• Published 18th May 2018
  • 5,219 Views, 368 Comments

Out of Time - Onomonopia

Equestria is out of time. But for a time traveler, there is always a few seconds to spare.

  • ...

The End of Time

Maestro was on Trunks and Clockwork within a moment. Trunks, with his incredible speed and reflex's, had enough time to leap out of the way of his shattered strike, but Clockwork caught the blow square in the center of his chest. His body was shredded into scrap from the single blow and pieces of him rained down on the metal floor. Maestro then spun and was on Trunks a moment later.

'He's even stronger than last time, if that's even possible,' Trunks realized as he caught Maestro's punch in his hand, nearly having his arm ripped out of it's socket from the impact. Knowing better than to pull a Vegeta, Trunks aura erupted into a golden and blue blaze of light, which knocked Maestro back from him. Trunks slammed his hands together and shaped his ki into a blade, drawing forth his Spirit Saber once more. He spun the blade in his hand and took up his fighting stance, narrowing his eyes at Maestro.

Maestro followed suit by clasping his hands together and conjuring two thin blades of shattered magic, which left slice marks in the air around them when he twirled them. The two slowly circled each other, with Trunks noticing that his ki was slightly decreasing with each passing second. His senses told him that the Maestro's body was absorbing the ki that he was losing into itself, meaning that the longer the fight went on the more at a disadvantage he would be. The first move would have to be his.

Blades clashed in a flurry of blows, ripping apart the space around Maestro and Trunks as they slammed their blades against one another. To the untrained eye it would look like the pair had simply appeared before each other, but to Trunks and Maestro, hundreds of blows were exchanged back and forth in a fury of strikes, parries and collisions. Only after a moment of straining against the others weapon did all of the strikes and slashes catch up with the pair, ripping apart the coliseum around the pair as their strikes turned it to scrap.

"It all ends today, Maestro," Trunks promised the Maestro. Though while he threatened the metal man, he tried not to take notice of the fact that his body was now covered in dozens of cuts, all of which hurt like hell, as well as the fact that the Maestro's own injuries were being stitched back together by his shattered magic. "Your reign of terror, your sick experiments and especially your life!"

"Two corrections with your statement. First, there is no more time, sun or planet to accurately depict time. Therefor, you have no way of correctly estimating today. The second is that you will try, Saiyan," Maestro began. Then the back of his cloak was ripped to shreds as four more metallic arms sprang forth from his back, unleashing a flurry of blows and shattered magic into Trunks.

Despite being in his strongest form and having a blade that cleaved in half the strongest god and mortal he had ever fought, Trunks quickly found himself being pushed back. He deflected as many of the blows and magical blasts as he could, but he rapidly found that not only did the attacks weaken his ki blade, but just by having his ki come into contact with the metal suit drained it from his body. Knowing that he couldn't allow himself to be overwhelmed, Trunks slammed what was left of his blade into the ground and created an eruption of ki that knocked both Maestro and himself back.

It wasn't enough.

Maestro was on Trunks a moment later, ducking the right that Trunks threw at his head before following up with three fists to the gut. Trunks spat out blood as the impacts felt like they went clean through him, before the Maestro clasped two more hands to the side of Trunks head. Shattered magic crackled within all hands, magic which the Maestro then channeled into Trunks skull. The Saiyan warrior roared in pain as the magic went clean past his ki defenses and ripped apart his mind, mentally and physically. After a few moments of torturing Trunks, Maestro ceased his attack before he hurled the prince off to the side.

"But just like all the others, you will fail," Maestro finished. Trunks coughed weakly as he struggled to push himself back up, feeling his strength returning to him now that he was free of the Maestro's grip. "So here we are again Trunks. You verses the antagonist that you've struggled to defeat so badly. The same with the Androids, with Cell, and again with Zamasu. And tell me, how many of them did you manage to defeat?"

"I killed the Androids! I killed Cell! And when I cleave your metal body in half, you'll know exactly how I killed Zamasu!" Trunks roared with rage, his fury fueling his strength and rocketing his power to an even higher level. He kicked off the ground with such force that it completely eradicated the part of the coliseum that had the misfortune of being behind him.

The first twelve blows that hit the Maestro he didn't even register. It wasn't until Trunks's punches started to rip his metal form apart that he realized that he was being attacked. Then the damage caught up with Trunks speed, tearing into the Maestro's metal body and causing chunks of it to begin to start flying off. Maestro lashed out with his own power, punching holes into Trunks flesh with his shattered magic, causing geysers of blood to gush from the Saiyan. But Trunks was far too angry to cease his attack and the pain went unnoticed for the moment.

Yet the Maestro, being a metal being, didn't feel pain or exhaustion at all, allowing him to rapidly adapt and overcome Trunks onslaught. He caught on to Trunks pattern and ducked under a combo of punches, catching Trunks overextending himself. Trunks hurled a kick as a last attempt to keep the tempo of the fight, but Maestro weaved to the side before slamming a fist into Trunks gut.

The Saiyan was hurled into the sky, where Maestro snapped his fingers and caused a metal roof to appear behind Trunks. Trunks slammed back first into the newly formed metal ceiling and bounced off of it, before being driven into it once more as Maestro drove his fist into Trunks face, shattering the metal with the back of Trunks head. Maestro then grabbed hold of Trunks face and rocketed forward, dragging the Saiyan's skull through an endless supply of metal, glass, magic and whatever else the Maestro felt like ramming Trunks head through.

Unfortunately for the Maestro, Saiyans didn't need to use their brains to keep fighting. So as Trunks was being dragged through the ceiling, he was both keenly aware of the agony he was going through as well as the fact that he knew exactly where the Maestro was. So the moment he felt the Maestro let up for even a moment, he lashed out with his hands and grabbed hold of the Maestro's arm. Maestro had just enough time to snap his head towards Trunks before Trunks hurled the Maestro into the coliseum floor.

"Meteor Strike!" Trunks roared as he kicked off the ceiling, extended a single foot, and hurled himself down into the Maestro's body. The impact drove the Maestro clean through the metal floor and into the nothingness on the other side, which was quickly filled in with another arena, though this one had pillar, walls and places to hide.

Maestro vanished in a flash from the bottom of Trunks foot and a moment later Trunks slammed down legs first into the new arena. He glanced around with fury for his target, before a shard of magic sliced through his right knee. He snarled in rage as he staggered from the impact. He spun around to counter attack, but the moment he moved another shared sliced through his other knee, dropping him to one knee.

'Where is he?' Trunks asked himself, snapping his eyes around in hopes of catching a glance of the villain. More and more shards of magic began to rip through Trunks body, shredding his muscles and drawing enough blood to dye the floor red. And Trunks realized that he was coming close to death's door once more. 'He isn't giving off any ki and he has no life force! What is he and how can he have this much power without any ki?! Now's not the time for that! He's killing you! Shoot first, questions later!'

"Heat dome! MAX POWER!" Trunks roared as he hurled his hands out to the side. A moment later the arena was consumed in a never ending hellfire of orange ki that burned away everything that it came into contact with. Everything except for a single figure who shielded himself from the attack with a barrier of shattered magic.

"Well you've certainly made a mess of the place," Maestro said with a sigh.

"Nowhere else for you to hide," Trunks burned with fury, marching right up to the Maestro and glaring into the eye sockets in his metal head. "Now we're going to settle this. You and me."

"Very well. Have it your way." Maestro then lashed out with a flurry of blows with his assortment of arms, all of them driving themselves into Trunks', body, limbs and head repeatedly. But once more, because he was being hit, Trunks knew exactly where that the Maestro couldn't be moving from the spot he was standing in, telling Trunks exactly where he was. Meaning all Trunks had to do was fire.

"Galick Gun!"

A purple beam of death pierced the Maestro's right side, tearing off his three right arms and disintegrating them into dust. Maestro was spun around from the attack, but he pivoted on his foot and came back swinging with his remaining arms. But Trunks was ready.

"Big Bang Attack!"

A massive explosion of blue ki shredded the Maestro's left side, ripping off his left arms and his left leg, sending shrapnel raining down upon the coliseum. The Maestro shuddered wildly as he slowly collapsed to his one good knee, looking from his missing arms to his missing leg before looking up at Trunks, who clasped both hands together and aimed them right at the Maestro's head.

"This ends here."

"That's what they all say."

"Final Flash."

The rest of Maestro's metal body turned to ash as Trunks final attack finished the job. Trunks then lowered his hands and collapsed to his knees, his hair fading back to blue as he started to pant heavily. 'Damn it all, that hurt. He was way more powerful than I could have possibly predicted. But it's over now. It has to be. There was nothing left for him to come back from.'

Trunks then slowly lifted a hand to his face, smirking slightly when he found that the magic shards had ripped enough flesh and muscle off of his body that he could see the bone beneath. Despite the unbelievable amount of agony that he felt blazing through his nerves and mind, Trunks slowly rose to his feet with a smile on his feet. The smile of victory. He then raised his head to see Starlight looking down at him, a less that thrilled expression on her face.

"You picked the wrong side, Starlight. I won!" Trunks smirked at her as he raised a fist into the air.

"You really are a slow learner, aren't you? You beat one of him. Here comes the others."

A blast of shattered magic to Trunks back cemented her point. Trunks roared in pain as he was sent tumbling across the ground, the pain reaching the point that he could barely move, so it took all of his effort to turn his head to see what had struck him. And the sight that he saw turned his soul cold.

Maestro was standing behind him. Or rather, another Maestro. This suit had a more lion like design, with a black cloak that floated in the oblivion. The suit was bulkier and, to Trunks disbelief, was stronger than the Maestro he had just been fighting.

Next to that Maestro stood another one, this one's body having more of an owl design to the armor, with a white cloak to boot. While this one didn't have the same raw power that the other held, it's magical power eclipsed the other one ten fold.

And then, to Trunks absolute horror, the body to the Maestro that he had just eradicated slowly began to reform before his very eyes, until he was staring at the completely unharmed version of the foe that he had just blasted to ash. Maestro slowly rotated his arms, making sure they were all working, before he looked down at Trunks and seemed to smile.

"Did you think that would stop me, Trunks? You could barely kill Clockwork. And I am the one who gave him the power that gave you so much trouble. He was an apprentice in terms of time manipulation. I am the master."

"And while you may be strong..." one of the other armors begain.

"And have a bloodline of a group of warriors that transcend strength..." the other continued.

"At the end of the day, you are still flesh and blood. You are still a failure of a hero that cannot defeat any foe on your own. You are the hero that fails," they all said together as they pointed their arms at the bleeding Trunks, shattered magic forming in all of their hands.

"And no amount of power or transformations can save you from that."