• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 2,137 Views, 72 Comments

Returning Survivor - Itchy

A pony returns as the sole survivor of a division of scouts, here is the story of his life after.

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Run Mecha, Run!

Mecha was slowly making his way towards the northern border of Equestria, talking to Padre. “So, how are things with you and Cheerilee?” Padre asked, the old goat keeping pace with Mecha.

Wincing, Mecha replied, “Not to good... She's just a tad pissed at me for disrupting her classroom.”

Raising an eyebrow, Padre inquired, “What exactly did you do?”

Sighing, Mecha told him, “I may have gone the tiniest bit crazy... and chased a devil around the classroom with a golden fiddle in hoof trying to knock it unconscious again.”

Blinking, Padre stopped and asked, “Was this after you beat that little imp in a fiddle contest?”

Nodding his head, Mecha continued, “Yeah, it was family appreciation day back in Ponyville, and it was Sugary Spice's turn, so... yeah. Everything started out alright, but after Diable woke up the third time... things got out of hoof.”

Shaking his head, Padre asked, “So what are you doing at the northern border anyways?”

Stepping forward to get pat down from customs, Mecha replied, “Nothing I can discuss... would you mind if I ran back with your initiates?”

Blinking, the old goat stared at Mecha, before replying, “Sure... although, you realize that we won't stop until we're back in Canterlot, right?”

Nodding his head, Mecha stepped across the border, shouting back, “It's not far enough!”

Shaking his head at his new friend's peculiar behavior, Padre muttered to himself, “Whatever he's about to do is likely to make my whole organization look like a bunch of green thugs...”


Mecha sighed, tapping his hoof. He didn't have time to wait for his contact... There was a life on the line!

Suddenly, the saddlebag he'd brought with him started to wiggle, before Diable squirmed out, bound with rope. “You realize that you didn't need to tie me up, right?” the devil asked, staring Mecha straight in the eyes.

“You realize you should've remained unconscious while we were in that school, right?” Mecha shot back.

“Hey, it's not my fault!” Diable yelled. “You're the one who just took me and stuffed me into a saddlebag!”

“What was I suppose to do!” Mecha hollered back. “Leave you on that stage to escape?”

“I can't be more than a mile from you without your permission!” Diable replied. “Don't you know anything about soul ownership?”

“You own that devil's soul?” came a third voice, “That, is mighty impressive.” Mecha and Diable turned to face Mecha's contact, Mecha saying, “Hade, good to see you!”

Blinking, Diable said, “You're kidding me, right? That's it, you're pulling one over on me! There is no way you've got a Lust-Blessed changeling working for you!”

For indeed, Hade was a changeling, standing at Mecha's height, and out of any disguise. “Eenope. Hade here has been working for the Scouting Division for a couple years now... and you're about to get quite familiar with him.”

“Huh?” was all Diable could say, before Hade grabbed him, and started to make-out with him. “EMEREWLR!” Diable tried to scream, only to succeed in wiggling himself deeper into Hade's embrace, unable to do anything bound as he was.

After around a minute or two, Hade finally let go of Diable, saying, “That was indeed something else Mecha. Tell me, how'd you know I'd enjoy it so much?”

Shrugging his shoulders, Mecha replied, “Changelings are creatures created by Lust, so one would think they'd get the most out of other creatures from Hell. Either way, it's time for you to fill your part of this bargain,” taking out a glass vial from his mechanical leg.

Sighing, Hade replied, “Always so serious... I mean, couldn't you take the time and have dinner with me?” as he lifted his leg and cut it, allowing some of his blood to fall into the vial Mecha was holding.

“You know I have a marefriend,” Mecha replied, eye twitching a little.

Closing the wound on his leg with a little magic, Hade said, “To bad... you look like you'd be delicious...” before walking off.

Shivering, Mecha capped the vial and stored it in his leg, saying, “I know what he meant, and it still sounds creepy...”

Diable nodded his head, saying, “Gay changelings always creeped me out... just something shifty in their eyes...”


Mecha stared at the custom's officer in front of him, waiting for Padre's mafia initiates to start their run before attempting to cross the border. “You realize,” the guard said, staring straight at Mecha, “That despite the reasons you've told me, I still can't let you through with that vial.”

“And you realize,” Mecha replied, staring right back at the guard, “That I have no choice to do what I must.”

Nodding his head, the guard said, “And it is a noble cause. Which is why I'll walk back to report you to my superiors after running after you for as long as I can.”

Snorting, Mecha said, “Which won't be to long- no offense. However, I doubt you'll be able to keep track of me for too long.”

Shaking his head, the guard replied, “None taken. I've heard of you in the fighting circles, and I'm willing to bet I'll lose you in the first mile.”

At this point, Padre's initiates all got into formation, and prepped to run. “That's my cue,” Mecha said, doing a quick stretch before getting ready to bolt.

As the goats all started to run in place, the guard also got ready to run, before saying, “May Celestia keep the ways clear for you.”

“And may Luna keep nothing in the shadows for you,” Mecha replied, before the goats took off, with Mecha joining them by running through the checkpoint and past the bewildered guards, before heading towards the center off the herd.

“Seize him!” the guard he'd been talking to hollered. “He has a vial of changeling blood on him!”

At this point, several other guards started to chase after the herd, but quickly fell behind, the sturdy goat legs able to handle the rocky terrain of the north much better than their lanky legs.


It was about a half-day later, and the herd was almost to Canterlot. “I'm surprised you've made it this far,” Padre told Mecha, running next to him in the center of the herd.

Snorting, Mecha replied, “Canterlot isn't that far from the northern border... In fact, by myself I could've made this trip in half the time. This herd provides some nice cover from those hunting me, however, so...”

“You're willing to lose a quarter of the day so that you can get further in with less trouble,” Padre finished. “Not a bad idea,” he said, nodding his head, “Although I'm still curious as to why you're carrying an illegal narcotic/hallucinogenic/alcoholic drink in you're leg.”

“You forgot anesthesia,” Mecha added, concentrating on the road in front of him.

Chuckling, Padre replied, “Yes, but honestly, how many Zebras are in Equestria? It is much more likely that the vial of blood you're carrying will end up in either a pony's, goat's, or donkey's hooves.”

Shaking his head, Mecha replied, “Except I'm handing it straight to the user.”

Blinking, Padre asked, “What reason do they need an anesthesia that strong for?”

Glancing at the upcoming fork in the road, Mecha told him, “For something that I'll explain later, this is where we part ways.”

Looking ahead, Padre chuckled, before saying, “That it is. Good luck my friend, and may your mission be as successful as the day is long!” before Mecha bolted straight ahead, while the herd turned.


Mecha had just passed Canterlot, when suddenly a large wall of flames blocked his way. Frowning, Mecha forced some magic through his body, before running straight through the wall of fire, being joined by a galloping Solaris and Shining Armor on the other side, Nimbus flying above him.

“Mecha, what the hay are you doing?!?” Shining Armor shouted, matching Mecha's speed with some difficulty.

Diable answered by popping his head out the saddle bag, looking quite green. “He's saving a life... and making me sick at the same time...”

Blinking, Solaris asked, “Zebra?”

Nodding his head, Mecha replied, “Open heart.”

Shaking his head, Nimbus inquired, “How do you want to do this?”

Grinning, Mecha replied, “Simple. We enter Ponyville, you guys fall into the trap prepared just for you, and then you explain you fell for it while trying to talk me out of committing a crime.”

Blinking, Solaris asked, “You prepared a trap for us?”

Grinning as the four ran (or flew in Nimbus's case) into Ponyville, Mecha said, “But of course. In fact, her she is now!” and then promptly ran through Ponyville park, where Synge was singing, causing the three pursers to come to a halt, and face her, entranced by her voice.

Mecha chuckled as he continued to run, saying, “Really glad I took Siren Speak in high school...” when Limbs and his deer comrades ran up to him, running alongside him.

“How goes it my fine friendly foe?” Limbs asked, as if Mecha wasn't currently committing a felony.

“Well enough,” Mecha replied, spotting a flash of light in the distance. It appeared that Celestia had sent a letter to Twilight Sparkle to request that she stop him. “Although it appears that things are about to get tricky.”

Smiling, Limbs replied, “Don't worry about that Mecha... after all, us deer to have quite the week, skinny legs...”

Getting a small grin on his face, Mecha leapt over Fluttershy, who'd ducked down the moment she saw him coming towards her, and continued to run, whilst the deer “accidentally” collided with Twilight Sparkle and her friends... minus the flying Rainbow Dash it appeared.

Flying up next to him, Rainbow asked, “What in Celestia's name are you doing Mecha! It's not like you to suddenly up and break the law!”

Chuckling, Mecha said, “I'm doing good Rainbow Dash, thanks for asking.” Seeing the pissed look on her face, Mecha replied, “I don't really have time to explain, just ask Twilight to look up the effects of Changeling blood on Zebras when this is over, okay?”

Giving Mecha a stern look, Rainbow Dash sighed, before replying, “Okay, I'll trust you on this. Just try not to get hurt okay? I owe you, and you're pretty awesome guy.”

Laughing, Mecha said, “Thanks, nice to hear that. So how'd things go with you and Applejack?”

Blushing, Rainbow Dash said, “Um... I should let you get back to you're running! Haveanicedaybye!” she rushed out, quickly turning around and heading back towards Ponyville.

Mecha chuckled to himself, thinking about Rainbow Dash's reaction. After all, she may be willing to brag about her feats with flying, but ask her anything “mushy” and she clams up and blushes like a tomato.


Two days later, and Mecha was still running. He hadn't really been bothered after escaping Rainbow Dash, other than the occasional town guard he came across, which worried him. Downing a bottle of some concoction Zecora had given him before making this run, Mecha felt as refreshed as when he began this run. Which meant, of course, that the moment he stopped running and taking the drink, he'd be deader than a sack of doornails, but this was too important to risk stopping and resting for.

Thankfully, the southern border of Equestria was just through the valley after this hill... and was filled with the majority of the Equestrian military. “Great,” Mecha said to himself, “they sent the whole wrath-forsaken military... Why in Luna's name did they do that!”

Shaking his head, Mecha continued his charge forward, weaving around the ponies trying to stop him, leaping over swords trying to slice him, and jumping around blasts of magic trying to bludgeon him. Smiling, Mecha managed to get through the giant roadblock with no problem, due to the lack of organization caused by Solaris's and Shining Armor's lack of presence.

Reaching the southern border, Mecha did a repeat of what he did at the northern border, before coming to a complete stop. Breathing hard, Mecha was approached by an ancient Zebra, who asked, “Do you have the vial?”

Nodding his head, Mecha opened his mechanical leg, before removing the vial of changeling blood, and handing it to the wizened elder, who held it up to the sunlight. After a few seconds, he nodded his head, saying, “This will work. You have my gratitude, and the gratitude of the Zebra herds. Is there any way we can thank you.”

Shaking his head, Mecha started to say, “I don't need...” before he started to think. Changing his mind, Mecha said, “Actually, there is something. I'm in a bit of trouble with my marefriend, and I believe you have two flowers that I can use to try and make it up to her with. Do you think you could get a couple of samples of the Radiant Day and Calming Night flowers up to me in Ponyville?”

Nodding his head, the elder asked, “Are you sure that is all you want in return? After all, it was a noble thing you've done for us this day, risking being arrested for someone not of your country.”

“To let her die would make me as bad as the demons I fought in Hell,” Mecha replied, before turning around to walk back into Equestria. Stopping a step from the border, Mecha said, “Although, I have two things to say. One, when I pass out after crossing the border, get somezebra to explain the situation to the princesses, and two, why aren't you rhyming like every other Zebra I know?”

Not waiting to get an answer, Mecha stepped across the border and allowed himself to collapse, unable to support himself with sheer will power as he'd been doing until then, allowing the military to rush up and arrest him.

Sighing to himself, the old Zebra made his way towards the nearby town, saying, “He saves our princess, and is arrested for it. Surely he deals with a lot of crap in his life...”


When Mecha came to, he was in a courtroom, in shackles. Blinking, his vision slowly came into focus, and he looked to see who they'd assign as his lawyer. Imagine his surprise when he noticed it was Dolosus, the famous Weasel lawyer. “How'd I get you...?” Mecha slurred out, still trying to wake up. Man those potions screwed with you!

Looking over at Mecha, Dolosus grinned, before saying, “Ah, you're awake! As for how I ended up working for you... well, Koning was so happy that you saved his daughter's life, that he requested that I help you with this case. And I just can't say no to the Zebra king, now can I?”

Mecha blinked a little, trying to process what he'd heard. When Zecora had brought this matter to his attention, she'd only mentioned that it was her niece that needed the Changeling blood* for the surgery. That meant... “By Luna's secret diary!” Mecha yelled out, getting the court's attention, “Zecora is the sister to the Zebra king!”

*To clarify, for Zebras, Changeling blood is a strong anesthesia- the strongest for them in fact. It also happens to be the only anesthesia that is strong enough for the normally chemical resistant race to be put under deep-enough for an open heart surgery, such as what Zecora's niece needed.

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