• Published 16th Mar 2016
  • 2,807 Views, 57 Comments

Twily's Book of Dark Magic - Harmony Pie

Twilight gets in to the Forbidden Section of the Library at Celestia's School. This can only end well.

  • ...

Dark Twilight

Twilight had always wondered what lie beyond the perpetually closed door. Whenever she visited (which happened to be every hour) she would become transfixed by its mysterious nature. That is, until the old librarian came and shooed her away. Then she would hang her head in disappointment and go off to find another, less interesting book elsewhere.


"Why can't I go in?" Twilight demanded indignantly, stomping her small hooves on the ground.

The librarian, whom she called Miss Book Mare, sighed heavily. It made her grey hair shake and reminded the filly of a dancing ferret. "Twilight," she began carefully. "That section is closed like that for a reason. It's the Forbidden Section, meant only for adult ponies."

Twilight furrowed her brow, bringing her hoof up to her chin in thought. "Adult ponies? That's silly! Why can't I just read words, Miss Book Mare?"

The older mare then smiled tightly and repeated a name Twilight did not care to remember.

"The section has some material that if fallen into the wrong hooves could be... dangerous," she replied with a slight grimace. "But," she continued with a brighter face. "Princess Celestia has made sure there are plenty of other great books that--"

The librarian stopped suddenly when she felt a tug on her mane.

"But I have glorious, not-wrong hooves!"

And that would bring the conversation to an abrupt end.


Today was different, however. Miss Book Mare, so old she probably watched the dust collect, was always present. She would always be there, sitting placidly behind her wooden desk with her eyes following Twilight around. Yet, this day was free from her gaze, and instead replaced by an empty chair.

Twilight trotted hesitantly forward, her heart pounding in excitement. Princess Celestia had told her that she was still allowed to visit the library, and simply had to write down her name on the checkout list.

The little filly's hoof knocked over the clipboard as she scrambled around the desk to the drawer. She wouldn't be writing anything down; she was on a secret spy mission!

Twilight crawled up on to the chair, her legs kicking frantically to get herself up. She had observed from the bookshelves the way Miss Book Mare's drawer stayed closed, and how she would occasionally glance at it cautiously.

"That's where I would hide if I were a key," she giggled to herself as she yanked open the old drawer. She was greeted with a bunch of old gum, and stacks of parchment paper. Wrinkling her muzzle at the pink lumps, Twilight began to sort through with a growing grin. Her smile widened when her hoof made contact with a metal figure.

"I got it!" she exclaimed proudly, pulling out the key in her grasp. Finally, all would be revealed! Twilight hopped down, closing the drawer, and rushed to the door. She stood there for a moment in awe. She had to admit, she was taken away by curiousity. Whenever that happened, she would stop at nothing to achieve knowledge. And this was no exception.

With a dry mouth, the filly placed the key inside the hole and eagerly turned it. The lock clicked, and Twilight squealed in glee as the door creaked open to a large room. Her eyes grew wide at the sight. Sure, it was just many bookcases in a row, but the fact that they were forbidden made it even better!

The filly stumbled inside, turning at every angle to catch a glipse of everything. The place smelled old and musty, the books nearly falling apart in their bindings. Old was good, right? Just like Princess Celestia!

One particular book caught Twilight's eyes. It peeked out from the top shelf, easily one of the largest. With a grunt, the filly reached out with her magic and pulled it down in a magenta glow. The pages made her nose twitch as she brought it out in front of her.

Dark Magic. Twilight stared in bewilderment, mouthing the words to herself. There was no author, just bold letters on a dusty old cover. But what the hay was dark magic? She had never heard anything about that from her lessons. Was it the opposite of light magic?

Twilight shrugged. Whatever it was, it sounded like something she could totally manage! She flipped open to the first page, licking her lips in anticipation.

Death Spell (irreversible )

This incantation, derived from the name: mortem hailom, is an extreme use of dark magic, thought to be founded in 567 B.D (Before Discord). It's purpose is to kill the pony the spell is directed at--

Twilight stopped reading, and looked up.

What was... death?

The question startled her. She was well-read, and well spoken, especially for a 4 1/2 year old. Many ponies had confused her with older children, seeing the classes she was in with them. Yet how could she not understand that simple word? It was used so casually; without reference! She had just assumed that the Forbidden Section would be no more difficult than all the other books!

Twilight found that she had stood up in panic. She tucked the book under her arm. Well, no matter. She would find out.

With the book cloaked in her telekinesis, Twilight determinedly made her way down the castle hallway. She flagged down the first pony she saw. "Raven!" she gasped, dashing up to older, ash-maned mare. "I have a question for you!"

Raven glanced down, a pleasant smile on her face. "Of course, Twi. What is it?"

Twilight beamed. "What is death?"

Raven's smile fell off her face, and she went pale. "Oh, umm--that. That is an interesting question." She appeared to be taking a deep breath. "Death is... just when somepony goes to sleep for a long... long time. Because... well, it's the best thing for them at that point," she finished nervously.

Twilight squinted her eyes. "So, for like 25 minutes?"

Raven held her hooves up, her eyes wide beneath her thick glasses. "Oh, no no no no! No... it's--"

Twilight cut her off with a gasp, her horn giving off little excited sparks. "Oh my Celestia! I just had the best idea! Thank you Raven, I gotta go!"

The little filly flew off, leaving a bewildered and slightly frightened assistant behind.

Twilight sighed, satisfied, and covered her book up again. This was a wonderful plan, no doubt. She knew she was an organized foal, and had taken her time in memorization.

Oim kartilam morteque proteproni.

She nodded, grinning. The words were a bit hard to pronounce, but she was positive she had gotten it down. Stepping out of the bathroom stall, she slid out the door and galloped down the carpeted hall. She turned, almost laughing. Princess Celestia would be so happy!

All she had to do was utter those words, and her beautiful mentor would be able to rest for as long as she needed. She certainly deserved it!

As Twilight neared the throne room, she caught sight of two guards blocking the door. That was no problem--they would certainly let her pass. When she got closer, Twilight took note of their faces. They both seemed utterly bored, their posture lacking after the entire morning. Twilight pressed her lips together with a humming noise. The problem was their eyes. They were ringed with black, almost closing beneath the helmets.

Well, she could help! She stood before them, smiling almost too wildly.

"Hi!" she chirped. The two guards looked at her oddly. Twilight inhaled deeply, and began to recite her words.

"Oim kartilam morteque proteproni!" She channeled her energy through her horn, and directed it to the poor, sleepy stallions.

"Goodnight," she exclaimed joyfully. Her aura, for some reason, appeared almost black and green. Well, it was pretty, anyhow!

The guards slumped to the floor in peaceful slumber.

Twilight let out a cry of accomplishment. She had done it! She jumped up and down, smiling fondly at their lifeless forms. "You're dead! You're dead! You're dead!"

She leaned in closer. "But, don't worry, I'll wake you up in half an hour!"

Her celebration was cut short when the throne room doors flew open. "Twilight? What are you doing?" Princess Celestia stood before her in all her glory. Then her face dropped and she stumbled back. "Twilight Sparkle, what are those guards doing on the floor?!" She didn't wait for an answer, and instead wrapped her wing tightly around Twilight and pulled her inside.

With the doors slammed shut, Celestia stared strickenly down at her young student. "Twilight," she began slowly. "What did you do to those guards?"

The filly's smile faltered. "I only deathed them, Princess."

Princess Celestia's face contorted. "You killed them?" she whispered, her eyes as small as pinpricks.

Twilight nodded, unsure. "I just put them to sleep, like Raven said," she told her quietly. "That's fine, right? I was coming to you, because you have to work all the time, and I was gonna help you sleep."

Celestia's eye twitched. She carefully pulled away from her, and tilted her head. Without any warning, she uncloaked the Dark Magic book and pulled it out of Twilight's grasp. "Why are you hiding this?" Her voice sounded panicked.

Twilight whimpered. "I just thought that I could read the books from the Forbidden Section," she said.

Celestia shook her head. "No, you can't! And you can't go around killing ponies either! It means they never, ever, ever wake up!" She stomped her hoof on the rug, placing the book on the ground.

Twilight felt the beginning of tears. "I'm sorry!" she cried, rushing forward to embrace Celestia's warm chest. "I didn't know!"

Celestia relaxed, soothingly rubbing the filly's back. "...I know, Twilight. You're okay, you're okay." She pulled away, glancing down at the floor. "But I need you to go to your room for the rest of the day, so we can get this sorted out, okay?"

Twilight nodded, wiping her tears from her lavender cheeks. "Okay," she whispered, turning around and opening the doors.

"We're going to have a long talk about what you've done after," Celestia intoned to the retreating filly, who stepped casually over the corpses and just made a small noise.

As they slammed shut, Celestia slummed to the ground, shuddering. She stiffened when she noticed something.

The book was missing.

Author's Note:

Don't take this seriously, because, obviously, I didn't either. Written and edited in a couple hours, which is probably a record for me:twilightsheepish:. Regardless, I hope you found some form of entertainment from this:twilightsmile:

I blame Raven

Comments ( 57 )

Where can I find the cover art? There's no link.

Oh, sorry--I can put a link:twilightsheepish:

I think it needs a sequel.:yay:

this is amazing!:pinkiehappy:

Erm...Twilight killed two Royal Guards and got away with it? :derpytongue2:

She had to admit, she was taken away be curiousity.

By curiosity

The filly stumbled inside, turning at every angle to catch a glispse of everything


Raven smile fell off her face, and she went pale.


The little filly flew off, leaving a bewildered and slightly frightened assistent behind.


She had down it!


Her voice sounded panicked

Period's out of place.

Murder has never been so downright adorable before. Have a like and a fave. :twilightsmile:

Well, that was random. And kind of sounds like Twilight- too much power and not enough common sense. Well, more like not enough adult supervision. She couldn't just check a dictionary? :ajbemused: Then again, the definition for death would probably have more words she didn't know.

Now Twilight just has to find a "wake up" spell, and the guards will be zombies, er, awake again. :twilightsmile:

"So, for like 25 minutes?"


Honestly, since you were willing to go as far as having filly Twilight murder two guards with minimal consequences, you should have gone all out on the ridiculousness and have Twilight successfully use the spell on Celestia.

Are you absolutely sure you're only 13? Because your writing and stories are brilliant (the odd minor typo aside).

As for this story, I do worry about the long term ramifications of a 4 1/2 year old committing double murder, and I think Celestia kind of breezed over it. Maybe a sequel, or one of those alternate time line things where she becomes a twisted version of the Twilight we're all so fond of.

Thank you, I fixed them:twilightsmile:

Sounds like a fun story. No time to read now though, so I'll add it to my read-later for now,
and probably read it later tonight. Should serve well as before-bed-reading. :twilightsmile:

Apparently! She's gonna be a mass-murderer!!:pinkiecrazy:. This story was just for fun

7035428 with that ending this probably needs a sequel:pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy:

...WHY THE HELL IS THIS TAGGED AS A COMEDY!!! That wasn't funny, that was horrible!:fluttercry:

Seriously though, despite the cutie and naive child like innocence that twilight expressed, this fic was dark.

Don't get me wrong. I thought the fic was awesome! Just after looking at the tags I was expecting something more lighthearted. I wasn't expecting it to end so morbidly.

would it be better if I added a dark tag?

Comment posted by SugarPinkieVA deleted Mar 18th, 2016

A shame she didn't get to 'help' Celestia. Oh well, at least she was trying to help and pretty much the blame solidly lands on Raven for not explaining a simple concept to a child. Really? Four and a half and still ignorant of death? How is that even possible especially in a world as dangerous as Equestria?

Eh. I know this has a bunch of plot-holes. It wasn't meant to be taken seriously:twilightblush:, Thank you for commenting though

No worries. That wasn't meant to be a complaint about your story. Just me playing up my reaction.

:derpyderp2: Crud. Must take precautionary measures! Hm... Ah-ha! I can't be 'deathed' if I am already dead! It's foolproof! *kills self*

*looks down on self as ghost* Hm... That wasn't as helpful as I thought it would be.

:derpytongue2: Brilliant little fic you have here :twilightsmile: Ten muffins out of ten.

Need a sequel than Twilight rectify their mistake ... with necromancy

I suppose the moral here is, tell children the truth.

So...is she going to at least get a spanking?
Entertaining idea.

Twilight then tried the spell "Crucio" on Celestia. Unfortunately, she didn't know how to reverse it. :pinkiecrazy:
Harry Potter reference.

Hm, so the moral is....
There is no Santa Hooves
Talking skeletons
Death is bad
Tell little kids about bad stuff
Kill guards for no reason.
I think I have a bad view on this story

Lol!!! :rainbowlaugh:
Want to be friends? :pinkiehappy:


Wait, let me thin— Of course, silly:pinkiehappy:



*hugs you back* Just PM me if you ever want to chat:twilightsmile:

Dangggggggggg, that was dark! I'm all for dark humor, but man, that was DARK dark humor! :twilightoops:

I do concur with some others that a sequel could be nice, one a little different in tone. It might be more Sad than Dark Comedy (unless you just went the route of Twilight proceeding to cause absolute chaos throughout all of Canterlot), but there are definitely some dark questions raised from the idea that Twilight just straight up killed two Royal Guards and is still retained as Celestia's student. Granted, as you said, this is not a serious story and not meant to be understood as something that could fit into the canon, but still, I am curious as to what you could potentially do in a sequel if you ever chose to make one. Regardless, have a like and a favorite. :twilightsmile:

As soon as I read the words "secret spy mission", I immediately pictured a filly Twilight doing spy acrobatics around a librarian's desk complete with Mission Impossible music. Got a laugh out of that. :rainbowlaugh:

The guards slumped to the floor in peaceful slumber.

:rainbowderp: ... :facehoof::facehoof::facehoof::facehoof::facehoof:

She leaned in closer. "But, don't worry, I'll wake you up in half an hour!"

Oh no... oh my goodness gracious... no... :facehoof::facehoof::facehoof::facehoof::facehoof:

"That's fine, right? I was coming to you, because you have to work all the time, and I was gonna help you sleep."

This line made me laugh. I'll help you sleep... forever... MUAHAHAHAHAHA! :trollestia:

This is so dark... but so funny :rainbowlaugh:. Twilight's just so innocent. I can picture Celestia going up to talk to Twilight, and seeing her using the spell on birds that fly by. Outside her window is just a pile of bird corpses :rainbowlaugh:. Should I be laughing at this? Am I a bad person for laughing at this? You know what, I don't care. This was great.

Those guards will have one hell of a nap. Innocent little Twilight can be sure of that. :twilightsmile: :trollestia:

Great job, as always. This was great :rainbowlaugh::pinkiesmile:

This is just more cute than the CMC poisoning Cheerilee and Big Mac. Equestria the land of deadly filly ponies that will kill you with the nicest of intentions

7306781 u are not a bad person! This was freakin AWESOME!:rainbowdetermined2:

this look like the start of a necromancy or dark mage twilight story.

...Where is the sequel? I can't find it. :trollestia:

Yea I'm not buying the thirteens part in your bio, are you possibly dslexic and actually 31, your writing style is lovely and your stories are great reads, I'm not trying to say your a lier just a very talented 13 year old, that could easily change your bio age considering your ability to use death in your stories in different ways and how your range and scope is so grand, truly I'm glad i followed you.

Thank you for the follow! And nope, I am 13 years old... Although I'm not quite sure why being possibly dyslexic would have to do with anything

7598892 cause you'd mix the numbers around, lol seriously though lovin the stor

Oh, got it. Thanks!:heart:

I skipped the whole bit when I read your dead part...

Hello there, I enjoyed this story so I narrated it. Hope you don't mind :twilightsmile:

Well, that was an awesome way to start my morning. Your reading was amazing, thank you so much!:heart:

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