• Published 28th Nov 2016
  • 954 Views, 13 Comments

Reach For the Stars, Grabbed an Apple - Evowizard25

Starlight wants nothing more then to get revenge on Twilight. That means she might have to play nice with a certain stallion.

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Fluffy Cloud is Sent For Brunch

*Starlight Glimmer*

I groaned as I finally came back into the world of consciousness. It’s a nice place, if you like waking up to find that all your hopes and dreams are gone. Aside from that awful feeling, it’s okay. I still prefer my dreams where I made Twilight Sparkle my personal maid. Hehehe, yes. That’s what I’m going to do. She’ll have to clean my floors with a toothbrush every day of her life. We’ll see how she likes it when she has her life taken from her.

Hmmm, I could do better. Yet, what? How am I going to beat her? How long is it going to take? What is this soft and warm thing next to me? Maybe the pegasi did their job but messed it up somehow. One of the clouds might have fallen to the ground. I don’t know if it’s possible, but eh. It’s nice and cozy.

Then it started to move. I frowned. I needed my fuzzy cloud. I grabbed it with my hooves, but it kept pulling away. It should stay still. You know, like a regular cloud. Why should this cloud be different? It should be the same. IT SHOULD BE EQUAL SO I CAN CUDDLE IT! My horn lit up and the cloud was back at my side. I smiled. I still had enough magic in me to do a few things.

I nuzzled the cloud, noticing it was firmer than your average cloud. I loved it, but it wasn’t the same as other clouds. I’d have to look into this and sort this out when I equalize Equestria. Everypony will thank me when I make this the standard of all future clouds. I heard something grunt nearby but paid it no heed. It was probably just a wild animal of some kind. It would go away.

Then I felt a pair of strong hooves pull me away from my cloud. I was being robbed! They must have seen my wondrous cloud and thought to take it from me. These fiends! We should share it equally, but I would show them. They will all have equal amounts of pain and torment. I opened my eyes, “Who dares to take my fluffy cloud?!!”

A large red stallion was laying down where my fluffy cloud should have been. His eyes widened in surprise, illuminated by my glowing horn. I looked down to see it was his hooves that were pulling me away. I touched his forearm which felt just like my fluffy cloud… So my fluffy cloud was a stallion…

Okay, hold on a minute. Usually it’s a sexy stallion and then I wake up to a fluffy cloud. Now it’s the opposite? Stick to one set of circumstances, universe. I waited for the stallion to do something. He didn’t. He just stared at me with those big kind eyes while he held me in his big strong arms…

I must be dreaming. This stallion was not anything like most stallions I’ve met. He was different… unequal. I scrunched up my muzzle when I realized he was still holding me, “Are you going to let me go?”

He looked down at my arms that were still tightly wrapped around him. Then back to me with a slight frown.

I blushed slightly in embarrassment and let go, “I thought you were a fluffy cloud.” Oh great, I said that aloud. He didn’t need to know that.

“It happens,” he simply said. His deep voice seemed to shake me slightly. It might be because of how skinny I am right now.

“Right,” I got to standing up, but fell to my haunches. I was weaker then I thought.

“Ya alright?” The stallion asked.

“Oh I’m fine,” I tried my best to smile. I didn’t need him getting curious about who I am. If he did find out, he would tell somepony and they could potentially tell Twilight Sparkle. Just thinking about that mare infuriated her. “My legs just feel asleep is all. I’ll be up and out of your mane in no time.”

“Sure?” The stallion quirked an eyebrow.

He doubted me. Ugh, just what I need. I could use some magic to make him forget, but I’m not sure if I have enough power to do that sort of spell right now. It’s best if I just leave, “Never better. You can just go on ahead outside and we’ll never have to see each other again. I’ll be fine on my own.”

He gave me a ‘I don’t believe you’ sort of stare.


He rolled his eyes and gestured to my body.

“I’m on a diet,” I rolled my eyes. Hopefully he would fall for that.

He didn’t look like he did.

I gritted my teeth, “Are you going to actually ask me something or just stare at me like I’m an injured puppy?”

“Ah don’t do much talkin’,” the stallion responded. “But ah can tell you’re not doin’ so well right now. Need some help?”

First of all, I really don’t like the silent types. I prefer a stallion or mare to actually say what is on their minds. Bottling it up is frustrating and you never know what silent types are thinking. That and it’s annoying to talk to them. Second of all, I couldn’t accept his help. He would get me in trouble.

So I scoffed and brushed off his aid, “No, I don’t need your help. I just need to be on my way.”

“It’s cold outside.”

“Nooooo,” I dragged out that word, glaring up at the stallion. “You don’t say. I never would have guessed with all the snow around. You’re a regular Smart Cookie, aren’t you?”

The stallion simply rolled his eyes as though he’d dealt with such quips before. He stood up himself and… wow, he really is big. Like… wow. “Hungry?”

I opened my mouth to say I wasn’t, but my stomach betrayed me. It grumbled out loud. The stallion chuckled. “Just a snack. I want to get out of here as soon as possible.”

The stallion frowned, “Don’t ya wanna come back to the barn and get it yerself?”

This was the moment of truth. I had to think of something. Anything. I nervously looked around, “Ummmm… I can’t.”


“Because… I’m not good with other ponies.” I looked down to the floor. It wouldn’t hurt to tell some of the truth. “I’ve never… been all that good. So if you could please just get me a snack, that would be great. Also, don’t tell anypony I’m here. I just want to be on my way.”

The stallion frowned, “If’n that’s what ya want.” He made his way to the door, “What’s yer name, by the way.”

“Just go get the snack,” I huffed.

“Big Macintosh, if’n ya were wonderin’.” The stallion offered. “It’s polite to introduce yerself.”

“Well I’m hungry,” I glared at him. “So please, just go and get me something to eat.”


*Big Macintosh*

She was truly a strange mare. She seemed so defensive even when ah was tryin’ to help. Well, come to think of it, she did wake up in the arms of a stallion. Any mare would get a little uppity and a bit scared. Ah couldn’t blame her for feelin’ that way. Still, ah don’t know why anypony would be going out in a blizzard like that. She might be hidin’ somethin’.

Ah stopped that thought. It aint my place to go snoopin’ around her backstory and whatnot. She needed some help and help is what ah’m gonna give her. Thankfully ah didn’t have to go far to get to the farm. Ah’d already whipped her up a few daisy sandwiches and apple cider to go with it. It wouldn’t hurt anythin’ to use some of our winter stock. We’ve got plenty on hoof.

“Howdy Mac,” Applejack walked into the kitchen. “Makin’ some brunch?”

“Eyup,” ah nodded.

Applejack quirked an eyebrow as she looked over the food in the cloth, “Takin’ it out?”


“But it’s freezin’ out there,” Applejack huffed. “It don’t make a lick of sense. Might as well just eat it before ya get up to whatever it is yer up to.”

“Fixin’ the barn.”

Applejack sighed. That excuse always worked since the barn really did have a bad track record. Half of which is thanks to lil’ Applebloom. Ah love that filly to death, but she can be a hoof full. “Just don’t stay out too long. There might be another storm comin’ this way.”

“Ah’ll be back soon,” ah commented and made to leave.

“A mighty big meal for just ya, though.” Applejack quipped.

“Might be out fer a while,” ah called back. Ah was thankful ah wasn’t that talkative youngster ah was back in the day or else ah would have blabbed about the mare. That wouldn’t have done her any good. AJ wouldn’t do anything to harm her, but that mare seemed scared. She wouldn’t say it, but ah knew she was hidin’ somethin’. Maybe if ah play my cards right, she’ll talk.

“Take care now,” Applejack called out.

"Will do," and then ah made my way towards the barn and that mysterious mare. Hopefully she wasn't too malnourished. Poor thing was as thin as a dried up tree. She might not be goin' anywhere soon in her condition. Maybe ah can talk her into stayin' fer a bit till she gets better. That's if she doesn't try and use me as her 'fluffy cloud' after she's on her hooves again.

Wouldn't mind that.