• Published 16th Mar 2016
  • 4,735 Views, 87 Comments

Two Cybertronians Walk Into A Movie Theater - Solphestus

Two teenagers dressed as their favorite Transformers walk into a movie theater, before being spirited away to a land full of colorful equines! Shenanigans ensue.

  • ...

Chapter 4 - Welcome to the multiverse

Arcee yawned as she woke up, not remembering when she fell asleep as she tried to get up… Only to find herself held tightly in Skywarps sleeping embrace.

“...” Arcee just stared silently, her face turning bright red. She then tried to slip out of his arms or escape from his grasp in any way she could think of to no avail as she started blushing more and more. ‘Oh scrap… I can't get out!’ She thought while panicking, her emotions threatening to overwhelm her.

Skywarp groaned as he slowly woke up. “Eeehhh…” Skywarp stretched his arms out. “Morning Alice…”

“G-g-good m-morning...” Arcee squeaked before trying to hide her face.

“So… What’cha wanna do today?” Skywarp asked. “Brand new world, brand new bodies, and brand new experiences await us.”

“W-well we could-” Alice stuttered before she was cut off by something making a loud thunk sound as it landed on Skywarp’s head.

“Ow!” Skywarp yelped. “What the heck was that!?”

“What was…” Arcee asked as she shifted into her dragon mode before noticing the thing that fell on Skywarp’s head.

“What is it…?” Skywarp asked, transforming to protect himself.

“I don't know…” Arcee said as she crawled over to it and started poking it.

“Don’t touch it!” Skywarp yelped. “You don’t know where that came from!”

“Oh come on, what's the worst that could happen?” Arcee said as she decided to pick up the object. A moment later an arc of electricity came off the object and zapped Arcee, causing her to drop it. “Ouch!”

“You okay!?” Skywarp asked, worried.

“The stupid thing zapped me!” Arcee complained as she backed away from it towards Skywarp.

“You shouldn’t-” Skywarp started, but was cut off by a vortex appearing below them. Skywarp and Arcee stared at the portal for a moment as they hovered over it before falling in.

Arcee landed on something, and Skywarp landed on her.

“Ow…” Skywarp groaned. “You just had to play with the thing, didn’t you Arcee...”

“Sorry… I couldn’t help it, you know how I get when I’m curious…” Arcee complained as she got up.

“You know,” someone said, “I’m doing just fine, thank’s for asking.”

“What the-!?” Skywarp yelped.

“You know,” The voice said as its source got to its feet from where Arcee and Skywarp had landed on it, “next time you should watch where you’re going when you pass through a portal.”

“Eep!” Arcee squeaked in surprise as she noticed the blue bipedal canine.

“I’m not saying I’m mad, I’m just saying,” The creature replied, “name’s Cruger, mind if I ask who you are?” Looking up, he saw a pair of Dragons, “Well, can’t say I’ve seen whatever you’re bases are.”

Arcee quickly hid behind Skywarp, who seemed stunned. “What kind of name is Cruger?” Skywarp asked.

“It’s mine,” Cruger said, “and I noticed that you didn’t give me yours.”

“I don’t give my name to just anyone…” Skywarp said, eyes narrowing. “What’s going on? Where are we?”

“Well,” Cruger said, “you piggybacked on my token’s portal, long story short, you just jumped from your Equestria to mine.”

“Uh… There are more…?” Skywarp asked. Arcee poked her head out from behind Skywarp, confused as to what was going on.

“You’re new to this whole Displaced thing aren’t ya?” Cruger asked.

“Disco- what?” Skywarp said.

“Displaced,” Cruger said, “let me guess, you were at a convention in costume, bought something that was part of that costume, then appeared in your Equestria five seconds later.”

“Nope…” Skywarp replied. “Went to a movie, bought a ticket, now here we are.”

“Which one?” Cruger asked.

“A rerun of the first Transformers movie…” Arcee replied.

“Nice, love that one,” Cruger said, “so, I’m guessing that you were still dressed up as a Cybertronian anyway, right?”

“Who says we were transformers?” Skywarp asked, but sighed. “Ugh… Fine, we were… Now tell us how to go back home.”

“To be honest, I’m not one hundred percent sure how,” Cruger said, “you two piggybacked on my Token, which has only happened to me once before, though not in quite the same way. Either way, I’m going to need to know your names before I can even start, it’s part of the void magic that Tokens use.”

Skywarp growled. “Skywarp…”

“I’m Arcee…” Arcee replied shyly as she started to come out from behind Skywarp.

Cruger sighed, “Not my first choice for my first Transformers Displaced, but I’m glad to meet some all the same.”

Skywarp transformed into his robot form and pointed his arm cannon at Cruger. “What was that? Are you making fun of my choice?”

“No,” Cruger replied, pushing the gun away with a finger, “just saying that my favorite Transformer is Metroplex. By the way, I must say you have some nice taste.”

Skywarp rolled his optics as he lowered his cannon. “In any case… What’s a Displaced?”

“It means Dimensionally Misplaced, or something along those lines,” Cruger replied, “and I already told ya the standard version. Guy goes to convention in costume, buys something from a shady vendor…”

“Okay, okay, I get it.” Skywarp interrupted. “Who exactly are you? I get your name, but that’s just that, a name.”

“Well, to be honest my name used to be Scott,” Cruger said, “but I decided to change it to match my base. Maybe this’ll ring a bell, Power Rangers SPD?”

“Power rangers?” Arcee asked, Transforming into her robot mode. “I heard of it…”

“I watched a couple of them… Meh…” Skywarp shrugged.

“I take back what I said about your taste,” Cruger said, “so, ready to head home?”

“Wait, you said this is another world right?” Arcee asked, a glint in her eye.

“If you want to stick around for a bit, I don’t have a problem with it,” Cruger said.

“... What have you done…?” Skywarp said.

“You’re a Displaced,” Cruger said, “visiting other Displaced in their Verses is kinda our stich.”

Arcee then transformed before flying off at breakneck speeds.

Skywarp transformed himself, groaning. “Now I’ll never catch up…”

“Don’t be too sure,” Cruger said as he hopped on top, “you’ve got a teleport ability if I’m not mistaken?”

“I’m not wasting my energon. And it’s only for short range.” Skywarp said.

“Then you are an amature,” Cruger said, “let me show you how to port.” With that, Cruger generated a blue aura around himself and Skywarp. With a flash, they appeared directly in front of Arcee.

“Wha!” Skywarp yelped, before Arcee crashed into them.

“I got ya,” Cruger said. With another flash, they all appeared on the ground, unharmed. “Probably should have mentioned that I’m a master of Dimensional Magic.”

“Oww… My head…” Arcee groaned as she got to her feet, “What's the number of the bus that just hit me?”

“Uh… Dunno…” Skywarp said. “Do I have a number?”

“I said you could explore,” Cruger said, “I didn’t say I was done talking.”

“She does that a lot…” Skywarp stated.

Arcee shoved Skywarp before turning to face Cruger, “Sorry, so what were you saying?”

“Well, I was going to give you two a tour,” Cruger said, “Twilight loves meeting new Displaced.”

“Well, okay… But I want to make the introduction to this… ‘Vampire’…” Skywarp said. “Wait… That can’t be right… Who the blizzard is Twilight?”

“Don’t mention that book,” Cruger said, “anyway, my Twilight is an alicorn princess, though she might not be one in your verse, and a good friend of mine. By the way, I’m putting even money on her geeking out over the two of you, but not because you’re robots.”

“Why then?” Skywarp asked.

“Because you’re living robots, I don’t really use AI myself,” Cruger said, “not to say I don’t like AIs, EDI’s one of my favorite Mass Effect characters, but I’ve watched Terminator.”

“We’re not AI.” Skywarp said. “Lead the way.”

Cruger opened a portal, “After you.”

“Ladies first. Arce.” Skywarp bowed, gesturing to the portal with his talons.

Arcee looked towards Skywarp before raising an eye ridge before rolling her eyes, “Uh-huh, Whatever ya big goof.” She said before walking through the portal.

On the other side was a large service bay. “Hope you don’t mind,” Cruger said as he stepped through, “but I’d like to let the rest of Ponyville know you’re friendly before we go sightseeing.” With that, he walked up to a phone set on the wall and started talking.

“Ooh! What's that?” Arcee asked as she poked around the service bay, not paying attention to Cruger in the slightest.

“A pneumatic wrench attached to a robotic arm, might want to leave it alone,” Cruger said before turning back to the phone, “yeah Twilight, similar to Kats, no they didn’t bring their own you.”

“You’re not gonna leave it alone, are you?” Skywarp asked.

“Leave what alone?” Arcee asked as she messed around with the pneumatic wrench. All of a sudden it started up, and moved around, darting at Arcee and pulling back. She squeaked in surprise before backing away from it, deciding to leave it alone as she started messing around with something else.

“What did I say?” Cruger said, “you’re just lucky it was just looking for a tire to change, you might not have been so lucky with the plasma cutter.”

“Then I’m glad I don't transform into a motorcycle anymore...” Arcee shuddered as she walked over to Skywarp, having decided against messing around with anything else for now.

Cruger hung up the phone, “Twilight’s expecting you, think you can handle getting there on your own? Her place stands out like a sore thumb, so odds are you won’t get lost.”

“What is it?” Skywarp asked.

“A giant tree shaped castle made of crystal,” Cruger said, “like I said, sore thumb.”

“Your friend lives in a castle!?” Arcee said in shock.

“What part of her being an alicorn princess did you not hear?” Cruger asked with mock incredulity.

“The whole Alicorn, Princess, and the point of all of those.” Skywarp said. “But I assume Princess means she’s a damsel… So I’m gonna look for a dark castle for her kidnapper.”

“Her name’s Twilight, not Peach,” Cruger said, “she actually has combat experience, went full on DBZ level smackdown with a pseudo demon who eats magic.”

“So Zelda…” Skywarp said, his face totally serious.

“Pretty much,” Cruger replied.

“Uhh… What just happened?” Arcee asked, having zoned out the moment Skywarp started talking.

“I was making fun of Cruger’s damsel.” Skywarp said. “Oh, Mulan!”

“Oh, ok.” Arcee said as she started to turn around before freezing, “Um, where do we go?”

“Skywarp knows the way,” Cruger said, “I need to take care of something before I catch up with you.”

“... I know the way?” Skywarp asked.

Cruger facepalmed, “I told you what her castle looks like.” He then opened the outer door and pointed, “I think you can find it.”

“You… Didn’t… All you said was it was weir-”

“Last one to the castle is a rusty piece of scrap!” Arcee called as she ran out the large garage doors.

Skywarp flew out in a flash and headed for the castle. “Winner makes loser do whatever they want!”

Cruger sighed before opening a portal, “Kids…”

After Skywarp made his little input to the wager Arcee’s face turned bright red as she put on a extra burst of speed to try and stay ahead. Sadly, she got distracted the moment she saw the castle… Allowing him to pass her. “Whoah thats huge… Scrap!”

“Haha!” Skywarp laughed.

“Oh no you don't!” Arcee shouted as she started catching up with Skywarp as they passed over the village next to the castle.

“Are you serious!? Yes I do!” Thad gained an extra burst of speed. To add to that, he teleported farther ahead. He finally landed at the castles doors and face planted into it.

A few moments later Arcee darted over before panicking, not knowing how to stop. She then crashed into the stairs just behind Skywarp, face planting as well.

“I win!” Skywarp triumphantly declared. “Now you gotta be my blanket!”

Before Arcee could retort, the door opened. “Hey, watch it!” said Spike.

“You watch it!” Skywarp growled.

“My head…” Arcee whined.

Spike stared, “Woah, Twilight said something about new Displaced coming over, but I didn’t know they’d be dragons.”

“We’re not dragons… We only look like Dragons.” Skywarp said. “Mind letting us in?”

“Sure,” Spike said, “Twilight’s in the library, follow me.”

Skywarp picked up Arcee and placed the disguised Transformer on his back before following. “So who are you?”

“Name’s Spike,” Spike said, “I’m Twilight’s number one assistant.”

“Skywarp.” Thad stated. “And this is Arcee.”

“Cool names,” Spike said, “here we are.”

“Uh-” Skywarp cut himself off as he shot a flame out of his mouth by mistake.

“Excuse you.” Arcee said from Skywarp’s back, still dazed from her crash.

“Spike,” called a voice from within the library, “I thought you were over your cold.”

“It wasn’t me,” Spike protested, “it was one of those Displaced that Cruger mentioned.”

“Really!” With a bang, Twilight burst out of the library, “oh this is so exciting, there are so many Displaced to meet!”

“That won’t be fun…” Skywarp grumbled.

Twilight blushed, “Sorry, I’m just so excited. Cruger said that you were new at this whole Displaced thing, ask me anything.”

“You you have any gems?” Skywarp asked.

“A few,” Twilight said, “Spike, think you can bring some?”

“No problem,” Spike said, before running off.

“Look at the pretty birdies~” Arcee giggled before falling off Skywarp’s back. “Ouch! What the… where are we? Weren't we just outside the castle…?”

“You were out of it… By the way, you’re gonna be my blanket for a week.” Skywarp said, sitting down.

“W-w-what!?” Arcee stuttered, her face turning bright crimson.

“I won the race, now you’re going to be my blanket when I shut down… But way better.” Skywarp stated.

Arcee grumbled before sitting down next to Skywarp.

“So,” Twilight said, “do you have any questions about Displaced?”

“What exactly is a Displaced…” Skywarp asked.

“Well, I don’t know all the details,” Twilight said, “nobody really does, but Displaced are people that are taken from their world and sent to an Equestria with the powers, and sometimes appearance, of a fictional character, usually whichever one they were dressed up as at the time. Most are Displaced by a real jerk called the Merchant, but some Displacers can be rather nice.”

“... They steal people? And they’re nice?” Skywarp crossed his arms.

“Usually the nice ones give the Displaced to be a choice of whether or not they want to be Displaced,” Twilight explained, “one Displaced Cruger knows for example was in a mental hospital after her brother disappeared. It was a choice of either being locked up, or be Displaced and try to find her brother, who was Displaced as well. To be honest it wasn’t much of a choice, but she’s very happy in her new life.”

“Is there something we should be worried about?”

“Not that I know of,” Twilight said, “but most Displaced usually need to deal with things from their base’s universe.”

“Is there a way to keep them out of our Universe?” Skywarp asked.

“Not sure,” Twilight said, “although there is a way to make fighting them off a bit easier.”

“Yeah?” Skywarp asked.

“You can make a Token,” Twilight said, “Tokens allow Displaced to call up other Displaced, whether to talk or if they need a hand.”

“... Nope.” Skywarp said, crossing his front legs.

“Why not?” Twilight asked.

“I don’t like people…” Skywarp explained. “If people can piggyback on a token into our world, then I don’t want one.”

“But what if you know who is in our world? We could use all the help we could get.” Arcee pointed out.

“No we don’t…” Skywarp grumbled.

“You’re not Optimus Prime, we’re going to need backup no matter what you say. ” Arcee stated.

“That you will,” Cruger said as he walked in, “morning Twilight.”

“Morning Cruger,” Twilight replied.

“I’m not! It’s going to just be distracting! Plus, who knows how many bad… Displaced there are!” Skywarp transformed into his robot form, causing Twilight to gawk.

“That there might be,” Cruger said, “but there are also a ton of good ones. Trust me, there are far more pros than cons.”

“I don’t like people…” Skywarp growled, crossing his arm.

“Very well,” Cruger said before turning to Arcee, “would you like to make a Token?”

“Sure,” Arcee said before transforming into her robot mode, “And yes you are Thad, I don't want you getting yourself killed because you didn't want to make friends.” She then added while staring down Skywarp defiantly.

“The dragons turned into robots?” Twilight said, “how is that possible?”

“We’re robots in disguise.” Skywarp said, getting up before walking away. “I’m gonna take a walk…”

“You might want to stick around for a minute though,” Cruger said, “one of the steps for making a Token is that you have to add a message that everyone who picks it up will hear.”

“I don’t care. Arcee can make a Token but I’m not.” Skywarp said, leaving the castle.

“Get your antisocial butt back here!” Arcee shouted as she chased after Skywarp.

“Arcee… Just don’t…” Skywarp said. “I can’t take any of this… The only reason I’m not freaking out is you. I need to take a walk...”

“Fine… but you are making a token thingy with me whether you like it or not once you get back.” Arcee huffed, tripping Skywarp over before going back inside.

Skywarp glared at the ground. “I hate my life…”

“No you don't~” Arcee called from inside.

“Well,” Cruger said, “I suppose his can wait. How about I show you how to do it and you can teach old grumpy gears later.”

“Sure.” Arcee replied, giggling at Crugers joke.

“Well, step 1 is to choose an object that represents you to serve as your Token,” Cruger said as he reached into his pocket, “I hope you don’t mind, but since you two don’t really have pockets, I took the liberty of creating something suitable.” Cruger pulled out a pair of pewter keychains. One had the Autobot symbol wreathed by a pair of dragon wings, the other was the same, only with the Decepticon symbol.

“Um… Maybe?” Arcee replied with a shrug, “Though we were planning on making our own faction separate from the Autobots and Decepticons…”

“Oh,” Cruger said, “it was just an idea, if you don’t like them we can go with something else.”

“We can figure this out later…” Arcee groaned, “Why don't you show me around? I’m curious as to what's around here… And we should probably find Skywarp while we're at it…” She then transformed into her dragon mode.

“Not a problem,” Cruger said as Spike walked in with a bowl of gems, “mind if we take those to go?”

“Sure,” Spike said as he handed it to Cruger, “just bring the bowl back.”

“Aww~ Is he a baby dragon? He’s so adorable!” Arcee said, forgetting what was going on the moment Spike walked into the room.

Spike scowled slightly, “I’m 13, I’m not a baby anymore.”

“Oh… Sorry?” Arcee said, chuckling nervously. “Um, what were we doing again?”

“Looking for grumpy gears,” Cruger reminded.

“Oh! Right…” Arcee said, rubbing the back of her neck before walking out of the castle.

“Let’s see,” Cruger said, “normally I’d start with Sugarcube corner, but I’m not sure in this case. It tends to attract a lot of ponies, something that Skywarp will probably avoid, and I’m not sure if you and Warp eat cupcakes.”

“We could probably try and eat them… Though they wouldn't do anything for us.” Arcee said, frowning as she realized that most of the foods that she used to eat she wouldn't be able to anymore.

“Maybe, maybe not,” Cruger said, “we’re going, might as well see if you can still eat regular food. That and Pinkie might be upset if there were new Displaced in town and she didn’t get to meet them.”

“Pink what now?” Arcee asked, pausing to give Cruger a confused look.

“Pinkie Pie, Ponyville’s Premier Party Pony and unofficial welcome wagon,” Cruger said, “she makes it a point to meet everyone who at least passes through. In fact, I’d bet good money that she and Skywarp have already met.”

“Oh slag…” Arcee said, her eyes reducing to pinpricks before darting off.

Suddenly, an explosion was heard.

“And that would be Pinkie,” Cruger said, following after.

Arcee and cruger quickly made their way through the town as they searched for where the explosion came from until they came across a rather irate Skywarp and a cheerful Pinkie Pie.

“No… We aren’t going to be friends…” Skywarp snarled.

“Not yet,” Pinkie said, “but give it time. I’ll be throwing you a party soon anyway, I’m sure you’ll make some friends there.”

“Please tell me she didn't say what I thought she said!” Arcee said as she started panicking.

“Rule number 2 when dealing with Pinkie Pie,” Cruger said, “a party’s never far away.”

Arcee then grabbed Cruger suddenly before jumping behind the nearest cover. “Hit the deck!”

Skywarp threw Pinkie and shot her with a laser, sending her off towards Cruger and Arcee.

Cruger looked down at Pinkie, “How’s it going?”

“This guy’s a toughie,” Pinkie replied chipperly, “I haven’t had a challenge like this since Cranky.”

Skywarp transformed and flew away.

“Fly away for now,” Pinkie said, “but know that one day, you and I will be buddies.”

“You do know you're going about befriending him the wrong way, right?” Arcee said, not registering that she was talking to a pony. “Anyway… I should go after him.” She then jumped into the air and flew after Skywarp.

Arcee flew as fast as she could, trying her best to catch up with Skywarp. After a short while she eventually reached him and proceeded to latch onto his leg out of exhaustion.

“Arcee… What are you doing?” Skywarp asked as he stopped.

“Trying… *huff* To… *huff* Catch up… *huff* To you…” Arcee wheezed.

“... Okay, catch your breath.” Skywarp said, petting her head.

Arcee smiled at Skywarp before crawling up his leg and onto his back. “So, feeling better?” She asked nervously.

“Yeah… Why?” Skywarp asked.

“That's good…” Arcee sighed, “So, you want to go look around with me?”

“Fine…” Skywarp grumbled.

“Come on, don't bee like that… Think of it like…” Arcee said, trying to think of something. “A date!” She then blurted in desperation before freezing, “Erm…”

“Sure.” Skywarp said.

Arcee stared at Skywarp for a bit as she blubbered incoherently, before proceeding to faint with a goofy smile plastered to her face…

Skywarp grabbed Arcee before she fell and landed quickly. “Alice… Wake up.”

“He said yes~” Arcee giggled incoherently before she began to come back to her senses.

“Yes he did, now get up before you miss your first date with the guy you’ve crushed on forever.” Skywarp said.

Arcee quickly snapped back to her senses as her face turned bright red. “Erm, Uh… Yeah…” She said nervously as she slipped out of Skywarp’s grasp and got to her feet, “Sorry about that…”

“It’s okay, you’re cute when you do that.” Skywarp said, grinning.

If Arcee had a heart it would have skipped a beat at that moment as her legs went limp. “M-me? C-c-cute? H-he things I-I’m c-c-cute…?” She muttered to herself.

“Yep. I do.” Skywarp said. “You were always cute… I just thought you’d never think of me the way you do.”

“Well,” Cruger said, “looks like somebot’s not a total grumpy gears after all.”

“Now can you see why I don’t want to be alone?” Skywarp asked, crossing his front legs. “What do you want Cruger…?”

“Just wondering why you went all super laser on Pinkie,” Cruger said, “you’re lucky she can defy the laws of nature.”

Skywarp cleared his throat. “I. Don’t. Like. People. Only seven people have gotten through to me, including my family and Arcee.”

“Well, I guess I’m going to need to bring my Dremel next time,” Cruger said, “why don’t I send you off and tell Pinkie you had to go. If you stick around when the Pinkie Party starts, well let’s just say you’d have an easier time escaping a black hole.”

Arcee managed to get herself together before facing Cruger, “Well, Could we look around and possibly get sent back at the last minute? I still want to wander around and where we come from we have yet to meet the inhabitants…” She said in an attempt to play it cool.

“You want some cake don’t you?” Cruger said.

“No.” Skywarp said.

“What he said…” Arcee said, chuckling weakly.

“Well, why don’t you tell me what you’re verse is like,” Cruger said, “no two Equestrias are exactly the same.”

“Well, could you explain what we've seen so far?” Arcee asked Skywarp.

“War, some pegasus with a metal wing, no castle, kinda all looked brown.” Skywarp said.

“So you’re in one of those verses,” Cruger said, “I don’t have any firsthand knowledge of it, but I know enough to get you started. First off, the pegasus with a metal wing? Help her out. Trust me, she’s one of the good guys, helping her out should make things easier for ya in the long run.”

“Okay…” Skywarp said, tapping his foot.

“Second, here’s two names I want you to remember, Celestia and Luna, they’re the Diarchs of Equestria and basically in charge. Get on their good side, you’re going to have an easier time settling down.”

“Great…” Skywarp groaned.

“Oh hush, I agreed to handle all the up front stuff with the natives for you.” Arcee said as she playfully shoved Skywarp while rolling her eyes.

“Don’t worry, you’re going to like this last one. There’s this Unicorn called Sombra, he’s a grade-A big bad, evil enough to make Megatron look like Prime material, one of his pastimes is enslaving innocent ponies to do his bidding. I don’t think I need to explain what I think you should do when you meet up with him.”

“... By brony friend complained about how lame Sombra was… Said even G1 Megatron was more menacing.” Skywarp said.

“Seriously? Didn’t G1 Megatron turn into a pistol or something?” Arcee said, confused as to what was going on.

“He turned into a pistol weaker than his own weapon, which Starscream uses…” Skywarp said.

“Season 3 premier Sombra maybe,” Cruger said, “but the Sombra you’re facing, not so much. He singlehoofidly plunged all of Equestria into war, that takes a badass.”

“Megatron single handedly plunged his entire homeworld into a war that spanned eons…” Arcee pitched in, struggling to keep up with the conversation.

“The Sombra you’ll be facing has helmets that brainwash their victims into mindless troops for his army,” Cruger said, “do your verse a favor, remove him from power.”

“...” Arcee tried to come up with a counter but decided to give up, “Ok…”

“Why don’t his enemies take the helmets away?” Skywarp asked.

“Even if they could remove the helmets from those already wearing them, all Sombra has to do is make some more helmets and put them on some more victims,” Cruger countered, “like I said, I don’t have any first hand intel on it, but what I do know makes me want to bend my 1 rule.”

“What's that rule?” Arcee asked.

“Same as Batman’s,” Cruger replied, “thou shalt not kill.”

“Thou?” Skywarp asked.

“Shut up,” Cruger said.

Skywarp transformed and aimed his cannons at Cruger. “Make me pretty boy!”

“I once turned an asteroid to dust with one hit,” Cruger replied, fingering his sword, “I think you’ll take 2.”

“I opened a pickle jar in two seconds!”

“Ok! Break it up!” Arcee shouted, the situation going over her head. “You need to take a chill pill, and you… Touch one servo on him and you will regret it for the rest of your life.” She then said to Skywarp before threatening Cruger.

“Chill pill taken.” Skywarp said, moving his hands away.

“It wounds me that you would think I’d attack unprovoked,” Cruger grinned, “all I was saying was that I would win if he started anything.”

“You are a huge show off…” Skywarp said.

“Not showing off if you can back it up,” Cruger replied, “so, ready to go, or shall we continue our sword measuring contest?”

“I don’t think you know what ‘show off’ means…” Skywarp said.

“Lets just go…” Arcee whined, clinging to Skywarp’s leg.

“Oh come on, you enjoyed me being a fool.” Skywarp whispered to her.

“Anyway, call me up when you’ve figured out your new symbol,” Cruger said, “I’ll help you make your Token.”

“Ok, but until then… Adventure awaits!” Arcee shouted, crawling onto Skywarp’s shoulder before transforming into her robot mode.

“Good luck, Skywarp, Arcee, our contract is complete, don’t lose my Token.”

“Wait, what?” Arcee asked, staring at Cruger for a minute as nothing happened.

“Need to give a kickstart then, fair enough,” Cruger said as he drew his sword and slashed at the air, opening a portal, “that way leads home.”

“But I wanted to look around before we left… We haven't even been here long.” Arcee complained.

“You can come back when you’re ready to make a token,” Cruger said, “and if you can get grumpy gears to not be grumpy.”

“Shut up, we’re leaving.” Skywarp said, grabbing Arcee’s wrist lightly.

“Aww… Fine…” Arcee pouted.

“We can have our date at home.” Skywarp said.

“I guess that will do…” Arcee said, still pouting before looking at Cruger. “See ya later then!”

“Arcee… Maybe we can have our first kiss~?” Skywarp said, pulling Arcee through the portal.

“W-wha!?” Arcee squeaked as she was pulled through the portal, her face turning crimson.

“Maybe, depends on how the date goes~” Skywarp said. “And my answer’s yes… I’ll be your boyfriend.”

Arcee began to grin goofily after hearing Skywarp said that he would be her boyfriend before her eyes rolled back in her head and she fainted.

“That’s going to keep happening… Isn’t it…” Skywarp groaned.

Author's Note:

Crossover with cyberlord4444's story SPD Emergency.