• Published 4th Apr 2016
  • 1,801 Views, 60 Comments

Ticket's Taken - Bed Head

It's time for the Grand Galloping Gala! But who's going to take Twilight?

  • ...


"Aww... so you're not going to the Gala?"

Twilight just sighed in response as she looked down from the ladder. Dinky Doo stood at the bottom, a significantly quieter and less excited filly than she'd been the week before. Her tail was practically brushing the ground with how much it was drooping, and a supremely disappointed frown creased her muzzle.

It was taking a great deal of effort for Twilight to ignore how perfectly the filly seemed to embody her own feelings about the news.

"No Dinky, I'm not," Twilight said as she forced her attention back to the shelf she'd been dusting. "After what I nearly did..."

Her fang dug into her lip as she trailed off, but she ignored the pain. Judging by the lack of pacing hoofsteps, Dinky was still standing silently below. Probably staring as Twilight's grip on the feather duster tightened. Try as she might, she couldn't help picturing the ticket, the envelope, the race to the Post Office...

Nor the lucky break that had brought the letter back just in time. Twilight allowed herself a small, sad smile as she transferred the duster to her tail and grabbed the sides of the ladder.

"Spike tried to fix things, Rarity was... unbelievably understanding about it all," Twilight said as she climbed down. "All while I tried to wreck everything. It wouldn't be fair to either of them if I took Spike's ticket after that."

Twilight didn't bother to turn around as she reached the floor. Her weak smile was already collapsing to a grimace as she started towards the cleaning closet to put the feather duster back. She'd barely taken two steps, however, before something grabbed hold of her from behind. Twilight's instinctive panic faded quickly, however, as she noticed the pale-lilac hooves latching around her middle.

"It still stinks that you aren't going," Dinky muttered, her hug tightening a bit. "It sounded like you would have had a lot of fun!"

For a second, Twilight couldn't talk. The warm, fuzzy feeling that had blossomed in her chest was just too thick to get her voice around. A short giggle forced its way out as Dinky squeezed harder, changing to a cough as the dragon realized how difficult breathing was starting to become.

"Well, thanks for worrying about me, Dinky," Twilight said, patting the filly's hoof as she gently squirmed free of the embrace. "But look on the bright side: You still get to go!"

The new smile she'd forced on fell away as soon as Twilight turned around. Contrary to the happiness she'd expected, Dinky was pouting all the harder. The unicorn had even crossed her forelegs over her chest and turned her head to the side.

"Thunderlane isn't taking Rumble, though," she protested with a frustrated grunt. "And nopony else from school got a ticket either! It's not gonna be as much fun if none of my friends get to come with me!"

Clack, clack, clack

Twilight ignored the knock the at the door. Her conscience tried to protest, but something in her shouted it down. Somehow, the sight of Dinky pouting for her sake was just too adorable for her to share with anypony else. A legitimate smile found its way to Twilight's face as she patted a scaly paw against the filly's shoulder.

"Come on, Dinky, that's no reason you can't have a good time," she encouraged as the unicorn turned back to her, the frown fading away. "Especially since Rumble and I will be counting on you to tell us all about the Gala when you get back."

"We will?"

Dinky nearly pulled Twilight over with how fast she turned to the door. It was sheer luck that the dragon had removed her paw as soon as she'd heard the new voice. As such, she had a perfectly clear view of the library door and the pale-gray pegasus colt that was poking his head in through it.

"Rumble!" Dinky cheered, her joyful bound forward skittering to an early stop as the door opened the rest of the way. "And... Miss Cheerilee?"

Twilight blinked a few times to make certain her eyes were working. There was no mistaking the purple earth mare that stood behind Rumble, however. The slightly disapproving look she was giving the colt was quickly replaced by a much more familiar smile as she turned her attention to Dinky.

"Hello, my little pony!" Cheerilee said as she and Rumble trotted inside. "And you too, Twilight! I hope we aren't interrupting something."

"Oh! Well... public library and all, heh heh heh..." Twilight cleared her throat as her chuckle died out. "So what brings the two of... you... here?"

Twilight's voice trailed off and her brow arched in confusion. Rumble was bouncing a bit on his hooves, casting an eager look to the school teach next to him. He seemed to have found the smile Dinky had been using a week ago, coupled with one of his wings hovering over the flap of his saddlebags.

"Can I tell them now?" Rumble asked, his eyes darting from Cheerilee to Twilight and back again. "I can tell them, right?"

"I think you mean 'may I tell them'," Cheerilee corrected with a short giggle. "And of course you—"

Rumble didn't even wait for the sentence to finish before flipping open his pack. Without a moment's pause his muzzle dove in, emerging a second later with a proud smile and a sheet of paper.

"Chkthis—" He paused for a second to transfer the page to his wing before trying to speak again. "Check this out, Twilight!"

Twilight stepped closer, her eyes trying to focus on the paper. She couldn't read much of the writing thanks to the excited tremors running along the pegasus colt's wing, but a few parts stood out. A golden, star-shaped sticker was stuck to the top of the page. Right next to a large circle with the letters 'A+' written in red ink.

Even with how little that was, it still caused Twilight's jaw to drop.

"No. Way," she gasped out.

Her paw darted out, grabbing the paper. Rumble didn't even protest as she snatched it, her eyes going wider as she read over the title at the top.

"This... this is your book report?" Twilight wasn't sure why she was asking when she already knew the answer. "You did it on Epona's Quest?"

"Yeah!" Rumble cheered, jumping excitedly and letting his tiny wings hold him in the air. "That book was so good I couldn't put it down!"

"Not to mention how inspiring it must have been. Rumble wrote one of the most enthusiastic reports I've read in a long time," Cheerilee added, patting the colt on his head as he landed. "The clear winner of my little contest!"

"And the special prize that came with it!" Rumble added.

A joyful laugh escaped Twilight's mouth. As much as she wanted to jump forward with a congratulatory hug, however, Dinky beat her to it. The lilac filly just suddenly appeared between her and Rumble, both her forehooves landing on his shoulders.

"Oooh! Is that why you're here?" It was hard to tell if Rumble could hear the unicorn with how hard she was shaking him. "You're gonna tell us what the prize was?"

Twilight's brow furrowed at those words. Cautiously, she took a step closer to the two foals.

"Uh, Dinky?" Twilight asked, stretching her claw out and tapping on the filly's shoulder. "Don't you already know what he won?"

"Well actually—" Dinky started to answer.


Twilight winced. Dinky gasped, apparently not having meant to release Rumble as suddenly as she had. The colt just let out a dizzied groan, his eyes still spinning in two different directions as he lay limp on the floor. Cheerilee was by his side in a flash, though, resting a gentle hoof against his side.

"Actually, I asked Rumble to keep the prize a secret for a little while," Cheerilee explained as she helped the pegasus pony back to his hooves. "It seemed like the best idea given what it was. But Rumble was... very insistent about sharing it once he'd realized what he'd won."

"Oh." Twilight scratched at her head as she looked back to the gray colt. "So, what was—"

She stopped as Rumble's face broke into a broad grin again. His head dove back into his saddlebags, emerging with another piece of paper. This time a plain, white envelope. One addressed in golden ink.

"Tha... you..."

Twilight couldn't speak as she stared at the familiar script. It had Cheerilee's name on it rather than Spike's, and it was a bit more tattered from having been shoved into a colt's school bags, but she still knew exactly what it was. Dinky did as well, apparently, as her shocked voice joined the dragon's.

"Is that a ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala!?!"

"You bet it is!" Rumble answered with a laugh. "It's Miss Cheerilee's!"

For some reason, Twilight was having trouble hearing the colt. Even though he stood right in front of her. All she could do was slowly turn her head as a distant giggle sounded, looking through wide eyes as Cheerilee stepped forward.

"Ditzy Doo happened to bring me my mail before class started last week," the school teacher said. "At first I wasn't sure what to do with my ticket, but then I realized what a great opportunity it would be for one of my students!"

"So since I won, she said I could be her guest," Rumble explained as he held out the envelope with one wing. "But—"

"Best. Prize. EVER!" Dinky's voice cut in.

Twilight's senses snapped back into focus as Dinky's wagging tail nearly hit her in the face. Rumble's smile had fallen away, likely due to the way Dinky bounced up to him again. He suddenly looked very nervous as the filly began to collapse once more into a hopping blur.

"This means we get to go to the Gala together!" Dinky cheered, her horn sparking and a yellow glow lifting the end of Rumble's tail. "Oh my gosh, Rumble, we've gotta tell everypony!"

"Uh, actually—" Rumble started to speak.

Whatever he'd planned to say was lost in a yelp of surprise. By the time the sharp BANG of the door opening reached Twilight's ear fins, Dinky had already raced out and dragged Rumble with her. All that was left was the envelope, spinning in midair before apparently realizing nopony was holding it and fluttering softly to the ground at Twilight's feet.

"Oh dear," Cheerilee muttered, one hoof covering her mouth. "Well, I guess I can't blame her for being excited..."

Twilight was only half-listening. Try as she might, she couldn't fight back the frown that was forming as she stared at the letter. One of her claws had already started to twitch.

Gritting her teeth, Twilight clenched her paw into a fist. Just in time, as a purple hoof scooped the envelope back up.

"I just hope Dinky won't be too disappointed," Cheerilee said.

Twilight blinked, and her frown disappeared. Looking up, she could see a coy smile on the teacher's muzzle as the door slowly swayed on its hinges behind her.

"Disappointed? What do you mean?" Twilight asked raising one eyebrow again. "Dinky wanted one of her friends to go with her."

"Oh I don't doubt that," Cheerilee responded with a soft chuckle. "But Rumble actually isn't going to the Gala."

... What.

The dragoness's ear fins twitched, unable to believe what they'd heard. Cheerilee's hoof reached out, gently pushing Twilight's mouth closed. The soft click of her jaw coincided perfectly with the door finally swinging itself shut.

"I-bu-he's not going?!" Twilight stammered out, her mouth suddenly finding the energy to work again. "B-but he won, didn't he? The ticket and the guest spot?"

"That's true, but Rumble said he really wasn’t interested in going,” Cheerilee said as she looked down at the envelope on her hoof. "To be honest, I was pretty surprised myself!”

Twilight started to speak, only for her mouth to snap shut again. She could vaguely recall the colt standing amidst scattered library books, saying something to the same effect. Slowly, she lowered her protesting claw.

"Well I guess that's that then," Twilight said with a shrug. "So who are you going to bring now?"

Cheerilee's eyes lifted from the envelope, and she let out a short chuckle. One that, for some reason, caused Twilight's stomach to twist. At the same time, however, the young dragon couldn’t suppress the excited, fluttering feeling in her chest.

Especially as the laugh was followed by words she'd been both hoping and dreading to hear.

"Actually, I heard that you'd been looking for somepony with a free guest spot."

Twilight's eyes immediately darted down.

"Rumble didn’t want to go, but he knew that you did." Judging by the teacher's cheerful tone, Twilight had a feeling she hadn't noticed her sudden cringe. "Since you hadn’t received a ticket, he thought that offering this one to you would be a wonderful way to thank you for helping with his report!"

A hoof was pushing itself towards her. On it was the envelope. Even through the paper, Twilight could see the glittering gleam of the golden ticket. Slowly, one of her paws began to reach for it.

Just as slowly, she lowered it back to her side.

"I... thank you, Cheerile..." Twilight said as she took a step back from the ticket. "But I don't think I can... or should accept this."

The envelope stayed in place, the purple hoof holding it unmoving. It took all of Twilight's will to peel her eyes from it and look to the side instead, but still she could picture the mare making the offer. The sympathy and worry were practically radiating off of her, bringing to mind the same feelings in a certain pair of green eyes.

"If you heard about me looking for a ticket, then you must have heard about what I tried to do with Spike's," Twilight said as she nervously picked at her claws. "I... I don't really think I deserve anything like this."

She tried to turn away and start for the stairs to the loft. Once again, however, Twilight found her exit stopped by a purple hoof. This time, at least, it only came to rest on her shoulder.

"Twilight, everypony makes mistakes. What matters is that you learn something from them," Cheerilee said in a soft whisper. "And I have a feeling you wouldn't do something like that again. Right?"

Even though the mare's voice was so quiet, Twilight couldn't block it out. She didn't even want to try. The little dragon just sniffled and nodded her head.

"Your friends are here, and we want you to be happy," Cheerilee went on, her forehooves gently turning the dragoness around. "You don't have to hide your feelings from us. Even if you aren't proud of them."

Contrary to what Twilight had thought, the teacher's smile hadn't faltered. It was the first and only thing she noticed before her paws covered her eyes, wiping away the tears that had started to form.

"I-I know. And I promise that it’s not going to happen again," Twilight managed to say, her voice a hoarse whisper. "B-but it still doesn't feel right. Getting rewarded after everything I did."

"Well, that's up to you then," Cheerilee said, her voice as gentle as the hoof that brushed Twilight's cheek. "I'm still willing to make the offer."

Twilight's fang dug into her lip again as the envelope was held up once more. Without a word, she took it one trembling paw.

"You can have as much time as you need to think about it," Cheerilee told her as the dragon's vision filled with the letter and its golden ink. "If you don't feel comfortable, then I'll find another guest to bring, alright?"

"I, uh..." Twilight swallowed hard, feeling a lump form in her throat as she heard hoofsteps walking away. "Al-alright..."


With the soft sound of the door closing, Twilight found herself alone in the library again.

Slowly, she drew in a deep, shuddering breath.

"Uh... help?"

Cheerilee hadn't made it far from the library before the voice brought her to a halt. The mare's head turned, searching for the source of the quiet plea.

It didn't take her long to find it, and she had to quickly cover her muzzle to stifle a laugh.

At the side of the road, laying in the grass by a park bench, was Rumble. The little colt was squirming, trying to escape from what was probably the tightest hug of his life, courtesy of Dinky Doo. The filly seemed blissfully unaware of both her classmate's discomfort, and the attempts Spike and Thunderlane were making to separate them.

"I take it Dinky's been told about our plan?" Cheerilee asked as she trotted up to the group.

Rumble gave a little squeak as Dinky's embrace tightened. Thunderlane seemed torn between amusement and worry as he took a step back from the duo.

"I'm gonna guess so since we found them like this," he said, rubbing one hoof against his temple. "Not really sure how a filly can be this strong though..."

"Rumble, this has to be the nicest thing anypony's ever done for anypony!" Dinky cheered as she nuzzled against the colt's neck.

"Thunderlane..." Rumble coughed a bit as he raised his pleading gaze to his brother. "Pleeeeeease get her off me..."

The older pegasus stifled a chuckle and stepped back up, trying to work his forehoof between the two foals again. Spike, in the meantime, turned to Cheerilee, the magic glow around his horn fading out.

"So..." he said, his voice barely a whisper despite the library being well out of earshot. “How’d it go with Twilight?”


Cheerilee nearly burst out laughing as Spike jumped nearly double his own height. Looking over her shoulder, she could see the branches of the Golden Oaks Library shaking and rattling from the raucous cheer of "Yesyesyesyes" that carried from it. It didn't surprise her at all to see a smile on Spike's face as she turned back to him.

"I think everything worked out fine," Cheerilee answered with a nod.


Comments ( 10 )

Pretty cool. So what's the idea for the next story?


Plus everyone knows that a hug from Dinky can be lethal in multiple ways... if the bone-crushing part doesn't get you, the heart attack from cuteness overexposure will.

That was a sweet way to end this. I can't wait for more in this series.

Aww. :-D Such a beautiful ending to this story. :-D The exchanges, emotional content, humor, sweetness and wrap-up were all well done in all the right places. :-D I'll definitely be looking forward to the next story as soon as time and inspiration will allow.


I think there are some, and I know I plan on doing one (provided I get that far).

I liked this little story. I was great to see Twilight react to the disappointment she felt.

Thank goodness. Spike takes Rarity. Twilight can still go. All's well that ends like this.

Wonder if there is a owliciois in this universe

"And the special prize that came with it!" Rumble added.

Called it (okay, I had several theories about this, so saying I called it was like throwing several dice and predicting at least one of them lands on a 4). Rumble won, which was easily predictable, seeing as there was no reason to have added it into the story at the beginning if it didn't have a meaning to it.

She stopped as Rumble's face broke into a broad grin again. His head dove back into his saddlebags, emerging with another piece of paper. This time a plain, white envelope. One addressed in golden ink.

"Is that a ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala!?!"

Two for two.

And as much as I would like to see Twilight go, as well as Rumble giving her the ticket, I can't help but ship Dinky and Rumble. They would be adorable going together.

"I just hope Dinky won't be too disappointed," Cheerilee said.

Rumble's giving the ticket to Twilight, isn't she? I think that qualifies as three for three. (But I still ship Dinky and Rumble.)

"Rumble didn’t want to go, but he knew that you did." Judging by the teacher's cheerful tone, Twilight had a feeling she hadn't noticed her sudden cringe. "Since you hadn’t received a ticket, he thought that offering this one to you would be a wonderful way to thank you for helping with his report!"

Called it. And I knew when Twilight didn't even check on Cheerilee, that she would've been the available plus one. But Since that goes hand in hand with the contest, I'm not gonna list it as four for four.

At the side of the road, laying in the grass by a park bench, was Rumble. The little colt was squirming, trying to escape from what was probably the tightest hug of his life, courtesy of Dinky Doo. The filly seemed blissfully unaware of both her classmate's discomfort, and the attempts Spike and Thunderlane were making to separate them.

Seriously, what would I call the Dinky/Rumble ship? There's Ruble Doo, but I just don't think that has a good enough ring to it. Runky just doesn't sound appealing. So... Dinkle? Or may Dimble?

"So..." he said, his voice barely a whisper despite the library being well out of earshot. “How’d it go with Twilight?”


I think it's safe to say that Twilight is considering the idea.

Are we certain that Dinky's father isn't Big Mac? Or perhaps Bulk Biceps?

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