodded. "Yeah, when Twilight and I used to live here, whenever I needed some time alone, I came to this balcony and just stare for hours." Spike then looked down toward as Draggie stood there with amazement on his face. "You know Draggie...." He started getting the Yo-Kai's attention. "Even if doesn't turn out we're brothers, I'd still like to consider you my brother." Spike stated to the shocked dragon.

"I meant what I said back in Manehattan. I have more fun with you than anypony else I know." Whisper looked less than happy about that. "Hey! We're right here!"

Spike chuckled lightly. "Come on, let's go find the princess." Draggie looked up at him. "I'll meet up with you in a second, I want to take this in a little longer..." Draggie asked as he returned his attention to the horizon. The three nodded and proceeded to walk to the door.

None of them were aware that two witch were floating in sky staring down at the Dragon Yo-Kai still looking at the horizon. "Now is as good as time as any to send him back Gin." She informed her sister and when Gin nodded, Kin held up a stone with a red swirl on both sides and proceeded to throw the stone high into the sky.

A purple mist materialized and several gears appeared and formed a giant clock with middle part resembling a sharp lighting rod. They both raised their arms and started chanting. "Kin Gin Kin Gin Kin Gin Kin Gin!" And a blue colored lighting bolt formed on the pointy tip and discard toward the unaware dragon Yo-Kai.

As Draggie was about to leave, his ears twitched to an odd sound and looked up toward and his eyes widened as the blue lighting bolt got closer and could only scream in terror as the bolt struck him and he started falling into a dark portal full of several clocks.

Spike quickly turned around after he heard the sound of Draggie screaming and immediately turned back to the balcony and a rely caught a glimpse of his friend vanishing.

Draggie slowly fluttered his eyes open as he regained consciousness. "Ohhh.... Where am I and why do I feel weird?" He asked himself before feeling what he was laying and looked like he was sleeping on an open desk drawer. He looked around the room he was in. "Why does place look familiar?" He pondered before looking at the mirror and screamed in shock.

"Ahhhh! What happened to me!? I look like a regular baby dragon again!" And indeed it was true. His reflection in the mirror showed what he looked like before he died and became a Yo-Kai. He had green scales that were the same color of Spike's spines and his spines were the exact shade of purple of Spikes scales. One thing that differenciated him from most dragons was that he had purple spots over his green scaled body, including one big one over his right eye.

"How is this even possible!? Did actually travel through time!?" He pondered as he remembered seeing a giant clock in the sky moments before he got sent throught the time portal. Before he could ponder this further, a strangely familiar voice called somepony. "Time to get up Patch! We need to get out onto the streets if we're gonna find your brother! Shining Armor came help out too!"

"Patch.... that's right... my name was Patch before I died and I was named that because of my spots, but who was that calling me?" He muttered to himself before the door to the room suddenly swung open and a pink unicorn mare walked in. Draggie or Patch apparently, widened his eyes as he reconized the mare as Cadence, the mare he tried to save from the falling piece of a castle tower that costed him his life.

"Well come on lazy bones, we can beat the morning rush if we hurry!" Cadence exclaimed as she lifted Patch onto her back. "I remember now... Cadence was the first pony I met when I arrived in Canterlot and kindly let me stay at her house and even decided to help me find my brother..." Patch thought as the memories slowly came back to him.

They came into the kitchen of Cadence's home and noticed another unicorn sitting at the table waiting for him. He had a white coat of fur and a dark blue mane with a light blue highlight. His cutie mark looked like a blue with a purple star on it.

"Hey Patch! Did Cadence finally drag you out of bed?" He jokingly asked. Patch suddenly remember who the unicorn was. He was a good friend of Cadence whose name was Shining Armor and if he remembered correctly, he met him the day after he moved in with Cadence and also joined in Patch's search for his brother and they became good friends. He decided to play along as best as he could.

"I was already awake when she came in, so I was perfectly fine!" He said in a chipper voice. Shining Armor chuckled at this before asking. "So were are gonna start our search for Patch's brother today?" Cadence pondered for minute. "Let's try the area around the castle walls and the surrounding markets. Would that be a good idea to you Patch?" He nodded in response and the other smiled. "Alright then, let's go! I have the perfect transport!" Shining Armor got a nervous glance when she said this.

"Draggie! Are you here somehere!? Please tell me!" Spike desperately shouted. The trio had been searching for Draggie around the castle for an hour now and getting increasingly worried. "Where could of he dissappeared to?" Whisper pondered worriedly as they continued to search. "I sure hope he's alright..." Jibanyan muttered.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Patch and Shining Armor screamed holding on to each other as Cadence rushed through the streets of Canterlot on a magic propelled wagon. She suddenly pulled the break on her magic as they landed from a jump, which had briefly sent Shining Armor screaming into air. When he finally landed back in the cart safely, they both caught their breath from the rush.

"Wasn't that fun you two!?" Cadence excitedly exclaimed. They both gave her sheepish smiles and nodded their heads, which caused her smile to grow brighter. "Come on slowpokes! The Canterlot Market is just down the street!" She shouted as Patch jumped on Shining Armor's back and chased after her.

Cadence was already looking around the market when the two finally caught up to her. "What took you guys so long?" They both were about to answer but gave up when she eyed a photographer pony nearby and quickly dragged them over. "Why do we need a picture Cadence?" Patch asked he hopped off of Shining Armor's back and they proceeded to follow her.

"To remember our time together when you find your brother and you have to go home to Draconia. Why else?" Shining Armor smiled at this. "She's one of the kindest mares I've ever had the pleasure the to meet." He looked at longingly. Patch noticed this and remembered Shining Armor had a crush on Cadence for a while when they met. They both went over and posed for the picture.

As they continued walking through the market asking the shop owners if they ever heard of a dragon egg being confiscated. As they continued walking toward the castle, the three noticed a couple arguing about something.

Cadence smiled for a second and her horn glowed for a few seconds, materializing a heart that floated over the couple, which instantly calmed them down and they thanked Cadence for her help. "She was always so kind and gentle..." Patch reminiscenced. "I really hope someday that I can help anyone with their problems." Cadence informed them. She walked over to the couple and started chatting with them.

"Hey Patch... can I tell you something?" Shining asked nervously. Patch nodded. "I... I think I'm in love with her..." This statement shocked Patch to no end. "Are... are you sure?" He asked quietly so Cadence didn't hear anything. Shining nodded his head in confirmation. "She's sweet, gentle, and kind to everypony she meets. I... I hope to marry her someday..." He said quietly.

Patch still couldn't believe that Shining Armor opened up to him like that. They had, from Patch's retrieved memories, only met each other a week ago and he had trusted his most kept secret to a stranger he didn't know very well. "I hope you two do get married someday too...."

"Okay now let's start head further down the road and ask the ponies there if they know anything." Patch suggested to the other two's agreement. "I'll race you there!" Shining Armor challenged as he suddenly took off running. "Hey no fair!" Cadence shouted as she galloped after him. Patch wasn't far back either as he followed close behind her.

In a rather strange gray office, several skeleton ponies in dark robes were working around the clock. The head of the of the office like budding got up and walked over to a that looked similar to something used in bingo. "Alright all of you, it's time for our annual game of chance! Round and round the spinner spins, where stops, nopony knows!" He shouted as began spinning the little spinner.

He did this for a little bit until a small blue marble popped out. "And today's winner is Miamore Cadenza or Cadence for short. The adopted niece of Princess Celestia and best friend of Shining Armor, her special talent involves being able to spread love to others and resolve love conflicts. She is very sweet, kind, and nuturing. Best of luck to her.

He looked back at the little marble and realized something. "This mare looks familiar...."

As Patch struggled to keep up with energetic ponies he was following, the three stopped dead in their tracks when they heard the sound of a boom. The three looked up and realized a very large piece of a castle tower had come apart and was now heading straight for Cadence, who stood still in a shocked stupor. "Shining Armor reacted first and shouted. "CADENCE!!!!!" As he started running toward her.

Patch reacted just as immediately. He ran as fast as his legs would and was in closer distance to Cadence than Shining Armor was and quickly proceeded to sprint toward as fast as he could. The world suddenly turned purple as he froze in place literally. "Wha...what's going on!? Where am I!?" He shouted as two familiar witches showed themselves. "Wh... who are you!?" Patch demanded.

We're the ones who sent you back to corrent your mistake." The one on the left side stated. "What do you mean!?" He asked confused. Just because you sacrificed yourself for that mare once, doesn't mean you have to do it again. Why make the same silly mistake twice?" The one on the right asked. The one on the left nodded. "That's why we sent you back, you can change everything!"

Patch paused to consider this offer but then he remembered everything he ever talked about with Cadence and Shining Armor. Their hopes, their dreams, their fantasies. "I.... I don't want to change a thing! Cadence deserves and can't die now! I won't let her!" As he shouted this, the dark purple area around him began to crack at the seems. "You ungrateful little brat!" One of them shouted as they disappeared.

As soon as he broke free from the dark voids grasp he dashed toward the still shocked Cadence. "CADENCE!!!!!!!" He shouted as he pushed her out of the way of the falling tower. A single crash was heard as Shining Armor caught Cadence before she could fall to the ground. "Are you alright!?" He frantically asked. "I'm fine but.... what about Patch?" She asked before they noticed the crashed tower near them and a familiar lifeless green claw sticking out of the wreckage.

Wasting no time, they quickly ran over and began digging him out frantically with their unicorn magic. Shining Armor eventually managed to dig out most of the rubble and manged to drag Patch's lifeless body out. "Come on, you gotta wake up! Don't give up on us now! Please open your eyes!" Shining Armor attempted to wake the limp dragon to no avail with Cadence looking at him with concern.

Shining Armor eventually tried to feel his pulse by touching his neck where a vital blood vain was located. Try as he might, he couldn't feel a single pulse. "He..." Shining Armor would regret these next words. "He's gone...." He said as fresh tears began beeping at the corner of his eye lids. He handed Patch's lifeless body over to Cadence.

Tears already starting to form, she cradled the lifeless dragon. They were both unaware that Patch had materialized back into Draggie standing behind them. "Cadence! Shining Armor! It alright! I'm fine!" He suddenly stopped in his tracks as he watched them cradle his lifeless body. "This is how it should be..." He muttered meekly.

"Please, you can't leave us now..." He turned around as he heard Cadence's voice. "Your brother is still here somewhere... you can't die before you meet him." Both unicorns tears were now flowing as their eyes turned bloodshot from the salty liquid. "Your the best friend we've ever had! You can't just..." Cadence put a hoof to the distressed Shining's mouth as he barely managed to get a hold of himself.

Patch still had plenty of tears to spare as he began floating away. "You guys are the greatest friends I've ever had too! I'll never ever forget your again! I promise! " He shouted as he continued ascending. They both turned their heads to the as if they actually heard him for brief minute. "Cadence! I know your gonna help others with your magic someday and spread love through out Equestria!"

"Shining Armor! I know your gonna marry her someday! Please don't ever give up that dream! I'll miss you both! Good bye!" He shouted as he finally faded away and found himself screaming once again as he fell through the time void.

The trio were once again back at the balcony as Celestia's sun began to set. "Are you sure you guys looked everywhere!?" Spike frantically asked. "Yes! We've checked everywhere we possibly could!" Whisper answered. Before they argue further, they suddenly saw lighting in the sky and heard Draggie's familiar voice screaming as he fell through the sky.

"Oh no! He's gonna get splatted! Somepony, think of something quick!" Whisper shouted frantically. Spike pondered quickly. "Okay I have an idea!" They both looked to him. "Well out with it then!" Whisper said impatiently. Spike suddenly grabbed hold of Whisper's bottom swirl and turned to Jibanyan. "Quick Jibanyan! Stretch him out!" He shouted the instructions. "What!?" Whisper attempted to protest, but was interrupted by Jibanyan grabbing hold of the top his head.

"Got it!" He responded and they both proceeded to stretch Whisper's ghostly body into the shape of a circle, much to his discomfort.

Draggie eventually managed to land safely on the makeshift trampoline. He rolled off of Whisper exhausted from the experience he just went through. He soon found himself in the tightest hug he had ever experienced coming from a familiar purple dragon. "Draggie! We were so worried! Where in Equestria did you dissappear to!?" Spike asked through tears. Draggie looked up at him. "It's a long story, I'll explain while we're looking for the princess. By the way, from now on, just call me Patch." He asked the confused trio.

Patch had just finished explaining everything that happened to him as they reached Celestia's room, which thankfully for once didn'thave any guards in front guarding her. He did forget to mention Cadence and Shining Armor's names as he explained everything.

"I can't believe you actually traveled through time!" Spike exclaimed. "I do have to admit, the name Patch does have a nice ring to it. You said you used to be green with purple spines and even purple spots all over you, including one big spot over your right eye, is that correct?" Patch nodded in confirmation. "What I'm wondering is who were those two witches who sent you back in time in the first place." Whisper pondered.

"Yeah, they don't sound very nyice at all..." Jibanyan remarked. They reached the door to Celestia's courters and Spike slowly began to peak through, spotting Celestia and her sister Luna reading some books on her couch. "Alright Patch, this is it. You ready?" His potential older sibling nodded and he proceeded to knock on the door. "Come in!" Celestia's kind voice was heard. Spike proceeded to enter where he was greeted by the White Alicorn. "Good evening Spike, what brings you up here on the night of the festival?" She asked politely. "I like to know as well dear." Luna also asked.

"I just wanted to come and ask you something." He started before suddenly hearing chuckles from both Alicorns. "Does it have something to do with your Yo-Kai friends standing next to you?" Celestia asked to the others complete shock. "Yo... you two can see them!?" He asked still dumbfounded. Both Alicorns nodded. "We've been around for a very, very, very long time young Spike and we've seen many things in our lifetime which include the existence of Yo-Kai." Luna noted.

"Wait, if you can see us then.... Ahhhh!" Quick you two! Bow in respect!" Whisper desperately commanded to the other two Yo-Kai and they proceeded to so, both fumbling in their attempts at bowing, with Patch's crystal ball nearly falling off of his head as he attempted to bow.

Both Alicorns chuckled at the Yo-Kai's antics. "Please, their is no need for such formality." Celestia asked politely. Luna turned her attention to Spike. "I am curious as to how you obtained a Yo-Kai Watch." She asked in a curious tone. "I'll tell you about it later, anyway that's not what I wanted ask you." When they gestured for him to continue, he quietly qulped. "Celestia, do you remember the color and pattern of my egg? Just a little question I wanted to ask you."

Celestia pondered for a minute while tapping her chin with her hoof. "If I remember correctly, when I confiscated your stolen egg off the black market, it was light purple with dark purple spots, why do ask?" She asked back, not noticing the shocked expressions on the fours faces, but Spike managed to get a hold of himself in time. "Oh.... just uh.... a little bit curious is all." He hesitantly answered, internally questioning himslef whether to tell the princesses that he and Patch are in fact brothers.

They both seemed to take this answer fine. "Well alright, but I do expect an explanation on where you got that Yo-Kai Watch." Celestia responded first. "I'll tell you after the festival is over, because you two probably got a lot to do." They both nodded in confirmation. "I'm afraid we do unfortunately." Luna remaraked.

Before the four walked out of the room Spike turned back to the princesses. "Could not tell Twilight and the other girls about this yet? I rather wait until I'm ready to tell them." When both promised they wouldn't tell the girls, Spike left the room and found a still shocked Patch standing nearby.

Spike nervously walked over to his new found older brother. "Well.... at least we know we're actually broth-oof!" Before Spike could finish his sentence, Patch tackled him in the second tighest hug he had ever experienced. "After all this time.... all these years.... I finally found you... just took me a few weeks to realize it." Patch managed to say through the tears of happiness that pouring down his cheeks. Spike got of out of his shocked stupor from the sudden hug, and finally returned the hug.

"This is the happiest moment I have been blessed to witnyess." Jibanyan stated through his own tears of happiness as he and Whisper wiped their tears with a hankerchef Whisper so happily provided.

As the girls finished their preparations for the Twin Comets festival, Pinkie Pie suddenly stopped dead in her tracks. "Uh Pinkie dear.... are you alright there dear?" Rarity asked concerned. "For some reason.... I feel like I should throwing somepony a "Long Lost Family Reunion" party." She commented to her friends confusion.

Spike and his Patch were currently sitting on the balcony from earlier by themselves, Whisper and Jibanyan having gone to a separate balcony in order to give them some proper "brother time". The two watched as the Twin Comets finally touched each other and created the brilliant light show that Twilight described that morning. They watched in comfortable silence as they watched the amazing spectacle.

"I wonder just how long it took Star Gazer and Bone Finder to find each other..." Spike asked out loud. Patch looked to him. "Probably as long as it took us to find each other." He answered and they once continued watching the beautiful night show with smiles as they both leaned into each other and put their arms around each other.

Unaware to either of them, Kin and Gin were watching them from the shadows of the castle. "I still can't believe we failed. Why would that little dragon stay with that annoyingly sarcastic Spike?" Kin questioned. "It's like I always say, someponies have no taste." Gin responded. "Guess we're gonna have to make up some ridiculous story on why we failed to tell the leader." Kin complained as they both dissappeared from sight.

Kingdom of Draconia....

A lone adult purple dragon with green spines and underbelly sat on the roof of his stone house near a lake as he solemnly watched the Twin Comets get closer. Another year has passed since his second child's egg was stolen and his oldest son ran away to look for it. He suddenly heard a small feminine yawn and turned around to find his young daughter standing there, born two years after the icident.

She was a purple dragoness with a pink underbelly, spines, and eyes. "Violet, what in Equestria are you doing up so late? It's past your bedtime." He was about to usher his daughter back to bed but was stopped by another dragoness.

"Come on Onyx, it's the night of the Twin Comets, it only happens every one thousand years and I doubt she would want wait that long." His wife Rose asked politely. She was red rose colored dragoness with green spines and underbelly fitting her name. "Alright we can watch it together." He said much to his tired daughters delight.

The family of three sat down as the comets got closer. Violet watched her father's solem look return. "Are you okay daddy? Are you still thinking about my big brothers?" Onyx's eyes widened when she said this. "Mom told me about them a few weeks." His daughter replied. Onyx looked to his wife who was whistling nonchalantly. "Of course she did."

Onyx sighed sadly before his eyes shot open and he gasped to the other two's surprise. "Is something wrong Onyx?" His wife asked concerned.

Onyx didn't respond for a minute. "He found him...." He muttered. "Who found who?" Violet asked her father. "Patch, your brother found him, the egg that was stolen. I don't how and I don't where but, I feel it in my gut." His wife looked at him again. "Are you sure Onyx?" His face provided the answer.

The Twin Comets finally touched and the family of dragons watched the spectacle unfold with bright smiles and newfound hope for their missing family members.

⊙⊙ ⊙⊙

Recap time!

Spike, Patch, Whisper, and Jibanyan sat on the balcony of the crystal castle.

"Who knew Patch had such a complicated past?" Jibanyan commented. "I didn't." Patch responded.

It was tearful and beautiful at the same time!" Whisper cried. Spike looked at him. "So when are you gonna reveal your past?" Whisper looked panicked. "Uh... I have no idea to what your referring to!"

"Whatever dude." Spike said annoyed.

Author's Note:

Welp, so far this has been my favorite chapter to write and I hope to bring more to soon!
This time I will be picking two Yo-Kai out of four, so look forward to it.
Here are the four Yo-Kai:
- Rockabelly
- Baku
- Wazzat
- The Dancing Trio
Pick two out of the four Yo-Kai you guys would like to have me put in, so choose wisely!
By the way, what do you guys think of Draggie's real name Patch?