• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 2,734 Views, 31 Comments

The Elements of Earth - Tyler-the-Brony

The Elements journey to a strange world, and then to their home, with the love they always wanted.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Eight Months of Horses

Within about an hour of setting off from the mountain, Dan’s family was able to hear his dirt bike again. It happened that it was his father, grandfather, and his second youngest brother who were outside when he crested the hill that led to their farm.

“Hey big bro Dan!” Mike yelled at his brother as he saw his bike crest the hill, knowing that he probably wouldn’t hear him.

“Well tan ma hide Pa. Ain’t that Dan coming back here with a gal?” Rick asked his father, unsure of exactly how his son had gotten a girl when he set out on a hiking trip with his friends.

“Would appear ta be son. Now y’all be kind to her. If she’s important ta Dan, than she’s important ta all of us. Mike, you go inside and tell your brothers and sisters to set an extra place at tha table.” James finished, making sure that Mike turned to him and nodded before turning again to look at his oldest grandson.

“You’re expecting her ta stay for supper already?” Rick asked his father as he set about cleaning up the horseshoes he had been repairing.

“I doubt that Dan would bring her up here this late in tha day if she weren’t gonna stay. And no grandson of mine is gonna ride down this mountain at night or turn away a gal in need.” James explained to what he felt sometimes was the most immature of his descendants.

It was as James finished his sentence that Dan finally pulled up next to the house to park his bike. He never wore a helmet when he rode the bike, but he never rode it at night or in to town so he didn’t really need to. Once he had put the kickstand down, he made sure that the girl sitting on his lap got up comfortably first, even standing up quickly to catch her when she stumbled.

James smiled when he saw his grandson act so chivalrous. He had set about teaching him well, just like his father. It was at this point that Dan and his new acquaintance made their way over to Rick.

“Howdy Pa. This here’s Zoe. I came across her while I was hiking up tha mountain with tha guys. She needs a place to stay for the night and is looking for a job. Anything we can do to help in those regards ya think?” Dan asked his father, surprising him with how rational he was being about all this.

“No need ta ask Dan. This home’s open ta any who need it. And I never turn down a willing hand. Nice ta meet ya Zoe. I’m Rick. If ya can, try ta remember ma name. Though it’ll be harder once ma other kids meet ya.” Rick laughed, extending his hand to shake Zoe’s.

“Very nice ta meet ya Rick. I’m new in town here but I’m willing and able ta help in any way I can. What can I do today?” Zoe asked Rick, looking about at the farm’s setup as Rick laughed.

“Aw shoot. Where’d you find this gal again Dan? She’s got more drive than a steam engine. No need Zoe. We’re all done for tha day. We’re just about ta have supper though. Feel free to come in and partake o’ that.” Rick explained to Zoe.

“Not so fast there sport. I’d like ta have a few words with Dan and young miss Zoe here if ya don’t mind. You go in and get the rest of the kids corralled. We’ll be in shortly.” James spoke up, partially frightening Zoe as she hadn’t noticed he was there.

“Sure thing Pa. See ya shortly.” Rick told James, waving as he left to go see his other children. Rick had learned at a very young age not to question his father, and that his father wasn’t nearly as scary as he came off being.

Zoe and Dan stood side by side in front of James, waiting for him to say what he needed to. It was eerily quiet, and was beginning to frighten them both. It was at this point that Zoe took hold of Dan’s hand. When she did, they heard James exhale and then laugh.

“There’s what I was looking for. Sorry for scaring ya, but I needed ta make sure of your connection. I aint one for turning away gals in need, but I aint one for helping out moochers either. Now that I seen y’all act like ya just did, I can rest easy. Welcome ta the farm and the family Zoe.” James told Zoe, making her smile.

“Thank ya kindly sir.” Zoe replied, still not releasing Dan’s hand, having fully noticed now how warm and comforting it was.

“Pay it no mind. Now let’s all get inside and get some grub before the rest of ours eat everything.” James explained, surprising Zoe with how quickly he got up out of his chair and headed towards the door.

“He’s quite spry aint he?” Dan asked Zoe, noticing how surprised she was.

“I’ll say. I was expecting him ta be about Granny Smith speed, but he’s almost as fast as your Pa.” Zoe told Dan, seeing him laugh as she did so.

“Almost as fast as Pa? Ya aint see Gramps when he’s working. He could loop Pa twice in everything.” Dan explained, walking forward to the door that would lead to the dining room with Zoe.

“Y’all got a real nice house here.” Zoe told Dan, surveying the place as she said it.

“Thank ya kindly. Gramps and his brothers raised it way back in tha day. Me and Pa have just added on to it as we needed through the years. We added an apple orchard out back 2 years ago. I’ll show it to ya tomorrow in the proper light.” Dan told Zoe, seeing her light up.

“I would absolutely love ta see that.” Zoe told Dan, moving even close to almost cling to Dan’s arm now. Again, the motion just felt right to them both.

It was only a minute or so after this that Dan and Zoe entered the dining room. It was at this point that they felt a barrage of movement centered near their knees and calves.

“Hey big bro! How was the hike?” Joey yelled over from the sink, it having been his night to clean the dishes.

“Who’s she?” Samantha yelled up from hugging Dan’s knees.

“Is she your girlfriend?” Billy questioned, pointing at Zoe.

“Is she gonna be your wife?” Mary added, hopping up and down next to Billy.

Zoe felt herself blush at the last two questions, turning to Dan for the answers. She took this to be a daily occurrence for him, as he immediately stooped down to answer them calmly.

“I’ll answer one of y’all’s questions when ya finish your plates completely kay? Y’all can decide which question at tha end.” Dan told them calmly knowing, that like most every day, they would forget most of the questions they had just asked and instead ask some trivial thing. He hoped anyway, for Zoe’s sake more than his own.

Upon hearing this, Dan’s brothers and sisters sped back towards the table, spurred on to finish by the prospect of getting an answer from Dan. Dan looked over to Zoe and motioned for her to follow him to the last 2 places set at the table.

Supper was a quiet affair, Zoe merely enjoying the atmosphere of the room and the returning feeling of her hand in Dan’s more than the actual food. It was nearly an hour after entering the dining room that Zoe and Dan were finished and were awaiting which question was chosen to be asked.

“Did ya show the guys the field on the mountain?” Billy asked Dan.

Dan felt himself visibly exhale at having to not answer any question directly about Zoe.

“Yes I did. We got there around midday and then we met up with Zoe here and walked back down. The feeling of the field was different today, but it was still pretty darn magical.” Dan explained to his siblings, much like Zoe would do to one of Apple Bloom’s questions.

“Now y’all need to get heading to bed. Remember Mary and Sam, it’s your turn to bake tomorrow with Gramps. Billy, y’all are on horseshoe inspection with Pa. Joey and Mike, y’all be with me and Zoe. We’re doing riding tests and care.” Dan told them all, seeming to be more than just a mere older brother as he said it.

“Dan’s right y’all. Off ta bed with ya.” Rick added, making sure his children did indeed get off and up to their bedrooms. He knew that they may not be asleep now, but a few minutes in their rooms at night would change that quick.

“Well Zoe. I’m afraid that as we weren’t prepared for your arrival, we don’t have a place set up for y’all ta sleep.” Rick explained to Zoe as he came back down the stairs.

“She can have ma bed Pa. The thing’s more of a hassle than a help to me anyway.” Dan spoke up, hoping that his words didn’t betray his intentions. All he really wanted was to spend more time alone with Zoe.

“Where’re you gonna sleep then ma boy?” Rick asked Dan, seeming to take the bed suggestion as merely a suggestion and nothing more.

“I got the old cot up there Pa. That’s more than good enough for me.” Dan explained.

“Well, as Pa approved of ya, I got no problem with any o’ that. I expect ta see ya both tomorrow for work though. Don’t ya forget it.” Rick called to his son as he stood up with Zoe.

“I never forget ma work Pa. You’ll see us both bright and early.” Dan replied, waving to his father and grandfather as he headed up the stairs to the attic that was his room.

Zoe followed suite after him, impressed by the set-up Dan’s room had.

“This is mighty impressive Dan.” Zoe told Dan, turning to see the entirety of the room.

“Aint nothing special. This is the room the oldest horse caretaker gets. Pa sleeps in the barn and Gramps sleeps downstairs to be everywhere at once. I did spruce it up some though.” Dan told her, indicating the mural he had painted on the ceiling.

“It’s…beautiful.” Zoe said, almost falling to her knees.

Dan came to stand next to her and put his arm around her shoulder to prevent her from falling down. He too then looked up at the mural he had painted little over a year and a half ago.

It was a mural of Sweet Apple Acres as seen on Friendship Is Magic. He had also framed the picture with the Cutie Marks of every member of the Apple Family introduced thus far. He left a large portion open around the side so that he would be able to paint more if the Family grew anymore. At the top of the Mural though were Applejack’s, Granny Smiths, and Big Macintosh’s Cutie Marks. Dan had also painted a portion of yellow circle next to those three to fill in with Apple Bloom’s Cutie Mark when she finally got it.

“I wish the others could see this.” Zoe eventually spoke up. Dan turned to look at her and saw her wiping away some tears.

“Hey. No tears. Y’all get back to Equestria one day. I’m certain of it. Besides, ya know Big Mac and Cheerilee wouldn’t let anything happen to Apple Bloom or any o’ the others.” Dan told Zoe, picking her chin up to make sure she saw him as he said all that.

“Ya. I suppose I do. It just hurts a bit right now is all.” Zoe said to Dan, looking him fully in the eye.

“I promise you this. As long as you’re here, I’ll take away all your hurt.” Dan stated, looking even deeper into Zoe’s eyes.

“Ya mean that?” Zoe asked, leaning a bit closer.

“I really do.” Dan answered, closing the remaining distance between them.

Even though they were on Earth and not Equestria, you could almost feel Princess Luna’s magic in the moon that night as the first of the Elements glowed bright.


Both Dan and Zoe had fallen asleep on top of the bed, not knowing or caring who might see them. Dan was the first to wake, as was the ritual in his house. This morning was different though. He knew that he must both wake himself gently and wake the sleeping beauty next to him.

“Time to get up beautiful.” Dan cooed, slightly brushing aside Zoe’s beautiful hair to see her face.

“Already? Feels like we just laid down.” Zoe answered Dan, stretching herself out to help wake up.

“I know. If it were ma choice, we’d stay asleep here forever. But we got work to do and while Pa may not look it, he can be a real driving force for you to move.” Dan laughed as he explained his father to his new…

What exactly was Zoe to him? Yes he called her Zoe now to not raise suspicions, but he knew she was really Applejack, apple farming earth pony of Equestria. They were not of the same universe, but they were of the same world, the same life. Dan knew then that he would worry what to do about the Applejack dilemma when it came to fruition. No need to worry over trees that haven’t even grown yet.

“I can imagine. Big Mac is the same way and our Pa was the same before him.” Zoe told Dan.

“If we finish quick enough, I can show ya the apple orchard today.” Dan added.

“Extra motivation then.” Zoe replied, winking at Dan.

10 minutes or so after that, Dan and Zoe were heading downstairs for breakfast. They did not hold hands though, lest more suspicions be raised about them. As they reached the dining room, most of the rest of Dan’s family were already there.

Mary and Sam were in fact already in the kitchen baking, with their grandfather supervising. He often bragged they were the best bakers he’d seen in 4 generations of the family, and no one ever argued when the evidence came before them.

“Morning bro.” Billy spoke up from his seat at the table. “Today’s breakfast is peach pie.”

“Excellent. Always been a fan of peaches in the morning.” Dan answered Billy.

Zoe took the seat next to Dan and took a look about, realizing who was missing.

“Where are Joey and Mike?” Zoe asked.

“Those two are always first to bed, last to rise. I’ll go knock on their doors in a minute. Billy, you’d better go get ready too. Pa’ll be here any minute to recruit ya.” Dan announced.

“Alright. Alright.” Billy replied gloomily as he trounced off to the bathroom.

Zoe looked at him quizzically, wondering why the change in demeanour as she partook of her own slice of peach pie.

“He doesn’t like getting up this early. He’ll get used to it though. We all did. Except for Joey really.” Dan explained, seeing Zoe comprehend it and nod as he finished his own slice of pie.

“You wait here for a moment. I’ll be right back with Joey and Mike. They may wake up late, but they wake up ready ta go.” Dan told Zoe as he stood up.

It was a short walk to Joey and Mike’s room. How fortunate that the two deep sleepers shared a room near the kitchen.

“Hey you two! It’s time ta get up! The horses ain’t gonna wait all day! You gotta learn this if you’re ever gonna take over after me.” Dan finished, certain that the last part would motivate them greatly.

Dan was not disappointed by his brothers. They were up and out the door within 2 minutes, all ready for the day’s work.

Dan re-entered the dining room with them, glad to see his Pa dragging Billy out of the bathroom, as the boy was certain to have stayed there all day if someone didn’t go and get him.

“Morning Dan. I see ya got the boys and Zoe ready. Good. Lemme know how it all goes.” Rick told Dan as he headed out the door with Billy behind him.

“Sure thing Pa. Alright everyone. Follow me.” Dan told the group that he led today, seeing all of them stand ready to work.

The stables where they would be working today were not directly attached to the house itself. They were in a large separate building about three acres away from the house. This was so that if anything happened in the stables, the horses could come to the house, and vice versa for Dan and his family. It also helped the horses to relax more by not having to constantly hear human noises.

“What do we do out here anyway Dan?” Joey asked as the stables finally came into view in the distance.

“It’s our job to keep tha horses healthy and exercised. So, at least once a week, we come out here, feed em up a bit and ride em some to make sure all of em are okay. If some of em aren’t, we note what we can about them and call tha vet to find out if it’s anything serious or not.” Dan explained as the stables grew ever closer.

“Sounds easy enough.” Mike piped up.

Dan laughed at the naivety of his younger brother.

“You’d think so wouldn’t ya? But nah. Horses are a tough animal ta get ta trust ya. Took me years to get to the degree of intimacy with them that I’m at. Ya can’t rush these things. Ya gotta take it slow and let them come to you.” Dan added as his brothers looked up at him.

By the time Dan finished, they had arrived at the stables. Dan set about guiding all of them towards the front to give them their respective tasks. Horse caretaking was not nearly as simple a job as it sounded.

“Mike. Your job for today is to brush tha horse’s coats and manes. After you’re done brushing em, make sure to check for ticks or horseflies or anything like that. Write anything down on this clipboard.” Dan told his brother as he handed him the clipboard. “Every horses name is marked on there. Call em by their names and they relax better. Makes tha brushing go easier. Report back here when you’re done.” Dan finished, seeing his brother nod at him and head through the gate in to the stables.

“Joey. You’re on clean up duty. Take tha hose at the side there,” Dan indicated the hose to Joey. “And clean all their stables really well. Pat em on the muzzle while ya do it and they’ll be calmer. After you’re done hosing the stables, replace any old hay, water, and food with the extras we keep round the back. Ya got all that?” Dan asked his brother, knowing that sometimes Joey meant well but didn’t always understand.

“Sure thing Dan. I’ll do the best job I can.” Joey told him, actually saluting Dan before he left to grab the hose.

“What am I doing hon?” Zoe piqued up.

“You’re with me. We’re exercising the horses. Make sure they can all walk and run proper. Check for any injuries.” Dan told Zoe. “It’s simple really, but it takes the calmest hands.”

“Sounds alright. Let’s get to it.” Zoe answered the call to duty.

It took Dan and Zoe about 20 minutes to get 5 horses out of the stables and tied to the outside. Since it was Dan and Zoe today, they would ride one horse each at a time. Dan set about teaching Zoe all the horse’s names, from Plot to Thunder, and giving her a fair supply of sugar cubes and apples to give the horses at the end of their sessions or if they needed it to trust her more.

“We got 20 horses total. Each test takes about 15 minutes. Normally, that would mean a five hour day of testing, but with you here ta help, it should only take about two and a half hours.” Dan explained to Zoe as he helped her climb onto her first horse of the day. “This guy here is Alpha. He’s the oldest and calmest o’ all tha horses, and the one that we got first. He’s perfect for your first ride.” Dan finished, patting Alpha on the muzzle all the while to show him Zoe meant no harm.

“He seems like a right nice fella. Aint that right Alpha?” Zoe asked Alpha, gently brushing his mane as Dan had instructed her to do while talking to him. Alpha responded with an understanding whinny.

“I’ll be right next ta ya on Silver if anything happens. I don’t expect anything ta go down, put ya gotta be prepared.” Dan announced to Zoe as he climbed on Silver’s back. “Silver here is the fastest mare we got. Aint nothing gonna get away from here.” Dan finished as he nuzzled Silver and gave her an apple.

“Y’all ready Zoe?” Dan called over to her, taking Silver’s reigns.

“Think so.” Zoe called back, taking Alpha’s reign in one hand.

“Just remember to holler bout anything.” Dan yelled, urging Silver forward to begin her testing.

Dan acknowledged Zoe doing the same thing with Alpha, and felt happier than he’d ever felt before as he urged Silver into a run to beat Alpha who was now out in front of her.


“How ya feeling now?” Dan asked Zoe, worried he might have carried her wrong when he brought her up the stairs to the bed.

“I’m feeling better. Sorry for putting ya through this.” Zoe told Dan, looking up at him with sadness in her eyes from her bed.

Zoe had gone for a short flight when she had stopped Alpha a bit too quickly at the end of their race. Dan realized afterwards that he should have warned her about stopping too quickly, all while rushing over to her to make sure she was okay. She had twisted her ankle badly, but fortunately she hadn’t broken anything at all.

“No need to apologize. I’m just happy ya didn’t break anything. A sprained ankle heals a lot faster and better than a broken leg.” Dan explained to Zoe as he adjusted her pillows so she was comfortable.

“Can’t argue with ya on that one. What am I gonna do ta earn my keep her though if I can’t ride tha horses?” Zoe asked Dan, worry clear on her features.

“Don’t worry about any o’ that. Ya can bake with Mary in the kitchen if you’re that worried. Sam always wants to ride the horses with me, and she has a mighty tight grip when it comes to holding the reigns. You and her can just switch jobs til you feel comfortable to try riding again if ever.” Dan answered Zoe, making it very apparent that Zoe’s safety was more important than her having to do something to stay.

“Thank ya hon. I’ll do that then. I can start today-” Zoe began, but quickly had Dan’s hand placed over her mouth.

“No can do. Ya can start tomorrow. For today, ya rest here. I’m not having ya do anything for at least a day. You’re the most important thing on this farm.” Dan told Zoe, happy as he saw her realize now how much she meant to him.

“Alright. One day off aint gonna kill me. Thank ya again.” Zoe spoke up as Dan headed back towards the stairs so he could finish with the horses testing.

“Anytime Zoe. Holler for Mary at any time and she can help ya. And if ya need me, I’m just a holler or two away.” Dan told Zoe, smiling and finishing his descent down the stairs.

“Ya sure care about her don’t ya? “ Dan heard the voice behind him.

Dan turned to see his grandfather behind him, slightly off into the shadows of the hallway. He had clearly heard what Dan and Zoe had just said, but had not been intentionally eavesdropping.

“I sure do. I have ta care about tha farm and tha family too though.” Dan told James, seeing his grandfather smile at his mild naivety.

“Ah Dan. This farm’ll always be here. A gal like that probably won’t be. I know your grammie sure wasn’t.” James told Dan, surprising him. James rarely talked about Dan’s grandmother.

“I never knew Gramps. I’m sorry for making ya bring it up.” Dan apologized, looking down at his boots.

“No need ta apologize for something ya didn’t do ma boy. Ma point is, don’t let her go just cause of your family and your obligations. I hope ya understand that.” James finished, looking over his grandson as though seeing a new person.

“I hope so too Gramps. I gotta go finish with tha horses. Can ya tell Mary what I was gonna before I met ya here?” Dan asked James, turning to leave again.

“Sure. She’ll be happy ta get to know Zoe more.” James told Dan, as he turned to go find his youngest granddaughter.

Dan stepped outside, and looked up at the Sun in the sky.

“Funny how much a few words can make ya think.” Dan thought aloud, heading back towards the stables and Speedy, who was the next horse in line for testing.


More than three months had now passed since Dan had brought Zoe to the farm for the first time. She was now as common a person at the dinner table as Gramps. Zoe and Mary had really bonded during Zoe’s short stint of baking in the kitchen with her. Mary was always asking Zoe where she had learned to bake like she did, to which Zoe would mostly just reply with “I learned from ma family.”

Sam was also constantly asking her for riding advice. Once Zoe had healed and gotten her confidence back, both of which happened uncharacteristically fast, it turned out that she was quite the amazing horseback rider. She and Sam alternated weeks for who would go out and ride and who would stay in and bake with Mary.

Joey had taken to getting more responsibilities around the farm, even taking over testing the horses once or twice a month. Dan took this to mean that Pa and Gramps were expecting him to step up and take Dan’s place when he would finally decide to settle down with Zoe.

Zoe and Dan had been openly dating for well over two months now, to great joy from all the members of Dan’s family. Dan was happier than he could ever remember being, even back when his Ma was still alive. Zoe was also fully adjusted to life on Dan’s farm by now, sometimes even waking up before him to scare him awake.

Today was going to be a special day. Dan had secretly gone into town late at night a couple of weeks ago and had gotten together with Antonio to go and pick out an engagement ring. It turns out that things between Antonio and Isabella were going quite well too, with him planning the same thing as Dan, although he would wait a bit longer to spring the question. Dan wasn’t as rich as Antonio and thus he couldn’t get as fancy of a ring, but he also knew Zoe wouldn’t like a ring as flashy as the one Antonio got for Isabella. He only hoped that Zoe would accept and love the ring as well as his eternal love.

Dan woke up that morning, making sure to feel that the ring was still secretly tucked away in his pocket. It wouldn’t do any good if any of the family or least of all Zoe found out before he even asked her. Today he intended to show Zoe the apple orchard he hadn’t gotten to on their second day there. He hoped that it would be sentimental and romantic enough. He hoped more than he had about anything.


“Wow. This is beautiful.” Zoe spoke up as the orchard came in to view for the couple.

“Yeah. It’s pretty nice. It has nothing on Sweet Apple Acres though.” Dan added, glad to see Zoe smile and blush at him.

“Oh you. Ya always know what ta say to make a gal blush don’t ya?” Zoe asked Dan jokingly, all the while going to take a seat underneath the biggest tree.

“Call it a gift.” Dan answered, shrugging nonchalantly as he went to sit next to Zoe.

It was near high noon when they had left to visit the orchard, but it was after sunset when they would leave. Zoe had gotten to talking about Sweet Apple Acres and fallen asleep. Dan didn’t have the heart to stop her or wake her up. At least not until it was sunset.

“Zoe. Wake up. Ya need ta see it.” Dan whispered in Zoe’s ear, glad to see her stir.

“What? Oh did I fall asleep I’m sorr- OH.” Zoe silenced herself as she took in the beautiful sunset happening before her eyes.

“What do ya think?” Dan asked Zoe, pulling her close to him to keep her warm.

“I think its tha most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. What about you?” Zoe turned to look at Dan.

“It is beautiful. But not tha most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. That title belongs to you.” Dan told Zoe, feeling her snuggle closer at his words.

“Oh you. Stop.” Zoe said, shoving Dan lightly.

“Sorry, but I can’t. Not now anyway. This is too important to me and to ya.” Dan told Zoe, seeing her look up confusedly at him.

“What do ya mean?” Zoe asked Dan, seeing him turn towards her to answer.

“Zoe…No. Applejack. I need ta call ya your real name for this.” Dan began, seeing Zoe’s eyes widen hugely at the use of her real name.

“Applejack. I don’t know why I never realized this before, but you are needed in ma life. I was a shell of what I am now before ya came along. Ya changed me, both literally into a pony for a while, and emotionally into the man ya see before ya now. I love ya Applejack and I promise I always will. Will ya make me even happier than I am now and marry me?” Dan asked, having gotten out the ring and knelt down on one knee while he said all he did.

Applejack covered her mouth for a few moments and said nothing. Dan would wait forever for her answer though. He had made that promise to himself earlier in the day.

“Oh Dan yes I will!” Applejack finally spoke, throwing herself around Dan, tears streaming down her face.

They stayed that way for a few minutes, emotions overcoming them both greatly. Eventually, Applejack let go of Dan and allowed him to place the ring on her finger before giving her the single most romantic kiss she had ever or would ever experience.

“I love ya as Zoe and I love ya as Applejack. I promise ya that.” Dan eventually told Zoe once they broke their kiss.

“And I love ya as all you are Dan, pony or man.” Zoe replied, throwing herself around Dan again.

If only they could have known that there is quite a large difference between realizing love for a human and love for a pony. If only they had, then things might have become quite different.


“What do ya mean you’re leaving?” Dan spoke up, shocked at what he had heard his fiancée just say.

“I-I mean Meghan...no Twilight says that tha Elements are fully charged again and that we can go home. She also said that if we don’t go now, then we may never get ta go back.” Applejack told Dan, devastated that she must leave.

“B-But our wedding’s next month. Why can’t ya stay til then? I’m sure tha Elements wouldn’t mind waiting for a bit would they?” Dan asked, already knowing the answer in his heart.

It had been 5 months since Dan had proposed to Applejack and she had accepted. They had told his family the very next day. In one month’s time from today, they were set to have their wedding. Today was nearly 8 months to the day since Noah had predicted when the Elements would be recharged today. Dan had never wanted to punch Noah more than he had at that moment.

Applejack, still going by her Zoe alias to others, stood across from Dan in the field next to the house where she had twisted her ankle riding Alpha back when he was still alive. Dan couldn’t believe she’d chosen here to tell him all this. Right where Alpha was buried.

“I’m sorry. Twilight said that tha Element of Magic showed her that Equestria’s in danger and that if we don’t go back ta stop it now, there may not be an Equestria anymore.” Applejack answered Dan, tears streaming down her face.

“I-It’s not fair. We are meant ta be AJ. I know it. I feel it. Stay with me. Please.” Dan pleaded with Applejack now.

Applejack shook her head side to side, crushing the last shreds of hope in Dan’s heart.

“I can’t. I love ya, but I can’t forget about ma family. I have ta do everything I can ta save em. Ya can understand that can’t ya?” Applejack asked Dan, seeing him clench his fists in anger.

“I understand. I understand more than anyone else possibly could. I still hate it though. I can’t come back to Equestria with ya.” Dan voiced to Applejack.

Dan then heard Applejack shift closer to him as he stared at his feet. He looked up to see her right in front of him.

“I wish ya could. But the Elements don’t work tha same way twice. I want ya to know that I’ll never forget ya. Ya need to know that. And I don’t want ya ta forget me either. That’s why I want ya to have two things. This is tha first.” Applejack told Dan as she undid her ponytail to hand him the ribbon she had always used to tie her hair before now.

Dan felt himself begin to break down. Dan knew he mustn’t cry until she left, but he didn’t know how long his body would listen.

“And this is tha second thing.” Applejack told Dan, pulling his face up into the longest kiss she and Dan would ever share.

Eventually, this kiss too was broken. Applejack stepped back to where she had been before as Dan chose to speak up again.

“A kiss? That’s how I’m supposed ta remember everything about ya? That’s nowhere near enough.” Dan told Applejack blatantly, forcing himself to remember every detail he could.

“It’s more than just a kiss. It’s ma love. All of it. It’s yours. Forever.” Applejack told Dan, tears fully streaming from her eyes.

Dan understood now. Dan also knew what he must say now.

“Thank ya AJ. Ya have all ma love too. And ya always will. Goodbye.” Dan told Applejack, turning away so he wouldn’t have to see the love of his life leave him forever.

Dan heard the same wind he had 8 months ago pick up behind him. It roared for a few minutes and then was gone, like Dan knew AJ must now be. That was the limit.

This was when Dan broke down, crying even more than he had at his mother’s funeral. He cried for what seemed like years to everyone who could see, hear, and feel the pain behind it. When Dan was done crying, there was nothing left of him. He tucked the hair ribbon AJ had given him into his pocket and set about doing his work.

Dan never spoke or stopped working for 4 days straight. When he finally did speak again, only one of the two things he said was heard by others.

“Water.” Dan said to Sam, who had come up behind him like all the others had to ask if he needed anything at all.

Once Sam had gone to fetch him some water, Dan said one last thing.

“Applejack. I love you. And I wish I could see you again. I wish it more than anything.” Dan spoke aloud to himself as confirmation of the situation more than anything.

As Dan finished his sentence, Sam returned with his water. He drank it all and set about working again. No one would dare bother Dan again for what felt like an eternity.