• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 2,730 Views, 31 Comments

The Elements of Earth - Tyler-the-Brony

The Elements journey to a strange world, and then to their home, with the love they always wanted.

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Chapter 11: Eight Months of Designs

Antonio was often extremely happy to own his business, merely for the fact that he could make his own hours and do whatever he needed to do in order to finish his work. It was for this reason that Antonio also had a ridiculously long driveway attached to his business so that he could pull up to it at full speed and still be capable of stopping properly.

Today though, Antonio drove much more carefully than he usually did to his workplace and home. Antonio didn’t want to frighten Isabella away after all by behaving entirely as he might if she were not there.

“Here we are. Welcome to my store, Fabulous Fabrications.” Antonio announced as he finished parking his Ferrari outside the building he knew very well.

Isabella took a few minutes to escape the car, not being entirely accustomed to such rapid speed and stopping. When Isabella finally had come to fully realize they had stopped, it turned out that she had lost some of her equilibrium as well, stumbling in her Stilettos as she exited her seat.

Antonio was right beside Isabella to catch her though, being extremely surprised how light she was when he did. Isabella was also shocked at the almost immediate intimacy she and Antonio were sharing thanks to her minor trip. Both Antonio and Isabella stayed in their respective positions for quite a long time, not wanting to full enjoy the moment, but also not wanting it to fully end either.

Eventually, it was Isabella who would break the situation by finally setting about to right herself from her fall. Antonio helped steady Isabella, and then immediately backed away from her, worried he was being far too familiar with Isabella.

“T-Thank you darling. Now what were you saying about your store? Oh my…” Isabella began asking Antonio, only to pivot her head slightly and catch the now full and unobstructed view of Antonio’s business.

Antonio’s uncle had bought the area for the store long ago, and had given it to Antonio on his graduation day telling him to use it right. Antonio set about using all his resources to design what must be the most well recognized building in the entire city. No one ever denied that Antonio had certainly achieved that.

Fabulous Fabrication’s was a store made entirely out of Marble and surrounded by various shades of blown glass to add color as well as depth, making the entire building look like a firework explosion melded with an icicle. It had not been cheap to design, but Antonio had spared no expense to make his store one of the most recognizable buildings in the world.

Antonio now also had chains of Fabulous Fabrications stationed around the globe, but the one in front of him now was his first and greatest triumph. It was here that Antonio had designed every one of his world famous wedding dresses, and here where he still drew every single one of his designs and then created the ones that truly spoke to him.

“It’s beautiful darling. I dare say it’s even more magnificent than any building I ever saw in Equestria, except perhaps for my very own boutique.” Isabella told Antonio, turning to him and winking as she did so.

Antonio felt that was quite high praise from a girl like Isabella, who had born witness to so many still in use castles and manors in her time before she arrived on Earth.

“Thank you Isabella. Shall we go inside?” Antonio asked Isabella, both gesturing towards the front door and offering his arm to Isabella.

“Certainly darling.” Isabella replied to Antonio, taking his arm and allowing him to lead the way.

Within a few moments, Antonio and Isabella were within the store itself, which was not as outwardly appealing as the outside indicated, but was still magical and beautiful in its own way. The walls alternated what adorned them, with one wall holding completed dresses and outfits, the second holding supplies, a third holding sketches, and the last wall holding in-progress outfits.

“I must say darling, I’m impressed. Most designers I know don’t openly display their still in-progress works and sketches. Many are afraid they’ll be stolen and replicated.” Isabella voiced to Antonio, all while taking close looks at the various outfits and designs.

“This location is not in use as a store much anymore. It is more simply my work station now, allowing me the freedom to do such things. In addition to that fact, I also have one distinct advantage over any who would attempt to steal my designs.” Antonio partially explained to Isabella, going immediately to what he called his two incomplete walls and adding the inspirations that had just now flashed into his mind.

“What might that be darling?” Isabella inquired, curious as to what Antonio meant.

“Even the most untrained eye can tell the difference between one of my own Authentic’s and a cheap stolen copy. Anyone who has ever actually managed to steal and reproduce one of my designs has been caught, and their lines suffered even more than it would have normally.” Antonio continued, smiling as he did so, content to say that at least the rest of his world viewed him as one of a kind.

“Fantastic darling. I really look forward to working with you here.” Isabella spoke up, turning now towards the wall where Antonio kept his completed, yet as of now unpicked up apparel.

“I look forward to having the insight of such a great fashion designer as well.” Antonio replied, glad to see as he turned that he had made Isabella blush profusely.

“Oh darling. You flatter me. May I ask where I can sleep? This day has been very long, and I am quite exhausted.” Isabella asked Antonio as he jumped down from the wall he was currently inspecting.

“Certainly. This day has pushed me quite far too. I too will likely head to sleep. Follow me.” Antonio indicated to Isabella, showing her to the two bedrooms that made up the lower level of the building.

Antonio showed Isabella to the largest of the two rooms, never usually sleeping there himself as he felt it left too much area for him to pace, and then to begin to ponder and reconsider his many designs.

“I do hope it’s to your liking Isabella. I usually do not have many guests over, but I do try my best to keep all the areas of this building in well off shape.” Antonio explained to Isabella as he let her into the bedroom.

“It’s quite alright dear. I am more than happy here. Is there anything you need in particular from me now or a specific time you would wish me to be awake by tomorrow?” Isabella asked, wanting to help out Antonio as much as she could to repay his large generosity in all this.

“I cannot think of anything for the moment, or an exact time to rise for tomorrow. As this is more my own personal workshop now, I simply rise when inspiration takes me and I feel compelled to act on it. Come upstairs whenever you awaken and wish to begin helping me.” Antonio replied to Isabella, glad to see Isabella smile and nod at his suggestion.

“I shall do just that then. Goodnight Antonio. Pleasant dreams.” Isabella answered Antonio, turning to head towards her bed as she did so.

“And the same to you Isabella. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.” Antonio added, turning back towards his other bedroom, to partake of the dreams that helped inspire many of his greatest works.


Four months often passed before Antonio as though it were nothing. The last four months though were a rare exception to Antonio however. Antonio had quickly come to realize that this differentiation from the normal was due to the constant presence of his beautiful new co-designer, Isabella.

Antonio had quickly realized that he had very strong feelings towards Isabella, actually having gone out on a spur-of-the-moment outing with Dan to pick up engagement rings for Zoe and Isabella herself. Antonio did not regret the decision he had made in regards to obtaining the ring, as he felt certain that he would indeed someday propose to her when he was more able to. Antonio did regret the rapidity in which he had obtained the ring though.

Antonio had yet to even ask Isabella out to dinner, let alone ask her to become his wife. Antonio hated this damnable shyness he possessed, the quality more befitting of Oliver than of himself. Antonio often believed, sometimes truly believing he was just fooling himself, that Isabella also had feeling for him due to the way she would sometimes act and speak around his person.

Antonio was going to end his streak of shyness with Isabella tonight though. Antonio had invested approximately six months or so two years ago into learning cooking from Ben, and tonight he would use the skills he had gained. Antonio couldn’t see himself making a career out of the food he could cook, but he understood at least why Ben enjoyed the act so much.

Antonio and Isabella were currently in the middle of finishing up co-designing a magnificent wedding dress, hoping to usher in a brand new age of wedding gowns with it. The gown they were designing was not white, as was tradition, but was instead ocean blue with gold trims. Other designers would argue it was by far the wrong choice to make, deviating from tradition so much, but even they never voiced the complaints once they had seen the results of the mentioned dress.

Antonio removed the last pin he had used, and stood to admire his and Isabella’s greatest creation thus far. Isabella too stood up near that moment, having also removed her last pin, and was equally smitten with the outcome.

“Amazing. Wouldn’t you agree Isabella?” Antonio asked Isabella, speaking for the first time in hours.

“I would. Although I might want to add a few more descriptive terms due to the vast vocabulary at my disposal.” Isabella concluded, giggling as she did so.

“I believe I would too, but I don’t want to become too vain. Although I do believe completing a dress such as this deserves a personal reward? Do you consent?” Antonio questioned Isabella, hoping greatly for an agreement.

“I am not one for often self-indulgence, but I dare say this is too great a victory to not celebrate in some way.” Isabella replied, smiling at Antonio as she found herself able to express her true self around him.

“Excellent. I shall cook us my finest dish.” Antonio voiced, shocking Isabella in the process of doing so.

“Darling! I had no idea you could cook.” Isabella questioned, not knowing what other skills if any Antonio might possess.

“I learned the basics of cooking higher class meals from Ben many years ago. I don’t often practice my skills, but I am competent enough in them to believe I can cook us an at least decent meal for tonight.” Antonio explained, turning to wink at Isabella as he made his way towards the kitchen.

Within an hour of offering to cook dinner hour, Antonio had created a tomato Fettuccini that could rival the ones at nearby restaurants. Antonio also decided that perhaps this was an acceptable time to open the champagne he had received as an extra thank you from a client a short time ago.

Antonio brought out the dishes and the drink to the table he kept perpetually out in the main room of Fabulous Fabrications, in case of a needed break or meal. Within a few moments of Antonio finishing his setup, Isabella had joined him and openly voiced throughout the meal that it was one of the greatest dinners she had ever partook of. Nothing overly important was said during the meal itself, Antonio and Isabella instead choosing to discuss lighter topics and possible new ideas or revamps of old ones.

Two hours after beginning the meal, both Antonio and Isabella’s plates were empty of Fettuccini and the champagne was down to mere drops remaining. Though neither Isabella nor Antonio were exactly the heaviest of drinkers, neither had the champagne made them bizarrely uninhibited. It merely allowed them to relax properly and speak easier than they normally did at meals.

“Well, that was scrumptious darling. Thank you for allowing me to taste some of your cooking.” Isabella told Antonio, smiling all the while.

“It was my pleasure Isabella. I do hope we can perhaps attempt to do this more often.” Antonio replied, turning to head back towards the kitchen with the dishes.

“Would you be advised to doing this sort of thing as…something more though?” Isabella asked Antonio, halting him in his progression towards the kitchen.

Antonio wasn’t sure what was happening, or if it even was happening at all. Antonio decided to re-broach the subject to confirm for himself what he was beginning to think.

“Are you asking me…if I’d like to do all this as a date Isabella?” Antonio asked Isabella, seeing her start to twirl her hair around her finger in embarrassment.

“Was I too forward? I do apologize if that was the case.” Isabella quickly apologized, looking away from Antonio as she did so.

“That’s not the case at all. I’m simply reaffirming what you meant before I gave you my answer. My answer, if this is indeed the case, is that I would absolutely love to do this sort of thing as a date very soon and very often.” Antonio explained to Isabella, glad again for the excuse of the champagne as to why he was being so greatly uninhibited tonight.

“R-Really?” Isabella asked, betraying her excitement greatly.

“Absolutely. I’m so glad you asked me. I’ve wanted to ask you on a date for months now, but never had the courage too. Not even tonight.” Antonio replied, looking down slightly as he did so.

It was at that moment that Isabella got to her feet to walk over towards Antonio. Upon reaching him, Isabella gave Antonio a light kiss on the cheek. Antonio was visibly shocked for a moment before Isabella whispered something into his ear.

“I can be brave enough for the both of us then.” Isabella told Antonio, turning and winking at him as she headed downstairs towards her bedroom.

Antonio would eventually follow Isabella’s idea of going to bed after what had just transpired, but not for a great while. Eventually, Antonio did regain control of himself again and set about closing the shop completely before going to bed himself.

Just as Antonio turned off the last upstairs light and proceeded towards his own bedroom, he had the sudden courage and self-assurance to say that the next four months of his life would be even better than these last four had been.


Antonio was now able to say with great confidence that he had been right about what the next four months of his life would be when he had predicted it so many months ago.

Antonio had never been happier in all his life, and his designs for summer came to reflect that fact greatly. Isabella too came to radiate happiness in herself and her work, glad and surprised that the special someone she had waited her whole life for would come from Earth and not Equestria.

Antonio had also come to gain great confidence in himself too, even finally being able to convince himself that he could give Isabella the ring he had bought for her so very long ago. Even now, as Antonio returned from collecting supplies for the new season, the ring was tucked deeply within his pocket. Antonio walked through the front door to his shop, and was greeted with a strange sight.

Off in the corner of the main room of his shop was Isabella, which was not all that surprising, talking to someone who appeared to be Meghan. Just as Antonio cared to try and get a closer look though, a mysterious wind from nowhere appeared and whisked the girl he was certain was Meghan away.

“Isabella? Was that Meghan? What was she doing here? Isabella?” Antonio called out to Isabella, causing her to turn towards him and show Antonio her face.

Antonio immediately dropped all his supplies and rushed directly to Isabella’s side. Isabella had clearly been crying very hard over something just before Antonio got there, and Antonio had to know what had caused Isabella to cry so very much.

“Isabella! What’s wrong? Why were you crying? Please tell me.” Antonio pleaded with Isabella, feeling her shiver slightly as he embraced her.

“My name…for this at least…has to be Rarity.” Isabella began, unable to stomach saying anymore at the moment.

“Okay. So, does that mean that it was Twilight instead of Meghan here to see Rarity and not Isabella?” Antonio asked Rarity, trying to nudge her gently into revealing the full truth of Twilight’s presence earlier.

“Yes. She came…to tell me…that…Equestria’s being destroyed.” Rarity stated, starting to cry again as Antonio felt his eyes visibly widen at the news.

“The Elements of Harmony are needed then?” Antonio asked Rarity, deciding it was best to get through this pain as fast as was possible.

“Yes they are. And Twilight said…none of you can come with us…and we can never come back if we go.” Rarity explained, breaking down fully again at the end.

Antonio simply stayed quiet and attempted to comfort Rarity as he tried to come to terms with this news. Rarity was needed in Equestria. Rarity couldn’t stay on Earth anymore. Rarity was going to leave Antonio…forever.

“Rarity. Listen to me. You have to go.” Antonio told Rarity, forcing her to look up at him as he did.

“But…what about us Antonio?” Rarity asked Antonio, forcing him to say more things he had never wanted to.

“I…I don’t know. If I can’t come with you, and you can’t come back…I just don’t know. It doesn’t matter at the moment though. Think of Sweetie Belle. Think of Spike. Think of Ponyville. Every single one of them needs you a lot more than I do right now.” Antonio explained it all to Rarity, hating himself more and more with each new word he spoke.

After a few moments of silence, Rarity spoke up again. This time, Rarity’s voice had more strength behind it than the last few times.

“You’re right Antonio. Just like you always are. I wish I could love you more.” Rarity told Antonio, moving forward to kiss him.

Antonio did not interrupt the kiss Rarity decided to give him, knowing it was her parting gift. That was just Rarity. Always far more generous than she had any right to be.

As Antonio leaned more into the kiss, he felt and heard the wind that had blown through the meadow Dan had shown him on that fateful day many months ago. Antonio knew that this meant when he next opened his eyes, Rarity would be gone.

Antonio no longer felt Rarity’s presence after a short while and knew she was gone from his life and his world, but refused to open his eyes. Eventually though, pure need drove Antonio to open his eyes.

Looking around his shop, Antonio realized how much his life had come to include Rarity. Antonio felt almost like he couldn’t even properly breathe without Rarity anymore. Antonio walked to the chair at his table, sat down, and stayed that way for a very long time.

The next time Antonio acknowledged doing anything was many days later, when he would take out the ring that was meant for Rarity and look at it along with the first wedding dress he and Rarity had designed together. Antonio knew his creative drive was over and gone, but he also knew he could finish what he had already started. Antonio also knew he had to finish it all. For himself as much as for Rarity.