• Published 30th Dec 2016
  • 2,112 Views, 14 Comments

In the Arms of an Angel - FluffyWeirdo

Bullied at school, My family is broken, I have friends but they are only there when I'm happy, my life is not one to be described great. It all changes when an angel comes to help me in one more dark day.

  • ...

Angelic Love

Why are you even here?
No one likes you.
Don't listen to them.
No one cares.
I hate you.

Those other kids at my street have always said that to me. I felt bad at first, but eventually I got over it. I'm Scootaloo. The kid who admires the one and only Rainbow Dash. The one who moved to the city, the street, where I met my only friends, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. I go to Canterlot High, I learn, do my homework, and try having fun. Life is great for me, you might think...but, overall my life isn't so nice. I left my last city just for my father to find a job here. My mom? Same. None of them haven't really had conversations. We don't sit at the table together. We aren't much of a family.

I had stayed confident all these years, just like my hero, Rainbow Dash. Sometimes I'd shed a few tears, but you wouldn't see it. Today, my life changed...everypony, everything changed in a good way. It all started on this Friday.


School, this Friday, was a bust. I somehow managed to embarrass myself in front of my whole class, including Ms. Cheerilee. It all started with a simple, smooth conversation with one of the boys in my class. He was an athlete, kind of my type. He had orange, yellow eyes, and his hair was slicked back with hair gel. Of course, I was stupid enough to keep on staring at his shirt. He wore a black shirt, The Wonderbolts, my favorite flying team, was on it. No one else knew I loved them, other than my friends, my sister obviously, and my parents. Anyways, we were having a casual discussion, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were making fun in the background, it all was going fine. That is until my eyes dropped to yes, the shirt. I'm guessing he took the wrong idea as he backed up a bit, looking at me with a confused expression. I blushed a bit, noticing how I had made a BIG mistake.

"What are you looking at, Scootaloo?!"

"N-nothing! I was looking at your shirt!"

"Oh really now? What a poor excuse."

By now, everypony in my class was looking. Cheerilee was looking in curiosity and anger, at least that's what Applebloom said. I can feel sweat fall from the top of my forehead. Why does everyone have to stick their noses in?

"What are you talking about?!"

"I know what you were looking at. Don't give me this nonsense."

"Ugh, I was looking at your shirt!"

"Sure, as if you knew who the Wonderbolts were."

At this moment, Applebloom decided to come in and help me, "Of course she does! You don't know because you aren't a friend of hers!"

"Oh shush! You are just making that up to defend her!"

"Oh yeah? Try me."

"Stop it you two! This is my fault, Applebloom, and I should fix it."

"Aw, what a beautiful friendship. How about we make some tea with the bow and the chicken?"

Roasted. Roasted like a chicken. I heard my classmates make noise as my anger built up. Oh that was the line. I clenched my fists as I charged toward him. Only to miss and fall belly, flat on the floor with a loud thump. My classmates started laughing, excluding Sweetie Belle and Applebloom, whom rushed quickly to my side picking me up and off the floor.

Cheerilee decided to step in and take us both to the office with principal Celestial and Luna. Surprisingly, they gave us a chance, knowing us personally. We walked back to class, ignoring each other, with a warning. I sighed as I entered the classroom and took my seat.


The end of the day came and I was all set to leave for the weekend. I was sick and tired of everybody gossiping behind my back. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom had tried to make me feel better but I didn't even fake smile back. I felt bad of course, but at least they got the idea that I wanted to be alone for a bit and get some fresh air. Which I did as I saw a million eyeballs stuck on my face. I couldn't even get fresh air in nineth period. The coaches finally blew their whistle and rushed us back inside the school building. I walked slowly, I was the last person to come back and follow the crowd of anxious kids. As I was walking towards the back entrance, rainbow hair caught my eye in the distance. It was Rainbow Dash. She was walking down the street with some guy. He looked a bit muscular, with bright green, tired eyes, and a wide smile. His hair was dark blue, pulled back in a handsome way. I chuckled a bit as from where I was standing, I could see Rainbow's blush brightening against the sun. My smile faded as I caught up with the door and opened it.

The bell rang as I pulled out my phone and my hoodie. I soon caught up with Sweetie and Apple, and walked home with them. I was the last one to walk home, alone. I sighed as I walked a different direction than Apple's and waved bye. I pulled out my phone again and opened up my contacts. I clicked on my sister's name and made a decision to text her. I didn't want to interrupt her "date." I smiled for a bit. I couldn't wait to tease her as soon as I saw her. I quickly texted, "I'm almost home, don't worry about me." Tucking my phone back in my sweater pocket, I started pacing to my house's front door.

My hand was reaching for the handle, ready to open the door, that is until I heard two shouting voices from the other side. Uh oh, I thought as I quickly removed my hand away from the door. My heart was beating faster now. Are my parents fighting again? I looked up to the sky to see dark clouds float above, signaling rain. Anxious, I placed my ear on the door to listen closer. I couldn't make up what they were yelling about, but they sounded furious. Not a good idea to go in. Tears welled up on my eyes as I backed away from the door, and started running away. My tears were falling down my cheeks as I ran past shops, and resturaunts, getting weird stares from adults and children. I ran straight past the front of Sugarcube Corner, only to see familiar eyes staring at me, shocked. It's Rainbow Dash, I thought as I sped up, going behind the bakery.


"Rainbow, you won't believe what happened with Spitfire."

Soarin said as he took a bite out of his sweet apple pie with his fork. Rainbow shook her head and chuckled, keeping her eyes on the man's green eyes.

Smirking she said, "What happened?"

Soarin laughed a bit before continuing with his juicy story. Pinkie watched from afar, giggling as she got out her phone and replied to Rarity.

Oh Rarity, you don't even know the good stuff you're missing!

"So wait, she fell off the bicycle?"

"Yes! Can you believe that? She was really confident as well!"

Rainbow snorted, making her blush a red, as she covered her mouth with her right hand. Soarin only chuckled, waving a hand.

"It's alright, Rainbow, no need to be embarrased."

"Heh, thanks, Soarin."

Soarin smiled sweetly, taking in the view outside the window, only to start seeing dark clouds appearing. Rainbow looked to her right, and did the same. Not a few seconds passed by as her heart stopped all of a sudden, seeing her little sister look at her with tears as she ran. Soarin looked back at Rainbow smiling, but fading away as he saw her concerned face.

"Rainbow? What's wrong?"

Rainbow turned her head to look at him, her face softening, "That was my sister-"

She quickly got up, collecting her phone, and placing her hand on top of Soarin's.

"I-i'm sorry! But, I got to leave, text me, okay?"

With that she took off running, swinging the door open. Soarin looked as he saw his "friend", run off towards the back of the shop. He looked back at his hand to see a piece of paper with her number on it. Folded. Rainbow planned to give him her number, eventually.


I collapsed on my bottom and put my knees up to my chest. Digging my head into my arms, I tried to stay quiet. Sobs were filling the quiet air, as I felt rain drops drop onto my messy hair. Lightning struck a few miles away, not too far. Fear started settling in. What if I got struck and no one was around? What if my sister finds me sitting here, crying? What would I tell her? It started pouring. I was starting to get wet. I kept my head down, only to hear quick footsteps heading my way. I don't know who it was, I didn't dare look up.

"Scoots?! What are you doing out here?"

I felt Rainbow tug at my hair. She wanted me to look up and tell her what was wrong. My sobbing became loud. I no longer felt rain drops on my head. Her arm wrapped around my shoulder as she grabbed my legs and moved them atop of her own legs.


I hugged her back, and dug my face into her sweater. I felt safe now. I didn't want to leave her arms. But, it didn't last long as she tapped the back of my head, calling my name multiple times. I felt her heart race. She was nervous for me, scared.

"Scootaloo....look at me! Please!"

Her voice was cracking. No, I was about to make the most strongest human I know, cry. I looked up slowly, to see her narrowed eyebrows, and her eyes. Her eyes were watery, shiny. Rainbow's bottom lip was quivering, but I could tell she tried to hide it. I've never seen her cry before...she must've bottled up her sadness before, for me. I shook my head.

"D-don't cry, Rainbow...You're t-too beautiful and strong to c-cry."

A sob escaped her mouth as she pulled me into another hug. I felt her head on top of mine. Silent tears escaped her eyes. She didn't bother to force a sob. I heard her mumbling, cursing at herself for letting out tears. I cried with her.

We sat there for a while, until she decided to break the silence.

"Scoots...Do you mind telling me why you're not at home? And you're crying behind Sugarcube Corner?"

I sighed. The silence went for too long before, I couldn't just be a wimp and just cry more. It'd be better if I just told her everything, let all the words spill out of my mouth. I moved my head back a bit, enough to look at her eyes. She wasn't crying anymore, but I could tell she wanted to some more. I had to tell her.

"O-okay...I'll tell you."

"Thank you."


"-and I ran out here, to avoid any more problems. T-that's when I saw you through the window."

Rainbow nodded as she rubbed circles on my back. I rubbed some tears off with the back of my hand. She looked away for a bit, then turned back with a bit of a smirk.

"Hey, if you had a problem you could've come to me. I was free, you knew that."

I smirked back, my eyes red, "No, you weren't."

Rainbow gave me a confused look. It was fake, of course, what she didn't know was that I knew what she'd been doing. I chuckled as I nudged her arm a bit.

"I saw you with that guy, don't lie to me."

"I-i don't know what you're talking about."

I smiled and giggled as she looked away, a smiliar blush forming on her cheeks. She giggled as well and looked back sweetly. A few more tears fell down my face, I felt her trust, and kindness reach my heart. Rainbow wiped them away with her own hand and held it under my chin.

"Look Scootaloo, we all have problems. We all make mistakes. Don't mind what that jerk has to say, I'll prove that it is true that you love the Wonderbolts by Soaring and I showing up, okay?"

I sniffled as I looked back, smiling, "Thank you, Rainbow....but, I still don't want to go back home-"

"Scoots, you want to know why your parents are fighting?"

I gulped and looked back at her with pleading eyes, "Why?"

She breathed in, "Because they care about each other a lot."

Wait what. Then why were they fighting. I looked back at her with a confused look on my face. She chuckled.

"When people care about each other, they're always looking out for one another. They may get mad because they think their partner made a bad decision, and tries to make their point, but even sometimes they may be wrong."

The realization hit me. I understood now. Is that the whole point of fighting? My parents cared for each other? A shiver of happiness ran down my spine, making me start crying again. This time, with a smile on my face. I looked back at Rainbow as she had a concerned look on her face. I shook my head and dug my head in her sweater once again.

"Thank you, Rainbow Dash, I understand now."

"Heh, no problem kid."

We sat in silence again. This time, I felt an aura of happiness surround me. I'm happy again. My sister was there for me. My life was good, it was bound to have problems anyway. I felt her hand touch my head. Birds began chirping away, it was still raining.

Once again, I heard footsteps and it wasn't Rainbow Dash leaving. It was heavier footsteps, they splashed about, coming closer. I looked up at my sister, only to see her smile to her right. Her blush came back. I looked to my right as well, to see that tall guy again. Soarin, I think.

"Oh, there you are! I was getting worried, you didn't answer my text for a while."

Rainbow chuckled, "Sorry, I was busy with my sister here, Scootaloo."

He looked at me and smiled sweetly, I decided to do the same. He then turned to Rainbow Dash and kneeled down next to us, his umbrella touching my sister's.

"It's going to start raining harder, want to come in with us, Scootaloo?"

I nodded quickly, standing up on my own, as Rainbow got up with the helping hand of her "boyfriend".


I watched as the two love birds talked away, of course they would talk to me as well, but I let them carry on their own conversations. I smiled as they reminded me of my parents. They cared about each other, no wonder Soarin came by after a while. I understood now. I decided to look outside, the rain was clearing up, a rainbow forming in the sky. The same colors as my sister's hair. I looked to my right, and looked at her eyes. She then turned her face to me, grinning sweetly. The light came in through the window, making her hair shine, as well as Soarin's. They both looked at me, I felt so safe with them.

It's crazy, but as the light became brighter, I saw wings. Rainbow's were light blue, as Soarin's were a lighter blue. They were arched on their backs, as if they were ready to fly off in amazing speed. They were angels, looking back at me.

I couldn't wait to come back home to my worried parents, and receive a hug, thanking my guardian angels for looking after me and keeping me safe.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed the story. I decided to go further into detail, a bit. Anyways, I'm being a bit more active in both Deviantart and here in Fimfiction. Looking forward to future stories I'm currently working on! See ya soon.

Comments ( 12 )

Good job on the story. :yay:

She needs to talk to her parents and express how she felt if they are good parents they can explain what happena nd help deal withthe bullies at school.
Even tell them they will report to the School Board if they don't.

The title just reminds me of a meme....sorry. Nothing against this fic just.... mememes

7830971 XD yes. I did it for the memes.

7829848 Yes I do! ^^ and thank you! x3

7829774 Yes, I know. I might do an epilogue of what happened when Scootaloo returned home.

At least it wasn't a Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy FAGGOT STORY.

You accidently used the pony term "everypony".

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