• Published 13th Jun 2012
  • 4,774 Views, 199 Comments

Ancient Wings, New Soul - Kowlickkid

Part of the Ballad of Echo and Griffin the Griffin Crossover group, with a new species.

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Chapter 14: A New Companion

A New Companion

Momentary 3rd person

Day Break ground her teeth in frustration, pressing the industrial-grade earmuffs closer to her ears. No use. The sound permeated them almost as if she didn't have anything on.

'Ever since that overgrown parakeet came in here I've had a headache! Where did they find him?'

Giving the side of her head one last pound, she tried to concentrate on the paperwork of the new entries, ignoring the raucous singing as best she could.

"Let's see... Truenis. Species? U-unknown. S-similar to a large gr-griffin, but with four talons for legs and four wings. Gender: M-male. Voice: Deep, h-horribl-"

She was interrupted by an especially loud verse.

"FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!", she screamed, repeatedly banging her skull onto the fine mahogany desk, oblivious to whatever damage it may have caused to her horn.

Suddenly, it stopped. Her head lifted up, the beginnings of a smile beginning to play upon her lips.

"I-is it... over?"

But wait. What was that low sound... It seemed... almost like... whispering-


Her left eye twitched involuntarily.


******1st person*******

The scream reached our cell. I had to admit I was impressed, but both me and Flare kept on singing.

John, Jacob Jingle-Heimer Smith

Your name is my name toooooooo!

Whenever we go out, the people always shout, singin'



John, Jacob Jingle-Heimer Smith...

We were interrupted in the middle of our verse by the door to the room our cell was in slamming open. Standing in the doorway was a furious unicorn mare, bloodshot eyes glaring at us while steam erupted from her nostrils. She roared ferally and tried to claw her way through the bars at us.

"Is there a problem, miss?", I asked.


I turned my head towards Flare.

"You notice there's a peculiar kind of echo in here?"

The screams of rage continued till the mare finally got tired of it. Nostrils still flaring, she glared menacingly at us.

"If I hear one more verse of that song one more time, I'm going to kill you."

With a parting glare, she stomped out of the room and slammed the door behind her.

Oh, yeah.

You know what's coming.


This is the song that never ends,

Yes it goes on and on, my friends,

Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,

And they continued singing it forever just because

This is the song that never ends...


I looked at Flare. He looked back.

"You think she mad?", he asked me.

"She mad."

I could hear her mind snapping. Her mouth opened and closed, but not a sound came out of it. Finally, she resorted to letting two tears fall out of her eyes and walking out the door, shutting it quietly behind her.

"Hey, whaddaya know. I guess I owe you five bits, ya big chicken. We actually broke her."

Our discussion was cut short by a new figure striding confidently into the room. This was a pegasus, and she(I think it was a she) was huuuuuuge. And not like fat huge. Muscly huge. Under one wing was a bucket.

"Alright, ya tin can brains. It's chow time. Don't complain, and I might give ya some tomorrow too."

With that, she unceremoniously chucked the bucket into our cell and sat down with a colossal grin on her face. I looked down into the metal container. Inside were a few fish, still slightly flopping, and a hunk of bloody meat. I looked back up at her.

"It's raw."

"I know. I'm the cook around here."

"Let me guess: You like seeing others gag on meat. How do you, an herbivore, stand watching meat get eaten?"

"It ain't eaten. They don't got the stomach for it."

I raised a feathery eyebrow. Flare peered into the bucket and fished out a trout. With a small puff of his breath, he roasted it through, and then swallowed the meat.

"...Touché. You can cook meat. Consider yourself lucky, bird."

"Oh, I have no problems whatsoever with this meal. In fact, I prefer it raw."

With that remark, I sliced a big piece of the bloody meat and licked it slowly. The face of the mare paled a little. Obviously, she hadn't served many true meat-eaters. I inserted my beak into the hunk and ripped off a chunk, and then swallowed it. A few more times and the chunk was gone. I licked my fingers. By this time, Flare had finished a few fish and was starting on his piece of meat. The cook had reached a sickly pale color. With a gulp, I simply swallowed a couple of fish. The visage of the mare was reaching incredibly green tones. After I finished licking my fingers of the slime covering them, she finally yielded to her urges and scampered out of the room, retching.

"Do you think I overdid it?"



The meals had come and gone. Truthfully, I didn't know how long we had spent in there. And it wasn't so bad. Free food, free shelter, nothing to do... Okay, maybe that was a drawback. I spent some of my time reviewing some magic spells, finding that indeed, I was weaker. Both physically, and magically. Whatever was helping me before was gone. I would need to train to get stronger. The time passed uneventfully, just me and Flare talking, until a commotion was heard outside our door.

With a bang, the door flung open, and a pegasus wrestled a furiously squirming cloaked figure into the room. The only thing I could discern is that that bipedal figure didn't want to be seen. A black cape was draped around it's shoulders, with a hood covering it's head, and a mask over it's mouth and nose. The whole body was clothed in black, even the arms and legs wearing gloves. Four silver lines traced from it's elbows down to it's palm and the back of it's hand on each arm, forming a circle on both sides of the hand. Curiously, the right hand of the figure was a lot thinner than the left, which was abnormally large. Then, the figure spoke.

"Get your dirty hooves offa me!"

Surprisingly, it was the voice of a young woman.

"Shut up and get in the cell. Don't make me do something you'll regret later on."

The door was opened and she was thrown inside. Immediately, she rushed to the bars.

"Now listen to what's gonna happen. I'm gonna get out of here. And right after I find my mother, I'm gonna become filthy rich, rich enough to buy your butt, just so I can kick it. All. Day. Long."

Evidently, the pegasus stallion wasn't pleased. He went up to the bars.

"I dare you to say tha-"

He was cut off by the left hand slamming into his face with such power that he hit the other side of the wall, unconscious. Needless to say, I was impressed.

"Rather impressive. I'd be willing to wager that not many others have that much strength.", I said.

She immediately whirled around, looking for us. Finally, she spotted our spot in the shadowed corner, and put both her fists up. Why were we in the shadows? Because we could. And it was cool. I'm serious when I say that only our eyes shined out. The rest of our bodies were mere black outlines.

"Stay where you are. I'm prepared to disable you at the least movement."

I held up a hand.

"Peace. I'm not going to hurt you. In fact, if I wanted to hurt you, you would be hurting already."

"Yeah? I don't believe you."

She continued to hold her fighting pose. I sighed, and began to get up.

"Listen, I don't really wanna fi-Oof!"

She had slammed into me with her left fist. The speed at which she was moving was impressive. She got ready to pound me into the ground, but was interrupted by a faceful of black and purple flames. She stumbled backwards, and Flare took that opportunity to attack, jumping and swinging his tail at her, knocking her onto her back. He finished in an intimidating pose, though it was slightly offset by his low height.

"Back off."

I stood up, as did the girl.

"Can we start again? I'm Truenis, ventolian. I'm in here for carrying a weapon and not paying the toll."


"Excuse me-"

"Soria. It's my name. Don't forget it, chicken-brain."

"Flare.", said the young drake.

"Now listen up, I don't know about you, but I am planning on getting out of here. You two can stay if you want, but I'm going out."

She confidently strode towards the lock on the door and tapped it, listening intently.

"Hmm... It's complicated. Reinforced arcanite, that's nearly impossible to break through. The cost of one of these bars alone must have been astronomical."

To my surprise, she took a dagger out from under her cloak and began picking inside the lock. I sauntered up beside her.

"I thought they took away all weapons."

"Pfft. They can't take away what they don't know's there. My weapons are undetectable. Their scanner spells are useless."

She continued to poke about without success. With a grunt of disappointment, she put her dagger back. She stood up and faced me, standing a little taller than me.

"You got any ideas on how to get out of here?"

Now that she was facing me, I could see her better. Inside the hood, what I could see, what a face full of black fur, with a couple of chestnut eyes staring out. I examined the lock.

"Maybe if I try with my weapon."

At my call, Thunderhilt floated across the room into my hand. Soria showed no sign of surprise.

"You may want to stand back a little. I'm not sure if this is gonna work. Lacero!"

Even a simple spell such as that wore me out a good amount. But it was accomplished. My weapon gained a silvery sheen to it, and I swung with all my strength at the bars. The result was rather impressive. I was sent flying backwards into the wall, battered and bruised. Hobbling my way over to the bars, I surveyed the damage I had made.

"One... measly... scratch?"

It was true. There was barely a dent in the bar.

"Consider yourself strong. Most wouldn't even leave a mark. This is reinforced arcanite we're talking here, in case you're deaf. This stuff ain't gonna break."

"Flare, ideas."

The dragon walked up to the bars.

"The lock isn't easy to pick, the bars are virtually unbreakable. Teleportation might get us out of here."

"Two things wrong with that. One, I can see an anti-teleport barrier around here. Sensing magic can be useful at times. Two, we don't even know a teleport spell."

"Alright, I'm outta ideas."

I stared at the lock, rubbing my chin thoughtfully.

"I wonder..."

Gripping Thunderhilt once more, I prepared to cast a spell.


With a simple click and a creak, the door swung open. I had to resist the urge to facepalm right then and there. Instead, I merely walked out. I looked back, and Soria was pointing at me.

"You... Why didn't you just do that beforehand?"

"Well, the food was fine, the cell was warm, and it didn't really come to me."

Ahhhh, young grasshopper, you must train to learn about the art of resisting facepalms.

"Alright, I'm outta here. You two coming too, or do you want to stay behind in your warm cell?"

She was fun.

"I think we'll come. Flare."

He immediately ran to my side and jumped, vibrating his small wings enough to give him a bit of extra altitude. He landed on my back.

"We're getting out of here. Prepare to incapacitate, but not wound."

"Understood.", he replied.

"Fantastic. So now that you two dough-boys are ready to go, I'll just go ahead and knock out the guards."

And with that sentence, she simply vanished into the shadows expertly. Me and Flare went down the stairs, the fact that Soria had disappeared so easily disturbing us. Suddenly, a guard appeared on the stairway. His mouth opened in shock, but before he could say anything, a dark shadow, well, the best word would be something like 'blobbed', out of the wall. With a strike faster than lightning, the stallion fell to the ground. A pair of chestnut eyes met mine for a second before Soria melted back into the shadows.

"You've done this before, haven't you?"

No response.

"Not too sociable, are you?"

We continued down the stairs, periodically knocking out a guard or two that had gotten in our way. Soria was scary. It was like a literal shadow was fighting for us. Flare was also demonstrating hidden abilities. He would jump at a guard and in 2 seconds, have him unconscious through some sort of extremely effective kung-fu. At the bottom of the stairway, Soria reappeared and glued herself to the wall next to the door. Me and Flare followed suit. She faced us and placed one finger in front of her mouth, basically telling us to be quiet. After me and flare stopped breathing, she cocked her head towards the doorway. When she had listened for a few moments, she took a sort of metal ball from a belt she had around her waist. A faint hissing sound was heard, as if an air pump was being worked.

"Five guards.", she whispered.

She twisted her wrist a little and a faint humming sound was heard. Carefully, she put her hand near the ground and slid it till the palm was facing the open doorway. The metal ball shot through, and she quickly withdrew her hand. She began to count softly.


A sound reminiscient to an airlock being opened was heard, and soon, all five of the guards were screaming about their eyes, noses and mouths. I heard a clunk, and two voices dropped out, supposedly because they had ran into each other. One of them ran through the doorway, and was quickly nailed to the wall by a left jab from Soria.

"What do you have inside that glove?", asked Flare.

"My paw... In more ways than one."

We entered the room and were greeted by the sight of two unconscious guards and two more running around screaming. I turned to Soria and raised an eyebrow.

"Onion gas. A little concoction I came up with. Don't get any of it inside your mouth, nose or eyes. It'll burn."

I whacked one stallion with the staff end of Thunderhilt while Flare simply gave a light karate chop to the back of the neck of the other.

"That was surprisingly easy.", I said before I thought about it.

Fortunately, nothing happened. The universe spared us.

"Come on, let's go to the storeroom.", said Soria. "We'll need something for compensation."

She led us through a couple doors into a large room, with weapons hanging across the walls.

"Here's where they put the confiscated weapons, as well as the bits they earn from selling them."

Can you guess what we took? If you said the little dagger shaped like a carrot, you were wrong. We opened a chest and took a good amount of gold coins.

"Oh, hey Truenis.", called Flare. "Catch."

With that, he flicked five coins at me.

"There's the five bits I owe you."

After I had put some bits in my bags, we went out, and prepared to get out of the station. But before that could happen, we heard loud voices. Quickly, Soria ushered us into a dark room, where the voices were muffled considerably.

"Man, it's dark in here.", I remarked.

"Hey, here's a candle!", said Flare. He quickly gave a small spurt of fire and it started sparkling.

"Hey, that burns nice and bright.. Bring it over here, there's a sign. Let's see... Warning! Explosive Storage Area! Open Flames Prohibited!


Flare, exactly what kind of candle is that?"

He turned it to one side.

"Dee-nah-mee-tay. Must be a foreign make."

My right eye twitched involuntarily.

And all of a sudden I was hanging over a cliff!... Oh wait... That's you... Trololololol... Anyways, hope you like the new chapter. I wonder if anyone can guess exactly what Soria is. And in case you're wondering, canon hasn't been achieved yet, but we're getting closer. Thanks for reading, and keep your stick on the ice.