• Published 20th Mar 2016
  • 4,756 Views, 159 Comments

Why so VG? - dereturd

Vanoss and Delirious starts rough in Equestria. And gets even more rough.

  • ...

Glass, Here And There


The window of Golden Oaks Library breached open. A broken body of a blue pegasus was on the floor, a collection of glass shards was around him. He slowly rose to his hind legs, shaking in the midst of taking balance. He wiped the mouth part of his hockey mask. Looking at the window, waiting for his opponent.

Then his enemy kicked him straight on the face.

OW!!” Delirious cried out loud. Staggered and tried to balance himself. He was already bruised, cut, wounded and broken. The red earth pony wasn't that hurt compared to his sloppy reactions. “That's gonna cost you.” He said, pointing to the window.

“I don't give a fuck, just give me back my goddamn wrench!!” Vanoss yelled, raising his clenched hoof before Delirious moved aside his punch, then giving him a kick on his abdomen. Vanoss falling flat on his stomach. The pegasus oriented his body, he turned him around and sat on him, giving him numerous tiring punches.


A fight for a stupid wrench?

Vanoss and Delirious had just finished setting up the banners Rarity gave them. Due to her leaving to go do other stuff, they didn't know how they were supposedly set up. So they had to nail the banners on the walls, they managed to not only not destroy the banners in the process, but instead it looked better. So much.

As Vanoss was about to go do the stage, he checked the toolbox. Just making sure the tools were still with him. "Hmmm... mallet, smooth file, bolts and nuts, and.. where's the adjustable wrench?" He asked himself. He turned around quickly and looked at Delirious. Who happen to just chuckle while tying up the small banners. Seeing as how he's the only dude with him in the city hall, he trotted to him and gave a tap on his shoulder. Delirious turned to him and asked, "What?"

"Have you seen my wrench?" Vanoss asked, only to receive a shake of a head for a response. "Seriously?"

"Yeah." Delirious said with a chortle.

"You're the only guy helping me out here. What makes you say no?"

"I didn't! I'm like .. away from you for 4 to 10 inches, what the fuck." Vanoss however wasn't convinced, and only raised an eyebrow for a response.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes!" Delirious snortled.

"Stop playing pranks on me and tell me WHERE THE FUCK IT IS!" Vanoss yelled, pounding the wall just beside them.

"I didn't!!" Vanoss, now pissed, grabbed a pipe from his box and spun it around.

"Oh yeah?" Vanoss asked, swinging the pipe and hitting Delirious on the mask. Screaming in agony. The earth pony dropped the pipe and landed with a clang. Delirious on the floor, was breathing for air and moving around frantically. "Now.. Where is it?" Vanoss asked.

"I don't know!" Delirious responded. Vanoss just ignored his statement and crouched down to the box of his. Rummaging around his tools but finding no wrench.

"You hid it did you?"

"No!" He chuckled. Vanoss stood up and stomped on his face, Delirious again screaming in pain.


"FUCK IT!" Delirious yelled, quickly standing up and punched Vanoss square on the face.

"You don't wanna piss me off."

"Try me first bitch!-OOF!!" Delirious now rubbing his cheeks where Vanoss had hit with a straight punch. Delirious, clumsily punching Vanoss on the head but only to swing on air. Vanoss raised his body from ducking and tackled Delirious. He did numeral punches and jabs, tiring and hurting Delirious. It was then stopped by Delirious pushing off his body. Delirious took to the skies and took put his hatchet. Nearing his opponent, Vanoss suddenly grabbed Delirious unarmed hoof and flipped his body around. The pegasus landing on the floor with a thud. He took his hatchet and threw it away, hitting and toppling over the chairs Bon Bon and Lyra had recently set up.

"Where is it Delirious?" Vanoss asked. Getting into an offensive stance.

"I. Do. Not. Know-" Delirious spun and fell over from Vanoss' swing.

"Tell me before things get messy!"

"I don't know bitch!! Why not buy a new one?!" Delirious yelled.

"That was the only wrench usable for this day!" Vanoss stomped forward. "Tell me!"

"I. Really. Do. Not.. Know."

"You asked for it."

"Thank you for helping me bring some food for the animals. These sacks are quite heavy." Fluttershy said, with a sack of food on her back.

"No problem. You let me stay in your cottage. It's what I can repay." Marcel replied. Adjusting his two sacks on his back. "Didn't you have some food back at the house?"

"That's just the seeds for the plants. The plants are for the co-EEP!" Fluttershy squeaked and backed off from the ruckus. Marcel quickly pulling her back further from harms way. The duo continued their fight, causing attraction to other ponies nearby.

They broke through a portion of the wall, they were that rough and heavy to snap open a wall like that.

Evan threw punches at Delirious' torso, then Delirious raised his knee with speed and managed to hit Vanoss' head, causing him to get back up. Delirious jolted upwards and tried to kick Evan but to hit nothing, Vanoss kicked Delirious causing him to hurl to a nearby cart destroying it.

While in a proning position he coughs as the smoke of the cart clears out, his vision is getting blurred out. He looked at himself and saw a 240p quality of his broken body. He can only make out some smudges on his body, said smudges were his wide-ass wounds. He looked in front of him and saw a figure about to come out of the smoke. Vanoss trotted to him and asked him one question:

"Where is the wrench?"

Delirious groaned.


Delirious sucked in a breath and said a phrase. "I.. don't know."

He can only make out a sigh he didn't understand, and that's where he got thrown around.

Meanwhile nearby, Rainbow was already shocked at what she had done, she looked at the wrench just beside her, and realized the guilt she had made for herself. Her thoughts were drowned out by a cheerful Trenderhoof skipping by with a sad gloomy Rarity following behind him.

Vanoss kicked up and launched Delirious. Vanoss stood up but came out tired in the end. "You learned how to fight back in those 3 months, come on Delirious."

"Unlike you, I don't endorse violence."

"Who cares fuckboy." Vanoss said, charging to Delirious to punch him but instead received a knee to the gut and a punch to the face. Vanoss staggered and backed off, Delirious kicked his knee causing him to kneel down. He tried to wrap his leg around his neck, successfully doing it. Both were on the floorboards and Evan is struggling to pry Delirious' leg away. With only enough force his face is fully exposed. Without any other way he bit into Delirious' leg, causing him to scream in agony before removing his leg from Vanoss' neck.

Both were completely fucked up from battle, seeing as how they start getting up really really slow. "We both know, this can only end in one way.." Vanoss said. "..To beat me assfuck, you gotta give me the damn wrench.."

"Like I even know where the fuck is it you fuckin' troglodyte!" Delirious spat. "Let's just stop and listen for once!" Vanoss ignored him instead and took out his AP pistol. Delirious was ready as he flared up his wings, with his stance, he-

"STOP!!" A voice yelled. Both human-turned ponies looked at the source of the voice which was the one and only Rainbow Dash, holding up Evan's wrench.

"You fucking bitch- AWUCH!!" He cried in pain, rubbing his nose where Delirious had smacked him with the butt of his pistol.

"She may have stolen the godfucked wrench, but you don't-"

"No. It's fine. I deserve it." Rainbow interrupted Delirious. Evan, whilst rubbing his nose, glared at Dash.

"So why?" Rainbow looked up to him. "Why the fuck would you take that wrench?!?!" He yelled at the guilty mare. "I was going stop when Delirious would actually surrender and give me the wrench before we would crash through a fucking wall! All this time you had the wrench?!?! Why?!" Vanoss continued to yell and question.

"Because it was a prank. A prank to get back at you last two weeks." Rainbow spat out the truth. Hoping it would be enough to calm down Vanoss but to no avail, it made things worse.

"Well guess what Rainbow fuck, you just made things worse, so worse that we have to repair what we have done-"

"What you have done!" Delirious corrected him. But Vanoss ignored him.

"-before the fucking party starts at 5 hours! Was it fucking worth it?!" Vanoss yelled again. Only to receive a sniffling response.

"No.." Dash said while sniffling, as water filled up her eyes. Feeling so guilty, she turned tail and flew away to her house for some space. The ponies outside were looking at her before they turned to Evan with angry faces. Delirious crossed his arms and also glared at Evan. Who was sweating and had nerve-looking smile.

"She.. deserved that?" He said, before came a negative response from the crowd outside. Some were taking some things nearby and threw it at the now guilty Vanoss.

"Evan I got a question for you." Delirious seriously looked at him. "Was it worth the yell?" He said, before his spawn menu came out, and pressed the 'clean up everything' button as all damaged things around Ponyville was fixed and was placed back where they supposedly at. "Your fuckin' lucky I came 'ere before you did." He said, trotting through Vanoss while hitting him with his shoulder and leaving through the front door.

"Now I have a new problem." Evan sighed and said to himself as the crowd kept on getting louder and angrier.

It was sunset, by that time the lights were installed, the banners were put back, decorations are placed, musicians were making music and finally the tables, chairs, service and the food are already at town square. Ponies poured out from their houses dressing formally for the occasion as the kids ran by playing around. Others surrounded the stage, others sat on chairs and continued their conversation from there while others were hanging near the buffet line.

As Vanoss and Wildcat were placing the very last decorated banner onto the wall, they were talking. Mostly Wildcat reacting about what happened earlier.

"So let me get this straight, you beat up Delirious for a crime he didn't commit and yelled at the already guilty Rainbow Dash for taking your wrench which caused the townsfolk to get pissed at you? Wow, holy shit that's some real shitty cartoon scene there."

"Yes! Ok?! You don't have to repeat the same shit for about three times!!" Vanoss yelled while Wildcat laughed, finishing placing the banner on the wall.

"Welp, that's all the shit for the fuckin' uhhh.. town hall and shit. Now we gotta talk to Rarity for our final task." Wildcat said, looking at the said mare in backstage dressed up in her jeweled blue and lavender dress with her amethyst crown.

"Then let's do this shit." Vanoss said as they start trotting to the mare being surrounded by other ponies.

"... Noteworthy, I need you to take the southeast sector," She said as the blue stallion dressed in his tuxedo trots to his position. "Cherry Fizzy, you taking the western sector," She said as again, Cherry in his suit running to his spot. "And finally, Felix you take control of the buffet line." The stallion nodded as he trotted to where the ponies near the line are at. By that time Evan and Tyler reached Rarity, who was just rolling up the sheet of paper and pocketed it in her dress. She then took notice of the approaching YouTubers and smiled at them.

"Hey Rares." Wildcat greeted.

"You said that we have one more job to do?" Vanoss questioned, Rarity nodding.

"Yes, I have said that. But please wear this first." She said, taking out a hangered tuxedo and suit and tie out of nowhere. Both guys being surprised at the action Rarity did.

"Ookay," Evan said taking the suit and tie with Tyler following his friend's actions, taking the tuxedo. Both wore them and completely fit them, making them look formal.

"You both fit with those pieces I made." Raroty commented.

Wildcat pulled the rears of his suit. Checking their stability and comfortability. "It's tight on the sides, which hurts."

"Do not worry, you can adjust those. Made them in case they won't fit."

"Mine fits, and actually looks good." Vanoss said, checking himself out.

"So I managed to get the sizes perfect then! Well good job there Rarity, and.. *ahem* Vanoss you are assigned to guard the east sector while Wildcat you are to take watch inside town hall."

"Will do." "Yes ma'am." Both understood.

"Now, of you go then. I must get prepared by now." She said turning to the curtains and waited for her cue.

'Now what will I do?' Evan thought.

Knock! Knock!

"What?" A voice yelled angrily.

"It's me, Evan." The door opened to reveal an angry Rainbow Dash with a recently crying face. Evan was surprised, thinking that Rainbow was stronger than this. But apparently she ain't. "Damn, you okay?"

She didn't respond.

"May I come in?"

Still no response. She was still looking at him.

"Look," He sighed. "I'm sorry for what I did earlier, but right now, your friends need you. They're going to wonder what the fuck happened to you."

"You didn't tell them?"

"None of us did. Not even the townsfolk." Then Rainbow Dash gestured him to come inside. Vanoss promptly following by trotting inside. He looked around, he was impressed. Impressed that Rainbow Dash can afford such building. He was surprised that he saw the outside look of her house, but it's more amazing when you can see the inside.


"Oh shit right.. I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry for making you feel bad, I was.. in the pissed mood because I thought Delirious had the goddamn wrench. But I'm sorry again."

"You've already said enough." Rainbow said.

"It's not enough to make you yourself again."

"Well, apology accepted." Rainbow sniffled and smiled at him rubbing her nose afterwards. Vanoss walked up to her.

"Here," He said pulling out a handkerchief. "Use it."

"Won't you need it?"

"I don't use it as much as I thought." He smiled at her before placing his hoof on her shoulder and leaving to the front door. "You comin' to the party right?" He asked.

"Yeah, just give some space and time." Vanoss raised his hoof and forgot that he can't do thumbs ups. So he instead nodded slightly at her before leaving.

"Hey man. How ya holding up?" Vanoss asked Delirious. Who was in a suit and tie as well.

"Jus' fine man. I had to suicide myself so I can get back to shape but these fuckin' wounds won't go anywhere." He said raising his foreleg, showing a small rash and slash on his hoof.

"Yo man, sorry 'boot that."

"I-i-it's fine man. Let's just go do our jobs and get this fucking over with."


Author's Note:

This is not part of the specials. The 3 parts will be continued next Christmas. Or 2017 Christmas.