• Published 22nd Apr 2016
  • 8,645 Views, 20 Comments

A hit from Rainbow Dash - John the brony and yknow

Rainbow Dash accidentally hits you very hard in the face, this event makes the two of you become very close to each other

  • ...

Right in the nose

Cool morning air, sunlight in your body, smell of grass near to your walking route is what you could feel in your body that morning, you'd been doing this walk routine since you arrived to Equestria, not so many people have the opportunity to be randomly covered in a bright light and be transported to this place, the place where colorful ponies live, the ponies that were interested in you when you arrived, so interested that they all started to ask questions about you, and you kindly answered those, you met many ponies, but there were few who you really felt were your friends, Twilight and the pink pony were very nice with you, Fluttershy and Rarity too, Applejack was a bit closer friend with you, and Rainbow Dash, she was your closest friend, even if she was the last one you met, you two had a very good best friends relationship.

Back to the walk, there was something odd that day, the clouds were gone, and that wasn't what you expected at that time, so you stopped to examine the sky and your surroundings, This is not scheduled, weather ponies start to work in the afternoon, you thought tapping your chin with a finger, you shrugged it off and continued walking again, then you heard a distant voice.
"Aw yeah, less than ten seconds, it's a new record" This voice belonged to Rainbow Dash, and she sounded very excited and you started jogging towards the direction of the voice, What? less than ten seconds, that is incredible, I will congratulate her, you thought, It's pretty well clean, I've got to say, then you heard her voice again.

"Hmm, Anon is here every morning, I will tell him" You didn't see her but she flew at full speed following the dirt path, and when she finally found you, she shouted your name, you were glancing at the sky looking for her though, and she had accumulated so much speed she didn’t had time to slow down, so it all happened very fast, the last thing you heard was a 'CRACK' noise and you fell to the ground.


"Anon, Anon wake up, oh no please, please no!" Rainbow hit the ground with a hoof while crying on your chest, you slowly opened your eyes and let out a groan, she immediately begins hugging you "Oh Anon I am so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you" She replied with tears in her eyes, "I-I thought you were, d... d-de-" You interrupted her putting your hand in her mouth.

"It's ok Rainbow, I am here" you lifted yourself to sit in the ground, you noticed that she had a bruise on her forehead and a little bit of blood, "Are you ok? You have blood on your forehead"

"It's ok, I just got hit, and this isn't my blood" She said pointing a hoof at your face, you reached a hand at your nose, feeling the warm liquid in your hand.

"Ow! Rainbow, you sure hit me hard eh? I knew you had a hard head, but this is something I wasn’t expecting" Then you took a look at the ground and you saw that your shirt was bloodstained and a little pool of the red liquid, your shadow covering it, you also noticed that there was much more heat than before, you looked up and noticed that the sun was at its highest point.

"Rainbow..." She looked up at you, "How much time I've been here?" You asked, she was still crying a bit, so you wiped off some of her tears.

"Like, four hours..." You took a time to think about what she said, four hours? Why would she stay here with me for four hours? Why didn't she go for help? you thought with a frown in your face.

"Rainbow..." You reached your hands to your face while letting out a sigh "Why did you stay here? Don’t you see I could have died? In the sun, bleeding uncontrollably!" You said with anger in your tone, that was the stupidest thing a pony could do for you, and you were not really thankful for that.

"It's j-just, just that" She paused a moment to catch her breath, "Anon, you are my best friend, I couldn't have left you here, I can't lift you and you know it, and I was so shocked that I couldn't drag you to Ponyville and, and..." She stopped again, trying to hold back some tears, "I just wanted to make sure you were safe, with me" She whispers, but strong enough so you can hear her.

"What? Do you really mean all of that?" You ask, more calmed than before, she looks at you with a frown on her face.

"Of course I do, why wouldn't I? Anon, you are my best friend, I care about you like, a lot more than other ponies, you are very important to me, y'know?" She paused for a moment, "In fact, you are the most important thing in my life" She said quietly, bursting into tears again.

"Oh Rainbow come on, what about the Wonderbolts? Your friends? Always being awesome? I don’t worth that much as a friend" You said, brushing her mane and then patting her back.

"You still don’t understand?" You stare at her with a confused look, What is she trying to say? Is this some kind of prank? You thought.

"Rainbow, don’t play with me like that, just tell me, what do you want?"

"Anon, we've shared many moments together, some as friends, and some as something more, you don’t know it, but we do" She said in a sad tone.

"And what does 'something more' means for you? What are you trying to say with this?" You say sternly, feeling something warm inside your chest, it's not your blood, it's a different type of warm, a warm that began from anticipating what she was going to say.

"I..." She pauses again to look at me right in the eye, "I love you" You stare at her in awe, feeling the warm in your chest intensify as those three words were processed in your brain.

"Oh Rainbow” You took a long time to think about what you were going to do, it was a bit weird because she was a pony, but you still loved her in a way you couldn’t really explain “come here!" You extended your arms and she leaned forward to give you a hug, tears filling both of your eyes, not tears of sadness, but tears of joy because of the newfound love on your heart, but all of this had a big question in your mind.

"Rainbow, I love you too but, uhh" You pulled off the embrace "I am a human, you are a pony, this is not right, society won’t accept it, what are we going to do?" You asked, she looked up at you with a worried expression, she thought for a moment and that expression soon faded because she knew that what you had was mutual true love.

"Don’t worry about the others, my friends will accept it, and if they don’t, we have each other I think... We have each other right?" She asked worriedly, you grabbed her shoulders and looked her at the eyes.

"Of course, and I can prove it" You started to lean closer to her and she did too, feeling your heart burn even more with each inch you became closer, until your lips met, you were so drifted off in the moment that you didn’t notice she pulled away, "What happened?"

"Um, you... your lips taste like blood, ew" She said with a wry smile, you noticed it and cleaned your nose and mouth with your shirt, then you planted a quick kiss on her lips.

"What about now?" You asked with a smile, she returned the smile and you noticed she had some blood on her lips too.

"I think someone haves lipstick too" You said with a chuckle, she cleaned her lips with a hoof and you both laughed, the pressure made your nose bleed again.

"Let’s go to the hospital and fix your nose" You nodded and you both walked towards Ponyville, thinking of how lucky you were, not just because for being teleported here, but also because you had found love in your heart, the love that you knew would last forever.


Author's Note:

Weird ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, that's how I roll buddy, it was written in my cellphone while I was bored in my car, hope u like it.

And plz leave a comment.

Comments ( 19 )

Umm, this is kinda rushed, but sill good.

You really need to edit this. Some sentences don't make sense. I know Dash is the Element of Loyalty but being knocked out with a bloody nose doesn't seem right. Dash should have gotten help. This was very rushed.

Its alright

This is kind of a rushed story but if you fixed the sentences then I would definitely keep reading.

Hello all of you. If you think I wrote something wrong (and I did ). Woud you be wiling to help me fix those? I am not really good at english, so I will be thankful if someone is willing to help me :pinkiehappy:

7150728 Yeah I could help you, Icll send my email in a PM

Wow, this was inspired by a dream? Must have been some dream then eh? We need some backstory on that dream. Also how the hell did you make that 'weird' face? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ :rainbowhuh:

7291246 Well when I woke up, I was lying on the ground ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Enough backstory!

The concept it's not bad and while there isn't much to it, it was inspired by a dream, it can still have some potential, some dialog choices feels awkward and it would be better if instead of saying exactly what anon thought, you say the idea of what he thought. Example:

What? less than ten seconds, that is incredible, I will congratulate her, you thought, It's pretty well clean, I've got to say, then you heard her voice again.


You were impressed by how fast she was and decided to congratulate her, even more considering that the sky was clean, then you heard her voice again.

there are a few other moments similar, but I think that overall the story can get a pass, I recommend you to read this story in a later time so you can find a few more details that may need to be fixed.

nice. the bloody gore was satisfying my need for bloody scene yet the romance is pretty much strong on this one, keep up the good work!

7352285 Thank you! Finally somebody understands the point of this story! :D

yeah, you only need the right person and the presentation to make it nice

7149162 You are correct. Getting hit very hard on the nose doesn't knock you out. It kills you by forcing the cartilage and bone that makes up your nose back into your brain.

Well... it could use a little improvement, but... yeah, it's decent.
I see a few grammatical errors, and the whole thing feels a little rushed. But it's a good story.

Wow did you see that!!?? She was like...


That must have been one crazy dream.

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