• Published 18th May 2018
  • 5,219 Views, 368 Comments

Out of Time - Onomonopia

Equestria is out of time. But for a time traveler, there is always a few seconds to spare.

  • ...


Trunks had only tapped his knuckles against the door to the crystal tree before the doors were opened to him. He raised his eyebrows in surprise for a moment before he entered into the giant castle. Everything in the castle was made of the crystal that made up the exterior, from the furniture to the columns. Everything except for a purple alicorn that stood in the center of the main hallway, looking him over.

"Hello there. I am Princess Twilight, princess of friendship," Twilight introduced herself to Trunks with a small bow. "You must be another member of the Time Patrol."

"That's right. My name is Trunks and I'm here to both find out what happened to my comrades and to investigate the reasoning behind the fracture in the time stream in your world," Trunks informed Twilight, who tilted her head slightly at his last statement.

"I figured that another Time Patroller would show up after what happened to the first three, but as for the time stream being damaged, I'm afraid I don't know what you mean," Twilight said with a shake of her head, before she turned and motioned for Trunks to follow her. "Come with me please. I'm sure we both have questions for each other, but they will be easier to answer if I have all of my information with me. This way."

Trunks followed the purple alicorn through her crystal castle, occasionally looking around at the place while being moderately impressed with it. Twilight remained silent during the time they walked, but Trunks could tell that she was deeply lost in thought. He'd spent most of his life around a genius to tell when they were processing thoughts that he couldn't even fathom.

The thought of his mother made Trunks grit his teeth and clench his hands. How she had practically raised him by herself. How she had been the one to give him the chance to save his and many other timelines. How he had run for his life while his greatest foe destroyed her. It was a feeling that he would never forgot.

"Um, could you stop that?"

Twilight's words broke Trunks free of his thoughts, allowing him to see that the castle was shaking slightly and a golden aura was surrounding him. Trunks quickly regained control of himself and the power subsided, yet Twilight's face showed that she hadn't been expecting that level of power from him.

"Sorry about that. Are we there?" Trunks asked Twilight, who nodded gingerly before opening a reinforced crystal door. The door revealed a very long flight of stairs that spiraled down into darkness, one that Trunks couldn't see the bottom of. Twilight illuminated her horn to provide some light for the both of them, before both she and Trunks descended down into the depths of her castle. "You sure seem to be taking this whole flying, alien in your world pretty well."

"Well this would be a lot weirder if you were the first alien that we had met in the past six months," Twilight replied with a dry smile. "Berts was the first, however, and we reacted to him probably how you thought we'd react to you. We chased him, fought with him for a bit, but then we got to know more about him and he became a good friend of ours."

"Was he the one that told you about the Time Patrol?"

"Yep. But when he was here he said that he couldn't find any traces of our timeline being...fractured, as you put it," Twilight told Trunks. The Saiyan warrior narrowed his eyes at that statement, but didn't say anything. "He did tell us about what it was like working for the Time Patrol and even a little bit about you, saying that you are one of their greatest warriors."

"I suppose."

"But then one day...he was gone. All we found was his body," Twilight said in a calm voice, but Trunks could hear the hints of pain beneath her calm. "We don't know how it happened or even who could have done such a horrible thing. All we know is that he was gone...we're here."

Twilight pressed a switch on the wall and a moment later brilliant lights filled a small, but compacted room. Once he became accustom to the light, Trunks could see dozens of stacks of paper piled high, while on the wall was a huge chart with numerous strings connecting images to different things. One of the images was the green and purple warrior that had once been Berts. The other images were of the other two Time Patrollers that had been sent in after him.

"You've been keeping a detailed record of what's been going on, I see," Trunks muttered as he approached the board.

"How could I not? Somepony killed a good friend of mine and then killed two more beings that were friends with Berts. All in my land without me being able to do anything," Twilight replied with a fire in her voice. "I couldn't save Berts. I couldn't stop his two allies from being struck down. I'm supposed to be one of the greatest defenders of this world, but I couldn't do anything to save them. But I will do everything I can to avenge them."

"It's probably for the best that you haven't come face to face with the being that killed the three of them," Trunks told Twilight, who turned to give Trunks a look of simmer anger. "While Berts was by no means our best fighter, he was strong. The two that were sent after him were incredibly strong. And all of them are dead. If you had fought someone with that kind of strength, I fear it would just mean a fourth being claimed by this foe."

"Brute strength isn't everything," Twilight warned Trunks as her horn began to glow, getting Trunks to raise an eyebrow at her. "Have you ever fought a magic user before? Somepony who can stop your every movement? Somepony who can cause you to be trapped within a hallucination for eternity? Or how about just teleport you to the center of the sun if they want to be quick about it? They are the most dangerous kind of foe."

Trunks thought about what she said for a moment. Aside from Babidi, he really hadn't fought anyone that used magic. "While you may have a point about me being inexperienced against magic, it wasn't magic that killed the three. A...friend of ours confirmed that. They were struck down violently."

"That is something we can both agree on," Twilight said with a nod. Her horn glowed once more and a moment later images of the bodies of the three flew over to Trunks. He snatched them from the air and looked over the pictures, a grimace escaping his lips as he gazed upon what remained of his comrades.

"Bludgeoned to a pulp, incinerated to the point that we almost couldn't recognize him and ripped apart. All without a trace of magic on them," Twilight told Trunks when he handed her back the pictures. "You ever face a foe that could do those kinds of things to somepony?"

"Where would I begin? There are hundreds of evils that would strike them down without a second thought. But there's something that really confuses me about all of this," Trunks said as he glanced at the board once more. "Not a single pony casualty, if this board of yours is correct. Not one of the evils I know of would spare your lives and only go after the Time Patrol. They would wipe out or enslave all of you. But they haven't."

"Which means that this is either somepony new for you or a foe of ours," Twilight finished for Trunks. Her horn illuminated once more and another string was added to the board. Twilight then pulled up a camera and snapped a picture of Trunks, before adding his photo to the board as well. "Great, just what Equestria needed. Another madpony who has motivations that don't make any sense. Why can't we just have to deal with one world ending threat in our lives? Why do we get multiple?"

"Tell me about it. I've dealt with at least three world enders and two that tried to wipe out all of reality," Trunks added on with a shake of his head.

"Really? Did they spew nonsense about some grand plan and how much better they were than everypony else?"

"Like you wouldn't believe."

The sound of hooves on the stairs turned Twilight and Trunks attention to the staircase, where they spied a pony walking down the stairs towards them. She had a grayish pink coat with a purple mane, with had a turquoise streak running through it. Unlike Twilight, this pony was a simple unicorn.

"Trunks, this is Starlight Glimmer, my student," Twilight introduced to Trunks as the unicorn came to a halt in front of the pair. "Starlight, this is Trunks. He's the newest, and apparently one of the strongest, Time Patrollers that Berts worked with. He's here to help us find out what happened to our friend."

"Nice to meet you Trunks," Starlight said as she extended her hoof. Trunks smiled down and her and grabbed her hoof to shake it, but the moment he did so a flash of light went off in his mind. For a brief moment he saw a world ravaged by war and filled with the bodies of the fallen, before realty ensued and he was back with Twilight and Starlight a moment later.

"You alright?" Twilight asked Trunks. "Kinda zoned out there for a second."

"I'm fine. Must not be used to this planet yet," Trunks said with a smirk, but out of the corner of his eye he was looking carefully at Starlight. To his surprise, the look she was giving him seemed very similar to the once that he was giving her. Almost as if they had both seen something.

"Starlight Glimmer here may be my student, but I'm only teaching her about friendship. However, in all of Equestria you won't find another pony that knows more about time and time travel," Twilight continued on and this time Trunks paid far more attention. "I've asked her to look into these time problems that the Time Patrollers keep saying we have, but..."

"I'm sorry Princess, but I've been unable to locate anything that even remotely resembles a paradox or a tear in time," Starlight said with a bow of her head. "I've found places where time seems to be moving...differently, but nothing that indicates a fracturing in our time line."

"I see. Please keep looking," Twilight instructed her student before the princess turned her gaze back towards Trunks. "I ask that you come with me. I wish to introduce you to the rest of the defenders of this world as well as the other princesses. Ever since the death of Berts we've all been working closely together to try to figure out what is going on. I'd appreciate it if you would meet them."

"Of course I will," Trunks agreed. Twilight nodded with gratitude and she started to ascend the stairs, but then Trunks looked to the side. "I will be with you in a moment, Princess. I want to look at the board and commit it to my memory, if you wouldn't mind."

"Of course not," Twilight said with a smile before she continued up the stairs. Trunks waited until she was completely out of earshot before he turned back to Starlight, who was looking up at him with eyes filled with curiosity.

"So what is it that you're hiding from Twilight?" Trunks asked her.

"Something that I'm not sure of myself," Starlight replied in a whisper. "I don't have any real evidence yet, but...I fear that there is more going on than simple murders. There's more going on here than meets the eyes. Just like you and how you aren't connected to a single timeline. Like me."

Trunks narrowed his eyes at her words, but then he heard Twilight call down for him. Starlight and Trunks shared one last look before Trunks flew towards where the princess waited, having plenty of new things to think about.