• Published 12th Jun 2012
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Friendship is Prime - Gammerick

Friendship is Magic meets Transformers: Prime

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Chapter 10

Back at the Autobot base, the team was recovering from their shameful defeat.

“That was strike two,” Arcee muttered sarcastically. “Care to try for three?”

“I know this doesn’t look good, Arcee,” Jack consoled her. “But we can’t give up yet. We have to figure out what Discord did to them and how to undo it.”

“Well the first step might not be easy,” Ratchet interjected. “But we might have a way to cure them.”

“Really?” Jack inquired.

“If we could find those Elements of Harmony and harness their power ourselves,” Ratchet hypothesized. “We might be able to restore these ponies back to their old selves.”

“Wow,” Jack replied flatly. “You didn’t strike me as the type to believe in magic.”

“A lot of things have happened today that I would say are impossible,” Ratchet responded. “At this point I’m willing to try anything.”

“So can we find them?” Jack asked with growing curiosity.

“What do you think I’ve been doing this whole time?” Ratchet retorted as he was typing away on his keyboard. “I used the previous energy signature we got from Discord as a basis to try and find the Elements now.” As he said this, 6 glowing beacons appeared on the map. “And it appears I was right.”

“Awesome!” Jack exclaimed. “Now we have a chance of saving”-

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Jack and the others were surprised to hear a shrill laughter from almost nowhere. However, they looked over to Miko to see her holding a hand over her mouth with a surprised look on her face.

“Uh Miko,” Jack asked cautiously. “Is something funny?”

“I don’t know,” Miko answered. “I just started laughing uncontrollably for no re”-

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Everyone was surprised to see her break into another fit of laughter. This time however, she didn’t seem to stop. Soon she was rolling on the ground in an unexplained explosion of laughter.

“What’s happening to her!?” Jack asked in a panicked manner.

“I don’t know,” Ratchet responded. “But we’d better get her to stop soon. If she doesn’t, she could potentially run out of air!”

A look of fear began to pass over the other Autobots, especially Bulkhead. “Miko! Miko!” He screamed. “You’ve got to get a hold of yourself.”

“AHAHAH- I -HAHAHAHA- can’t,” she muttered between fits of laughter. “HAHAHA- Help -AHAHAH- me!” As she said this, her whole body began to turn a shade of gray, similar to what had happened to the ponies before.

“Jack, there’s a medical supply cabinet over there,” Ratchet pointed. “There’s some anesthetic and a syringe in there. Hurry!”

Jack rushed over to the cabinet and quickly searched it for the contents he was looking for. He soon found a syringe next to a bottle. “Are these it?” He asked Ratchet.

“Yes, now load the syringe and get ready to inject Miko.” Ratchet instructed. “First we need to hold her down to make sure she won’t struggle.”

At this Optimus quickly wrapped his hand around Miko on the floor. He gripped tight enough to make sure she couldn’t move, but he was also gentle enough to make sure she wasn’t in any discomfort whatsoever. Jack rushed over with loaded syringe, pulled up Miko’s shirt sleeve, and injected the anesthetic into her arm. Miko continued to kick around briefly before finally calming down and losing consciousness.

“Lucky you had those there, Ratchet.” Jack congratulated him on his quick thinking.

“Actually, your mother was the one who brought some supplies from the Hospital,” Ratchet responded. “Just in case we ever needed to treat some humans.”

Jack couldn’t help but smile warmly at his mother’s overprotectiveness. “I guess I owe her a big thanks later.”

“I’d hate to ruin this touching moment,” Arcee interrupted. “But what the heck just happened?!”

“It’s probably Discord’s work,” rang from Twilight in a flat yet depressed tone. “It happened the last time he was free; half of Ponyville went completely insane.”

Optimus was startled by this revelation. “Ratchet!” He was going to give his friend a command, but it seemed Ratchet was one step ahead as he used his keyboard to bring up the news stations on the monitors. What they saw on screen was completely surprising.

“By the Allspark…” Ratchet whispered to himself.

It was absolute pandemonium out there as all of the footage showed mass hysteria on a global scale. One screen displayed people acting like animals. Another showed several people having laughing fits just like Miko’s. Others still showed people just plain rioting and causing destruction for no apparent reason. It was as if the entire world had gone mad!

“I’ve seen enough,” Jack insisted as Ratchet turned off the newsfeeds.

Just then a message blipped up on Ratchet’s main monitor.

“Incoming communication from Agent Fowler,” Ratchet said aloud as the face of a man with dark skin and black hair appeared on screen.

“PRIME!” He shouted in complete anger. “What in blazes is going on out there? I’ve been running damage control all day on these freaky weather disturbances, and now half the U.S. of A. has completely lost it! It’s like cats and dogs out there!”

“You mean there’s a lot of fighting going on out there?” Ratchet asked in concern.

“No!” Fowler replied. “I mean we have people literally acting like cats and dogs!”

“Rest assured, Agent Fowler,” Optimus said soothingly. “We are doing are best to find a solution. Just keep making sure civilians do not bring harm to themselves or anyone else around them.”

“We’re doing our best out here,” Fowler responded. “But at this rate, things are looking pretty grim. For all of us.”

“Understood,” Optimus replied as Fowler’s face disappeared from the monitor. There was a stark moment of silence before anyone decided to speak up again.

“So now what?” Raf inquired.

“Now we set out what we intended to do and find the Elements of Harmony.” Optimus answered. “We’re going to need to split up into different teams to accomplish this. Bulkhead, you will take Applejack to the first set of coordinates.”

“You sure about that?” Bulkhead asked doubtfully. “They don’t exactly seem like they’re in the best shape to leave the base right now.”

“We are retrieving these elements with the hope of returning the 6 of them to normal.” Optimus retorted. “Perhaps direct exposure will restore them.”

“I get ya,” Bulkhead complied as he picked up Applejack in his hand. “Time to fix you up.”

“What are you talking about?” Applejack insinuated. “I’ve never felt better in my life!”

“Arcee, you will take Rainbow Dash.” Optimus instructed.

“Got it,” Arcee replied as she scooped up her partner. “Ready to go kid?”

“Uh sure,” Rainbow Dash answered doubtfully. “Or maybe not, I don’t know…”

“Bumblebee, I trust you will take Rarity to get her element back,” Optimus said smoothly.

Bumblebee remained silent as he looked down to see the white unicorn huddled up and whispering to herself. “They’re all just out to get you, Rarity. Let your guard down for one second, and BOOM! Everything you’ve ever loved is gone!” She cried out in a slightly deranged manner.

Bumblebee looked back to Optimus and simply said, “Bzzt-Bip-Boop-Bop!”

“Ratchet, you will escort Pinkie Pie,” Optimus commanded.

“Understood,” Ratchet responded as he picked up his companion.

“Oh I get to go with you!” Pinkie Pie said grumpily. “How fun!” She made no attempt to hide her sarcasm.

“Then who’s going to operate the Groundbridge?” Raf asked in concern.

“You’re going to have to handle it this time,” Ratchet answered.

“Me?!” Raf shouted nervously. “But I’ve never handled the Groundbridge before!”

“Well you’re going to have to learn now,” Rathcet replied. “Besides, the controls are wired into your labtop, you should have no problems operating it whatsoever.”

Optimus then looked over to Fluttershy and reached for her.

“I’m not going anywhere!” she screamed as she tried to fly away, but Optimus’s reach was too large for her to escape in time.

“What about the sixth element?” Jack asked in concern.

“I’m afraid I’ll have to come back and make a second trip,” Optimus answered.

“What?” Jack asked in surprise. “Optimus, let me do this, we don’t have any better options.”

“I fear it might be too dangerous out there for you,” Optimus said with concern. “There’s no telling what might happen with Discord’s power running wild.”

“No offense Optimus, but we aren’t exactly that much safer in here,” Jack said as he looked over to the stretcher Miko was now sleeping on. “Besides, time is of the essence here, right?”

Optimus gave the matter heavy thought before giving an answer. “Very well, you shall guide Twilight to the sixth element.”

“Thank you, Optimus.” Jack warmly showed gratitude.

As Raf typed into his keyboard, the six teams entered the Groundbridge Portal one at a time until the base was practically empty with the exception of the two small children.


Bulkhead and Applejack emerged from their portal into a densely mountainous region. They were located on a ledge high up from the ground.

“Should be somewhere nearby,” Bulkhead muttered. “Try and stay close.”

“I won’t move from this spot,” Applejack replied as she immediately moved from her spot to look around.

Bulkhead brought his hand to his forehead in exasperation when he noticed s tiny shimmer out of the corner of his eye. He turned to see Applejack’s necklace lying on the ground in the open.

“Huh, that was almost too easy,” Bulkhead commented as he walked toward the necklace.


Ratchet and Pinkie Pie exited their portal to find themselves in a vast open desert in the dead of night. Not even so much as a tiny wind was blowing.

“Great,” Ratchet muttered to himself. “The element could be buried anywhere in this sand heap.”

“Shows what you know,” snidely remarked Pinkie Pie. “It’s right over there!” She said as she pointed out her front hoof to the top of a sand hill with a small golden glitter on top. As Ratchet looked closer, it was in fact Pinkie’s necklace!

“I can’t believe we ended up so close to it,” Ratchet commented as he approached the mound of sand with the necklace.


Bumblebee and Rarity emerged from their portal into a damp, yet very open cave. The sun was leaking inside from a hole on the roof.

Bumblebee followed the path of sunlight to find it shining on a stalagmite with a golden necklace wrapped around it.

“Beep-zooo!” Bumblebee shouted in triumph.

“Oh no you don’t!” Rarity barked. “I don’t know what you just said, but there’s no way I’m letting you have a diamond of such beauty!” She rushed over to the necklace and made a lunge forward, only to completely pass the stalagmite and pick up a small rock from the ground. “I think I’ll call you Tom Jr.” She said warmly.

Bumblebee simply stared in confusion before making his way toward Rarity’s necklace.


Arcee and Rainbow Dash exited their portal to find themselves in an open, grassy plain, with the wind gently blowing on a cool summer’s day.

“Beautiful weather out, wouldn’t you say?” Arcee asked her companion.

“Oh maybe it’s too cloudy,” Rainbow Dash commented. “Or maybe not, or maybe it is. Isn’t it?”

“I cannot wait to get you your spine back,” Arcee commented flatly. She looked around and quickly found the necklace lying out on the grass in the open.

“Just like that?” Arcee remarked with impression. “You don’t think it could be a trap, do you?”

Rainbow Dash shifted her eyes back and forth before opening her mouth to answer, but Arcee pre-empted her. “Never mind,” She answered angrily as she walked forward to pick up Rainbow Dash’s necklace.


Optimus and Fluttershy exited their portal to see they were in the midst of a toprical jungle. It was very dark out, and the wildlife almost seemed to be completely asleep.

“Hmph, what a dump!” Fluttershy rudely commented as she approached a tree. “Look at this tree, it’s disgusting. I hate trees!” She screamed as she kicked the trunk with enough force to rustle it from bottom to top. The birds resting in the tree were greatly startled and flew off in all directions. Fluttershy snickered to herself at her misdeed.

Optimus paid her no mind however, as he quickly scanned the area to find the necklace a short distance away, near some local plant life.

“It would seem we’ve located the element,” Optimus said aloud.

“Good eyesight, Captain Obvious,” Fluttershy insulted. “Would you like to tell me how water is wet while you’re at it?”

Optimus gave her no answer as walked toward the necklace.

“Hey, pay attention to me when I’m mocking you!” Fluttershy screamed angrily.


Jack and Twilight emerged from their portal to find themselves in a tranquil meadow, next to a lake where the clear water reflected the moon shining above them.

“Wow,” Jack commented. “This is some beautiful scenery.”

“Beauty is pointless,” Twilight replied sadly. “Just like everything else in this world.”

“Right,” Jack said somewhat sarcastically. “While you’re trying to figure out the mysteries of life, I’m going to help save the world and find your fancy crown thing.”

“Your search is pointless,” Twilight answered flatly.

“Oh really?” Jack challenged. “And why is that?”

“Because the element is right over there.” Twilight replied as she pointed behind Jack. Sure enough, Twilight’s tiara was laying right on a nearby tree stump.

“Huh,” Jack muttered. “I guess my search really was pointless.”

He and Twilight walked over towards the tiara.


As all six members of Team Prime simultaneously reached for their respective elements, they all seemed to have a sudden and violent reaction. The elements on each jewel began to glow in an intensely bright white light that enveloped everything around it. To the Autobots and ponies, everything began to disappear into a bright white light.