• Published 20th Mar 2016
  • 4,756 Views, 159 Comments

Why so VG? - dereturd

Vanoss and Delirious starts rough in Equestria. And gets even more rough.

  • ...


Vanoss was sprinting, not for his health but for his life, and for the sake of this land. There's always a reason why you're going in the Everfree at almost midnight. That's where the monsters wake up or take a long nap.

He was sprinting at full speed, combining his speed and stamina from GTA and Gmod. With that velocity, he was as fast as the Ferrari Maranello. He stopped when he saw an opening. Making the wind flow behind him, he looked down and around.

"Holy shit that's a cliff. Holy shit that's a cliff. Holy shit that's a cliff." He repeated, the first sentence was said, and his mouth got speedy.

Saying that made an echo down to the cliff, enough to make some almost broken trees fall, the noise and the wind combined, the trees lost balance, and they fell to Vanoss' way.

"Shit." He said, his eyes bored. He jumped down and slid against the rocks beneath him. Racing the logs and branches that were falling above him.

The party was still active, and the sun can be seen for a small time. If you're at the right angle.

But right now Evan was asleep, inside the library, his head on the coffee table. But he said he wanted to 'nap'. And this was his nap.

He landed on a small flat land, but the trees and branches was still onto him, he jumped and raced again. It was cut-short when he fell and grappled onto a branch growing on the side of the cliff. A tool gun appeared on his hooves, and v-clipped. He selected something, and spawned it. And that something was a hoverboard. Even though he can v-clip down to land, he wanted to go down the cliff in style, he stopped levitating, and stood on two legs on the hoverboard, the hoverboard was going down and so did he. He'll be at his destination in no time.

Vanoss appeared in a plain white field. It was his dreamscape, and he knew he's going to be visited by her.

He sighed, thinking to make the visit better, he dreamt of a table in front of him, a style like someone would sit at Starbucks. He also dreamt of two chairs and an umbrella with the style of Starbucks. And to finish it off, a tea and latte appeared on the table. For him was latte while for her was tea. More likely because he thought of ponies are more comfortable with tea.

He took a seat, and waited for her to come.

And she did.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, OH FUCK!!" He yelled, about to crash on a river, he tried to move his hind legs, but it was like glued to the board. So he jumped off the hoverboard and quickly undo the board, disappeared.

Now that he thought about it, he should've just undo his hoverboard. That way he would stop, Gmod logic. Rather than jumping off and hurting his left shoulder blade.

He stood from his position, and saw small boulders as a passage way to get through the river.

Well he was tired anyway so he v-clipped across the water.

As much as it pains him, he just wanted to go there fast. But he wanted to walk or run to it, so he can memorize or glance at the nature this place offers.

He was walking to his destination, and came across an area with creepy and scary trees. Bur he thought the trees was like the ones from Mortal Kombat so he ignores them. It would be nice if he can see where he is, 'cause it was dark as fuck.

Which then he realized he had a flashlight.

Clover took a seat and smiled at Evan, who was too busy to notice her just because he was drinking his latte. He places the cup down, and looked at her.

"As soon as I saw this landscape, I knew you would visit." He said, Clover took her tea and cradled it in her hooves.

"Well, I think I should change it. So you won't get any clues." She said. Sipping at her tea.

"So why you here?" He asked.

"Well, I think you need to know some things so you can actually help them." She said, but Evan was confused, holding his cup. "I found something that you'll encounter very very later. But you'll have to read about it first." A picture appeared behind her. It was a weird looking unicorn. One who had black arms and hind legs, with black pupils, a simple black mane and tail, and a white coat as white as milk. At sometimes, the eyesockets turn black and some small white pupils appear. Then flashes back to it's orginal figure, and back again, and again, and again.

Evan looked at his shape, and assumed it was a stallion. But the question is why did she show that to him?

"Who's that?" He asked.

"He is the most known and legendary Royal scientist. Overseer. Starswirl and I visit and talk to him at some times. We didn't know his secrets or his plans. But I just read about it and.." Silence filled her.

"Well, what?" Evan asked for more.

"It was horrifying." She simply said. Bowing her head.

"Well then, why did you show me him?" He pointed at Overseer.

"This will be very important, so you can get home." She began. "You must find his entries and documents. After reading all of it, you will recognize Atom-"

"I already know him." He interrupted.

"Oh right, I remember you're still reading his book." She said. He understood and ignored a question; how does she know?

"But, you must learn his strongest creation." She stood from her seat.

Evan made it to the old castle of two Royal Sisters. He kicked the front door opened, resulting it to break down. And saw in front of him was a circular statue with 7 pedestals on it. He knew what it does, and he knew what it is. But he ignored that, he wasn't here for that.

'Go to the castle.'

'And find his journal.'

The words echoes in his head, he went up the stairs and walked left. Finding himself in the room of Celestia. How did he identify? Thanks to the banner, of course. in front was the bed while on the right was a window. On his left and west, was dressers, a mirror and cabinets. Instead what Evan did, he roamed the walls for any secret opening or some secret button.

"Where is it? Where the fuck is it?" He muttered and repeated. Finishing with the entire wall, he opened a dresser, flies fly out of the drawer and there was dust and small webs. He sank his hoof in it, moving it round for some secret shit. But there was nothing, so he continued on. He looked at the mirror, which was.. in good shape, only it was dirty as fuck. Hell, if he sold it, it must cost like 5000 bits. It's antique and was left 10 centuries anyway. But he noticed, he can't see hinself. Was he a fucking vampire or was it too dusty? He cleansed it using his hoof, and it wasn't dusty, and he was sure he didn't have any vampire mods in his addons. The only thing he thought of and did was pull out his Marksman pistol and shot the mirror, resulting the glass to break and reveal an odd looking lever. Curious as to what it does, he pulled it. Maybe he's got the journal in the bag.

But nope.

Instead, a big sound of gears or like ticking clocks was heard in the entire castle.

'FUCK!!' He thought, and was partially scared. He had small experience in facing the paranormal. If he would've been like Pewdiepie--who plays horror games for a montage-- he can swear swedish all day all night, 24/7.

He continued to roam about, and went across the room to the other. It was another bedroom, except it was Luna's.

'That other thing.. could be here.' He thought, moving around the walls again with nothing to ever happen. He analyzed the room, it had a bed, two bedside drawers, a lamp, a single cabinet, and glass door to his left. Where it held a telescope. The room also had an inflatable chair, having a color of navy blue. Holding a crescent symbol as well. He moved the chair aside, and saw nothing but the floor and the wall beside it. He pulled out his Gmod shotgun, then shot the the drawers and the cabinet. The drawers collapsed in wood pieces, but the cabinet didn't. Noticing that nothing effected the wooden container, he opened it. Revealing one old set of Luna's accessories. A thought pooped in his mind, and inspected the neckbrace, the slippers and an old tiara. The neckbrace did nothing, so did the slippers, and now tried the tiara. Also nothing happened.

"GODDAMMIT!!" He yelled in anger and frustration, forcing himself to throw the tiara inside the cabinet, where something-



He heard the noise, and checked it out, there was a gaping hole inside, revealing a small secret compartment. He pulled the handle, and it opened. An old sword, with a color of thr night sky for the hilt and a strong sharp iron blade. He grabbed the sword, as behind it was another lever. He pulled it, and the same noise happened again.

Only this time, another sound can be heard, something that was being pulled up, but it switched to the brick walls being scraped on the other wall. And it was close to him. He ran to the source of the sound, and found a square hole on the middle of the wall. Inside it was-

"THE JOURNAL!!" He yelled in happiness. He quickly grabbed it, and also went back to the rooms and sealed the secret place, hiding on the wall.

He left the castle, and v-clipped back to the town. He was in a victorious mood, and he can find out Overseer's plans and secrets.

"Hell yeah!" He yelled, jumping out of the leaves while a timberwolf was on his back, he turned and grabbed his sawed-off shotgun. He unloaded a pack of bullets on the timberwolf, as several holes appear.

Evan wasn't playing any longer, he grabbed his machete and continiously swung and sliced and stabbed the wooden wolf. After some hits, he held the wolf's ears, and thrusted his machete towards the muzzle, killing it.

He grabbed a flamethrower from his weapons, and burned the wood chips and the pieces before it could reform.

Turning the pieces to dust, he sheathed his weapon in his crotch. And turned tail, to only see Rainbow Dash hovering there, her mouth agape. Stood shocked from what he did.

"Although what you did was fucking awesome, you could've gotten killed!!" She scolded.

"Woah, jeez I didn't know you ponies could swear at will, and what happened to the party-"

"No! Don't escape what I just said, you could've gotten killed!" She yelled at him. "You went in the Everfree Forest all alone?! Yeah, ok, it may-be radical that you went in yourself but, YOU WOULD'VE DIED!!" At this point, Evan already smacked himself with his hoof. Annoyed.
"Oh my gosh! Did you get hurt?" She asked, flying around Evan's body. "Are you alright? You might've gotten some kind of Cordyceps buddy!!"

"I'M FUCKIN' FINE!!" He yelled, Rainbow backed up from him, but she was still worried. She may hate him, in a lot of ways, but there, somewhere, she cares for him. "I don't have that parasite Dashie, and I got no scrape knee or any other, fuckin.. sickness!" He exclaims.

"Rainbow? Rainbow!" A young feminine voice yelled, the pegasus quickly reacted.

"Coming!" She yelled, before dashing towards the call. Vanoss sighed in relief, but a thought popped in his head; how did she find him?

Ignoring what recently happened, he continued towards the library. Looked at the town before continuing. There was still a fair amount of ponies, including the mane 6 and the entire crew. He smiled, seeing the crew managing to socialize better with them. They were joining Rainbow in blowing the candles officially. Inside him, he felt left out yet he felt a nice feeling rising in his heart.

No matter though, he continued to sneak to the library, there wasn't any other hidden routes, but he can v-clip down to the ground and to the library, but he wanted to train himself in stealth. So future events may change to that.

He closed the door behind him, and leaned on it. Sneaking by stealth wasn't a good idea, it only resulted him to get caught by Delirious saying that they join them in Rainbow blowing put the candle. As soon as they finished the jolly song, Rainbow blew out the candles and Photo Finish pictures the sight. As soon as he saw the printed picture he booked it, and he didn't want them to know what he was keeping, even though he hadn't knew what is inside.

He continued by placing down the foler on the table inside the guest room. He opened it and revealed a brown envelope. There was 21 set of dusty, old, crumpled papers inside with the entire main entries he had. There was another set of papers but this one had weird hoofwriting on it. Here was also a Journal where he recorded his Lab entries all of it, but something bothered him. There was a hand, A FUCKING HAND. It was made of stone, also having a hole on it's palm. Looking like an octagon, there was a small light of red inside, if it was dark enough to be able to see it.

He sorted the set of 21 papers, pairing the weird handwritten set and the fine print. He granbed the first entry, and read it loud for him to remember.

Entry no. 1; Being the Primcess Private Royal Scientist, she ordered me to start by testing a red liquid chemical encased on a syringe labeled- Determination on Patient 1, which was a frog. Some while, the injectong was successful, but the frog rather went insane and kept throwing up. That was some nice detail.

"I don't get the damn part of this being scary." Evan said to himself, continuing to the 2nd entry.

Entry no. 2; The frog today was now a skeleton itself, I wanted to know what this Determination was. So I grouped the vertebraes to the birds. And this time was the same result, but getting faster.

Entry no. 3; I had to make this secret, dealing with a pony itself injecting the chemical was mysterious. But I convinced him to do it, and if he lived, I would've paid 5000 bits.


Entry no.5; The patient was slowly dying, the power of Determination is not capable of containing it in a pony's soul. There must be something that can handle such power.

Entry no. 6; I feared I had to ask Celestia for help, and she had one agent able to do a lot.

Entry no. 7; I felt it was perfect, I injected it into me and I felt the effects, coughing, blindness, anxiety, sweating and bleeding. The bleeding sometimes happen, happening only at the nose. Blindness effected most of my body.

Entry no. 8; Roaming the forest led me to Celestia's father's creation, the elements of harmony. But there was like a piece missing, the side-effects also causes me to sense such power. The power was too weak. But I senses another source, coming from the other side of the wall. But I returned so I can start to work on a new invention.

Entry no. 9; I was losing sanity, recently, I was talking to a pair of red eyes. Which also flashes to green ones, after I give answers, it gives me whispers. Determination was making me feel insane.

After reading that, Evan can't stop the thought of a pair of red eyes stalking him. He can think of it talking, all of a sudden Wildcat wakes up and sees it too, making him even more terrified.

Entry no. 10; After some time, I managed to make a creation, that holds great power using Determination

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" The next thing said due to seeing an image on the next entry.

Author's Note:

Ohhoho! Cliffhanger!!

You can relate to who Overseer is. If you're an Undertale fan, you can tell who Overseer is based off.

Royal Scientist. Creation.