• Published 19th Feb 2016
  • 5,859 Views, 70 Comments

One Day I Found a Multiverse in My Pajamas - FanOfMostEverything

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Author's Note:

The following is of dubious canonicity at the moment. I thought it would intrude with the narrative if left in the main story, but I like the opportunities it presents too much to cut it entirely. For now, think of it as a sort of post-credits teaser.

Oh, and should you be interested in more, here's a link to the setting group.

After a much needed shower, Ditzy decided to spend the rest of the day decompressing. She needed to practice flying in only three dimensions, but that could wait. Right now, she needed some her time. She sent apologetic texts to Raspberry Fluff and Blue Oyster telling them to have fun without her, grabbed a Turtleworld book, and settled herself on her bed.

About an hour later, midway through the Night Watch's investigation of the Gonne, Ditzy vaguely acknowledged the doorbell ringing.

"Ditzy!" called her mother. "It's for you!"

Ditzy frowned and let the book drop. "Seriously?" She sighed and got up, grumbling to herself.

The grousing died as she took in the figure at the front door. The sunglasses, suit, and serious demeanor all presented the very image of a secret agent. The overall effect would've been very impressive had the figure not been a girl of Ditzy's age wearing a suit that was roughly the same shade of mint as her skin.


The other girl smiled. "Not exactly." She might have meant the pointed ears and amber gem embedded in her forehead, but Ditzy doubted it was that simple.

Ditzy sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. "Look, I've already had a long day. Not in the mood for cryptic crap right now."

"What I mean is that I'm not your Lyra."

Ditzy smirked. "Pretty sure she's Bonbon's."

The Lyra chuckled. "Most of us are. May I come in?"

"I've had a really hectic morning—"

"I know. And you didn't even get the full Ponyville experience." Lyra smiled as Ditzy's jaw dropped. "I'll make this quick, but you probably won't want your mother in the room while we discuss it."

"O... kay. My room, then, I guess?" Ditzy led Lyra upstairs, still half-dazed.

Once they were there, Ditzy plopped onto her bed. "Okay, what's the deal?"

"I represent the Equestrian Time-Space Administration Bureau. We got in contact with Sunset Shimmer shortly after she changed this world to a state where we could help."

"Help... administrate time-space?"

Lyra nodded. "Exactly. In several worldlines, we're the ones who make sure time flows, space expands, and a lot of other cosmic utilities most people take for granted stay functional."

A chill ran down Ditzy's spine. "Am I in trouble? Flying between worlds without a permit?"

"Anything but," Lyra said with a laugh. "Several of your analogues have an excellent record of service with the Bureau, usually in consulting roles. I'd extend a similar offer, but given your age, think of this as more of an internship."

"My age? You're, what, a few months older than me?"

Lyra quirked an eyebrow. "Try ten years. Your world logarithmically shifts the physical age of non-natives towards sixteen for some reason. Anyway, Sunset Shimmer was happy to outsource some of the repair work for this universe, but to the best of our knowledge, the current local setup is unprecedented. We could really use someone who can literally go outside and see if we're making things better or worse. I do plan on getting in contact with a few others like my local analogue, but even in the best case, training up someone else will take months." She grinned. "So, want to help us patch up the universe?"

Ditzy fell back onto her pillow and stared at the ceiling. "Can it wait until tomorrow?"

Lyra chuckled. "Absolutely."

"Then I'll be happy to help." Ditzy managed to drag herself back up and stuck out her hand.

Lyra shook it. "Welcome to the ETSAB, Ditzy. I think you're going to enjoy it."

Comments ( 47 )

Always nice to see a new fic from you, Fan :twilightsmile:

Question: If we have not yet read Oversaturation, how lost can we expect to be?

:moustache: And how that multiverse got into her pajamas, she'll never know. :moustache:

A fair amount of content is going to seem to come out of nowhere if you haven't read the previous story. There's a brief recap at the beginning, but...

Actually, I'm kind of interested to see how it works out for someone who hasn't read Oversaturation. Go for it if you really want to. Be sure to report the results of the experiment! :twilightsmile:

There really wasn't any other option for the chapter title.


I know: I saw. But it was a chance to use Spike with an implied Groucho mustache. How was I supposed to pass that up?

Oh. I am liking the opportunities!

This is so much love :heart:

And so many fun opportunities :raritystarry:

Well, that happened. Another Best Pon....human in ETSAB.

Comment posted by Thought Prism deleted Feb 20th, 2016

The cross references to your other fics are numerous here. Quite the experience, this.

Man, why are five different authors I enjoy all releasing new stories on the same day? :raritydespair: Gonna have to dump this one on the Read It Soonest for when I catch up on Oversaturation.



About an hour later, midway through the Night Watch's investigation of the Gonne, Ditzy vaguely acknowledged the doorbell ringing.


Ditzy has impeccable taste. :rainbowkiss:

Put simply, you weren't.

"Kids 'love' Cinnamon Toast Crunch because of the nationwide advertising campaign that tries to convince them that sugar-coated cardboard is delicious because it has squiggles on it. Sorry if I'm being a bit brusque, but right now I'm ensuring that the fine structure constant stays that way."

The nice thing about establishing a polycosmic manifold is that you can make an overarching continuity out of stories that constantly contradict one another.

There was a bit of a backlog; I hit Submit on Thursday, and I may not have been the only one.

Man I want even more now. Any thoughts on continuing this more? It such a great premise.

What if this was the real reason that Ditzy/Bubbles/Muffins/Derpy is wall-eyed? :derpyderp1: "I can see the uuuunnniiiivvvveeerrrsssseeee"

That's always been my hypothesis. Her eyes are focused, just not on anything we can perceive.

Equestrian Girls Vimes. Well ain't that an image!

And now I'm imagining this Ditzy fangasming when she meets the version of herself that is actually a planeswalker.

This may or may not have already happened.

Pony regeneration would make a fair amount of sense, especially for earth ponies.

As for the fangasm, yeah, Ditzy Planeswalker tends to be quite popular with her other instances. :derpytongue2: Should you feel inspired, I'll just leave a none-too-subtle link to the Oversaturated World group's flash fiction thread. You know, just in case. :raritywink:

I've not read this one yet, but I'm just popping in to say your title literally made me go "Wut." when I saw it.

So now it becomes Lyrical Magical Pony Girl Ditzy Doo.

Well, it is a universe where there's a lot of befriending, using both definitions of the word.

7153894 With shiny beams of super-powered magic even, so that fits. Also the defeat equals friendship mechanic. But Ditzy needs an Inteligent Device, probably a regenerating muffin called Self-raising Heart. So you have a magical focus and a handy snack all in one.

7153890 Don't you mean LYRAcal?

*grins* Very intriguing. Almost makes me wonder seeing how others cope would be.

What a delightfully surreal story.

I really like your take on Ditzy Doo! It's fresh!

Yes. All the yes.

One day I found a multiverse in my pajamas.
How it got in my pajamas, I don't know.
And it was strangely filled with lots of tiny horses.
And this weird thing with mismatched limbs was there as well.
And it shoved my through the real of time and space,
Which was not very comfortable at all.
I can't seem to think of any more fun lyrics,
So I'll just leave it here before I go too far.

I'd really like to see this Ditzy meet one or both of these Fluttershy again.

Yeah, she's got no chance.

That was just delightfully fun, and my favorite bit had to be when Ditzy screwed up Pinkie's fast travel. Well, that and Discord, but I'm always a sucker for well written Discord.

You probably have my favorite versions of ditzy on this site. I dont think ive seen anyone make her seem like such an accidental badass ever.

Also they're soft and FLuttershy likes soft things.

Author Interviewer

I suspect a little self-insertion went into creating Ditzy. :V

This may or may not be the case. :derpytongue2:

is there a sequel to this?

For this specific story thread? Worldwalker Ditzy's adventures continue in Anon-a-Miss Tip and Crossworlds Guardian, Sailor Orbital! For the setting itself, check out the OVersaturated World group.

Ah, that was good for a laugh.

Interesting multiversal traveler story with the one, the only, Derpy Ditzy. And the...

ETSAB... :pinkiecrazy:

...I'll be sending you a PM shortly...

-GM, master of commentuses.

I have a funny idea as to why Derpy is so clumsy.

I was mostly going for making Ditzy an agent of STABLE; I'm always a sucker for a meaningful acronym.

So I read a whole bunch of Oversaturation fics last night, and will be steadily going back through and leaving my comments for a while. Working my way through yours first, and maybe I'll tackle the canon ones from other authors after, kinda like how I handled the Winningverse.

Great stuff here. Loved this version of Ditzy, and the way your characterised the multiverse. Not much else to say about this one, but pretty good continuation of the first fic.

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