• Published 4th Apr 2016
  • 1,801 Views, 60 Comments

Ticket's Taken - Bed Head

It's time for the Grand Galloping Gala! But who's going to take Twilight?

  • ...

Chapter 2

Ever since she'd first seen it, Twilight had taken a liking to Ponyville's Town Hall. Seeing the lone wooden building rising high above its neighbors never failed to remind her of the spires of Canterlot Castle. A comforting sight whenever she missed seeing the ivory towers outside her window.

Even so, she never recalled feeling so giddy around the building. Certainly not to the point where she was practically bouncing down its halls. She couldn't exactly help it, however. Her entire body felt as light as a feather as she raced down the carpeted floor, sliding to a stop as her destination came into sight. A lone corner office, with its owner's name etched onto the window.

Office of Time Turner

Mayor's Aide

Element of Generosity

"Al-alright," Twilight put one paw against the stitch in her side as she tried to catch her breath. "I made it..."

The young dragoness leaned against the wall to steady herself. As she looked back up to the door, she could feel her heart flutter for a moment. Her claws tightened on the rolled list she carried as she drew in a deep breath. Followed by another as her palms began to sweat and the floor started to tilt beneath her...

"Eeeeasy there, Twilight," she coached herself, placing one surprisingly clammy paw to her forehead. "Deep breaths, calm down."

Even as she tried to follow her own advice, her eyes wandered back up to the door. The anxious, light-headed feeling returned as she read the name again.

"It's not like Time Turner would say no, right?" Twilight reminded herself as she took a tentative step closer. "I mean he's kind… selfless... probably the only pony who cares more about keeping a proper schedule than me..."

He saved my life...

Twilight's cheeks flushed at the thought. Still, she couldn't deny the truth of it. The memory of plunging towards raging rapids, supplanted by the tan earth stallion's face. The warmth of his strong forelegs wrapped around her, a feeling of safety as she clung tightly to him. Suddenly she felt more like she was flying—


Twilight let out a yelp of surprise as she was brought crashing back to earth. Literally, as something collided with her and knocked her onto her scaly rear.

"Ow..." she groaned, rubbing at her sore backside.

"Dear me, my apologies!" The dragon's eyes went wide, her pain vanishing as a familiar voice spoke up. "I should have been watching where I was going..."

The voice trailed off as a light brown hoof reached out to her. Twilight was barely looking at the limb, her attention instead on the earth stallion attached to it. One with a darker brown mane, a stack of papers and clipboard balanced on his back, and a look of pleasant surprise his blue eyes.

"Well well, Twilight!" Time Turner said as his face split into a smile. "What brings you here?"

"Oh! Uh, I was j-just in the neighborhood and thought I'd drop by?" Twilight was doing her best not to blush as she scrambled back to her feet. Suddenly, her eagerness to see the pony before her was replaced with a desire to find something to hide her face behind. "B-but you look like you're busy, so I'll just—"

A short chuckle accompanied by the opening of a door cut her off. Time Turner was still smiling as he tucked a key back into the collar his necktie hung from.

"Nonsense, Miss Twilight. I always have some time to spare for a friend," he said as he trotted inside. "Please, come in! I just need a moment to get these organized."

Twilight hesitated for an instant before realizing what she'd just heard. She could do nothing to suppress her tiny squeal of excitement, a smile of her own breaking out as she followed the stallion.

Time Turner was already at his desk as she eased the door shut, his clipboard in one hoof, already setting the papers he’d been carrying into neatly organized piles. All with the same care and precision that Twilight could tell he’d applied to the rest of the office. From the perfectly leveled photographs hanging from the wall to the rug lying in the exact center of the floor; Even the wall clock was perfectly synchronized with the town's clock tower, visible outside the lone window.

"You've really taken a liking to your new office, huh?" Twilight commented as she hopped into the chair across the desk from Time Turner.

"Oh, it's nothing more than a workspace, Twilight," Time Turner answered with a light chuckle. "Not that having one of my own isn't a rather nice feeling..."

Twilight let out a giggle of her own, finally feeling herself relax a bit. The tan stallion was sorting the last of the papers, and she couldn't help leaning a bit closer. It was almost mesmerizing, the quick practiced movements of his hooves as each form found its proper pile, and the smile he had on his face as he set the last one down...

"Funnily enough, I was about to say the same about you and the library," Time Turner commented.

"Huh?" Twilight blinked and shook her head again. It had taken her a second to realize the stallion had turned his attention back to her.

"I've had so many ponies around, talking about how much easier it’s been to find the books they’re looking for since you moved into the Golden Oaks," Time Turner said, as he trotted from behind the desk. "Seems you're quite the budding young librarian!"

"Oh!" Twilight felt a fang dig into her lip as she struggled to find her voice again. "Well... I mean, Spike helps out a lot!"

"Modesty becomes you, Twilight, but no reason to sell yourself short," Time Turner said with a wave of his hoof. "From what Spike has told me, you could run that place on your own!"

Twilight couldn't stop the proud smile crawling up her face. Neither could she prevent the blush that followed as Time Turner's hoof gently patted her on the head. It was only the small rip sound from the list she was twisting in her claws that kept her grounded in her chair.

"Well... I mean gosh, that's so nice of you to say..." Twilight glanced down to the parchment, drawing in a deep breath as she remembered just why she had left her library. "But, uh, actually, I wanted to talk more about how your day was going?"

She held her breath as Time Turner pulled his leg back. For a second she could feel her heart stop as she wondered if she'd said something wrong. Time Turner was, after all, staring at her in surprise as he drew his hoof to his chest.

"Well, I'll admit I'm flattered." Twilight breathed a sigh of relief as her host smiled again and gestured to his stacks of papers. "I'm afraid things haven't been very interesting around here, though. Unless you enjoy reviewing tax forms, that is."

A giddy grin spread across Twilight's face. It vanished immediately as she gave herself a mental rap to the head.


"Are you sure? No... big announcements or anything?" Twilight was holding her breath as she squeezed out her last question. "Maybe something like an invitation?"

She knew she'd hit home as Time Turner froze in place. A sly grin moved across his muzzle as he trotted back to the other side of the desk.

"Ahhh, I suppose it shouldn't surprise me that you've heard," he admitted, flashing her a wink as he picked up his clipboard again. "Already received today's mail, have you?"

Twilight nodded furiously as he turned the clipboard to face her. She froze up, her tail almost spearing through the back of her seat, when she saw the glittering golden ticket Time Turner had revealed.

"Well, that's serendipity for you isn't it? Who'd have guessed a couple of secretaries like us would ever have the honor of attending the Grand Galloping Gala?" Time Turner's happy laugh barely reached Twilight, her ear fins drooping slightly as he spun the clipboard back around. "You know, if you need help picking an outfit, I'd recommend scheduling an appointment at Carousel Boutique. Miss Rarity—"

"Um, about... you know, me going to the Gala, actually..." Twilight lifted one claw as she interrupted and clearing her throat. "There's kind of an... issue, with Spike's ticket."

Time Turner went silent. Twilight squirmed in her chair a bit, suddenly uncomfortable under the worried look the bureaucrat was giving her. She was biting down on her lip again, trying to recall just how she'd meant to explain things.

"It-it’s not like he didn't get one, of course!" Twilight cast her eyes down, forcing herself to speak more slowly even as the words tried to rattle their way out. "He did, he just... he already promised his, uh, 'Plus One' position to… somepony else."

"Really now?" She didn’t have to look up to see the shock on Time Turner’s face. The clipboard clattering back to the desk only emphasized it. "I thought the two of you were practically inseparable... who did he invite? If you don't mind me asking, of course."

"It was—"

Twilight stopped herself before she could say anymore. Suddenly, she was aware of how hard her insides were boiling, and she could hear a worrying scratching sound near her paws. As her claws tensed further, tiny splinters flaked from the armrests that her claws were digging into. The young dragoness let out a long sigh, forcing her paws back to her lap before they could do any further damage.

"It doesn't matter... N-not that I’m mad or anything!” Twilight’s claws worried at the parchment again, wondering just who she was trying to convince. “Spike was really sorry, but it is his ticket so I told him he should use it for whoever he wants and—”

A tan hoof cupping under Twilight’s chin silenced her. It gently lifted her head, until she found herself looking up to Time Turner and wondering when he'd gotten next to her. Both the question and the other ramblings running through her head faded as he gave her a smile, causing her heart to skip a beat again.

"Well, that's very mature of you Miss Twilight." He was talking to her. Even nodding in approval. Twilight's paws flew to her cheeks as the hoof withdrew, trying to cover her blush.

"Awww, well... I mean... thanks!" Twilight cleared her throat. Her huge smile was making it hard to concentrate, but her eyes still wandered back to the clipboard and the invitation she knew it held. "But actually, that kinda brings me to why I was, uh, in the neighborhood."

Time Turner tilted his head, quizzically. Twilight took a deep breath, struggling to steady her nerves as she held up her list.

"Well, Spike got a ticket so I knew that you-and Thunderlane and Big Mac and Cheerilee! Town Hall was just closer to the library and I knew you'd be here so—" Her entire face burned as she faked a cough, giving herself a chance to start again. "I knew you guys must have all been invited too, so I thought I'd see if any of you were still looking for a guest to bring along! Then Spike wouldn't need to feel so..."


The word that would have finished her sentence was also the only one that could describe the look Time Turner was giving her. A deep frown, coupled with quite a bit of worry in those blue eyes. The sort of expression that told Twilight what his answer was before he could even speak.

"Ah... well, it's not that I wouldn’t want to bring you along, you understand!" Time Turner explained, taking a step away and busying himself with some of the papers on his desk. "But... well, you see—"

"You're already bringing somepony," Twilight guessed.

The resigned sigh he gave cut straight into the little dragon's stomach.

"I'm truly sorry, Twilight," Time Turner said as he put a hoof on her shoulder. "If I’d known about this sooner then perhaps I could have helped."

"That's... that's okay." Twilight could feel the knot in her stomach trying to convince her that it wasn't. She quickly forced on a smile and looked back up at the earth pony. "So, who's the lucky—"

Clack, clack, clack

A sharp knock on the door cut Twilight off. It swung open before either she or Time Turner could say anything, and bespectacled beige mare with a gray mane trotted inside.

"Time Turner, are you nearly done with those forms?" She asked, not looking up from the notepad she carried. "We still need to schedule a fitting at Carousel Boutique for our Gala outfits, not to mention preparing for the ponies that will be there and—"

"Ahem, Mayor Mare..." Time Turner cleared his throat. Out of the corner of her eye, Twilight could see him jerking his head towards her.

The dragoness didn't say anything in response, however. In fact, she suddenly wasn't even certain if she was in the same room as the two earth ponies. Seeing as the elected Mayor of Ponyville was looking straight at her, however, she didn't chance it. Her jaw snapped shut before anypony could ask why it was resting in her lap.

"Oh! I'm very sorry," Mayor Mare said as she adjusted her glasses. "I didn't realize you were with somepony. Is everything alright?"

"Uh huh..." Twilight heard herself answer as she numbly nodded her head.

"Miss Twilight and I were just talking about the Gala ourselves," Time Turner explained, quickly moving to the mare's side and beginning to usher her back through the door. "I promise, we'll be finished very soon and then we can worry about seeing Miss Rarity."

"Ah, yes. Very good." The Lady Mayor was smiling as she turned around. Though she did glance back over her shoulder to the purple reptile. "Oh, perhaps we'll see each other during a dress fitting then, Twilight? I'll look forward to it!"

Twilight didn't have a chance to correct her. Not that she could even think to do so. The door was already closed, but still she was staring at it. Her brain slowly processing the conversation that had just happened.

"So... you... and Mayor Mare?" Twilight finally asked, turning her gaze to Time Turner.

The stallion cleared his throat as he hurried back to his desk. Not fast enough, however. Twilight could see his cheeks flushing around a grimace as he picked up a stack of papers.

"I assure you, it's not what you're thinking. Bringing Mayor Mare is purely political." Time Turner explained, taking a seat behind his desk. "After all, the Gala is one of the largest gatherings of dignitaries and nobility from around Equestria!"

Twilight's breathing eased slightly as she heard that. Enough for her to notice the stars in Time Turner's eyes as he produced a manila folder from his desk drawer. He barely seemed to be paying it any attention as he began to stuff the paperwork from his desk into it.

"All those important figures gathered in one place... It's an amazing chance to do some networking on behalf of Ponyville!" Time Turner shook his head, giving Twilight a slightly sheepish smile as he cleared his throat. "And once I realized that, well, inviting the town's highest ranking official to come along just makes sense doesn't it?"

Twilight didn't answer right away. One paw pressed over her scaly chest as she felt her heartbeat resume. Even knowing what it meant about Time Turner's ticket, somehow she felt an indescribable sense of relief flowing through her.

"Yeah... Yeah, of course I understand. That's actually really brilliant!" She barely needed to force the smile anymore. Even as her eyes lingered a bit on the clipboard. "I really hope that works out for you two!"

"Thank you for saying so," Time Turner said. "But if there is anyway I can help—"

"Help?" Twilight had to stop and think for a moment before recalling the list she still held. "Oh! Don't worry about it! I'm sure one of the others still has an opening."

The relief on the stallion's face was obvious as he trotted back towards the door. Twilight hopped down from her chair, plodding after him as he opened it for her once again.

"Well I wish you all the luck in the world then," Time Turner said as she walked back out into the hall. "Oh, and Twilight?"

"Yes?" the she asked, glancing back.

Twilight's heart fluttered one last time as she saw the smile he was giving her.

"Don't feel like you need an excuse to visit," he invited. "Come by whenever you'd like. Perhaps we can chat over tea next time."

"Really?!" Twilight cleared her throat, trying to bring her voice back to its normal pitch. "I mean, yeah that sounds great!"

"Then I'll look forward to it," Time Turner said as he slowly closed the door. "Have a nice day!"


"Yeah... you too," Twilight said, waving a bit at the shut office.

She was practically floating as she started down the hall again. Somehow, even without a Gala ticket, she didn't feel like she'd failed.

Time Turner


Big Macintosh


"Okay, so... that didn't go as well as I'd have hoped," Twilight muttered to herself.

Her good feelings, unfortunately, hadn't carried her very far. The young dragon had only just started down the road out of Town Square when the realization struck again. That despite two ponies admitting they would have taken her, she was still without a Gala ticket.

Still, she managed to smile as she looked over the three remaining names on her list.

"It'll be fine, Twilight," she assured herself as she ran a claw down the parchment. "One of the others has to be looking for a guest still."

She firmly ignored the small pang of doubt in her gut. Her feet kept moving, barely noticing the transition from dirt road to soft grass beneath them. All of Twilight's attention was on her claw as she moved it up and down the parchment.

"Hmm..." Twilight brow furrowed in thought. "But who to ask next?"


For the second time that day, Twilight found herself falling onto her bottom. This time rubbing at a sore spot on her forehead as she winced in pain and looked up at the tree she’d just walked into.

I need to pay more attention—


Twilight didn't have the chance to worry about her headache as a voice exploded from above. Even the green fields of Ponyville Park seemed to tremble in fear as she stared up at the apparently furious tree. Its branches shook as a wild storm cloud burst from the leaves, letting out another thunderous roar.

"Seriously! I have had enough of... uh..." The “roar” slowly trailed off into an uneasy silence. Warily, Twilight uncovered her ear fins. Just in time for a much calmer voice to clear its throat, "Wait. Twilight?"

With her heartbeat returning to normal, Twilight risked another look up. Now that it wasn't shouting or flaring its wings, she could see that what she'd thought was a storm cloud was actually a dark-coated pegasus pony. One who was trying to catch his breath as he stared down at her with orange eyes.

"Thunderlane?" Twilight squeaked out, carefully getting back to her feet. "Wha-what was—"

“Oh great… I’m sorry, Twi!” Thunderlane was rubbing his head, not seeming to notice that he'd just interrupted the baby dragon. "Really, I just... I... ugh..."

Twilight scooped up her list once more, doing her best not to think of how many times she'd been apologized to that day.

"Having a bad day?" she guessed.

Thunderlane let out a low grunt, and just nodded his head.

Twilight’s lips pursed together as she waited for the stallion to continue, but he remained silent. Slowly, her eyes wandered, falling back to her list once again. A small, hopeful smile appeared as she recalled just whose name had been next on it, and she looked back up to the pegasus.

"Well, here’s some news that should cheer you up!" she said, waving the scroll up at Thunderlane. "Because you're never gonna believe who got invited to the Grand Galloping Gal-AACK!"

Her question cut out in a scream as a dark blur descended on her. Before she could react, Thunderlane had scooped her into the air and deposited her on one of the tree's leafier branches. Twilight's claws instinctively dug into the bark as the pegasus landed next to her, his silver-blue mohawk bouncing slightly as he wiped his forehead.

"I-huh-wha..." Twilight swallowed hard as she noticed just how much further away the ground suddenly was. There was only one question she could manage to get out as she tightened her grip on the branch. "Why?"

“Sorry again! I just… don’t want anypony else to hear that,” Thunderlane explained, his eyes scanning the park and relaxing only slightly as they found nopony else. “Sheesh, I don’t even want to think about the Graa… that party.”

Twilight just nodded slowly before Thunderlane's words truly registered. Easing her grip slightly, she managed to pull herself up straight and properly face the pegasus. It wasn't hard to notice just how ruffled his feathered wings were, nor the agitated way they twitched as he tried to smooth them out.

"What’s wrong? Did something happen to your Ga—" Twilight stopped herself from saying the word as Thunderlane's wings flared again. "To your… invitation?"

Thunderlane just groaned again, this time covering his face with one wing. For a second, Twilight forgot all about where she was as the weather pony threatened to go silent again.

“I got my ticket this morning. Ditzy Doo stopped by the weather offices to bring it to me,” Thunderlane grumbled through his feathers. “And it has brought me nothing but trouble since then!”

Twilight knew she shouldn’t have smiled at that. She didn’t really want to smile at that. But for some reason, she could feel a smirk form on her face. An opportunity had presented itself, and some part of her was ready to dive right at it. Crawling a few inches, she managed to get herself firmly seated on the branch and gently pushed Thunderlane’s wing aside.

“Hey, I’m sure it’s not all that bad,” she said, flashing him the warmest smile she could. “Maybe you’d feel a little better if you talk about it? I’m right here, after all.”

"I... Maybe? I dunno. Not that I don't appreciate the offer." Thunderlane let out a heavy sigh, and Twilight did her best not to tighten her grip on his wing. "But I blew up once already now, and you probably don't want to just sit through me ranting..."

"Aww, come on! Friends listen to each other, right?" Twilight followed the stallion's gaze down, doing her best to keep smiling as she suddenly recalled just how high she was. "Besides, it's not like I'm going anywhere right now."

Thunderlane let out a short chuckle at that. Twilight managed to join in as his wings finally folded back against his sides.

"Alright, if you’re gonna insist," Thunderlane said as he shook his head. "But don't say I didn't try to warn you."

"Don't even worry about that," Twilight said eagerly. "I'm all ears."

Especially since it sounds like getting a ticket just got a lot easier.