• Published 27th May 2016
  • 3,320 Views, 32 Comments

Two Saiyans in Equestria - SlayGuy295

Nappa made a ridiculous wish, instead of immortality. Now, him and Vegeta are stuck in a new dimension.

  • ...

A Foolish Wish! A New Magical World!

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"



Finally, the Saiyan pods crash landed in a city. After they've exited from their pods, they have encountered with the Earthlings. Nappa tell his boss, "Hey look, Vegeta, the locals!"

There was a long silence between the invaders and the civilians. Until, one of the Earthlings has spoken, “So, are you guys alien-”

Then suddenly, the bald headed Saiyan lifted two forefingers up and cause an explosion. The evil blast has destroyed everything within the city, except the two invaders. “Ahhh,” Nappa sighed, “I hate awkward silences.”

“Damnit Nappa,” Vegeta yelled in anger. “Think before you act. What if you’d have blown up one of the dragon balls?”

“The what now, Vegeta?”

“The dragon balls, Nappa. Don’t you remember our wish?”


“The dragon balls,” Goku explained, “you know? There are seven of them – they grant you any wish you want. Like immortality?”

“Or Bulma’s panties,” the talking pig added.


“Yeah,” Nappa remembered. “...pandas.”

Vegeta argued over Nappa stupidity, “You know what, Nappa. One of these days you’re going to die. Then, you’ll be out of my hair forever.” Epic Foreshadowing. “Now, let’s just go find the dragon balls and grant our wish for immortality.”


The two Saiyan elites went off and began searching for the dragon balls by using their scouters. They've founded most of the dragon balls in civilizations and destroyed them as well. Finally, after couple of hours, they’ve finally gathered the dragon balls and placed them within the forest.

“Finally,” Vegeta spoke, “after all of these hours and after all the searching-”

“And the killings,” Nappa added.

“Oh yes, the killings-”

“Don't forget the slaughtering!”

“Yes, the slaughtering-”

“Don't forget the rampage!”

“Yes, the rampage-”

“Don't forget the destruction!”

“Yes, the destruction-”

“Don't forget the-”

“SHUT UP NAPPA!!” He cleared his throat and resumed, “Now, it all comes down to this. We have gathered the dragon balls! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-So, how can we activate them? Is there something we have to do or is there a code word or-”

“Maybe we have to say the magic word,” Nappa cut in. “Maybe something like this.” He fell to his knees and began bowing to the dragon balls, “Oh, great magical being! Come forth and grant us our wish!”

“Oh, stop it Nappa! There's no way that could possibly-” Suddenly, the dragon balls began glowing and slowly flitting into the air. “Oh, so that's how you do it. Good job, Nappa!” He paused and whispered to himself, “Wow, that's something I thought I would never say.”

Then, the eternal dragon, Shenron, appeared before the Sayians. He growled, "OH COME ON!! IT HAS ONLY BEEN A DAY! WHAT DO YOU LOSERS WANT THIS TIME-” The dragon stopped and he never recognized the two warriors before him. He was surprised and corrected himself, “OH! OH OH!! I'M THE ETERNAL DRAGON! SPEAK YOUR WISH AND I SHALL GRANT IT!

“I can't believe it,” Nappa shouted with joy. “We're finally gonna get our wish, Vegeta! Dreams do come true!”

“Yes, yes, whatever,” Vegeta ignored his simple headed minion and drawn his attention to the eternal dragon. “Oh, great powerful dragon! We have traveled days for you! We've waited patiently for searching for you! Now, eternal dragon! I wish that-”

“You know, Vegeta. I’ve always lived by that slogan, ‘Dreams do come true!’ It has never lead me astray.”

“I doubt that.” He refocused on his goal and resumed, “I wish-”

“OH!! I remembered where I got it from when I was little! My childhood TV show called… My Little Space Pony!”

Vegeta was annoyed by his minion pathetic childhood memories. Then, Shernon alerted them, “SOOOO, ARE YOU GOING TO WISH OR WHAT?"

The prince realize what he has came here for and responded, “Oh, yes yes yes! I do! I do! I wish-”

“You know what,” Nappa cut him off again. “There's another code that I’ve lived by… ‘friendship is magic!” He laughed about his childhood and his good he had. “Oh, beautiful memories!”

ARE YOU GOING TO WISH OR NOT,” Shernon growing impatient.

“Yes,” Vegeta responded. “Yes! Just hold on for a second.” The prince turned to his pinheaded henchmen and shouted in anger, “ GOD DAMNIT NAPPA!! SHUT UP!!”

“I remember that I’d used to dressed up as a pony for Halloween every year,” Nappa didn't pay attention to his boss. “Of course, everyone laughed at me, but I get to break their bones, take their candies, and maybe may’d killed one of them. Anyways, it was a perfect life for me.”


“OH!! And most importantly, I have wanted to wish for something so beautiful, that nobody else has ever wished for. In fact, I can wish the both of us can go there.”


“I wish we can go to a magical pony world!”

PRETTY RIDICULOUS BUT WHATEVER." Shernon responded. As his eyes were glowing, he spoken to them, “YOUR WISH SHALL BE GRANTED!

“Finally! Now, Nappa would you please-” Vegeta stopped and realized what just happened. “WAIT WHAT?!!” He quickly begged to the eternal dragon, “”NONONONO!! WAIT!! THAT IS NOT WHAT I WANT-”

Suddenly, the eternal dragon has granted their wish and transport them to their new world. Shernon laughed and speak to himself, “HA! WHAT A STUPID WISH! WHY CAN'T THEY JUST WISH FOR IMMORTALITY OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT?! HUH WHATEVER! JUST GLAD I’M NOT THOSE GUYS!

Vegeta and Nappa reappeared in another forest. “Okay,” the prince said angrily, “what the h*** are we?!” He was clueless of what he just said. “Why did it makes that noise when I say h***?”

“Vegeta,” Nappa shouted with complete joy, “look! We're ponies!”


Vegeta examined and found himself as a blue colored stallion. He turned to Nappa and found him as a tan colored stallion. Thanks to his dumb henchmen, they're stuck in a pony dimension and been turned into ponies as well. The only thing that they still have is their battle armors and their Saiyan tails.

“I can't believe that we're living in my childhood dream show! Aren't you excited as I am, Vegeta?!” Then, Vegeta began to growl in anger. “Ha, are you okay Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta, Vegeta? Vegeta?”

Meanwhile, in Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle was sitting on a bench and reading one of her nerd books. Until, she was disturbed by a warm greeting. “Howdy there, Twilight!” She lifted her head up and found her best friend, Applejack, headed to her.

“Hello,” Twilight responded, “Applejack. How are you been?”

“Oh, fine. Just got done doing my chores around the farm and all. Anyway, what are ya reading there?”

“Oh, just reading about Starswirl The Bearded!”

“Ah thought ya had already read it?”

“I know, but I just can't stop reading! I'm always very interested about his magics and discovery across Equestria. Oh, I remember this one time-”

Then suddenly, the two mares were caught off guard by a rageful loud echo that went through their town. “GOD D***IT NAPPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!”

The two friends stared at each other after what just happened. Neither one of them have spoken since the anger echo faded. Eventually, Applejack asked her friend while creeped out, “Um, Twi? What was that?”

“I…” Twilight responded, who's creeped out as well, “...don't… know.”