• Published 26th Mar 2016
  • 24,994 Views, 390 Comments

A Word of Caution - Eighth

A strange creature arrives in Ponyville and the Apples have taken it upon themselves to keep it as a pet, despite Twilight's cautious words.

  • ...

Chapter 5

Another night, another lesson. You arrive at Sweet Apple Acres, this time with Spike in tow talking about the latest Power Pony issue. It's really nice to see him excited about something, while comics aren't what you usually read it does give the two of you something to relate on.

"Spike, Twilight," Applebloom cheers as the two of you walk up to the steps to the door.

"Howdy Twilight, Spike. Applebloom, why don't you and Spike go find something to do. Dinner will still be a while," AJ says as she heads your way.

"Where's Anon? I've got a lot planned for tonight," you ask as you look around for the lumbering man.

"Some of the cows caused a little bit of a stampede today."

"Oh, is everything alright? What happened?"

"No worries. Just a few fences and things ended up in the way but it took both Big Mac and I to fix all the damage before day's end. We left Anon to deal with the apple bucking and I guess the guy pushed himself to make up for the lack of extra workers."

Applejack leads you outside to the barn where a old water tank has been turned into a make shift bath with a few ice cubes floating around. The upper half of Anon's head surfaces when you walk in.

"AJ, I don't think the ice bath is a good idea."

"Why's that?"

"It does help with muscle inflammation, but it can cause breathing difficulties and prolonged exposure may lead to hypothermia. How long has he been in there?"

"Not long and besides Twi', it's only a few bits of ice. Anon seems to enjoy the relief, maybe he's got a thicker hide than ponies."

"Hm, it is possible but we'd better warm him up soon to make sure."

With a nod Applejack gestures for Anon to get out and throws him a towel.

"Thank Twilight," Anon says as he waves before drying himself off.

"Heh, hello Anon."

"You know, it's a nice night out," AJ states as her gazes flies skyward, "What do you say to an outside dinner beside the fire?"

The cool breeze of the night blows through the barn as she asks. It's a soothing chill that feels inviting, one you wouldn't mind a walk under the stars in.

"Lovely," you reply softly.

Applejack gathers some kindle while Anon gets some larger wood to place in a pit then you and Anon settle for tonight's lesson as the fire starts.

"So you're doing well in recognising letters and phrases so I want to see how well you can read on your own."

You rummage through your saddlebag full of books to find one in particular. Once you've got the little thing, you hand it to Anon and begins to look it over, inspecting the little novel quickly before looking to you on a sign for what to do.

"My example?"

"No, just borrowing."


"Here, open it."

He looks to you again then opens it up once you mime opening a book.

"It's just a little filly's book but it's a good starting point. Give it a go," you encouragingly tell.

"T-heh-roa-j, teh-rogj-heh... T-heh-ro-heh-j?"

Anon's face screws up already and you suddenly recall a few words you never went over for him.

"Through," you apologetically fill in.

"Through," he repeats with a nod, "the..."

He looks to you again for the answer, this time he doesn't even try to sound it out.



"Come on, keep reading, I can't tell you everything."

Anon gives an uneasy nod before continuing.

"Forest of-er hot as-heh runs dog."

He looks at you inquisitively and for approval. You smile warmly. Then nod.

"Very good."

Anon returns the smile although it seems half-lit and doesn't last long before he places his concentration back into the book. As he reads over the book, he keeps rubbing his eyes with exhaustion. It really must have been a long day.

It's maybe half an hour or so before Applebloom comes outside to set the outside table for dinner, then soon after Applejack and Big Mac arrive with food. You all settle down to eat then you and Anon return to the lessons inside the barn. There's no room in the house for Anon, and given his large size the only thing they have for him to sleep on is a makeshift bed made of hay and plenty of blankets.

"Dog doeh--does not answer," Anon repeats.

He's gone over the first few pages again and again. While they're basic to most ponies, to Anon they're not. And while he's probably sick of constantly saying the same things over and over, however it's important he gets pronunciations right and can recognise letters.

That's what the reading is about, if he can recognise how the language is spoken on his own, then teaching him to form actual sentences will be much easier. Right now all Anon does is repeat after everyone and any sentence is a few words short. Just enough to almost get his message across some of the time. He's made leaps and bounds of progress, but there's still even more of a way to go.

Anon gives a loud yawn, who knows how many that makes.

"I should let you get some sleep," you tell him as you rummage through your saddlebag again.

You grab a few books out, all basic stuff like the one he's reading now and set them down on the stand by his bed.

"Speak?" He asks while pointing to the books.


He mimes opening a book and repeats himself. You click and mime the same motion.

"Read," you correct.


"Yes but get some sleep first."

He nods as he climbs into his hay bed.

"Goodnight Anon," you say as you head outside.

Before you step into the cold night's embrace, Anon speaks.


"Yes Anonymous?"

"Read Anon?"

You're not sure what Anon is asking and based on how well he's been reading in the past few minutes you'd wager he's too tired to decipher his meaning with you so you compliment how he went then leave.

"How'd it go?" Applejack asks.

"He's exhausted so I'm not sure how much all that will sink in but he's getting the hang of things bit by bit."

"Still a long way to go though?"

"Yeah, it's still early days," you reply with a tired huff.

The two of you stand there, side by side under the soft glimmer and glow of the moon and stars. The wind rustles through your coat, it's chill now has a colder bite as you shudder to its touch.

"It is about that time, I best get some sleep," Applejack yawns, "Early start tomorrow and plenty of Applebucking that needs doing."

"AJ, did you want me to get in contact with Princess Celestia?"

"What for?"

"Some furniture for Anon. He can't sleep like that forever."

"I know. I know. I just don't think it's fair bothering the princess for things. You know?"

"Yeah but it's also hardly fair to let Anon stay on a bed of hay."

Applejack pauses, and for a moment you catch a grimace of guilt on her face.

"Alright, could you contact the princess for us?"

"Of course," you tell her.

"Are we going?" calls Spike from the upstairs window of Applebloom's room.

"Yup, let's get going."

Before you go to bed, you write up that letter to the princess and have Spike send it. You tuck Spike in when he lets out a belch for the return letter. Using your magic you float it close by as there's no real light to see.

Dear Twilight,

Of course, you only need ask. I'm more than happy to help my subjects and I appreciate you updating me on Anon's progress. I'll send some funds first thing in the morning, and I'd also like to meet with the curious creature.
I know the Apples are busy with the upcoming cider season, which will be the perfect time for me to visit.

I'll see you soon.


Princess Celestia.