• Published 26th Jan 2016
  • 1,147 Views, 14 Comments

The Eyes of the Beholder - BrinnyTheBrave

Barbara has a crush on Elusive, and it's a secret to nobrony. But will she confess her secret and can the mane 6's friendships survive through this newfound relationship?

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Chapter 3

Barbara rushed through the door, barging into the shop.

"Barbara dear!! Whatever is the matter?" Elusive asked with concern. His friend was shaking and not her usual self today.

"Timber wolves. AJ saved me… " the trauma of the event sinking in, she collapsed on the floor in tears.

"You poor dear!" Elusive sat next to the crying baby dragon and pulled her in with his arm for a tight hug. She sobbed into his chest. "Are you both alright?"

"Y-yeah…" She sniffed, feeling embarrassed for crying in front of her crush. "Hey Elusive?"

"Yes dearest?"

"Don't tell Dusk about this, o-okay? He'll only worry and get mad at me for it, and then he'll never let me help at the shop again."

"Of course dear. It's our secret." He hugged the she-dragon tighter. "If you don't feel up to it, you don't have to help today."

"What? I want to help!" Barbara said, wanting any opportunity to spend time with her crush.

"Alright. I have just the thing that will make you feel better!" Elusive chimed. Barbara was curious now and had calmed down a bit. The two went to the back room. The she-dragon noticed Butterscotch wasn't here today, and silently thanked the gods that she could have some time alone with this prince of a stallion.

"Stand on the platform please, my dear." Elusive said. Barbara did as told. "I am making you a dress for the Bronyville Hearth's Warming Prance."

"W-what?! Elusive you don't have to do that--" her sentence was cut off with his hoof pushed to her mouth, and she blushed as her crush came into contact with her.

"I want to, darling. If you're going to the dance with moi, you're going to look simply fabulous whether you want to or not!" Elusive exclaimed. He brought out the measuring tape in his magic glow. He wrapped the tape around Barbara's waist, causing her to freeze up. 'He's touching me he's touching me he's touching me!' her thoughts screamed.

The stallion finished measuring her, putting the tape aside and jotting a few things down on a note pad with a quill.

"What kind of colour do you want your dress to be? I have never made a dress for a dragon, let alone a baby dragon, before but I am sure I can make one that will turn you into the belle of the ball!" He exclaimed.

"Hmm, well, I've never thought about it I guess. Dusk never buys me clothes, the only presents I ever get from him are… books." The last word was said flatly. "So I don't think about fashion much, and I don't know what works and what doesn't."

"Well, may I offer an opinion?"

"Of course!"

"Royal purple works magnificently if I do say so myself!"

"Royal purple, huh? Alright!" Barbara exclaimed, getting excited for the annual winter dance. She never went before because no one asked her out, and she felt out of place going alone when every pony seemed to have a special somepony already. Part of her always hoped Elusive would ask her out, and now that that dream was coming true, she wasn't sure what to do.

Elusive looked through his fabric door.

"And I have just the right amount! I will get to work on this tonight!" Elusive clapped his hooves together, giving Barbara a peck on the cheek. The little dragon froze.

"He… kissed… me… " she whispered. It was not an on the lips kiss, but still!!!!!! She couldn't believe it just happened. Thoughts whirled around in her head, and she fainted, her head hitting the hard floor of the Boutique.


"Barbara? Barbara! Are you okay?" A voice asked.

"Elusive…" she sighed. But the voice did not belong to Elusive, not at all.

"Oh thank Solaris you're alright!"

"Dusk…?" The she-dragon asked wearily, her adoptive brother coming more into focus now.

"What happened?! Elusive brought you over and said you just fainted! Did you remember to eat lunch?" Barbara shook herself fully awake.

"What?" Memories of Elusive kissing her on her cheek came flooding back to her. "Oh… no, I'm fine. So you wanted me to sweep the floors before bed right?" Just like that, she got up, grabbed the broom from the closet, and got to her chores without another word. Dusk Shine watched her with a skeptical expression.

"She is definitely not telling me something."