• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 6,510 Views, 151 Comments

Friendship is Prime - Gammerick

Friendship is Magic meets Transformers: Prime

  • ...

Chapter 3

The Autobots managed to get away from Discord and retreat back to their base. Now the team has gathered together, pondering what course of action to take next.

"Well that went well," Arcee muttered to herself in an obviously sarcastic tone.

"The dude's small, but he throws a mean right hook," Bulkhead stated while rubbing his jaw, recalling the very surprising attack method of Discord.

"What was that thing?" Raf asked the group in astonishment, hoping in futility for an answer.

"Almost everything he did broke the rules of reality," Jack observed in an attempt to better understand their predicament.

"I know, it was almost like something straight out of a cartoon!" Miko couldn't help but go for the more outrageous guess.

"This isn't just some cartoon we're dealing with," Ratchet pointed out. "He could make matter out of thin air, transport objects at will, and altar the terrain itself. For lack of better terminology, we're up against an opponent with the powers of a god!"

"Even the gods can be beaten under the right circumstances, Ratchet," Optimus replied in an effort to calm his friend.

"I admire your optimism Optimus, but we've never fought anything like this before, and we most certainly don't have anything in our arsenal that comes close to that kind of power," Ratchet stated the facts with a hint of grimace.

"The thing I don't get is," Jack cut in. "If Discord's so powerful and wants to wreak havoc, why did he only wait 'til now to appear? Couldn't he have just taken over the world by now?"

Upon hearing these questions Optimus decided to reflect on what he heard from Discord.
"You're not what I was expecting at all…I suppose you wouldn't have heard about me, would you?...I decided it was in my best interest to start someplace new."

"It's possible that Discord may not have been here since the beginning," Optimus hypothesized.

"What do you mean?" Raf asked with extreme curiosity.

"I believe that Discord was originally from another world, and only just now decided to come to ours,"
Optimus answered.

"So he's an alien?" Arcee asked. "Then why did he bother to come to Earth?"

"It is most likely one of two more probable reasons," Optimus hypothesized. "Either he came to our world because he was unable to succeed in his goals on his planet," –

"Or because he already ravaged his home to the point it's impossible to live there," Jack finished Optimus's conjecture.

"Do not worry Jack," Optimus consolidated his teammate. "I am certain that for a force of power like Discord, another force must exist that can oppose him."

"Bip-bzzt-boo-bi-bidipt-zt" Bumblebee chimed in. "Great thinking Bumblebee!" Raf responded. "If we can figure out where he's from, we can find out if there's a way to beat him!"

Now it was Ratchet's turn to contribute. "But how are even supposed to find- Of course, the anomaly!" Ratchet immediately rushed over to his keyboard and began typing.

"The what now?" Bulkhead was lost on Ratchet's words.

"About a week ago, I detected a faint anomaly on the sensors," Ratchet mused. "I couldn't figure out what it was, but that must have been when Discord first arrived." The monitors now displayed the location where Ratchet found the anomaly.

"That's the mountain range we were just at!" Arcee proclaimed. "That's where I found the statue!"

"They must have turned him to stone in order to beat him!" Raf resounded with a hint of hope.

"So there is a way to win, after all," Jack added.

"Woohoo!" Miko cheered. "Team Prime is back in action!"

"Now if I can just increase the power of the sensor array," Ratchet muttered to himself while typing away on his keyboard. "Aha! Found it!" He screamed as the monitor appeared to lock on to something.

"Found what?" Bulkhead asked.

"When Discord was transported to our world, it was through some kind of teleportation power," Ratchet explained. "However, that teleportation left a very distinct energy signature, which I can use like a path of crumbs to lead us back to his place of origin."

"Good work old friend." Optimus applauded Ratchet's bravado on the matter.

"Don't thank me just yet. We still have to find where this place is," Ratchet replied while continuing to type away on the keyboard. "What's this?" He asked in surprise.

"What's what?" Miko asked in concern.

"It would seem that Discord is not from another planet," Ratchet replied, "but rather he is actually from a parallel dimension!"

"Are you certain we can still track the coordinates then, Ratchet?" Optimus questioned the medic.

"Well, we were able to use the Groundbridge to connect to one parallel dimension," Ratchet commented, referring to a series of events that prelude this story. "I don't see why we can't use it to find another."

"And how long will that take?" Arcee asked inquisitively.

"Right about now, actually," Ratchet responded as he finished typing and the monitors appeared to display a new location on screen. "Coordinates are locked on. Let's hope this works."

"Activate the Groundbridge!" Optimus gave the command. And with that, Ratchet pulled the lever to open the portal.


The sun was shining brightly over the city of Ponyville. Twilight and her friends had just gotten back from Canterlot and their audience with the Princesses. Twilight decided to ease her mind with a little outdoor reading, in an open field near the Everfree Forest, just outside of Ponyville.

"It's okay Twilight," she muttered to herself. "Discord may be out there somewhere, but maybe there's nothing to worry about either. It has been a whole week after all. I'm sure things will work out just fine."

Just as she finished these words, a strange green light appeared right behind her.

"AAAAAGH!" She screeched in fright before jumping back several feet from the green aura. She was absolutely perplexed by what she saw in front of her. It could have been a trap by Discord, so she approached it with great caution.


"Optimus wait," Ratchet cautioned. "Considering what kind of creature Discord is, it may be unwise to just go into that portal. Who knows what kind of crazy, backward physics that place follows! For all we know, the atmosphere could be hazardous to non-natives, even Cybertronians."

"I understand your concern," said Optimus. "However, we must find a way to ask for assistance."

"Uhhh, hello?" Just now the team heard a faint voice echo from the Groundbridge portal. It sounded like it belonged to a young lady. "Is anyone there?"

"I think we just found one," Bulkhead made note of their good fortune.

"Greetings, I am Optimus Prime. Who am I speaking to?"

"My name is Twilight Sparkle," the voice said.

"Heh, Twilight Sparkle? Seriously?" Jack couldn't help but laugh at such a strange name.

"Shoosh," Miko silently ordered him so as to not interrupt the conversation.

"We are in grave need of assistance, if you are capable of providing it." Optimus begged the mysterious figure.

Twilight was absolutely stunned. Not only had this strange green light appeared out of nowhere, but now it was talking to her! She decided it would be best to go along for now.

"What is it you need my help with?" She asked simply.

"Are you familiar with the one called Discord?" The voice bellowed.

Twilight had a strong silent reaction to this question. She realized Discord was probably not behind this, but he was still connected in some way. "What about him?" She asked sternly.

"We believe he has traveled from your world to our own in order to cause chaos, and we also believe your world holds the key to defeating this creature," the voice echoed. "Can you help us?"

Twilight had to strongly ponder the implications this moment had. They were about to rush off into an unknown place, possibly a big trick by Discord to get them out the way. But she also realized that if this wasn't a trick, there were ponies in need of saving from Discord's tyranny. No way could she turn her back on those who needed help.

"Stay right here," she responded. "I'll go get my friends." She commanded before running off as fast as she could to Ponyville.


"Excellent. We'll keep the Groundbridge open until you return." Optimus yelled out, unaware that the being on the other end had already left.

"Optimus, are you sure this is the right place?" Ratchet asked with the smallest traces of doubt.

"You must have more confidence in your own coordinates, my friend," Optimus replied. "Besides, she spoke her words with true conviction. I am certain whoever emerges will be a valuable asset to our cause."

"I sure hope so," Arcee tailed on to their conversation. "Because it they can't help us, we're pretty much out of options."


As the Autobots were discussing the trustworthiness of their new allies, no one was looking at the Groundbridge portal that was still open. As such, no one noticed when what appeared to be a grey horse with a blonde mane and unusually positioned eyes stick its head out of the portal. The pony gave a quick look at her surroundings before realizing this was probably something she should not get involved in. As such, she retracted her head through the portal before anyone had ever noticed.


Back at Twilght's Library, located inside a tree, she had already gathered the rest of her friends and told her about the strange encounter she just had.

"I don't know, Twilight," Rainbow Dash proclaimed. "This big glowing green ball of light just pops up out of nowhere and asks for your help? Seems fishy."

"What if it's some kind of g-g-g-ghost?!" Fluttershy quietly asked with a tone of panic.

"I'm serious guys," Twilight pleaded. "Optimus Prime needs our help if he wants to stop Discord."

"Doesn't it seem odd that he knows about Discord?" Applejack asked. "It wouldn't surprise me one bit if this was one of Discord's fancy tricks. We all know what those can be like." She said with a hint of grimace, remembering past events of misery that Discord had caused.

"You do have to admit though," Rarity chimed in, "with a name like Optimus Prime, he must be one of the most elite ponies there. He could probably even be as rich and famous as Fancy Pants."

"Are you helping me or not?" Twilight asked with the slightest hint of rising frustration due to her friends not possibly cooperating.

"Twilight, we're your friends," Rainbow Dash claimed with unwavering doubt. "If you're going, so are we!"

"Thanks, girls." Twilight responded warmly.

"Besides, a whole new place means a TON of new friends to meet!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed giddily. "You think we can bring any of them back to Ponyville? I should totally get my Welcome Wagon ready for them!" She pondered the possibilities while bouncing around Twilight's place like crazy.

"Spike," Twilight addressed a small purple dragon with green eyes, "Will you look after things here in Ponyville while we're gone?"

"You can count on me!" Spike responded while standing upright and puffing out his chest. "With me on on the job, you won't have to worry about a thing!"

"Alright then. Girls, let's get the elements and head out!" Twilight instructed the rest of the team.


After a long walk to the edge of Ponyville and the Everfree Forest, Twilight and her friends made it back to the portal, which was still in place. They were all wearing their elements, ready to confront Discord when the time would come.

"Okay, we're coming through!" Twilight shouted.

"Excellent, just walk into the light when you're ready." The voice responded.

"This is it girls, if anypony wants to leave, now's the chance." Twilight instructed.

"We're with you to the end Twilight," Applejack said. "And nothing's going to change that."

Then they all walked through the portal together.


"Here they come," Ratchet said.

Optimus stepped forward, ready to greet the guests, but as soon as the figures emerged from the portal, he and everyone else there could only stare at what they saw with shocked expressions and open mouths.

Six little horses, ponies if you could call them that, had emerged and were walking towards them. Two of them had wings, and another two had horns sticking out of their heads. The ponies didn't seem quite aware of their surroundings yet because they all had their eyes closed.

"Greetings Optimus," The purple one spoke. "I'm Twlight Sparkle, these are my friends, and we're here to"- she couldn't finish her sentence, because at that time she and the other ponies had opened their eyes to view their surroundings, and they all wore expressions that matched the Autobots and humans present at the time.

It was an awkward silence that was only broken by Jack uttering a single word in a flat tone.
