• Member Since 18th Apr, 2012
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Jade Ring

The purpose of a story is that it's a story. It can be more, but it can never be less.


The ponies of Equestria finally decide to declare their independence from Princess Celestia.

She doesn't take it well.


Directly inspired by the songs "You'll Be Back," "What Comes Next," and "I Know Him" from 'Hamilton: An American Musical' by Lin-Manuel Miranda.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 63 )

Not gonna lie, I thought of the same thing the other day when I heard that song too. XD

Pfffft, the Mane Six are at the helm, the U.S.E is gonna be fine.
Rather nice story, I liked it, cheers.

Heh. As much as it kind of hurts to cast Celestia as George III, it's good for a laugh. And the closing chapter is really timely.:trollestia:

I should really listen to the original soundtrack sometime.

Good lord...

I guess I didn't really see it as a comedy but if I imagine like centuries down the road and the USE going very strong managing to go through all their problems it gets a laugh out of me. It makes me think of Celestia sitting alone going "...fuck".

7075296 You really should. You won't regret it.

That's a lot of ponies being turned to statues. This makes it feel like a Tyrantlestia fic.



You really, really, really need to. It is amazing, and everyone who I know has listened to it, has fallen in love with it. A great story to accompany a great soundtrack.

Deposed Tyrantlestia. Her urge to vaporize them all... hmmm.

She will get over it.

They should set Celestia on fire. 'Raiser of the sun burned to death' just has some delicious irony to it, y'know

7075284 not to burst your bubble, but sometimes they're kind of criminally retarded.

7075924 Well, usually not all at the same time....:trollestia:

I'll be honest, at some point I stopped reading this in Celestia's voice and started reading this in GLaDOS' voice. It just feels like a rant she'd go on.

Comment posted by bennygrey deleted Mar 31st, 2016

7076657 Or Hillary...

Which doom is worse? The monster you know, or the conniving bitch you're blissfully ignorant of.

7076311 Because I didn't realize people would like it this much.

(Stealthily opens new Word document)

7076707 Ah ah ah. No politics in the comments, please and thank you.

7076707 of the two i'd pick a carrefully plased gunshot

7076731 A Patriot Arrow to take them both out forever? Those things can make some pretty sharp turns, as evidenced in "Robin Hood: Men in Tights". :trollestia:

7075284 Rainbow Dash decided to stop winter and destroyed the Weather Factory to prevent her tortoise from going into hibernation for 3 months...

Twilight still goes into obsessive check-list mode for every bit of planning she does (and you think the IRS taxcode is over-complicated... the USE taxcode soon overflows the Library of Congress... entire rainforests are ground up to print the first and only copy ever made.)

Rarity's a dressmaker. And she likes fashion shows.

Fluttershy... is Fluttershy. She'd bow to every special interest imaginable with the slightest wheedling.

Pinkie Pie... the idea of her leading any part of a nation is both intriguing and horrifying...

AJ. Probably the only real leader material in the bunch. But too obsessed with apples.

So, anyway... why the Tyrantlestia thing?

Sheesh, Luna's the only one who's ever gone on a rampage! Over petty sibling jealousy!

I suspect you're all jealous of a sibling who's vastly better than you in many many MANY ways.

I happen to like Celestia... since she's perfect like me as the oldest sibling who's excelled at everything and shall soon conquer the world. Except I'll be using little squid mutants in pepperpot-shaped Mark V travel machines. *Alondro trundles about in his life-support thingy*



I need to hear more and I definitely need to hear about how Celestia comes out of this on top.

Well this was... Complete idiotic shite. Maybe you were going for over the top lol im so high and mighty -laugh but it just ended up being horribe and bitter and stupid and congrats, Celestia is a complete moronic bitchdouche. God I just want to knock her friggen teeth out.
Maybe you were going for that. You still failed.

i would love it where celly just drops everything

and i mean EVERYTHING

royal duties, paper work, RAISING THE FUCKING SUN

let see how long til ponies realized how much they need her

7076828 Maybe it was Celestia who went on a rampage, and Luna just lost? Luna's now a meek little shut-in because big sister beat the shit out of her so many times. Ever think of that?

The story is "okay" at best.

We have no context to provide for Celestia's attitude. Nothing to tell us what happened in between letters. We have nothing to really make the story seem... Real. That isn't the most fitting term, but it'll have to do.

I don't even know what you were trying to accomplish. Was this a comedy? A tragedy? A drama? A slice of life? What? There is nothing to give it flavor. Instead we are given a minor edit of the Declaration of Independence, and a headline that explains jack ****. Who is leading which army? That isn't explained until later, which is useless. We are then given two letters from Celestia, and she is reacting incredibly OOC in both of them. I say OOC because you haven't established anything to explain her actions, why she's declared a tyrant, or why the ponies have made a Declaration of Independence. And because you haven't done that, we have to fall back to show standards, thus rendering the character's actions OOC.

This is a nice concept, but the execution is severely lacking.

I give this new country 300 years or so before some crazy old stallion with a horrendous hairpiece decides to try to take it over.

7081980 I wrote this in a little over an hour after being inspired by a song from a musical.

I didn't mean for it to be more than a dumb little bit of nonsense.

Believe me, when I put genuine thought into something it's plainly obvious to see.

7076828 Yeah, no, unless you happen to be a genetic engineering genius, that's.. only near impossible.

Meanwhile, I happen to know for a fact that the younger siblings are better, because they have the benefit of "Blame my sibling, they told me to do it." among other infuriating tactics.

And they're often far better off, learning from the mistakes of their elders.

7083387 *smirks* I'm a lab manager in developmental genetics at CHOP.

*waits for it to sink in* Yeah, they foolishly let me make science. Now it's far too late! :pinkiecrazy:

7075284 Yeah, so long as the Mane 6 are at the helm, everything will be fine.

They're all mortal, however, and even if they stay resolute and uncorrupted, they're gonna shuffle off the mortal coil sooner or later, and whoever takes up after them may not be so noble.

I can just see Tyrantlestia sitting back and watching the mushroom clouds a few centuries later and making plans to recover a few hundred Ponies to start all over again.

"I wish, this time, they'd developed recording technology so I could show this to the next round of fools as to why they should just let me lead ..."

Yes, I totally see Twilight never giving up on her dream of the top spot.


*Celestia attacks and fails horribly due to the invention of firearms*

Oh... I guess my comment on the last chapter doesn't really work anymore...

That last part is a bit of a tear-jerker, to be honest. Her own sister has walked out on her, and as she said, her voice echoes in her increasingly dusty castle.

7238368 Once she wants something...

Perhaps she and Celestia could have a chat about giving up on long-held delusions? :rainbowlaugh:

7240295 Perhaps, or Twilight running for President with Celestia as VP.

7240381 That would be interesting to see. Celestia suddenly finds herself back in government, though not like before, and she's second fiddle to her beloved former student.

7240401 or even more fun, Twilight gets a single term and is replaced by her sister Luna! Could you imagine Celestia having to play second fiddle to her younger sister?

7240569 Both would irritate her, but she would at least have her closest friends back.

Most of all I just want to figure out who would most likely parallel Hamilton himself in this crossover. But this was a great piece of writing! Celestia at first seemed a bit comically out of character to try and fit the role of King George, but by the end of it I feel like I kind of got it? Incredibly old and incredibly set in her ways, all that. Loved it, 10/10

7397336 Glad you enjoyed it.

As to parallels, if AJ = Washington and Twilight = Adams, then I suppose... Sunset or Starlight?

I am 100000% here for Sunset "I Am Not Throwing Away My Shot" Shimmer with Starlight "Everybody's Favorite Fighting Former Villain" Glimmer.

Reformed villains- we get the job done!

7400422 I was envisioning Rarity as Lafayette, but that works so much better.

Ahh, but you see- Rarity fits the role of Hercules Mulligan, and on multiple levels: skilled tailor, easily fits into British/Canterlot society, excellent at acquiring information/secrets in a sometimes investigative way, etc

7401071 (Bows to superior fan-caster)

So I read this story, and enjoyed it very much. :pinkiehappy: It made me chuckle, both with the allusions to the source material, the references to the real world, and the way MLP tied these ideas together.

And then I sat here thinking... and I did a thing. That thing may have been coming up with my casting of Hamilton using MLP characters.


Alexander Hamilton - Rainbow Dash Aaron Burr - Lightning Dust
John Laurens - Gilda Marquis de Lafayette - Spike
Hercules Mulligan - Rarity George Washington - Applejack
Angelica Schuyler- Sunset Shimmer Eliza Schuyler- Fluttershy
Peggy Schuyler- Pinkie Pie Thomas Jefferson - Twilight Sparkle
James Madison - Starlight Glimmer Maria Reynolds - Suri Polomare
Philip Hamilton - Scootaloo Samuel Seabury- Prince Blueblood
King George - Discord Charles Lee - Trixie Lulamoon


I may have a problem. Or I may have just been bored.

Anyone have any thoughts?




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