• Published 27th Mar 2016
  • 9,950 Views, 414 Comments

Rebellious Alicorn Teenager Shenanigans - Masterweaver

My parents named me after an incident where I nearly destroyed the empire. WHAT DID YOU EXPECT WOULD HAPPEN?!

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That time I became the Cuddlebug Goddess

Show of hooves: who here is brave enough to ask grauntie Celestia out?

Nopony? Okay, how about Luna?

Wow, seriously? I mean I know she's hot, but that many of you? Huh. Okay, what about auntie Twi--?

Wait what?

There's a club?!

Let me get this straight, there's a rehab group for ponies that have asked my aunt out and been rebuffed? But she says nopony ever asks her out! I'm going to have to get mom to look into this later...

Okay, look, my point is that it's supposed to be hard for an alicorn to get a date. Something about the manifestation of all pony races is apparently very, I dunno, scary to stallions and/or mares. Or maybe it's the princess thing. I'm not sure. Look my point is I was fifteen years old and hadn't ever had a real romantic relationship. My mom's the princess of love! I should have ponies fawning left and right! But no, here I was unable to steal a single snog.

So, yeah, maaaaaybe I was just a touch overeager when I found letters from a secret admirer. And after that General Flufflebuns thing, I was kinda pissed at mom and dad and I thought "Hey, I won a war, I can handle a secret relationship." So I'd been writing Crystal Wish for a few weeks and we'd been exchanging gifts and she'd been listening and I've learned not to judge, right, I mean I like looking at stallions but there's this difference between physical attraction and love or something? Point is, I started crushing right back on her and one day I was like "Hey, wanna meet up for some noms or something? Super secret like."

And I get a definite yes back. No, I'm serious, the card said YES in big fancy calligraphy with all this glitter on the edge, right? It's the 13th most melodramatically sappy thing I've ever seen, and I know that doesn't sound like much but remember who my mom is? Yeah.

So we arrange the date and I sneak out in disguise, by which I mean I've got this huge Wonderbolts hat on and my hair's in a ponytail and I'm wearing this big-ol sweater like I'm from Appleoosa or something. Cause... look, I think the wonderbolts suck, right, but I'm not going to tell Auntie Dash that ever, and Auntie Dash is a bit of an idiot and also the only wonderbolt that doesn't suck--no, I'm serious, she should be in charge or something. Anyway, she's the one that gave me the hat, and everybody in the crystal empire knows that I don't like the wonderbolts so OBVIOUSLY it can't be the princess walking down the road if she's wearing a wonderbolts hat, right? Most useful gift Auntie Dash ever gave me.

Anyway, so I meet Crystal Wish in this place, and we hit it off like awesome, and we're chatting, and I'm really getting into it, and it turns out she's secretly the changeling queen and she's drugged my hayburger with a knockout drug.

No, hold on, I swear I'm going somewhere with this.

See, I wake up tied down, you know, like you'd be in a hostage situation, and there's a magic suppressor on my horn, and my first thought is 'this is kinky' and then QUEEN CHRYSALIS strides in. And look, I've been told stories about her all my life, right? And I used to be scared of her but when your mom and dad and your aunts keep going on and on and on about how this was the most dangerous thing in their life you get kinda bored with it. So I was a little worried, but not really scared, so I start listening as she begins her speech, trying to 'break' me I think? Dropping subtle hints that she knows about me and my life and whatnot.

Here's the thing: the scary stories came from mom and dad. I was currently pissed at mom and dad. And I actually liked Crystal Wish, and even knowing that she wasn't quote unquote 'real' didn't stop me liking her, even though I was a little hurt. And hey, I'm irreverent as all get out. So just as she's about to launch into her final threat, I say "You have a really sexy voice."

And she just gets this shocked and confused look on her face and it's so totally adorable.

So Chrysy starts calling in some other changelings, trying to find the one who brainwashed me, cause apparently brainwashing makes you dumb and shit and she needs me to be smart enough to tell her some critical info? I don't know this, of course, I found out later, but I just flirt like a master, getting her more and more flustered--look, when you're mom's the princess of love you pick up on some of these things. She eventually gets fed up and figures that I'm trying to get under her... skin? Shell? Whatever. But just as she's about to knock me out I off-hoofedly mention my connection to the crystal heart, and I imply that maaaaaybe I can channel the love in the crystal heart to her if I, like, actually fall in love with her.

And she actually considers that. And it's adorable.

Yeah, she decides it's worth the risk. I still have the suppressor on, and I still have my wings tied to my body, but she does cut me free and we actually start talking a little bit, like actual ponies on an actual date. And it goes pretty well, despite the fact that she brainwashed my dad that one time before I was born, and in the end she escorts me to my 'cell' and locks me in with, ohmygosh, a little cheek kiss. Don't look at me like that, she was my first crush!

So the next day when she comes to pick me up I sort of whine about the lack of blankets, just a little bit, and I pout just the teensiest bit and she caves completely, she thinks I don't see it and she takes me to tour the hive but by the time we get back there are blankets. Also the hive is awesome. Big bug ponies crawling everywhere, it's so flippin' metal. Of course she doesn't show me any exits, I'm still her prisoner and all that, but I don't mind. I got my blanket.

Oh, the next day I kinda mention that I like colorbits. And hey, colorbits show up in my cell that night.

And then the next day I'm all embarrassed that I smell bad, and I'm wondering how Chryssy can stand to be near me when I'm so stinky, and she sighs and takes me to this improvised bathhouse.

And the next day I just hug her and she's got this awkward look on her face and JUST before I go to bed I crick my neck and explain that without a specific brand of pillow I get these awful pains, and she sort of fwuffs and assigns me a shopping changeling to get me what I need, you know, and I thank her and apologize for being such a burden.

I wasn't really sorry though. See, while I did want to piss off my parents by dating what they hated, I also wanted to take full advantage of the situation I found myself in. I had somebody courting me who would do anything to earn my love (for purely selfish reasons, but really I'm a princess that was pretty much expected). The trick was being subtle and cranking it up very, very slowly, all the while rewarding behavior that I approved of. And you know, changelings might be shapeshifting erovores that cause nightmares, but I'll tell you something that I found out real quick--they absolutely love snuggling. Hug addicts. The whole species.

In one week, my cell was about as good as an ordinary apartment.

In two, I was having well-cooked meals every day.

In three, well, I'd gotten my own personal retinue and convinced Chrysalis to dress up.

Not in a maid dress, no, that didn't come till the fourth week. She was, as always, adorable.

Now, spending a month in a situation where nobody is willing to talk shit about you to your face does things to your mind. I got a little bit full of myself, got a little cocky. I started asking for little performances, maybe a song or two. I got a couple of the changelings to make me a throne. A small one, but very fancy. I started to ask Chryssy to stay by my side for longer and longer, just so I could make my demands more efficiently. Nothing I did was abusive, I never asked them to hurt themselves or insulted them, but just the right pout here and a group hug there and they were all bowing at my every whim.

And then the guard found us. Turns out Chryssy had set up in the mountains near the empire.

Haha, whoops.

So there's dad and his guards, and they're all set to rescue me from Chrysalis... but they see her dusting the armrest of my throne in her maid outfit, and they stop for a moment, and dad and Chryssy just stare at each other. And then, since I'm stupidly high on the power rush of getting spoiled for a month solid, I cry out "WORSHIPERS, DEFEND YOUR GODDESS!" And both of them stare at me, in complete shock, but the changelings and the rest of the guard square off while they're just staring and before either of them know it there's this huge brawl.

Of course since these are the changelings and the Crystal Guard, I immediately have to start directing the battle to keep them from killing each other while still seeming to be a competent commander. And I'm so focused on that that I don't see dad and Chryssy get in their own little wrestling match, and I don't hear them apparently having a heart-to-heart and Chryssy whining about how I've basically stolen her hive from her or dad talking about the General Flufflebuns thing...

...well, right up until Chrysalis shouts "MY SWARM! SURRENDER!"

And the whole battle stops, and I stare at her completely shocked, and she and dad have bruises but they're both glaring right at me and I realize that the jig is up. And I kinda laugh and cringe and say "Can I at least keep the throne?"

Dad says "No," Chryssy says "Yes." They look at each other. Chryssy clears her throat and says "No."

So the whole swarm and me are marched right up to the palace, and mom sees me and grabs me in a hug and is worried that I was hurt right up until dad tells her exactly how he found me and then she's pissed. She sends me to my room, of course, but as I'm walking off Chrysalis smirks and says "Farewell, goddess" in this ubersnarky you-screwed-up voice. And I can't let that stand so I look over my shoulder with my own smirk and say "Goodbye, cuddlebug."

Was the adorabley miffed face worth the two-week-long scrubbing duty? Oh heck yes it was. I think mom actually laughed, she might have hidden it, but she laughed.

I still hit on Chryssy whenever she comes around, her reactions are priceless.