• Published 21st Mar 2016
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Sonata's Crazy and Wacky Adventure in Skyrim - Sonata Blaze

After the Battle of the Bands the Sirens end up leaving one of their own behind. Sonata, lost and alone in the world, returns to the place where one life ended, determined to start anew in a new world.

  • ...

30: Sovngarde

When Sonata and Kael stepped through the other side of the portal, and appeared in the nordic afterlife that was Sovngarde, she half expected to be in the form of a pony, considering that she was originally from Equus. As she regained herself she noticed that she was still in her normal form, which was actually fine considering everything that she had been through so far. Kael stood to her right, but his eyes were on what was resting before them, which prompted Sonata to turn her head to what was in front of them and finally notice the land of Sovngarde.

There were plenty of trees and patches of grass scattered around the area in front of them, though Sonata could even see a mound of ground that was covered by a bunch of clouds. She looked to their left and right and spotted what she assumed were small mountains, with statues carved out of the very stone they were attached to. Even the air seemed lighter than it had been in Skyrim, something that Sonata hadn't been expecting when they walked through the portal, but she still managed to enjoy it. She even spotted a rather large building in the distance, where she assumed she would find the assistance she needed if she wanted to put down the World-Eater.

Still, despite the fact they came here to prevent the end of the world Sonata couldn't help but be amazed by the sights that were resting before her eyes.

"So this is Sovngarde..." Kael commented, looking around in wonder for a few seconds, "I have heard many nords speak of this place, always revering it whenever they said its name, and yet I never dared to think that I would actually step foot in this part of Aetherius."

"I suspect that we'll find someone to help us inside that massive building." Sonata said, pointing at the massive structure for a moment, before starting to walk down the path in front of them, "Come on, we should get moving before Alduin realizes that we're here."

"I think that he might already know," Kael replied, pointing at the black mist that happened to be covering most of the area between them and the massive building that Sonata had pointed to, all while noticing that a large number of soul like creatures were standing before the mist itself, "Ah, I think I see how Alduin intends on restoring his health after his battle with you; he set up this mist and likely catches the souls of those who are brave enough to test their luck. Its either that, which I think that it is, or this was designed to keep you from reaching that building, though we'll have to wait and see."

Sonata didn't like to think that this had been designed to keep her away from the massive building, because that would have meant that Alduin knew that she would be coming here despite what he told her back at the Throat of the World. This was likely how he stunned the souls of the dead so he could eat them whenever he needed to, which meant that her enemy was nearby and that they needed to get to that building before they were spotted. She counted herself fortunate that she had learned the Clear Skies Shout before coming here, because she was sure that it would help her in clearing out the mist, while also informing Alduin that she had arrived.

She spotted one of the unfortunate souls trying to get through the mist, but after a few seconds he disappeared and was never seen again, though Sonata blasted back the black mist with her Shout. Eventually she and Kael came to a split in the path, to which they looked at each other for a few seconds, before they turned to the left and resumed their journey. Every time the mist returned Sonata blasted it back, keeping her and her companion safe while they made their way to the large building that they had spotted earlier. After some time they emerged on the other side of the mist and appeared before what appeared to be a large bridge back from what Sonata assumed was the backs of several dragons.

Standing in front of the bridge, however, was a massive nord that was glowing, though Sonata also noticed that he was wearing no chest piece and carried a battleaxe on his back.

"What brings you, traveler grim, to wander here, in Sovngarde, Shor's gift to honored dead?" the large nord asked Sonata the moment she and Kael approached him, though it was clear that he was more interested in Sonata.

"I pursue Alduin, the World-Eater." Sonata declared, knowing that the dragon was waiting for the end of their battle, something that she wanted to bring an end to anyway.

"A fateful errand." the large nord responded, though Sonata was unsure if he had been expecting that answer or if he had been expecting her to say something else, "No few have chafed to face the Worm since first he set his soul-snare here at Sovngarde's threshold. But Shor restrained our wrathful onslaught - perhaps, deep counselled, your doom he foresaw. No shade are you, as usually here passes, but living, you dare the land of the dead. By what right do you request entry?"

Sonata had no idea what the man before her was speaking of, and she wanted to say by the right of being the Siren Queen, but decided that revealing what she was once more would only make things more complicated for someone that wasn't familiar with her past self. So that left her with only one path she could take, the only one that would get her into the building that was standing on the other side of the massive bridge. Though as she thought about it, and everything that Grul was forcing her to go through thanks to him discovering what she was, she figured that she might as well accept who she used to be and add it back into her life.

"By right of birth." Sonata declared once more, though she knew that Kael was sure to be surprised by what she was about to say next, "I am not only the Dragonborn of Legend, but also the Siren Queen!"

"Ah! It's been too long since last I faced a doom-driven hero of the dragon blood." the large nord replied, apparently taking more to the fact that she was Dragonborn than what she actually was, "Living or dead, by decree of Shor, none may pass this perilous bridge 'till I judge them worthy by the warrior's test."

Sonata sighed as she drew her ebony sword and parried the attack that came her way, as she had expected the massive warrior to attack considering that he had mentioned a 'warrior's test'. Kael, knowing that she had to face the man alone, had backed up and was watching what was happening before his eyes as Sonata parried the next attack. She then parried the next three attacks that were coming her way, trying to determine what she could do to defeat the large warrior, before she forced it back for a moment and struck him in the chest. The wound didn't seem to bother the man very much, leaving Sonata to parry several more attacks before she could deliver another wound and get the show on the road.

It took some time, and a large amount of parries on her part, before the nord sheathed his weapon and stared down at her, leaving her to wonder if the fight was over or if it was a way to make her lower her guard.

"You fought well." the man said, moving out of the way as if he was permitting her to cross the bridge, "I find you worthy. It is long since one of the living has entered here. May Shor's favor follow you and your errand."

"Kael, wait here for a few minutes," Sonata said, sheathing her weapon as she approached the bridge, "I should be back with some allies that will help us defeat Alduin."

Kael nodded his understanding as Sonata began the trek across the bridge, not bothering to think about what she was stepping on as she focused her energy into figuring out how she was going to stop Alduin. She was sure that the power of four Tongues would be able to do some massive damage to the ancient dragon, but she seriously hoped that they would be able to bring an end to the World-Eater. The building she was walking towards got more impressive the closer she got to it, though when she stopped at the entrance she noticed that it was definitely a massive structure, far larger than she had originally been expecting.

When she walked inside the building she noticed that there was a massive amount of ancient warriors, far more than she was expecting to see when she had stepped into Sovngarde, though she was greeted by a buff warrior that seemed to have an air of authority around him.

"Three await you Dragonborn," the large warrior commented as Sonata approached, before beckoning to three ancient warriors that she recognized from when she looked into the Elder Scroll to learn Dragonrend, "to loose their fury upon the perilous foe. Gormlaith the Fearless, glad-hearted in battle; Hakon the Valiant, heavy-handed warrior; and Felldir the Old, far-seeing and grim."

Sonata smiled when she spotted who would be fighting by her side when she called Alduin to battle one last time, because she knew that this time the World-Eater would finally meet his end.

Sonata and the three ancient heroes left the massive building in time to hear a roar shake the entire area, something that told them that Alduin had grown tired of waiting and was ready to fight them once more. The four of them quickly crossed back to where Sonata had left Kael, who fell in with them as they arrayed themselves between the black mist and the bridge, though before they did anything they all drew their weapons as they prepared themselves.

"Come now, Clear Skies," Gormlaith shouted, facing the mist as everyone else turned towards the mass of darkness that was hanging in front of them, "We will drive back the Enemy's mist and bring him to justice this day."

The Clear Skies Shout escaped from the mouths of four Tounges, though the combined power of their Shout tore into the mist, ripping it apart and driving it from the area in front of them. Sonata would have cheered at the fact that they had beaten Alduin's mist, but before she could do anything she heard three words, Ven, Mul, and Riik echo through the air as the mist stitched itself back together before their eyes. Gormlaith called for them to try again, to which they tore the mist apart with their Shout for the second time, though that was rapidly followed by the same three words echoing through the valley and the mist reforming. The third time was definitely the charm, because the moment it was torn to pieces Alduin didn't bother trying to restore it again as he burst out of the sky and descended towards where they were standing.

As Alduin neared them Sonata and the other three Tongues loosed the Dragonrend Shout, forcing their enemy to the ground and allowing them to fight him on equal footing. Alduin roared and loosed a gout of flames at them, forcing them to separate from each other for a few seconds as they attacked the massive dragon from both directions. Their enemy brushed off their attacks, which annoyed Sonata considering that they had forced him to the ground with the Dragonrend Shout, and gave them the impression that they weren't doing enough damage at the moment.

When the next wave of Dragonrend Shouts collided with Alduin, and continued to make sure that he stayed grounded, Sonata summoned her power and started shooting lightning into her enemy's sides, trying to wound him like she had done back at the Throat of the World. Her power, combined with the elemental fury that Kael commanded and the additional power of three more Nordic Tongues, seemed to have almost no effect on their enemy despite the fact that he was being weighed down by the Dragonrend Shout, leaving Sonata to wonder what was different between this fight and the last one.

"You cannot defeat me, joor!" Alduin roared, his left wing smacking Sonata in the face while she was distracted, sending her flying into the rock wall that was behind her, "Your power means nothing to me."

That was when Sonata remembered what she had done back at the Throat of the World to force Alduin to come here, as she had been in this position during their previous fight. She had opened herself up to the power trapped inside of her, which also included her anger towards Lord Grul, and had overpowered the World-Eater. She moaned as she opened herself to her true power, as much as she was able to wield thanks to her shattered necklace, and noticed the red aura from before surround her as she powered up. The sky seemed to flash for a few seconds as she picked herself back up, though she was glaring at the World-Eater the entire time as he focused on her allies and not on her.

It gave her the perfect opportunity to connect her power to the sky above them and create the beginnings of what could be the storm that would destroy her enemy, before she focused her lightning and blasted Alduin in the side.

"If you know a Shout that can summon a storm I suggest you use it!" Sonata shouted to her allies, focusing her attention on the World-Eater as she struck him with the Dragonrend Shout, though that was followed by the sky darkening even more than it had previously been as lightning started to flash everywhere.

Alduin turned his attention to Sonata and breathed gouts of flames at her as she moved through the air, avoiding all of them thanks to her enhanced speed and smiling at the entire time. Her enemy clearly had no idea that she was using his own flames to increase the power of the storm that was building above their heads, all so she could create a powerful attack that could end this fight. Starswirl had told her that this was possible before he had been forced to banish her and her sisters, to use flames to increase the power of the storm that she could command. It basically meant that she didn't need to expand her power creating the storm itself, especially when she could make Alduin empower the storm that she would use to destroy him.

He also managed to score a lucky hit on her as she moved around his head, as he appeared to be permanently grounded thanks to four Tongues constantly blasting him with the Dragonrend Shout. Though not a few seconds after getting hit she noticed that the clouds were busy with activity, informing her that this was the time to unleash the power and destroy her enemy.

"Let's end this!" Sonata shouted, raising her ebony sword to the sky as a bit of lightning danced around it, while the storm itself seemed to flash in response to what she had done, "Lightning Rod!"

Sonata flew down to where Alduin was waiting and drove the blade right into his head, but even with the Dragonrend Shout it didn't seem like he was phased by her sword penetrating his skull. She then kicked herself off of his head, leaving her sword where it was for the moment, and opened herself to the storm that was above their heads, calling upon all the power that it could muster. Lightning flashed through the air and slammed into the ebony sword, coursing through the blade and entering Alduin's body, though that was followed by the World-Eater roaring in pain from the attack. Sonata did not relent in her attack, using everything that the storm had, and even most of her own power, to inflict as much damage as she could upon her enemy, all while hoping that it would be enough to stop him.

That was seconds before Alduin roared in pain one last time and his body exploded, his soul rushing towards the skies above them and ripping apart the storm that Sonata had put together, until there was absolutely nothing left of the World-Eater, save for Sonata's ebony sword that had been stuck in his head.

"I can't... believe that worked." Sonata commented as she landed on the ground near Kael, falling to her knees as she cut off the aura and left the power behind.

"You deserve to rest for at least an hour before we even think about heading back to Nirn," Kael replied, making sure that his companion was fine from the blow that had knocked her into the side of the mountain, "then we'll figure out which of your enemies we should take out next... after we gather up the rest of your small army."

"That was a mighty deed!" the large nord that had challenged Sonata said, as if he was actually impressed by the defeat of the World-Eater, "The doom of Alduin encompassed at last, and cleansed is Sovngarde of his evil snare. They will sing of this battle in Shor's hall forever. But your fate lies elsewhere. When you have completed your count of days, I may welcome you again, with glad friendship, and bid you join the blessed feasting."

Sonata nodded and looked up at the sky of Sovngarde, somehow finding a sense of peace from the troubles that awaited her back in Skyrim, where Lord Harkon, Miraak, and Lord Grul waited for her return. She reached for her shattered necklace and pulled it out for a second, though she noticed that two of the fragments, which had been two separate pieces, had merged into one half of the original pendant. She smiled as she looked at the necklace, now knowing that the way to restore her former powers laid through her dealing with the enemies that plagued Skyrim, which meant that she would be paying the Dawnguard a visit after she returned to Skyrim.

And then, once she was done with Harkon and Miraak, she was going to enjoy using her full power to find Lord Grul, break him like the fool he was, and rescue her sisters from whatever prison they were trapped in at the moment.

Lord Grul looked at the ceiling of Blackreach as his minions focused on completing their work, a smile appearing on his face as he felt the World-Eater meet his end. He had been expecting the Siren Queen to deal with the massive black dragon, and she had thanks to what he was feeling, but he knew that there were two more enemies for her to fight. Grul chuckled for a moment, knowing that it was almost time for them to reveal what they had been working on, to which Aggronak, his right hand, looked up from the crystal that he was working on the moment he chuckled.

"One down," Grul commented, picking up a twisted piece of metal that resembled Alduin, crushing it as he turned to the twisted pieces of metal that resembled a vampire and a dragon priest, "two to go."