• Published 16th Mar 2016
  • 4,735 Views, 87 Comments

Two Cybertronians Walk Into A Movie Theater - Solphestus

Two teenagers dressed as their favorite Transformers walk into a movie theater, before being spirited away to a land full of colorful equines! Shenanigans ensue.

  • ...

Chapter 1 - New world

“Come on Thad! were going to be late!” Said a girl in a slender blue transformer costume with pink highlights.

“For what Alice!?” Thad, an average boy wearing a purple transformer costume with purple highlights on his black hair yelled as she jogged after her.

“The release of the new transformers movie!” Alice shouted back before she

“Ugh, another one?” Thad asked. “Those barely have any characters, and the ones they do have they kill off within a minute of screentime.”

“It's a rerun of one of the gen one movies.” Alice said rolling her eyes as she stopped in front of a ticket booth.

“What? I thought you meant one of Spielberg's things.” Thad said as he stretched out. “The first movie was the best.”

“That's why I wanted to hurry, I knew you would want to see it.” Alice laughed before she turned to the ticket salesman who was wearing a blue cloak. “Two tickets please.”

“Here you go. You got here just in time, these were the last two tickets.” The salesman said as she handed Alice the tickets.

“Thanks!” Alice said before handing Thad his ticket and running inside.

“Have fun kids.” The man in the blue cloak chuckled.

Thad ignored the man and focused on Alice. “So what’s the special occasion?”

“What? Can't I just do something nice for a friend?” Alice asked, oozing false innocence.

“You’re buttering me up for something…” Thad said. “What?”

“Nothing~” Alice said impishly as she walked into the theater room where the movie was playing.

Thad sighed. “You’re too easy to read… Just tell me, you’ve already paid for the tickets.”

“After the mo-” Alice said before being cut off mid sentence.

“Alice? Something wrong?” Thad asked.


“Alice?” Thad turned to where Alice was, only to find no one there. Moments later the ticket in his hand began to glow before he was blinded by a bright flash.

Thad mentally swore as the first thing he saw was the sky. “Someone drugged me, didn’t they…?”

“I don't know… But my head's killing me.” Alice replied as she woke up as well, but the first thing she saw was grass.

“I don’t think we’ll be seeing the movie. Can you move?” Thad asked.

Alice strained to move but found she couldn't. “I can't, I think you're on top of me…”

“Sorry, gimme a sec…” Thad groaned as he tried sitting up. With multiple metal on metal sounds, he was seated. “Better?”

“Yeah… Did you gain weight or something? You weigh a ton!” Alice said as she pushed herself up but froze when she looked at her hands. “No way…”

“Wha-” Thad cut himself off as he turned his head to see a black wing on his back. “What the… No...”

“This… Is… So... AWSOME!” Alice gasped before she started looking herself over. “I’m actualy Arcee!”

“And I’m… Skywarp…” Thad said in disbelief.

“How did we get turned into the characters we were dressed as? Never mind, I don't care. But what should we do now? We can't exactly return home like this.” Alice said.

“Where are we even?” Thad asked, looking around.

“Oh… Yeah…” Alice muttered, the full situation dawning on her.

Thad started thinking. “Uh… This isn’t that bad. All we need to do is find an Energon source… That’s the first thing we need to worry about.”

“Uh… Ok.” Alice said.

“I think I can make it with energy deposits like electricity.” Thad stated, rubbing his chin. “Hopefully we’re still on earth. This is so odd...”

“Lets hope we aren't seen by anyone… I don't want to be dissected.” Alice muttered.

“How, you’re metal?” Thad asked.

“That didn't stop that one scientist from experimenting on Optimus’s corpse.” Alice reminded him, remembering a episode from generation one of Transformers.

“Then transform.” Thad said, shrugging. “I don’t think they’d dissect a motorcycle. And besides, I’m a military vehicle.”

“I… Oh yeah. Hehe…” Alice said blushing from embarrassment.

“It’s okay Alice, I’m a bit disoriented myself.” Thad said. “Try transforming.”

“How do we transform?” Alice asked.

“Uh, maybe it’s like a muscle?” Thad suggested.

“They were able to transform because of something they called a T-cogg so I guess it's like a muscle… But how do we activate it?” Alice wondered, putting her hand to her chin in thought.

“I don’t know. Try feeling it, you know, like a muscle.” Thad suggested again. “You know where it is?”

“I think it's inside our chest next to where the spark is?” Alice said as she concentrated. A few moments later she felt something inside her click like a switch was being flipped on and her body started to shift and rearrange itself, and when her body stopped shifting she had turned into a blue racing motorcycle. “Okay, I think I figured it out… But I hope it isn't always going to be so disorienting...”

“We’ll see…” Thad said, crossing his arms. “Let’s start looking.”

“Ok.” Alice replied before mentally grinning, she was going to love being able to go fast and explore all she liked at the same time.

Thad focused hard, and before long he transformed into his jet form and flew off. He wabbled a bit, but was able to keep airborne.

“Then let’s go!” He bellowed so Alice could hear.

“Race ya to that cliff!” Alice laughed before speeding off, wobbling a bit herself at first. The cliff she was talking about was not that far off but she didn't care.

Thad caught up to her quickly and lowered himself so he was next to her. “You’re racing a jet, sweetheart.” Thad playfully remarked.

“Bwa…” Alice stuttered smartly before she hit a rock and flipped over. “Dang it Thad! stop teasing me like that!” She said as she transformed and glared in Thad’s direction, but in her mind she was gushing over him calling her sweetheart.

Thad transformed and fell face first onto the ground before flipping onto his feet. “Well… I gotta get used to landing… Alice, are you okay?”

“I-I’m fine!” Alice said as she turned away from him as she giggled.

“Good, because we don’t have anyway to fix either of us if we get damaged.” Thad said.

“Oh yeah… I forgot about that…” Alice said as she facepalmed, “Hey, what's up with the dust cloud over there?”

“Hm?” Thad looked over to where Alice was looking. Indeed, there was a dust cloud. “I’ll go check it out, stay here.”

Thad started running before he lept and transformed again and took off to investigate. When he finally got overhead he tried to see what was happening.

Below was… Ponies fighting ponies…

“What on Cybertron…” Thad said to himself. “More Hasbro characters? I hope Strawberry Shortcake isn’t here…”

There were Pegasi in the sky, getting closer to him.

“What is that thing!?” Yelled one of them.

“It’s probably one of the Empire’s contraptions! Take it down!” Said a pegasus with a rainbow mane and a cybernetic wing.

‘Well crap…’ Thad thought, before turning around and speeding away.

“It's getting away…!” The rainbow maned pegasus shouted as Thad escaped.

Thad was snickering internally. ‘Noobs… Wait, I’m a noob…’

There was then a loud boom before a rainbow streak began to catch up to Thad.

“Sup?” Thad asked calmly.

“Bwa?” The rainbow streak said smartly before crashing into a bird and falling out of the sky.

“Well that was fun.” Thad remarked. He continued a bit, before transforming and landing slowly next to Alice. “Well, at least we know Hasbro is behind this.”

“What do you mean? And what was that rainbow streak that was chasing you?” Alice asked.

“Well, when I went to go check out what that was, I saw a bunch of… G4 ponies I think, fighting.” Thad remarked. “That rainbow was the gay flyer.”

“Seriously!? What in the world is going on!” Alice said as she started to freak out.

“I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter. Let’s head the other way, try to see if there’s a way to get energon or someone who knows.” Thad said. “Sound good?”

“Um… Sure. But what if we run into more Ponies?” Alice asked.

“What if? We’re bigger, scarier, and stronger then them. If they think they can hurt us, they’ve got another thing coming.” Thad said, starting to make his way in the other direction.

“Um, are you suggesting we pull a Beast Wars and scan animals?” Alice asked.

“What!? No! Besides, that was under different circumstances. I mean if they want a fight we’ll give it to ‘em.” Thad replied.

“Oh, ok then.” Alice said before following Thad.

The two Cybertronians walked for a good few minutes until they reached a forest.

“You ever watch G4 MLP?” Thad asked casually.

“No, you know I wasn't into that kind of thing.” Alice replied, entering the forest. “Why?”

“Well, I was under the impression that there was a male demographic who watched it. Called themselves ‘Boynies’ or something.” Thad said, shrugging. “Bunch of twenty year old guys watching the show. I was hoping you might’ve seen some of it online and we’d know more about this place.”

“Great… so we're going to have to ask for directions or a map then?” Alice groaned.

“Well yeah, we don’t know where we are… This place also seems a bit… Darker for a little girl's show…” Thad remarked. “There’s almost no color… And a fight? What did I miss back home!?”

“I don't know, but we need to be careful.” Alice said before she Transformed. “Let's see if we can find somewhere to set up camp, the sun is setting and I don't think we have night vision.”

“Right, I’ll scout out the air and see if I can find a clearing.” Thad said, jumping and Transforming. “I’ll keep close!”

“Ok!” Alice replied before starting to cruise through the forest to see what she could find from below the treeline.

After a long while, Thad returned to his robot form right next to Alice. “Hey, I think I found a town!”

“Really? Where?” Alice asked, transforming into her robot form as well.

Thad pointed in the direction she was heading. “That way, but a bit to the right. I think it’s about a quarter mile or something.”

“Then let's go… Wait, Is it inhabited by those ponies?” Alice said cautiously.

“Yeah, I couldn’t see that far…” Thad stated.

“Oh well, I guess we’ll just find out when we get there then…” Alice sighed before beginning to walk in the direction Thad indicated.

“It is going to have ponies, isn’t it…” Thad sighed.

“I hope not… Otherwise we're doomed.” Alice chuckled dryly.

Thad and Alice arrived at the edge of the forest.

“So… This is it… I don’t think we’ll find any energon here though.” Thad stated.

“Well, It’s better than nothing.” Alice replied with a shrug. It was now night and the inhabitants of the town were sleeping, so they snuck in and looked around to see if they could find anywhere to hide where they would be able power down for the night.

“Wow, this place looks like trash…” Thad remarked quietly. “Everything’s boarded up…”

“Yeah… I wonder whats going on?” Alice wondered, feeling a bit on edge. “It didn't look this bad from the forest edge…”

Thad looked into one of the windows, past the planks of wood. “Doesn’t look like anyone’s home…”

“This is starting to creep me out...” Alice muttered before she noticed a light come on in one of the windows of a house. “Hide!”

Thad wrapped his arm around Alice, before jumping onto the nearest building.

“I could have sworn I heard something…” A pony said sticking her head out of her front door before looking around and going back inside. A few minutes later the light in her house turned off.

Thad sighed in relief. “Well… At least we know they aren’t thurow…” He turned to Alice. “You okay?”

“Y-yes…” Alice squeaked, her face was red as a tomato. “U-um, You can let go now…” She added as she fidgeted in Thad’s grasp.

Thad looked where he grabbed, and stiffened. “Oh, sorry…” He let go of her chestplate, looking away nervously.

“I-it’s ok…” Alice said shyly as she fought to get her blush under control.

“Let’s… Find a place to take shelter…” Thad said, hopping off of the roof.

“Yes, let's.” Alice agreed before she noticed a small cottage on the edge of town. “Maybe behind that house by the forest? It looks abandoned.” She suggested.

Thad nodded. “Good idea. Let’s go. Oh, and did you see the name of this town?”

“No, did you?” Alice asked as they made their way towards the small cottage on the edge of town.

“Yeah, you’ll never guess.” Thad snickered. “Ponyville…”

“Pony... By primus, that is a bad pun and whoever came up with it should feel bad.” Alice groaned as she facepalmed.

“Not even a pun though, that’s like naming a town… Humansville…” Thad remembered going to a town called Humansville to visit a friend of his that moved away. “Never mind… I’ve been there...”

“I… I’m not even going to bother anymore… I just hope that the rest of the names of things around here aren't puns of some kind…” Alice groaned in response before they arrived at the cottage. “So, what now? Do we try and get inside or…”

“How would we get inside?” Thad asked.

“Point taken…” Alice chuckled, remembering how big they were now. She then started walking around the back.

“Uh… Why don’t you make first contact? Wouldn’t hurt.” Thad suggested. “You’re smaller, so you’d scare them less.”

“What!? But what would I do? What would I say!” Alice squeaked as she started to panick. She wasn't good with strangers or animals, let alone strangers that were animals.

“Improvise.” Thad said, shrugging. “Try to keep her calm, maybe start out in your other form and butter them up.”

“My other form is a motorcycle! Motorcycles don't talk!” Alice panicked.

“Neither do ponies! And did you see any vehicles on the way!? Look… You look smaller in that form. I’ll scout the edge of the forest to see if there’s a place to hide in case things go sour.” Thad said.

“But I… Fine, I’ll do it…” Alice sighed before transforming.

“Good, I’ll owe you one.” Thad said, patting her motorcycle seat.

“W-whatever!” Alice stuttered before driving herself over to the front door and parking there to wait till morning. Thad transformed and flew off.

Once day time came the front door of the cottage slowly opened and a butter yellow pegasus with a pink maine nervously poked her head out. The pegasus sighed, not seeing anything that would startle her yet before exiting the cotage.

“Um… Hello?” Alice said nervously.

“Eep!” The pegasus squeaked before running back into her cottage startled.

“...” Alice stared at the door for a few minutes before sighing. “This isn't going to work…” She muttered in defeat before noticing a window. Out of curiosity Alice slowly drove over to the window and looked inside.

Inside was a simple living room, but bland. A few pieces of furniture were strewn about, and a few small animals slept on them.

“Interesting… I should probably ask Thad about these ponies so that we can better figure out how to blend in…” Alice muttered before driving off.

When she finally found Thad, he was lying back on a cliffside. “I think this is good enough place in… It didn’t work, did it?”

“Sadly not…” Alice groaned before transforming. “By the way, how much do you know about these ponies?”

“I… May have had a buddy who got into it. He tried to show me it, explain it, but I just wasn’t into it.” Thad shrugged. “All I know is there are three races, names escape me… Some have magic, others have flight, while a few more have nothin. This is what made me want to leave the room… Their leaders control the fucking sun and moon. Sorry for cursing.”

“It’s ok… I would probably react the same way if I saw something like tha-” Alice said before cutting herself off and going bugeyed. “Wait… Their leaders can control the sun and moon!?”

“I know, retarded.” Thad snickered. “Better not cross them… Whoever they are…”

“Yeah, lets hope we never have to meet them…” Alice shuddered. “Well, shall we?”

“Ladies first.” Thad bowed. “... Shall we what again?”

Alice rolled her eyes before giving Thad an impish smirk. “We’re going to need new disguises if we're hoping to survive…”

“Oh crap… But I love my jet form~” Thad whined.

“Well too bad, survival first.” Alice said while crossing her arms.

“Fine, but I don’t have to like it…” Thad grumbled, crossing his arms in a pout. “I better not lose my lasers though, I haven’t even used them…”

“Your lasers will be fine.” Alice said, “And if it will make you feel any better I will let you decide what we disguise ourselves as.”

“No, it doesn’t. You pick yours and I will mine.” Thad rolled his eyes.

“If you say so.” Alice said with a shrug. “So what kind of creatures are there around here?”

“Heck if I know…” Thad shrugged. “Hmm… Maybe a cat of some kind…”

“What, like a Puma?” Alice wondered, not seeing why he wouldn't want to be something like a large bird.

“Ehh… I don’t know… I’d pick something flying, but… Well… I’m too big even if there’s something that big.”

“What about a dragon?” Alice asked, “I mean, this is a land of talking horses whose rulers can control the sun and the moon! Why wouldn't there be mythical things like dragons and whatnot just to top it all off!?”

“... Alice, that’s amazing! I could kiss you!” Thad said, gripping Alice’s shoulders. Alice instantly froze, her face turning as red as a tomato while she started muttering gibberish. “You okay…? Oh, sorry…” Thad moved away.

“I-it’s ok!” Alice stuttered as she began to fidget.

“I’ll go see if I can find a dragon. What are you going to choose?” Thad questioned.

“I think I’ll go with a dragon as well.” Alice said awkwardly.

“What do you think the odds of there being a dragon our sizes in this forest?” Thad asked.

“Not likely… But if there are dragons then we just have to look around mountains with giant caves to find one.” Alice said as she started geting her emotions back under control while mentally chastising herself for making the situation awkward by getting her hopes up...

“Okay… What I know of dragons is they’re hot… Not in that way… They have fire breath, so they should be south where it’s hotter…” Thad suggested.

“Ok then, lead the way.” Alice said as she transformed.

“Uh… Which way’s south?” Thad asked.

“... I thought you knew?” Alice said, mentally facepalming.

“I don’t have a compass on me!” Thad shouted.

“And that's why men aren't left in charge of directions…” Alice sighed before transforming back, “Don't you have a compass in the cockpit of your vehicle mode?”

“If I do I don't know about it..." Thad transformed. “Can you see it?”

Alice crawled onto the top of Thad’s vehicle form and looked into the cockpit, and after scanning over the controls she found the compass. “Found it!” She said before checking which direction was south on it. It was to the right of where they were.

“Great!” Thad said. Alice then blushed slightly as she noticed the position in which she was sitting on top of him.

“Hey, Should we stick with our old names or go by the names of our current forms?” Alice asked as she climbed off of Thad’s vehicle from, looking anywhere but at Thad.

“Hmm… Let’s try it out.” Thad transformed into his robot form. “Ready to go Arcee?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be, Skywarp.” Alice said, giggling at the weirdness of their situation.

“Well, do we walk or drive/fly?” Thad asked.

“Let's take the faster method for now.” Arcee said before she transformed into her vehicle mode and took off toward the south.

Skywarp chuckled as he simply flew with her, not transforming.