• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 2,137 Views, 72 Comments

Returning Survivor - Itchy

A pony returns as the sole survivor of a division of scouts, here is the story of his life after.

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Old Friends: Big Macintosh

Mecha and Luna had walked all night, and were standing in front of the library, waiting for princess Celestia to get back from raising the sun in the central square. Taking one last look at Mecha, Luna said, “Thou has been good company. Mayhaps we could do this again if thou comes up to Canterlot some time?”

Taking one last look at her, Mecha replied, “That would be enjoyable, should I ever come up to Canterlot. Until then though, perhaps letters would suffice?”

Smiling, her reply was, “That will in fact suffice. I shalt send mine with my sister's letters to her pupil to get to thou.”

At this, Mecha nodded his head, before heading to his aunt's house.


Having gotten breakfast with his aunt, Mecha was wondering around Ponyville, looking for the answer to a problem he realized he had during breakfast. Namely: the lack of a job or cash. Granted, he would probably get paid for his time in Hell, but still, at the moment he had nothing. Walking past Sweet Apple Acres, Mecha stopped. Looking at the sign, Mecha wondered if this was the same Sweet Apple Acres his old friend worked on. 'Well,' Mecha thought, 'only one way to find out.'

Walking up the path, Mecha came across a tall pony, and blinking, asked, “Big Macintosh?”

Turning around, Big Macintosh just blinked at the sight in front of him.

Realizing it was in fact the pony he thought it was, Mecha laughed, and said, “Man it's been a long time since I've seen you! You look great man, been holding up well?”

Still blinking, the situation slowly made since to Big Macintosh, who began to smile, and said, “Eeyup.”

Laughing some more, Mecha continued, “Still a pony of few words eh? Any ways, as much fun as it would be to catch up with you, I'm in a bit of a pickle. See, I've essentially moved into town, but I lack a job and cash. Now, the cash thing shouldn't be a problem soon, but at the moment, I'm basically living off my aunt's charity. So, I was wondering if you had a couple of jobs I can do until I get sorted out?”

Taking a long look at his old friend, Big Macintosh replied, “I do have some work that needs to be done, and having you along will help speed things up... So sure. Will 5 bits an hour* work?”

Releasing the tension that had been in him since he realized his predicament, Mecha stated, “Sure. Only really need some spare change at the moment, that would be perfect. So, what do you need me to do?”

Merely turning, Big Macintosh pointed out to the fields, and stated, “Buck all these trees.”

Seeing the sheer size of the fields, Mecha sighed, and said, “Of course.”


It was lunch time, and Mecha was chatting with Big Macintosh, catching up on new times, as well as laughing at the old times. “I still can't believe it! There you are, barely out of your colt years, and those mare's were flirting with you like there was no tomorrow! Not to mention the fact that every stallion was staring at you with envy!”

Laughing, Big Macintosh replied, “Don't forget how angry they were when we beat them!”

“Ah, good times,” Mecha said. It was at this point that a flyer came through, being blown straight into Mecha's face. “Ugh, what is this!” he yelled, pulling it off, and setting it on the table. What it was was a flyer for the upcoming Renaissance fair, including a tournament with the grand prize of tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala. “Huh, what do ya know,” Mecha said. It had been a while since he did anything fun... Not to mention, tickets to the Gala could fetch a good price should he chose not to go...

“Hey, Big Macintosh, you got anything planned next week?” Mecha inquired.

“Eenope,” was Big Macintosh's typical negative response.

“Want to hit up the fair for old times sake?” Mecha proposed.

“Eeyup,” Big Macintosh replied, a grin stretching across his face.

“Good,” Mecha started, “although I think our original costumes might need a few minor adjustments, not to mention the blades...”


“Welcome, fillies and gentlecolts, to the un-numbered-th Renaissance fair tournament!” Screamed Hayek, the brown Earth Pony hosting the event. “As you know, this tournament is meant to honor the knights and soldiers who fell during the establishment of our nation! Thus, our competitors will be fighting with a spell that let's them fight without limits! For those of you don't know how it works, basically to sum up the spell, you get hit by a sword, it merely feels like your hoof got cut off, nothing more!”

While the cheering was going on, the mane six were talking in the stands, mostly discussing the tournament that was about occur.

“I'm so excited!” Twilight Sparkle stated, “I get to see this impressive piece of magic at work!”

“Are you kidding,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, “This is one of the best competitions of the year! The only way it could be better would be if I could compete!”

“Yes... well.. um... it is highly competitive...” Fluttershy muttered to herself, not really wanting to be there.

“Yeah, well, it's to bad that Big Macintosh couldn't make it though,” Applejack said, “He normally loves this kinda stuff.”

“Yeah, where is that giant hunky stallion?” Rarity asked.

“Now hold on an apple bucking minute!” Applejack started, “Don't talk about mah brother that way!”

“Oh calm down AJ! Rarity is just saying what passes through almost every mare's mind when they see him! Not to mention the occasional stallion!” Pinkie Pie interjected, trying to avoid an argument.

“Ugh, ah did not need that image in mah head,” Applejack stated. “To be honest though, I don't know where he is. All he told me this morning was that he was going to hang out with that pony who came into town recently... um... what's his name?”

“OH OH OH!!! Do you mean Mecha?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Yeah, that's the one!” Applejack confirmed.

“Shush, they're about to start!” Rainbow Dash stated, waving her hoof at them.

Indeed, the excitement was to start, for down on the field Hayek was all but jumping with energy. “May I have your attention please,” he started. “For I have news that will make you roar with joy!” At this the audience started to rumble, as this was already an enjoyable event, what could make it better? “For those of you who went to these fairs before, you will recognize the two who are about to take the field, for those who are new, you're in for a treat! For we have two of the best fighters in all of Equestria here once more! They need no introduction, but I'll give them one anyway!” Here, the older ponies got excited. They were back? This would definitely be one of the best tournaments they've been to.

“Who are they talking about?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

“Shoot if ah know,” Applejack said.

“I'm as clueless as you,” Rainbow Dash stated.

“First we have the knight with the strength of ten ponies! Wielding a two-hoofed sword, no pony can knock him down, for this giant can't be stopped! Dubbed the juggernaut by all he's faced, he has yet to reveal who he really is, give him a round of applause!” The stadium shook as each pony pounded their hooves as a large pony decked out in completely in plate-mail walked out, with a sword as long as he strapped across his back. “Also returning is the rouge unequaled in speed! His weapon of choice is actually weapons! That's right, he wields two, not one but two short-swords! But this feat is only improved upon by the fact that he can't be hit! That's right, this pony has never been hit! Also choosing to remain nameless, he has been dubbed quicksilver!” Here a pony entered the field, face covered with a hood and wrappings, adorned everywhere else in chain mail.

“Wow, those two must be tough if they can even wear that in this heat,” Rainbow Dash said.

Suddenly, another pony ran up to Hayek, and whispered something in his ear. Hayek started sputtering, the crowd hearing, “Really Keynes? Are … captain of...”

After minutes of babbling, Keynes ran of the field, and Hayek turned to the crowd, and announced, “It just gets better and better folks! It turns out that we have a final entrant into this contest! He is one of the captains of the royal guard, a master of the sword and shield style, give a round of applause for Shining Armor!”

Hearing this, Twilight Sparkle's jaw dropped, leading to the inevitable question of, “Do you know that guy?” from all her friends.

“Uh-huh,” she said.

“Well, don't hold the details to yourself,” Rarity started, “Spill the details on that good looking stallion!”

Blinking, Twilight merely stated, “My brother.”

Hearing this, Pinkie Pie broke out laughing, and said, “What is it with you and our friends brothers Rarity?”

Huffing, Rarity merely turned to watch the tournament.


The tension was building, the audience on the edge of their seats. The tournament had been going on for most of the day, and it was down to three ponies. The unstoppable juggernaut, the unhitable quicksilver, and the unwavering Shining Armor.

“This is awesome!” Rainbow dash exclaimed, thrilled at the battles fought so far.

“I must admit, this has been quite thrilling. Although, who do you think will win?” Rarity inquired.

“My money is on Shining Armor,” Twilight said, “after all, he is a captain of the royal guards.”

“No way,” Rainbow interjected, “Quicksilver will totally run circles around him. No offense Twilight, but he's going down.”

“Ya'll be fools if you don't think juggernaut will win,” Applejack stated.

“Fillies and gentlecolts,” Hayek started, “As you know, the prize of tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala goes to each of these fine stallions, but they have decided to give their exhibition match anyways! Furthermore, juggernaut and quicksilver have decided to show us who they are after this match!” This got the crowd going, as the anticipation for the match grew close to it's breaking point.

“It's going to be an honor to fight you two,” Shining Armor said.

“Eeyup,” said juggernaut.

“Going to be interesting,” quicksilver replied. “Strength vs Defense vs Speed. Who will win?”

At this point, they went into the center of the arena, took fifteen steps from the center, turned around, and then bowed to each other. Upon the signal, they drew their weapons, and, taking one last look at the other, did something that shocked all the ponies in the audience. They stood on their hind-hoofs. “Dear Celestia! I can not believe this! Folks, for those of you who don't know what is so important about that stance, it is the stance of master swordsponies! The added hight against normal ponies adds a major advantage, not to mention the additional moves available! However, against another master, well, it is just amazing to watch.”

At this point, all three ponies turned into blurs. Quicksilver bolted forward, leaping over the juggernaut's blade, before swiping at Shining Armor's side, only to blocked by his blade redirecting his own blades to clash together. At this point Shining Armor attempted to bash juggernaut's head, only for him to step back and spin into a slash that quicksilver stepped under in an attempt to get into juggernaut's guard, only to step aside from a blow from Shining Armor. Juggernaut then lunged at Shining Armor, only to be directed by his shield into the cloth of quicksilver's hood, who used took this chance to slash at both of them, only managing to nick their armor, before all three stepped back, the entire exchange lasting a mere 15 seconds, stunning the crowd.

Taking only a moment to take in a breath of air, they leaped into action once more, this time quicksilver taking the lead swinging left at Shining Armor's head and right at juggernaut's hooves, only for juggernaut to step on his blade, causing him to lose his balance, whilst both he and Shining Armor swung at him, forcing him to let go of his blade and tuck into a roll that allowed him to recover his blade. Taking in a deep breath, juggernaut started to spin, causing his blade to hack away at Shining Armor's shield, not giving him a chance to block the swipes from quicksilver's blade, resulting in a series of small scratches that while annoying, weren't all that harmful. When juggernaut finally stopped spinning, Shining Armor took the chance to strike, landing a strong strike against juggernaut's chest plate, causing a dent that would hinder breathing. At this moment, quicksilver came in, trying to land more hits on both of them, only to get nicked on his hind legs by juggernaut's long blade, earning a gasp from the crowd.

From there it turned into a flurry of strikes that only the combatants could keep up with, flashes of silver from the moving blades, sparks from the clash of metal on metal, and the sounds of combat overwhelming the audience. Finally, they all jumped back, looking worse for wear. Shining Armor's shield had been bashed until it only looked vaguely like a shield, his armor covered with scratches, his exposed skin cut with hundreds of scratches. Juggernaut didn't look much better, the armor coating his body bent so out of shape it was a miracle he could move at all, let alone fight. Quicksilver held the most visible wounds, having been slowed down badly after he took his first hit, only staying in the fight due to his ability to react quickly with his two swords. Looking at each other, they nodded their heads. This would be the last clash in this fight. Charging in, they blurred in front of the audience's eyes, until a loud noise rang out, and all motion stopped, the result silencing the excited crowd.

Shining Armor's shield and armor had been pierced by juggernaut's blade, while his sword was lodged in quicksilver's chest, who had a blade in both juggernaut and Shining Armor.

With the combat over, all three contestants collapsed onto their backs, allowing the magic on them to work, to lift the illusion on them, showing that while scruffed up, they held no injuries, and that their armor and weapons were still in great condition.

“What a fight!” Hayek told the crowd, which was hollering in joy. “Never before have I seen such moves, techniques, and power! As fitting for these titans of swordplay, none truly triumphed over the others! Gentlecolts, for your display of power, chivalry, and sword fighting skill, I am proud to give you your tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala!” At this point, Keynes came onto the field, holding 3 golden tickets, which he presented to all three of the fighters who had picked themselves up. Having claimed their prize, the three walked up the Hayek, who promptly asked, “So just who are you two? After a show like that, I'm sure the crowd would love to know who their champions are!”

Standing forward, quicksilver took off his hood and wrappings to reveal his face, and said, “Name's Mecha.”

At this point, Rarity asked Applejack, “Didn't you say he and Big Macintosh were hanging out together?”

Blinking, Applejack replied, “Ah did say that, and ah saw him leave with him too, but that means...”

At this point, juggernaut stepped forward, took off his helmet, and said, “And I'm Big Macintosh.”

Seeing her brother down on the field, Applejack said, “Well, that explains why he always enjoyed this kinda stuff.” And at that point, Applejack promptly fainted.

*I use the estimate of a bit to be equal to $1.05

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