• Published 21st Mar 2016
  • 2,193 Views, 476 Comments

Sonata's Crazy and Wacky Adventure in Skyrim - Sonata Blaze

After the Battle of the Bands the Sirens end up leaving one of their own behind. Sonata, lost and alone in the world, returns to the place where one life ended, determined to start anew in a new world.

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20: The Felblood Dragon

"I can't believe that Rulindil would betray me, betray the Thalmor, like this," Elenwen commented, pressing one hand to her head as she dealt with a headache that was the result of everything she had discovered, "He's quite lucky that you destroyed him in such a swift manner... I would have made him suffer for his transgressions."

Sonata glanced back at the altmer for a moment, wondering if she should say something to her about what had happened, before she sighed and returned to her search for information that regarded one elf betraying his entire kind to her enemy. It pained her to see that Lord Grul was able to corrupt so many people into doing whatever he willed, because at this point the only hope for those that turned was a swift death. She longed for the days where she and her sisters lived in Equus, back when everything was peaceful and they had yet to be banished by Starswirl the Bearded, but she knew that she had a duty to protect the people of Skyrim from whoever wanted to destroy the world.

It also annoyed her that Rulindil had basically burned and scrapped every piece of paper that detailed everything that his master had told him, once again leaving Sonata in the dark as to what her enemy was doing.

"Damn it all to Tartarus," Sonata snapped, slamming the chest she was looking in shut, "He's gone and left nothing on his movements, save for a clue that something's coming to raze Solitude to the ground. I had better get down there and mobilize the guards, otherwise we might not see this thing coming until its too late to stop it from reaching the city."

"And how do you propose that you'll get down the mountain?" Elenwen asked, knowing that she would have to trek through the Embassy, and the party, before heading down the mountainside, "You'll eventually have to alert those that are at the Embassy as to what is going on. Its something that you cannot avoid."

"That is where you would be wrong," Sonata commented, placing a hand on the wall she had knocked Rulindil into, rubbing the scorch marks for a bit, "I've always have a way to get to my destination... I just need to use a little magic and I'll be on my way."

Instead of blasting a hole in the wall, which was what she assumed Elenwen believed she was going to do, Sonata walked outside and stared at the sky for a moment, a smile appearing on her face as she noticed the black clouds forming overhead. She called her magic into her left hand and held it towards the sky, allowing the energy around her to hum for a moment as she worked her spell into existence. The last time she had used this spell she had been back in Equus, but she remembered how to work the spell as if she had learned it not a few hours ago. Not many ponies had ever seen her travel in this method before, save for Starswirl the Bearded, so she hoped that Elenwen considered herself lucky that she was allowing her to watch what was happening.

She was going to call forth the storm and ride the lightning itself back to Solitude, though if she angled it right she would land right outside the area where she left her friends and Delphine.

The instant the storm hit the area round her Sonata disappeared, flying into the sky with her powers as she angled her course for the city that was resting below her. She waited a few seconds inside the storm, making sure that she had used the spell right, before she turned towards the stables outside the city. She was glad to see that Delphine and her friends were still sitting outside the mill, because as she neared the city she angled bolt of lightning towards them and struck the ground close to the stables. When she landed she dusted herself off and noticed that the lightning had wrecked the party clothes she was wearing, thanks to the tears that were everywhere, before she sighed and headed up the hill.

"Guys... we've got a problem coming our way," Sonata said, causing her friends to turn to her for a moment, though Delphine looked annoyed once more, "one of the Thalmor betrayed the rest of his kind and sold them out to Lord Grul, but that's not the worst part. There's something called the Felblood Dragon coming our way."

"Wait... so Lord Grul managed to corrupt a dragon?" Kree asked, shock filling her eyes for a moment as she handed Sonata her gear, "As if the return of the dragons wasn't enough, now our enemy can turn dragons against us and control their minds?"

"And its on its way here," Sonata said, slipping into her normal armor before she discarded the clothing Delphine had given her, "Kree, we need to tell the guards that there's a dragon coming this way. Maybe we can set up some sort of defense before it..."

That was before a roar ripped through the air and caused them to turned their heads to the path that lead to Dragons Bridge, where Sonata noticed a dragon, that was slightly larger than the one she fought at the watchtower, coming their way. Not only was it larger than the previous ones she had previously fought, but the color of its scales had darkened to the eerie green color of the flames that appeared to be associated with Lord Grul. She guessed that the term 'Felblood' referred to the flames that Grul commanded, though at the moment she had no idea how she was supposed to hit it out of the air so her friends could help her take it down.

As Sonata drew her sword, and wondered how she'd take the dragon out of the sky with her current amount of power, the beast opened its mouth and loosed a green fireball at a building that rested near the water beneath them. The dragon ignored were Sonata and her friends were standing and flew at the docks, raining flames on the various buildings and boats that happened to be stationed in the docks. Sonata sighed and ran at the cliff side that the stables had been built near, engaging another spell as she stepped onto the air and ran to where the dragon was currently floating.

The instant she was near the dragon she drew her sword and slammed it into its side, but all that proved to do was annoy the beast as it spun around and smashed its wing into her chest. She coughed for a moment before she called upon the storm once more, lightning arcing around her sword as she attempted to send shocks through the dragon's body. All that managed to do was anger the beast, as the instant she was done with her attack it slammed its tail into her and sent her flying towards the water beneath them. She corrected her course and leapt around the dragon, searching for some sort of weakness she could use to end this fight before the beast attacked Solitude.

Sonata took a chance and landed on the dragon's back, swinging her sword above her head before driving it into a spot between the beast's back and right wing, intending to tear it out of the sky by wounding one of its wings. The dragon seemed to know what she was trying to do, because it spun its body around and threw her off of its back, before slamming its tail into her once more. Sonata sighed as she attempted to correct herself once more, but this time the dragon appeared to know that she was still fighting, as it turned its back on what it was attacking and slammed its head right into her chest.

Sonata coughed up some blood as she landed on the water's surface, surprised that Lord Grul could have empowered a dragon to the extent that this one was currently fighting at. She knew, at her current level of power, that she didn't stand a chance against a creature that had been empowered by whatever dark energies that Grul had forced upon it. As much as she hated to use the power of her Queen form, as she seriously hated using it, she knew that she was going to need it if this was how powerful Grul could empower his warriors. The water ripped around her as she threw herself back into the air, but before she could even reach the storm that was building above Solitude, and the docks for that matter, the dragon used the spikes on its tail to wound her as it sent her flying back into the water.

This time she allowed herself to slip beneath the water, sinking to the depths as her ability to breath underwater kicked in, though all she did was wonder how she could best such a creature. She stared at the dragon through the water for a few seconds, before she closed her eyes and wished that her pendant hadn't been shattered, because she could really use her full power at the moment. She felt something familiar reach out to her, though she relaxed as she sought it out, hoping it was the power she needed to deal with this one dragon.


"It seems our pet has killed the Dragonborn," Mag'zul commented, staring at the docks as the dragon continued to fly in circles around the place, while he and his three companions watched from the area that was directly across from where the docks were located, "Its a shame, because I was hoping to see what power she could actually wield."

"She's the Siren Queen... and she would not go down that easily," Aggronak replied, staring at the area that Sonata had sunk under, "She'll be back up in no time, and then we'll see if she's progressed enough for the Master to capture her."

A green portal opened behind the four of them, Grul's top lieutenants, and they stood at attention as their master, in all of his glory, stepped from where their base of operations was located and appeared before their very eyes. They had been told that he might come and watch the fight, if he was sure that Sonata would reveal how much she had progressed, so if he was there than that meant that something special would soon be happening. Aggronak bowed the moment their Master had stepped out of the portal, to which the other three followed suit, not wanting to offend their leader.

"The Sisters are active again," Grul commented, staring at the fight that had been paused for a moment, noticing that the area around where Sonata had fallen had started to swirl as if it was a whirlpool, "which means that the powers of the Siren Queen are waking up from their thousand year slumber. Come my lieutenants, let us see what powers the Siren Queen can bring to bare against our Felblood Dragon."


A beam of energy erupted from the water and struck the storm above the city, darkening the sky and awakening the storm as lightning flashed and the wind whipped around the place. Kree watched all of this happen, wondering if Sonata had been beaten by one of Grul's horrible creations, but then she spotted something moving in the pillar of energy. Then, as if something was watching her, the pillar dissipated and a figure appeared, but as she and the others watched they noticed that Sonata was floating above them all. There didn't seem to be anything different about her, but the dragon didn't seem to care as it roared at her, as if challenging her to continue the fight.

Sonata stared down at the dragon for a moment as she extended her right hand out just a bit, spinning her hand around for a few seconds as the wind bent to her will and formed a spell she hadn't used in years. After a few seconds she was holding a shuriken made completely of wind, though as the dragon stared at her she arched her hand back and threw it forward. The shuriken spun through the air and struck the dragon in the chest, to which it exploded in a fury of wind that tore several of the scales off of the beast's chest. As the creature corrected itself and came back at her Sonata disappeared, only to appear next to the dragon and slam another shuriken into its side, sending it down towards the water.

When the beast tried to correct itself once more Sonata was on top of it, spinning two more of the shurikens around as she threw them at the dragon, blasting even more scales off of its body and damaging it further than she had done without the power boost. As the dragon was distracted by the pain she had dealt it Sonata poured more of her power into another one, though this one had a sphere of energy flowing around the center of it. This was the strongest form of her wind shuriken, one that both she and Starswirl had spent time perfecting in case she ever needed to defend herself against enemies that could actually provide her with a challenge.

When she smashed it into the dragon's chest, up close and personal, the beast was sent flying through the air before the sphere exploded, consuming the dragon in a fury of energy that she was sure would bring an end to the fight. She floated down to where the dragon exited the cloud of smoke, finding that she had been correct in her assumption that the attack had ended the Felblood Dragon's life, and more importantly the actual fight. She breathed a sigh of relief as the dragon's soul exited its body and coursed through her own, though as the seconds ticked by her eyes widened as the dragon, in its last act of defiance, delivered to her a piece of information that made her turn to the east...

...where she spotted five orcs, all of whom she recognized from her dream a few days ago, with none other than Lord Grul standing at the head of the pack!

"LORD GRUL!" Sonata shouted, energy arcing around her right hand as her anger returned in full force, forming a sphere of energy she knew that would destroy her enemy in one shot.

As the orcs turned her way, and realized that she had discovered them, she extended her hand and released the energy, loosing a beam of energy that roared through the air. When it neared her targets, or more like her real target, it exploded in a fury of energy that tore the ground around them to pieces and even blew a hole in the ground. Instead of waiting in the distance, like she had done with the dragon, she approached where the five of them had been standing, to which she noticed that a barrier was standing around the five of them. She intended to smash them the moment she touched the ground near them, but when she did so she suddenly found herself weakened and that she was laying on her side... staring at Lord Grul as he and his lieutenants stepped into a portal behind them.

"I continue to be impressed by your abilities," Grul commented, as his underlings disappeared in a flash of light, "and this is only a fourth of your abilities. I shall not capture you just yet, my Siren Queen, not until you recover your full potential. Come and find me when you've dealt with the dragons, the vampires, and those cultists that came after you... and then we'll see how much you've actually progressed."

Lord Grul then laughed as he entered the portal and disappeared, leaving Sonata to succumb to what she assumed was her body shutting down from expanding too much energy. She knew that she'd get to her enemy one day, but she needed to get better before that day arrived, otherwise she'd be handing him the power to end this world... and any other worlds his master might set his sights on.